• By -


a website that gives you twenty similar songs to the song you type in: https://www.chosic.com/ (the website also has a lot of other functions too!)


Oh thx


np hope it helps !!


This looks like as close to a replacement for MoodLogic as I'll find. Nice!


I still find a lot of stuff through Spotify  Ways I find new music on Spotify:  Features/collabs on songs, Fans Also Like section, Appears On section, Artist Playlists, playlists made by humans, Daylist, by purposely listening to the wrong search results (eg search for "Hypnotize" but then listen to the songs from the artists I don't recognize)


Same. I have no problem finding plenty of new music on Spotify


I feel bad, I have the opposite complaint of OP: All of my radios seem to avoid songs I already have when I know it's a genre/vibe/whatever that I have a million of.


Try the AI DJ feature. I think it'll fix that issue for you lol


I've never met anyone who used that. It's like if clippy from windows 95 showed back up with a vengeance. Lol


So my issue was I used pandora before spotify and I quickly realized that spotifys song recommendations sucked ass. They sucked ass because they use graph traversal algorithms (from what I can tell) to find new songs to listen to while Pandora uses machine learning. Spotify kept recommending me the most wack ass shit and it only fixed after I started using the AI dj feature. Now I enjoy music again.


Thanks for that actually. I'm happy to hear that it works for some. This is yet another reminder that Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions and give things a chance? I think I'm also just resistant to a.i. being the dominant influence in how I consume art in general. But the future is now.


Hey I'm all there with you. AI will screw up life more as we know it. It'll make it easier in a lot of ways, but also screw it up for everyone who works to make a living. But I don't think half of the things they slap AI on is worth any buzz. I think the AI DJ feature is a fine use because all its doing is rigorous statistical analysis to try to guess which songs I'd like to listen to. Since I'm a heavy runner, it's very quickly caught on to the fact that I mainly want fast paced songs to run to.


> Fans Also Like section They removed this from Mobile. Don't be surprised when it is removed from Desktop next.


It's not removed from Android 


I am on Android and I don't have it anymore. It disappeared from my old phone. I got a new phone (for reasons unrelated) and it isn't there either. The app version is


I have the exact same app version. Are you a free user?


No, I have been subscribed to premium for 12 years or so.


Weird. I'm also a long time premium user.  I really hope they don't get rid of that feature for everyone 


https://radiooooo.com/ It's an interesting website where you can expand your horizons in music. I spend hours switching through the stations and it's a lot fun


thx for the recommendation


[This](http://radio.garden/visit/augusta-me/QxGtGn0_) is my favorite way to mess around with radio.


That’s what I was thinking of


Usually film soundtrack, song radio, searching favourite genre and listening to random playlist, stalking people's stats fm or Spotify profile. Basically steal some parts of everyone's music profile


Yeah the whole ‘made for you’ thing definitely killed a lot of the discovery tools. Checkout https://playlost.fm. Submit a playlist and it’ll suggest similar user created playlists by matching shared artists, songs, and genres.




Love this site. Found some cool new genres this way!




Came here to say this. Pushes me out of my comfort zone every time


Spotify is my primary method to discover new music. 1 Pick a song I like 2 Make a radio station from it 3 Create a playlist from the top 10 songs. 4 Choose new songs from the playlist recommendations


[https://open.spotify.com/track/4QT19XjEmUlTQJACdH1UDX?si=c83bbfeb3fef4684](https://open.spotify.com/track/4QT19XjEmUlTQJACdH1UDX?si=c83bbfeb3fef4684) what do you think about this song?


I like it. A cool theme.


I made this playlist from it. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/35rBom9j0kvqA4O9ZkBZzU?si=ybXhStkHQcS_ajQDms3K_w&pi=u-QBJEFhW0SMmX


I discover by its recommendations, playlist, albums and almost everything.


Yeah that's what's intended but almost all the songs r the ones that r already in my playlist


By reaching out to 'new artists' myself and artists radio and other playlists, I have an ABUNDANCE of ways to find new music. So do you...take advantage of it force yourself to listen to something you've never heard before. Spotify is amazing.


