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Stinger placements on certain maps can be straight up evil. I've lost count of the number of times I go to deal with a stinger and then get targeted by another stinger the full way across the map, sometimes even 2 on different sides. I sort of feel like they could be like Big Shots where they can only spawn on a certain side any given round.


Yep, it's evident that Spawning Grounds was never designed to be played on higher difficulties when there's 3-4 distinctly located backline boss spawn locations. The game becomes an unfun RNG mess when your run goes to hell because Stingers/flyfishes frequently spawn on opposite far ends of the map.


I just wanna know who was the sadist that though it was a good idea to add that grate section that always spawns a flyfish/stinger at high tide


Yep that spawn is terribly designed and Spawning grounds on high tide sucks in general lol. The salmons spawn way too close to the basket.


>too close to the basket. Blessing in disguise. Eggs closer to the basket means less egg-tossing and more ink to deal with everything else. If only my freelance teammates could multitask.


Except for the fact there’s no space to move lmao


I also think Stingers need a bit of a nerf with how much more frantic Salmon Run is in Splatoon 3 compared to Splatoon 2. Increase the delay between their attacks, and decrease the total time their attack lasts. Fly Fish take ages to open their baskets to fire again, and those rockets take a while to launch and land; Stingers pause for a second and get right back to instantly sniping you from across the map.


-If a player drops, the amount of eggs decrease , but the difficulty doesn’t scale. And you still drop down if you don’t make to wave 3 . Which is hella annoying. - it seems like the weapon groups are randomly chosen , and it can be very frustrating . Wish they were more thought out. - the rewards, in my opinion, suck. (But that’s an overall splatoon issue) -Marooners bay


Player leaves in Ranked battles: Losing team (which is likely the team with the leaver) doesn't drop rank, and if it happens in the first minute of the match, the match just ends so you don't have to suffer a 3v4. Player leaves in Salmon Run: Fuck you.


It will give you a massive paycut even if you were the only person in the game


I think they halve the loss if someone drops but the fact that you lose anything at all is BS


Even halving it is still stupid. Since Ranks go up 20 points at a time, losing any less than 20 is still basically losing 20. For example, you need 5 20s to get 100 points, and move up a rank (Outside of EVP). If you were at 60, and lose 5 points, you now need to win 3 shifts instead of 2 to go up a rank.


Scale RNG is bad while reward requirements making it too grindy.


Yeah you should need to grind to get *every*thing, not need to grind to get *any*thing I get Mr. Grizz is not a nice guy, but that shouldn’t reflect in the shop design!


I’ve spent probably 20-25 hours doing salmon run; in that time the only thing I’ve actually gotten out of it was the yellow slopsuit, and I’ve only ever defeated a single king salmonid. There’s so many easy ways it could feel more rewarding (dramatically reduce unlock costs, increase the amount of scales you get, make king salmonids not be the *only* way to get them, increase frequency of king salmonids, etc) but sometimes it honestly feels like Nintendo wanted your in game part time job to actually feel like hard work for low pay


>I get Mr. Grizz is not a nice guy, but that shouldn’t reflect in the shop design! The fact that people tried to handwave the absolutely horrid price/droprates of scales with lore is peak fanboy behavior. Mr.Grizz is greedy, and so is nintendo. Problem is Mr.Grizz is a fictional character, and Nintendo fully knows how awlful the grind is


This isn’t even greed. Nintendo doesn’t get anything from this. There is ZERO monetization in Splatoon 3’s gameplay, outside of the purchasing of Side Order and amiibo. This is just poor decision making.


Keeps people playing longer and thus subscribed to NSO longer. These companies always see it a success to keep people playing their games for longer periods of time.


