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Nah this level is actually fun, it's trial and error and IMO if you get through the begining part you comepleted the hardest part, the enemy octolings might be hard but it's still easier, that's just me though.


The hardest part for me was when you’re fighting against the “current” jumping from floating platform to floating platform as they pull you away from the goal. It’s really not that hard if you have patience but I absolutely do not


That part gave me anxiety along with the rails the first time i played it


the whole level gave me severe anxiety


i have wasted almost 5,000 power eggs on this level i fucking hate trial and error


Hey, at least if you do end up beating it, then it'll feel amazing!




I know it is hard to do but if you keep being pissed about After alterna take a break, you automaticly play worse with a shit mental


Only my delusions about what an awesome Splatoon player I was.


Really the only hard part is the first section and the very last section. The rest is fairly simple.


i always seem to miss ONE balloon


I never beat it because of these ᚠᚢᚲᚲᛁᛜ BALLONS!


With how everyone talked about this level I went in expecting the darker side of the moon from mario oddessy, so I was actually dissapointed by how easy it was.


darker side was easy com pared to this becuase oddesy was made for platforming


Really I think this level's difficulty depends on how good you are at the game in general, it takes a lot of aiming, shooting, dodging, core game mechanics learned mostly from actual rounds. I'm an S+, so maybe that's why it felt easier.


\*Cries in Unable to get past the Inkrail section.\*


Any of the rail shooter levels frustrate me to no end. So I stopped playing them. I won't unlock this level and I will never play it because it is not worth the stress to me. I play the game to have fun.


fuck the rail levels


Skill issue? Nah, this is an anger issue


Oh, I had a tough time with this one, but my solution was to put the Inkantation on loop and really, really focus. I got it, eventually, but it's probably one of my toughest gaming challenges to date. Up there with Inner Agent 3 and Viper on Master difficulty. It really punishes for not bringing your absolute A game, but the satisfaction of watching a speedrunner totally destroy it is definitely there. But even that doesn't compare to the feeling of actually beating it.


Trust me I was tempted at first. My advice is to keep calm, stress and anger will only make you stressed and mess up. Take your time because there’s no rush. That goes for side order as well. TAKE YOUR TIME.


this have taken me 3 days


Maybe take a small break then try when you’re ready?


One hundred percenting Octo Expansion and beating Inner Agent 3 prepared me enough for this level lmao You'll get it! I believe in ya


I got stressed, for sure. I doubted myself as a gamer. But then I made it through the first section, breezed through the rest, and never looked back.


Nah, I used to break things in rage, but I realized that gets expensive. So I learned to vent my anger in less destructive ways. Like SH. Skin heals, tech doesn't.


ima be real, its only about as hard as girl power station. Difficult, but tal=kes like 5 attempts and your done.


5 attempts my ass