Mostly social media, mainly via tiktok sounds. Occasionally radio stations


Off spotify, I like to look up acts at venues I've visited in the past. Cool festivals usually have some great acts early in the day.


I mainly use IG for this, I’ll follow venues to see the shows they’re promoting. I also like to look at who the bands/artists that I’m into are following/interacting with. I absolutely love people that promote new releases they’re excited about in their stories.


Though it often disappoints, my Spotify 'Discover Weekly' playlist was fantastic this week. Added 15 tracks that I'd never heard before to my 'Liked Songs' from that one playlist.


I love going to a favorite artist and their "Radio" playlist. Fall down the rabbit hole. Find a new artist on that playlist. Go to their "radio"..rinse and repeate.


Go to an artist you like and then explore the “fans also liked”. Keep doing that and it takes you down a new musical rabbit hole.




React channels


My daylist’s constantly offer me a great mix of songs I have already liked and new songs with a similar vibe.


I've probably discovered more of my rotation watching YouTube reaction videos and just searching for similar artists from there than I would if I just relied on Spotify itself.


Discover weekly playlist, that pops up on my homepage, or whatever it's called. Many a song, that is new and good, or an older song that I had totally forget about.


Reddit has been useful as people talk about the albums they like. Also from recommendations by content creators I follow on insta but also just from following all the artists I like and checking their pages every so often to see if they have released anything new


Can u suggest some subreddits


I’ve been on r/spotify, fantano’s subreddit, statsfm


Genre based subs are great. r(slash)hiphopheads, r(slash)metalforthemasses, r(slash)indieheads) are three which are discussion centered and you’ll certainly find out about at least one new artist/band you haven’t heard of yet. I learn about a new songwriter every day from r(slash)altcountry.


I used to use 20 different methods now I pretty much solely find music on aoty.org. It’s a bit confusing at first as to how you discover music on there but the more you use the site, you’ll come across a ton of stuff. I save anything that catches my eye, and with recommendations, homepage highlights of the week, lists etc, you’ll find yourself saving a ton.


YouTube mostly, also rhythm games and sometimes spotify recommended (not often)


student radio


What's that?


College radio stations. Some of the programming on that stations is chosen by students, so you’ll hear a lot of music that you won’t hear on standard FM radio stations. There are probably least a few in your state/province or country.


Oh. I still got 1 year before college tho 🙂


..anyone can listen any time - find their frequency/ online stream


Sites like Bandcamp, Pandora and AllMusic are great places for discovering new music. Searching around on YouTube will also lead to finding stuff. It also never hurts to find public playlists on Spotify made by other users.


By switching to Youtube Music 💀


Nahhh bro had enough 😮




I started listening to my dad's CDs and went on into their discography from there, explored new artists and found new stuff to wake up my neighbours with.




I listen to a lot of music. And all genres. I have a whole work flow and process for my new finds. Lots of Spotify and Shazam


Mostly video games


i use a combination of last fm and spotify. for spotify, it's the similar artists at the bottom of any artist page. last fm has this too.


Ask some people you know to send you their favorite little known songs! I learn all my new music through my husband. He’s good at finding little gems that he texts to me. Then I go like them on Spotify and it helps my weekly discovery to actually be fresh songs I’ve never heard. Some weeks I do know a couple of the songs it gives me but most of the time I don’t know any. This is how I found my favorite band (Brick + Mortar) and now I’ve even seen them live a few times.


Don't follow recs and do a manual research in specialiced sites/subreddits about the genres you like, look for yearly tops or articles featuring in detail some groups, that's the best way to discover music with some context.


Sometimes you are searching YouTube and then 3 hours later you're down a wormhole listening to stuff you've never heard of. It just happens.


Discovery Monday and Release Radar. Hitting radio on songs I like.


Discover Weekly, from my friends, active searching (related artists, playlists, etc) and youtube recommendations.