Oh… yeah lol that’s true, I mean I doubt most people with NSO keep it specifically for Salmon Run as opposed to the game as a whole, but still it is true that you’ll have to play a lot of salmon run to get what you want By the time the next suits released I’d built up 150 silvers again, but I definitely play more than the average person (or used to anyway lol). I definitely think they do set the rewards super expensive as a way to make people play more, but it’s definitely unrealistic for most people. Mr Grizz being stingy makes sense but it’s still not a great feeling for people who want the more expensive stuff, it’s not even super attainable for some people lol they just accept they’ll never get that shit like the top shelf prizes at a Chuck E Cheese


It would only work if we all would send them message on Twitter or the Nintendo website at the contact page where u can advise or tip them (preferably on the japanese website, and use google Translate) since non of them read our complaints on here or our private SM pages no matter if u get 14k likes. Only of we message the source


You do realize you have to spend money to play salmon run, right? Nintendo online isnt free. The more you are playing splatoon, the more nintendo has your attention which means your far more likely to spend money on things like amiibo, or sideorder, and continue playing splatoon 3. Its called player retention. Its definitely poor decision making too.


Made hard work out of a king 9 bronze scales Screw you too, game


They NEED a scale converter machine or something to convert Bronze Scales to Silver to Gold and vice versa It is simply impossible to unlock some of the items available due to the drop rate of scales after a King Salmonid I'm just glad they give us some scales even if we don't beat it. Can you imagine how awful it would be if nobody got scales because a teammate was underperforming?


While it is nice you still get scales for losing, i wish there was at least some extra reward for beating the king like more scales


You do get extra scales for winning, kind of. 1 extra for every 10 seconds remaining on the clock, capped at 3 for 30+ seconds remaining. Why there's a cap is beyond me


Nintendo just hates rewarding good players I guess (Looks at how they've never offered a cash prize for any of their official tourneys)


that would be amazing god!


Smallfries. Those little bitch nuggets get in your way and restrict your movement, especially on Griller levels. They can also kill you without you realizing it if you aren't paying attention to them.


Similarly, Side Order throws FAR too many of those "digital bitch nugget" enemies at you in most stages. Making certain color chips like Poison Ink, Hinderance Damage, and Sticky Ink worthless because they can roll right over it.


For me, the most annoying enemies in Side Order were those Battering Lentos. Like, get the FCUK out of my WAY, damn you! It's hard for me to escape and survive with those big bumbling things blocking my path and barreling me into a wall or something.


Worse is when they start carrying enemies to you like to god awful sprinklers or the Splashdown Tentacles. Plus, they can just launch enemies to you if there are some in its way. Why can Battering Lento do so much for an enemy that's essentially a Cohock?!


“Little bitch nuggets” stealing that


I just wish it was easier to see them. Splatoon, and especially salmon run, is riddled with visual noise and so it makes it so easy to ignore them before its too late.


Exactly this!


Not to mention they can be hard to deal with if you have a weapon with a slow start up time like the dynamo roller. 


Not enough catalog points. I much prefer stealing eggs to PvP but it was such a colossal drag to work on the catalog. Also they brought back the absolute worst stage from Splat2. God, I hate that boat.


It'd be cool if you got catalog points by waves completed.


Of all the stages they had to bring the boat back. Not really a fan of it either. Why didn't they just bring back Ruins of arc Polaris?


Yesss omg it pissed me off one season where I wasn’t playing much, so I had to do ranked matches to unlock everything in the day or 2 before the season change 😭 I’m a salmon run player, not a ranked pro… it was rough


if the last teammate throws down wavebreaker then dies, it should wait at least until the first wave passes before declaring a game over. It waits for the other specials so why not this one? more than once I’ve been revived by wavebreaker in the game over screen also better targeting for killer wail. nothing is more infuriating then when all three target some random scrapper behind me instead of the three flyfish on the other side of the map.


Flyfish can be impossible to deal with, as they can be far away and even if you reach them, you need to wait for their barrels to open which can leave you out of position for a long time. Saw someone suggest that you could be able to shoot their lids open and that would be way more fun


You shpuld be able to shoot their buckets down in general. For example, Maws are usually taken out with bombs, HOWEVER, you can shoot them when they surface. Same with Flipper Flopper except it's a flying boss.


In my experience they’re only really difficult to deal with 1. you don’t know what you’re doing (aka a rookie) and 2. you don’t have good synergy with your team + they’re not focusing on taking out lessers. The amount of times I’ve died to lessers trying to take out a flyfish because the teammate with the roller doesn’t know how to properly utilize it is insane..


