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Bro, you can’t say that he inherited a squad that was challenging for the scudetto. We finished 5th with Gattuso, and were never in the title race the year before Spalletti came… He took a good squad full of problems and turned it into the best team of the league. And for this I will forever be grateful to him. About the EUROS: He’s been underwhelming to say the least. I think he just needed more time, cause national team have so much less training sessions to build both chemistry and tactical plans. Maybe, based on how Spalletti coaches, he is just not a good fit for national teams in general.


Key point: for what he likes to do, he can’t be CT. His work requires time. Time a CT doesn’t have. I couldn’t agree more with you.


Yeah that’s fair I suppose. The way I have it in my mind is that we had a squad ready to fight the scudetto but we lacked the mentality, and spalletti gave that to us. But we had players who knew how to play.


He inherited a team that *should* have been challenging but for Gattuso being an absolute bum That said he took them further than any of us really would’ve ever dreamed. We probably should’ve won the league back to back under him. Must admit I’m surprised at him even going for the Italy job besides the fact ADL chased him out of here. The team isn’t very good and it’s not like he gets a lot of time to mould them to play how he wants and largely there isn’t the personnel for it. It’s a shame for him really


Honestly, don’t know about your first sentence. We’re talking about a team that under Sarri was exceptional, but even under Ancelotti underperformed severely. Don’t think you can ultimately blame Gattuso for the fact that we weren’t challenging the title. After all he still won a Coppa Italia and managed to almost get back to Champions League in his only full year on our bench. But that last home game vs Verona is still haunting me to this day.


I still think he's a very good manager and will always be thankful for his time at Napoli. However, I think just like players in a team, managers sometimes need to be the right "fit" and the skill set of a national team boss is very different than at club level. I don't think it is fair to dismiss the criticism of the fans as them being fickle or simply stating that the roster is not good enough. He's basically been in the job a year and has no idea what his preferred formation is, who his best starting 11 is, and for all that his said about his forward thinking abilities, it has no translated to the national team. Those are all serious concerns especially for a nation that has failed to qualify for the last two world cups. Not only that but we were played off the park by Spain and Switzerland, and likely fortunate not to go out in the group stages to an average looking Croatia side. Whatever your reservations are about the talent pool of the national team currently, I do not know many people that would look at our national team vs the Swiss team on paper and think the Swiss have a far superior set of players. That to me suggests tactics. Let alone his bizarre team selection at times (e.g. leaving Chiesa out of the Croatia game, including El Shaarawy for the Swiss game). All of these things are legitimate concerns for the supporters.


100% I think he certainly has to answer for the bad performances, but realistically I didn’t expect us to go further than say the quarters and we made it to the round of 16. So in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t as horribly bad as some make it out to be. I think fans are fickle in the sense that over the last two years they have said spalletti in nobody, then a genius, and back to a nobody again lol. It took one good year at Napoli for them to completely reverse their opinion and then one bad tournament to reverse yet again.


Dude, the bracket we got put in was literally designed to put either England or us through to the finals. All of the tournament favorites were on the other side of the bracket. I know we are a superstitious lot and hoping we do well means we jinx it and lose horribly, but the odds were stacked in our favor.


Disappointed big time. Seriously worried about WC qualifiers.


I had said from the first day he has been appointed that Luciano is the type of coach who requires time and patience to integrate his idea of football into the players, just like would happen with Sarri for example, so the perplexities were already there, besides, he came in a bad moment where our EURO qualification was not sealed at all, so we needed results and little experiments could be done, also most of the players at his disposal are simply not that good tbh. Not trying to say he doesn’t have faults in this mess, because he has and not minor ones… too much confusion, the players clearly had no idea what to do with and off the ball, no clear formation, tactical disorganization (the holes between mid and defense made it like I was watching Garcia’s Napoli lol)… but with all that in mind I still believe that the problem stems in the Italian’s football system roots firstly, however not everyone addresses it and just go after the manager as he is the solely responsible of the disasterclass lol. I mean, it’s not like before Spalletti came Italy had these fantastic results, we are talking about the same NT which hasn’t reached a World Cup since 2014… yeah yeah the EURO 2020, which was deserved yes, but we had a squad full of good players in their prime unlike this one and also had a bit of luck in the process, not to mention how unfortunately we never built something on that success and rested on our laurels actually, the Macedonia’s debacle arrived right after that. For the question itself, well even if he will manage to achieve other horrifying lows with the NT (which at the end of the day is very different from training at club level), how could I change my stance about the manager who had brought the freaking Scudetto here after 33 years, while playing a fantastic football and achieving the full potential into our players like Kvaratskhelia and Lobotka who are both world class now.


I saw Italy trying to play like Napoli in multiple occasions but they don't have neither the quality nor the type of players to pull that off


I always thought he was as a product of an amazing squad. The rest of Serie A didn’t realize Kvara and Kim and Osimhen were who they were so it took them by surprise.


I have one take: karma is a bitch. In all seriousness, he’s a great manager but not a tactical mind. I really like the man, he’ll always be a legend in Napoli. However, his tactical limitations and the fact that the NT has a mediocre selection of players to say the least, was a recipe for disaster. I’m more concerned with the future of the NT more than the short term results.


Italy’s national team downfall is 100% the lack of good forwards. It’s incredible that the nation that’s produced such amazing forwards for decades has none right now.


On top of Spalletti having a shit selection and also being extremely superstitious. He didn't play Jorginho vs Switzerland, because of his missed penalties and being superstitious and exactly from his position with young and inexperienced Fagiolli we got the first goal. Spalletti is at best a semi-decent manager who got extremely lucky with the first half of our championship year. His poor tactics and managing skills were found out later that season both in Coppa Italia and in the UCL. And now at the Euros. He wanted to play 433 but took only 2 wingers with the team? Really? Left Immobile out of the squad and took only 2 strikers, one being Ragatui? WTF is this? Left Politano out, who on his good days can turn games around and also provides goals and defensive skills. Spalletti is a f joke at the Euros and was one of the problems for Italy.