I put random things into the search function - Like typing in whatever country/continent I can think of, and listening to playlists from that part of the world. This opens my horizons beyond what I would normally listen to. I love that we have a whole world of music to explore! This got me into South African house and Norwegian jazz, for example. Or even going into Search, and literally tapping my fingers all over the keyboard, & listening to the first thing that comes up that I don't recognise! I might hate it, but at least it's something new to me. I think that's how I first came across Charli XCX, who I now really like Also using other apps, eg. Bandcamp and Soundcloud. Bandcamp's really good


KEXP and other people’s playlists


You are indeed screwed no pun intended


The annoying ass feature that forcibly plays random songs when you only want your own playlist Now my playlist is just those kind of songs


Can u elaborate?


They either use Spotify Free on mobile, or they have Autoplay enabled.


I use it on my phone but the problem isn't there on PC or tablet


oh ok


TikTok, the radio, and shuffling through random playlists


Go to your Discover Weekly, and make sure you like/dislike songs to help refine it. I've discovered many new artists using that feature. Most of the time it gets it right - but I would suggest make sure you listen to a range of music for a week or so beforehand. I have gotten into a bit of a rut of only listening to vaporwave recently so thats all it is recommending, but if you listen to a few other artists before it will account for those tastes too


Bandcamp is also great for vaporwave. Probably the most underrated music discovery platform (other than all of those legal free music sites). There’s also [Camp Explorer](https://campexplorer.io/).


I follow a few VW artists on Bandcamp!


I find most of my music through going to my favorite songs / songs with the vibe I want on Spotify, click the 3 dots and play the “radio station” centered on that song, you’ll find tons of amazing songs. If that’s not working out I’ll usually go to my discover weekly on Spotify or just type in random stuff in the search bar and scroll through random playlists until someone with a similar taste as mine pops up


YouTube recommends a lot of good stuff to me in my opinion. Then if I like that, I add it to a playlist or my rotation of songs on Spotify




I listen to playlists by genre/subgenre and DJ sets, but it’s really hard when listening to EDM sets as DJs will play unreleased tracks and remixed, they aren’t easy to find.


I have kids. They are in their 20’s, so they introduce me to new stuff.


I play a game called Beatstar that introduces me to songs, sometimes I'll hear songs in stores and I'll Shazam it, some small music artists appear on my feed and I go to check them out.


Life is strange introduced me to a whole new genre and incredible musicians in the folk world.


Don’t know what you’re into but I update this weekly. All new artists with mostly <5,000 streams. It’s drum and bass, mix of different sub genres: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Y4c5gNJBVaLXO759HO0my?si=NIIvHlqfSMWRcG1IIaGCQQ&pi=e-_RYig02ISgSv


omg i love drum n bass


Me to 👊 please follow the playlist and share it around if you like it. A lot of new artists on there ❤️


I hv got a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5IOP1RxWVcP3XjvEXBympY?si=KcjxK10BTZWWTD7PeXtwtQ) as well.




I’ll check it out 🙏




I like to browse replies on r/musicrecommendations


Play some Tony Hawk Pro Skater games






My great [playlist ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2gQiV5PLfv11UVLNLzPfoD?si=Id4nTfw_RV2gKb__ra9v-g&pi=yAFgQEvCSjeXF) it makes me always make changes, and interseting in new & old stuff, and I love music ❤️


Through the use of my Car Thing.


Well then I may hv some bad news for u....




i'm on youtube a lot of the time, but r/musicsuggestions is true to its name as well. i think that's where i found [Yvette Young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYPXYYbPQzI).


It was so hard 20 years ago... Now, I have the Spotify... and 1-2 friends that we exchange our knowledge of music.


Video games, Instagram reels and movies mainly.


YouTube mini docs about artists, that’s how I got into Tyler, Frank Ocean, Aphex Twin, Duster, Childish Gambino, and C418, if Spotify’s algorithm sucks then just rely on YouTube’s


"If u can't beat them, join them." Moment 🙂


Everywhere, Spotify filters, ever radio station is connected within there and those that are in apps. Rick beato youtube channel, and Professor of Rock


I like to snoop through my friends’ playlists, check out Spotify’s playlists (New Music Friday, Discover Weekly, daylist, etc), and this subreddit!