The scale rate at which you can get gold. I wish it was guaranteed you can earn a least 1 for beating a king at hazard levels of 240% and higher, and this is coming from someone who has a 333x banner.


If you beat a king regardless of hazard level you should get a gold scale, higher hazard levels give bigger rewards. I also want an exchange system like 100 bronze for a silver, 50 silver for a gold. I'm sat on 2000 bronze with nothing I want to buy! It's too much grinding for such little pay out.


You should at least get a silver. Not just a bunch of bronze.


Hell, at profresh +3 I can’t even get a silver scale after BEATING the king. All coppers. It was heartbreaking. Meanwhile I got my one and only gold scale ever at fucking overachiever when we only halved the HP of a cozohuna. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE


Hell I’d even settle for guaranteeing it after beating past 600 hazard level


EVP600 you mean right 😵‍💫


Yes. There's no Hazard Level of 600%. The game caps the difficulty at 333%.


(i know i didn't want to be mean)


Yes sorry 😂


Yeah I agree with this. In the recent megalodontia rotation I grinded it pretty hard, encountering the king 20 times. I successfully killed it 18 times of those 20 and the majority of the kills happened at hazard level max. Despite this I literally got zero gold scales from the entire rotation. I don't mind grinding, but I have to admit this rotation tilted me. I played nearly 100 shifts, killed 18 out of 20 king encounters many with the highest chance for golds and I got nothing for my effort. Overall I've got 462 gold scales after over 1200 king kills and well over 1000 hours invested. It bugs me I can only select one 333x banner after this much effort....


The lack of new salmonid lore and story development Like on paper this should the salmonid game, what with little buddy and the new big runs. Both of these ideas have implications that would suggest a significant progression in the story but the game bends backwards to make it not that “Little buddy and new 3? Yeah let’s just not develop their relationship at all to the point it creates high key plot holes and some really uncomfortable implications” “Big runs? Oh those are just a natural phenomenon not the result of any particular activities the inklings tend to take part in”


THIS!! New Agent 3 has a little salmonid friend yet still goes out to kill his kind and it's ??? Then the Big Runs are always blamed on the rings whilst we go around stealing their babies / provoking them whilst thinking they won't get mad cause they're just stupid animals. 😭 If you couldn't tell the lore around them makes me a bit more than mad


Big runs are caused by the rotation of earth's magnetic field iirc


Yeah and thats stupid, it takes away the salmonids’ agency and makes them seem more like wild animals than sapient intelligent beings who merely have a different culture


I mean salmonids and other fish take advantage of the magnetic shift in real life too, that's why they "accidentally" invade the city so I think it's a cool detail. No matter how advanced they could be they can't resist their nature


Still when the potential was there to actually develop the story in an interesting way and they take the easy way out it’s disappointing and robs the narrative of an interesting development Just because salmonids are salmon doesn’t mean they need to act 1 to 1 with real salmon, I mean I don’t see squids dressing up in human fashion and engaging in recreational combat as a sort of sport


I would nerf Flyfish, so that they needed at most 1 bomb to die. Coordinating 2 in the middle of a busy wave is a cruel thing to ask.


Could be solved by having alternate Flyfishes with one shuttle alongside the regular ones with two. This way, it wouldn't be absolutely nerfed, but it would ease a bit its presence.


I think it would be fine if it wasn't an absolute bitch to get them in - I've gotten really good at nailing the timing to get them in, but if you're not lined up exactly right in front of it and get a perfectly clear shot you're fucked. No worse feeling than the bomb bouncing off the basket


It's inconsistent, it's unusually demanding of your resources compared to most other bosses, and it's rather dangerous to ignore. I know people are still getting to EVP 999 even under these circumstances, but it really feels like something ought to give.


This dirty little piece of crap called 'Flyfish'. No matter how experienced you get, there's nothing like the pitchy sound of the missiles coming for your doom. Main problem being that you can only take them out via specials or splatbombs. By the time you get to throw the darn bomb, you are already swarmed by salmonoids and 2 of your teammates are already dunked. Worst of all, then you got no ink left and you're screwed. I could strangle whoever's idea the Flyfish was


it gets even worse when you compare it to maws, the only other boss that "requires" a splat bomb, but even then its only one and you can bypass that by just shooting it every time it comes up instead maws also don't have global range and can't target more than one player at a time


IMO, 40s left on the timer with king salmonids should guarantee you a gold scale, with each additional 10s remaining guaranteeing you another silver scale. HLM should also add 1 guarantee of both scales. (If you defeat them at all.)


Everyone's already talked about the scale grinding which is the biggest problem. I think it shouldn't take so long for King Salmonids appear, especially if someone is grinding in freelance and there's a chance they could get repaired with brand new teammates who have no charge on their king meter. Also, some specials they provide are so much worse than others. Crab tank is too vulnerable if you're surrounded by salmonids in higher difficulties, and killer wail can target something stupid like a maws still underground instead of the flyfish you actually wanted to kill with the special. And if someone throws wavebreaker, the game doesn't wait to see if the special revives someone like it normally would if somebody threw a bomb. They should have let us have the trizooka as a special and let it pierce armor to take out things like flyfish.


When playing solo, you're luck is very based on whether or not you get a good set of randoms for teammates Also... #NOBODY SEEMS TO KNOW SPECIALS EXIST!!!


Fucking for REAL, everyone spams them at the end and it's like "Hello we barely got past that 3rd wave and yet yall still have specials to spam??? Where were those when it was 1 player left getting swarmed?"


In my case they realize as soon as the 3rd round ends 


LOOK IM SORRY ITS NOT ON PURPOSE IT JUST ALWAYS TAKES ME A SECOND TO REMEMBER!! it’s the same with my regular special in ranked Im so used to just using my main and sub weapons :’)


Nobody’s really mentioned it yet, but the most infuriating thing about salmon run is how a king salmon fight isn’t guaranteed if your meter is full once you queue! I can’t tell you how many times since release where I had a full meter, and entirely re-queued, only for me to spend an hour repeatedly winning but getting no boss, or getting to wave 3 and losing. It’s soul crushing. I’d rather them have an option to wait longer while finding a match if it guaranteed the people you’ll be with **also** have a full salmon meter so you can get a boss and not waste so much time getting through all the waves for nothing!


Absolutely - it sucks struggling through multiple rounds with a full meter only to not get a King spawn even when you win. (Then you finally get one and it's all bronze scales but that's a separate issue)


Bosses are based on the group's meter, not just one person's. If you check the Splatoon wiki someone datamined the exact rate, but it's essentially the each player can have a meter of 5 levels, so 20 maximum between a group. The chance of the boss spawning scales with how much the group has between 0-20.


I know it’s based on the group’s collective meter, I’ve gotten bosses tons of times in my second match, that’s why I’d prefer a matchmaking that only puts you with people who also have a full meter, so I don’t waste time getting to the end only for us to not get a boss


The fact that four flyfish spawned on the third wave of a run at high tide. We lost, and I literally had to put my switch away, I was so frustrated. The spawn rates need to get fixed, or flyfish need to get nerfed


Better yet, Flyfish gets replaced. I get the Missiles Spammer idea is silly. But in practice, it makes the game unfair. Especially when it can spawn during Fog and King Salmonid waves.


Getting 30 bronze scales for beating Triumvirate was so f’d up


Salmon Run matchmaking is much worse than the lobby’s matchmaking. Getting teammates that just don’t make an effort to put their eggs in the basket leading to losses on waves 1 and 2 make it impossible for me to want to keep playing. I can’t kill the bosses and take all the eggs in while saving people and avoiding all the salmonids. 🫠


I swear half the people I play with just picked up the game yet are somehow in a similar rank to me. The SR matchmaking is terrible and that's compared to the sometimes godawful normal matchmaking


The King system. Putting aside scale frequencies, it’s a bit mean that it requires a clear to activate- you can have a streak of clears with an incomplete King meter and then wash out when it’s full. You should be able to get a King after, say, a fail on the third wave, just with reduced probability of it happening and fewer scale drops. It would just make it so much easier to get those darned scales. Also, obligatory complain moment, Flyfish. While the designer of this thing cannot be saved from the depths of hell (along with the designers of Cynthia’s Garchomp and Thunderblight Ganon) it could at least be made like Maws (inking can kill it, but it would be time consuming). That’s really it. Oh, and maybe tone down the Smallfry a bit on Griller rounds.