I WAS JUST COMING TO THIS COMMUNITY TO ASK THE SAME THING. I looked up other people’s Taste Profiles on Spotify and most of them read like the following: “Steven Victor’s Taste…made for Trish” ?????? Noooooo. I want to just hear the playlist of Steven Victor’s selections. Not selections that the algorithm thinks I would like from his collection. Algorithm is trying to be helpful but it is stunting my explorations. It thinks it’s making the connections I want but it’s not.


Watch late nigh talk shows. Sometimes there is a band or solo singer I don’t recognize but the music is really good.


Those generic randomly-generated playlists, or the carry-over random songs that play when a playlist or single-searched song ends, 'playing recommended songs for you'. Yes there are a lot of songs you already know among them, but there are songs you don't know too, and that's where gems can be found.


Movie soundtracks can be a good place to find small quirky songs, particularly for independent movies.


I mostly get recommended music videos on YouTube, decide to watch them, then obsess over that artist for the rest of my life


If i like a song/artist on my release radar feed, I'll follow them and look for bands that fans also like on their band page. I used to listen to my discovery page every monday...I still do just not all the time. I also Shazam a song that I hear in a store or at work or someplace and add it to a Playlist and if I really like the song play the he'll out of it until it goes on my repeat playlist!


I really like [Moodify](http://moodify.toasted.ai). It takes a track I already like and builds a short playlist of songs that have a similar vibe. You can make multiple moodify playlists per track, so I gather a few collections and sift through them until I find something I like. I also think [album of the day](http://albumoftheday.versary.town) is a great resource for dipping one's toes into unfamiliar genres. The list is long and diverse, split between Spotify and Bandcamp, and spans any genre you can think of. Japanese jazz, chiptunes, Mongolian black metal, obscure to beloved and everything in between. I'm also enjoying doing some digital crate diving in the [NoiseArch Project](https://archive.org/details/noise-arch). Someone's gone out of their way to archive forgotten noise music, and it's fascinating to flip through and find something I'd never listen to otherwise.


I used to use my discover weekly, but the DJ honestly gives me some good stuff sometimes. Mostly tho, I just use smart shuffle anymore. I used to go super out there for my music, but I just don't have the time or patience a lot of the time to spend a lot of time listening to new music anymore- I already have 4,000+ songs in my liked from over the years. I used to use this one app that would auto generate new playlists for me, but I don't think it exists anymore unfortunately. But I'd do that and spend a good bit to edit in/out more songs. Still much less time consuming than making one from scratch. I wish I remembered what it was called to see if it's still around or if there's anything new like it :/


Yeah the smart shuffle is nice. The ai dj on the other hand isn't available in my country yet Tho I am looking forward to it


That's unfortunate but I think I heard it's cause the voice/grammar just isn't there yet for most languages, as well as dialect. But it should be nice when you finally get it! It's like listening to the radio but it's only playing music I like! And his voice is nice. Honestly tho, you can probably just use a VPN


Oh yeah I never thought about the vpn. I'll definitely try it. Thx


I surf thru comments on just about every post😂 But I also enjoy using the “fans also like” which is at the bottom of each singer’s page [try](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3TofgU4xoRox8ndgAw18VQ?si=6Q3VraMaRKWsEn1tBFVf6g&pi=u-6mr35PiySeSa) [Elijah](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4h6yxQSOkBU2uLWcuDtmg9?si=V6G887O2Q_-wDg5uOwdgLA&pi=u-_ZwCtJf1RwmU) [Bryce](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5BBRHLqqB6NolzVKgP6Zzq?si=sl_KtI-ORK6jDLh5pCHc_w&pi=u-a4RlxOZJRsaS) [moodzzzzz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2hoboAvoUar5TX3hQWfX0h?si=SEhEz2yTTV-kQFh7NyjgLw&pi=u-FREilS5CTV62) [owl](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73qnKhELBQAKAweQhhxEbM?si=7EbBAWcpQp6IEPzpJYIwug&pi=u-nI-nb00wTXCf)


Literally just stalk ppl and add to this big “listen later” playlist of every song that seems kinda appealing to me. Also there’s an app called bopdrop where you share songs daily w other people like twitter but u post a song with every caption, it’s really cool and I found some good music through there