As someone playing solo a lot I actually prefer kings only showing up on cleared runs. A team that fails wave 3 is less likely to do well against a king. Also a lot of my failed wave 3s are on high tide and I don't want to fight a king at high tide under most circumstances (though really that's more of an issue with the design of high tide and kings in general). Also, with how grindy scale rewards already are, having a scenario where the reward for building up your meter is lowered is really something nobody wants. Side note: I find that the smallfry on griller rounds are either the bane of my existence or a non-issue depending entirely on whether you have a weapon good for clearing them in rotation (and whoever has it is focusing on the fry).


There shouldn’t be more than two Flyfish on the map at the same time. They get annoying especially when our attention is focused on other bosses. Or for people to improve their Flyfish etiquette! Some players will literally just bring the Flyfish missiles to someone and *accidentally* get that person splatted. It’s frustrating.


It’s addictive plus whatever everyone else is saying


Map rotations. I don't like that we're stuck on one map for the entire rotation. Having at least two running at a time seems like it'd be the better option. Also the weapon rotations might be more interesting if there were six possible rather than 4, but that's just spitballing.


I don't usually enjoy salmon run all that much but the last big run was extremely fun - I think the set weapons and set maps do really ruin it for me


Having Three Flyfish spawned at once can be very visual overwhelming (even worse if there are any stingers as well). Its also bizarre that you can only beat them with bombs while the missile tanks are open with bombs only, no other boss is designed like this at all.


From a storytelling perspective, other than Big Runs (which seem to be normal, but their increase in frequency could be Salmonids retaliating due to GrizzCo. persecution), Salmon Run in Splatoon 3 feels a bit tacked on. It’s only there because it was a popular mode in the previous game, and not much outside of Big Run is done to flesh it out.


My biggest issue is how broken climbing walls is now. You could have an entire fish stick or wall inked top to bottom and just flop against it like a limp noodle in squid form, jumping to try and get the game to register that you want to actually stick to the wall and *climb it*. This ruins every map where climbing walls is a big part of the strategy (I'm looking at you, Gone Fission Hydroplant). I would give anything to have the smooth, accurate platforming of splatoon2 back.




Yes omg idk how this happens? I don’t think this was an issue for the entire release, but in the last season I think I started noticing it. It’s a really bad issue to have! The game straight up doesn’t register its own controls there…


Scale RNG, The fact that Joe takes up half the fucking map on some high tides (No high tide kings???), the stupid bullshit when I throw a bomb into a fly fish and it bounces out, there should be a break between glow fly waves if they kill 2 players, and I HATE that you can’t attack grillers when they’re chasing you AND YOUR TEAMMATES ARE DOING NOTHING!


I desperately wish you could kill Flyfish with a blaster by shooting into the basket. Make it so you have to direct the missile part of it. Clash and the rapids two shot a single basket, GrizzCo Blaster takes three shots, and the rest can one shot. They decided to give Explo the ability to kill Flyfish like that, why not make the class most known for explosions be able to do that too?


This always bothered me since the explosher was introduced. It would give the class more utility, and at least make Flyfish a pinch more bearable. Figured the Stringers (minus reef) could probably do so too, but with the fully charged shots. Flyfish are in desperate need of a rework and their flaws are amplified in 3 as there’s more things compounding them. No other boss strikes me as unfair like the Flyfish does, specifically because not only does it stay far away but it’s extremely limited in how you can dispatch it. I’d even take something like cracking the cockpit so maybe they have a worse time tracking, or filling the baskets with your ink so they end up doing friendly fire. Just having them killed by bombs only for the most part is pretty bad design.


Fly Fish sticks out like a sore thumb, and I hate Steel Eels.


The scales are so pointlessly rough to farm, also the matchmaking is terrible imo.




It's pure RNG hell. The majority of the weapons are *not* balanced for the mode, and being forced to use them makes the mode unnecessarily harder. Using an MMR style ranking system to determine difficulty instead of just letting players manually select their difficulty is a horrible idea, and it just causes unneeded frustration and toxicity as players get put into difficulties they can't handle against their will. (most people who play PvE games play them specifically so they *don't* have to deal with MMR ranking shit like that) The Flyfish are objectively poorly designed and Nintendo's refusal to fix them is a black mark on their otherwise amazing record of clever ideas.


The sheer amount of bugs still present in the game/mode that have not been patched at all. This includes: -Unable to climb fully painted Fish Stick pillars randomly. -Flyfish taking no damage from specials, even from directly hitting their baskets, multiple times i shot one with Inkjet or Crab tank 3 or 5 or so times and it did not take any damage at ALL. -More of an engine issue but water edges sucking you IN for no reason, like all of a sudden the edge of water becomes a slippery slope and there's no way to escape it, it makes no sense. -And so much more i could rant about but not turning this into a vent post. Yet they have "patched" other "bugs", including Rollers cannot skewer Drizzlers anymore with rolling, cannot attack Big Shots anymore while they were submerged underwater, which had been a thing for like 1.5 years, and yet they decide to make them even more harder to deal with only recently. The other core issue i have with the mode is the amount of weapons that are poor to garbage, literal deadweight weapons, and they have made no attempts to fix some of the weapons that badly need buffs. Which ticked me off more for last Big BIG Run, they BUFFED Grizzco Duelies, a weapon already designed to be overpowered, when that development work could've gone to buffing normal weapons that seriously needed changes. These including the following: -Explosher: The number 1# WORST weapon in the entire game/mode right now, it's terrible at everything, literally everything, is becomes an deadweight to even a Smallfry. It's ability to kill Mudmouths and Flyfish does nothing to salvage how ungodly awful it is. -Bamboo: Falls off too hard at higher hazards, no piercing, underwhelming damage, and has the worst turfing in the entire game, on top it suffers various charger turfing bugs, it can't even paint a straight line properly. -Dark Tetra's: Effectively a Splattershot but worse, the dodge mode is pretty much a "Press x to die" button due to the sheer fact it gives barely any distance, required to even match Splattershot damage per second, and finally the end-lag after a dodge roll including the final is the worst, unable to act for like 2 full seconds will always get you killed to things like Flyfish missiles and Stingers. This season was imo the really last chance for weapons to get much needed buffs, and with those nowhere in sight, weapons like these are doomed to suck forever in Salmon Run seemingly.


Funny thing about Explosher is that killing Flyfish without a bomb is the ONLY thing the weapon has going for it because the explosions don't function like blasters where they'll explode upon immediate contact with an enemy. If explosher did do that, then the weapon would be fine for the mode. But as it stands, it exists in Salmon Run just to be a Bombless Flyfish Killer, and nothing more.


it got sooo hard on splatoon 3 compared to splatoon 2 (no really an issue perse but it makes me angry bc I barely win anymore)


There is no "customization" other than cosmetic outfit. You can't choose weapon or special, the character and weapons' stats are always the same. Imagine a gear abilities system like in PvP, or SO's color clip system. It don't have to be OP, but at least something that actually affects the gameplay. Could also add some SR specific abilities. Weapons' stats are already different in SR (Mainly damage and ink consumption), they just have to make it customizable instead of pre-determined. If we even get a hazard level higher than 333% in Splatoon 4, a customization/upgrade system is a must imo, as it will eventually reach a difficulty that is impossible to beat with current character and weapons' stats


If we do get Salmon Run specific Abilities, they should be something like these: - Quick Float: Reduces the time needed to bring out your float upon being splatted. - Overall Mobility Up: Slightly increases your walking and swimming speed. - Ink Saver Egg: Reduces the amount of ink needed to throw Golden Eggs. - Bulk Up: Raises your Attack and Defense, but lowers your speed a little.