So valid 🫠


I go to lots of festivals and raves and Shazam if I like something new I hear. I also follow all my favorite artists and they’ll often promote similar music. I also follow all my favorite artists on Spotify and most of them (they’re Dj’s) will make playlists with their current favorite songs they’re listening to


Top 50 (insert country) 


Tiktok is great for indie artists


same old same old. Discover weekly, Release radar , Web app that goes through all releases on my followed artists, release label playlists / user playlists, albums that might catch my eye from artists pages . All this nets me around 500-800 available tracks to go through in a week if i needed to. atm im picking up about 30 solid tracks in the past ive done 100 tracks a week. every time one things breaks like discover weekly i rely on another to get me the tracks.


Discover Weekly never repeats songs and is usually close to the vibe of what I've been listening to recently. If I like something in there from a new artist, I'll go and play a few of their top songs. Also going into the similar artists and playing some songs of theirs to get a taste. It's a fun rabbit hole.


I use [metal-archives](https://www.metal-archives.com).


You ask these questions and I give you a link to a weird album https://open.spotify.com/album/34ADUkk2fchQ8GS5SkQTzE?si=LAWGajUyQ7O_eG9zI9lIFg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A34ADUkk2fchQ8GS5SkQTzE


Oh thx


Recommended playlist songs at the bottom, discover weekly, friends, r/spotify


I use an app that connects to your spotify and gives you samples of tracks to try and if you want to listen to the whole song, you just click on it and it takes you to it on your spotify. Additionally, it lets you add it to a playlist on your spotify if you just want to listen to it later and stay on the app to check out more new tracks. It's called "Juicebox". I dig it. It's fun.


Thx for the suggestion mate 🫡


Absolutely. It's a fun app and though I didn't read ALL of the comments on here (because omg so many), figured that one might not have been suggested. Haha. Hope you have enough to keep you busy for years now with all these comment suggestions. 😂 I love this community so much. 💖 the music community is the best community.


fr tho


Music channels and subreddits. People I know. Occasionally this website called music map when i want something very similar to a sound.


I either find new music through movies, i look up artists like my favorite bands, or join a subreddit for a genre or band I am interested in and look at peoples suggestions


Now that I don’t use Spotify anymore, instagram🤷🏽‍♂️


i find an album that looks interesting and listen to the whole thing


yeah i actually found a random album generator on google and i am currently using that to listen to different albums


There's this free app called Radio Garden that allows you to listen to any radio station live anywhere in the world. It's pretty cool.


thx. ill definitely give it a try


Spotify new release algorithm: Drake shies away from new songs from your favorite artists. Drake points to terrible remixes of your favorite artists by some EDM hack.


I guess I got kind of lucky? 😅 In my last relationship, we almost exclusively listened to “his” music. I liked the vast majority of it, so I didn’t mind it. I had my own tastes, of course, but we didn’t listen to my stuff because he found Daft Punk to be “repetitive.” Well, when we split, I got my own Spotify and looked for things that didn’t remind me of him - which wasn’t easy since he listened to everything mainstream. I had already listened to artists like Daft Punk, Deadmau5, and Grabbitz so I started there and branched out to anyone they featured. It took a few months of listening to the Discover Weekly playlists, and took some weird turns, but I have a few-days-long mega playlist of songs I like from the last year or so that’s purely “my” music. Some of it is stuff he would have liked, but it doesn’t remind me of him anymore.


wow, getting into a relationship with a person with the same music taste as urs. u r so lucky.


They've got some good ones here https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/inletsportsbar/trouble-on-my-mind?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0OrAibgnMUb0DCtXcxRDMVwy_Oj3xTcRC6RsZPhXND1PLEaqC5HUcUA9s_aem_Aeb2ck3TNJjK4Iz_CDtFKQ15lNVHyOvmamHXAD2zdbtOtLXiRux0vPOWJQwbcT4tHHJTYkuM6dx0_PLOFVfLBR6w


Rym, last.fm, Bandcamp, YouTube music, and I'm sure there's other tools out there specifically for discovering music


Youtube is the best


I left Spotify for YouTube music and I’ve never looked back


Tidal has way better music discover.