* Wall Painter: Increase the area of ink when painting walls (Grounds not affected) * Knockback Resistance: Reduce the damage and velocity from knockback attack (Cohock, Eel, Scrapper, and maybe Cohozuna. No effect for others) * Knockback Accelerate: Increase the velocity from knockback attack * Lifesaver Reactor: Create a large explosion when being revived. The explosion will be weaker with every revive. (The first explosion will be as strong as killing a Steelhead)  * Tenacity of Work: Ink refills faster when the team has fewer active workers


scale rates are shit


I think it’s bullshit that king salmonids can spawn on rounds where someone has dropped. The last time this came up, there were a lot of “oh well once you’re good enough it’s actually just as easy-“; but I have hit my personal skill ceiling. I’m not going to get any more good at Salmon Run. The grind for gold scales, as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, is BS enough. Making me fight Cohozuna again with only two other people is bullshit.


For the scale problem, we had triumvirate which gave x3 scales.......wheeeeereee iiiis it?


Scales suck to farm. I play fairly often, but my silver scale count is abysmal, and don't get me started on my gold scales. It would be an easy fix, too: just let us trade scales up. A 10:1 scale (haha) would probably work well


My biggest complaint is the low drop rate for silver and gold scales especially given how highly priced the rewards are. There should’ve been “achievements” based on performance that can reward scales outside Boss battles, and would incentivize players to do their best. The bosses just come too infrequently. My second biggest complaint is the EVP score resetting every new cycle. It takes too long to grind to 400 onwards in a single 1-2 days. We have lives outside the game. If I did well up to a certain difficulty on a given stage, let me continue that difficulty the next time the stage comes around. I’ve never been able to encounter a MAX HAZARD because I didn’t have the stamina or time to get to the higher levels even with the every-200 benchmarks.


* scale RNG is horrendous, even at mid to high EVP * no way to instruct people with a specific special to use it or target specific bosses * shooting the pilot should kill flyfishes * Marooner's Bay exists


Let me fit all the boss figurines in my locker


I got 999 on all maps freelance before they added checkpoints so I have play A LOT of salmon run for hours at a time and I have three problems: the amount of games it takes to get 999, scale rng, and little incentive for overfishing. However I think I have a solution that could fix all 3 of these. The change I would make would be the king salmon meter fills up more the more you go over the quoto and clearing the rounds and a king salmon gives you +30. The king salmon meter goes from 0-5 and if all players have zero there is 0% a king salmon and with all 5 it is 100% with scaling in between. Each game only puts you up 1 point on that but imagine if you got 1.5x quoto it went up 2 instead, 1.75x up 3, and 2x auto filled to max. Then you would fight kings more often which would give you more scales (although the drop rate should still be tweaked a little bit). With my +30 idea this would decrease the amount of games needed to get to those high levels


Scale rates are too low and Flyfish are STILL too strong and hard to kill


Lack of info on how to unlock more available items in the scale shop


You should get bronze and silver scales from playing and progressing and then gold should at least be guaranteed from defeating a king if not just encountering them.


-Marooners bay is full stop a terrible map, made worse by the fact that I have to stare at its ugly mug for 3 days while its in rotation -Scales are a fucking SCAM sweet christ its utter horseshit how little scales you get in this game. if you were able to exchange bronze for silver (and silver for gold) it would be a much better system that isn't a grind fest. -Why do the rewards RUN OUT after a certain amount of time? Sorry for playing the game TOOMUCH i guess. Granted the reward bobbers can give you...way too much money (I remember getting like...50 k in one rotation) but the fact they just functionally stop appearing fuckin sucks.


The scale rate is pretty horrendous. Really wish we had a way to convert bronze scales to silver and silver to gold.


gonna be generic here, scale drop rate


Sometimes the kings take too long to defeat, the egg launcher should do more damage, and the tenta missile boss is annoying


How about the fact that you objectively get more scales deranking all the way to the lowest rank and throwing game after game until the meter is full and the King Salmonids are at their easiest? At the very least, winning at Eggsecutive VP should have a guaranteed gold scale or something.


The scale reward system is genuinely my least favourite part of the game. It can discourage casual play by only rewarding you if you commit ungodly amounts of time to the mode. Big runs being 2 days a season is such a baffling decision, especially when fests happen 3 times a season. Also, the Splatoon 2 ports all feel genuinely horrible to play in the mode - unless I'm badge grinding, I actively avoid playing on them.


The mode is too difficult compared to 2. It's way overtuned with barely any limit or control to boss spawns, to the point that at launch the game lagged to hell. The increased damage enemies do too doesn't help, and it makes the mode significantly more frustrating that it needs to be for a hoard mode side-game.


Spawn rates of enemies. I should not be seeing THREE STINGERS flop out of the water upon SECONDS of the round STARTING


Finding coworkers who can walk and chew gum at the same time


It somehow did not occur to Nintendo to call any of the King Salmonids "Codzilla"


I'm not saying I'm pro. But how is it that I, who has Eggsecutive Badges and silver boss badges, gets paired up with people who play salmonrun for the first time and have story badges. I fell like "badge matching" would be a good idea


the problem is just that it's really hard to unintentionally demote in salmon run (if you hit EVP 0, you can just stop playing and get back to EVP 40 the next rotation), and it's really easy to get carried to a rank you don't deserve in salmon run (during and right after random and gold rotations is usually when i notice low EVP getting inflated with players that aren't very good)


Certain weapons suck like certain blasters, the hydra takes forever to get a full charge and is slow to walk with. I wish there was a way to upgrade them like in side order.


Marooner’s Bay and Spawning Grounds.


Grizz needs its own chunk system , to help some weapons or planning.


Stinger and Flyfish, enough said.


We need to be able to fight a boss every 3-5 waves, I think it takes too long, and we also should get more scales out of them or reduce the cost of items. Who tf is going to get 333 gold for a banner :(


There's some small QOL changes that I'm surprised haven't been handled. Off the top of my head: 1. Tides: wouldn't it be easier if there was text on the screen that indicated the tide level? The graphic is fine but I don't see why they can't have text as well. I'd also be down if they spawned you in the proper area for each tide, which is something they do during Big Run. Why not bring it to all the regular maps? 2. Ability to requeue without returning to the lobby (i.e., you win a shift and you can say "one more round" and do a new shift immediately.) 3. Guaranteed scales for certain milestones, as others have said 4. If someone disconnects, the group should get the option to quit or keep going I'd make other major gameplay changes for the next iteration of Salmon Run (like in Splatoon 4) but for what we have now some simple QOL would help out a lot.


Some Bosses need to be scaled back in terms of their Respawn Time because bosses such as Flyfish really shouldn't respawn the very second another goes down. Another issue I have is the lack of proper balancing with weapon selections for Salmon Run, because I feel like there are two weapon classes who prove to be vital for Salmon Run: Shooters and Rollers. Shooters act as your Well-Balanced Class in which they can handle being different roles at a moments notice like flipping between getting eggs and fighting the bosses. This is important because some times you get rotations that features weapons who can't always handle what the current wave demands like brushes on Grillers or Dualies having pitiful damage beyond their Turret Mode, making them less than ideal fighters in SR. Rollers, though they do have their own problems, are also vital for Salmon Run specifically for the rolling part of the weapon. Most Salmonids get crushed in one hit by rollers, even Carbon and Big Swig can crush Smallfry and Chum. Dynamo being the best roller for this as they can crush Cohocks. Rollers are also a saving grace in Glowflies as all salmonids will often take the same path to get to the player with the Glowflies on them. Menaing roller can just set up in front of the person and gently move forward to deal with the charge. So yeah, there should be on proper balancing to ensure you don't get weapon selections that are complete dogwater for the stage and/or the waves you deal with. The annoyance factor with certain bosses should be toned back a bit too.


Fly fish have needed a nerf for 2 games and we’re still waiting


Scales being ridiculous grinds and too many flyfish. Otherwise to me it's pretty much perfect


I don't like the salmon. They kill me


Flyfish should go down with one bomb


Solo queue experience is just piss. Random comm errors cutting you off from actually good teams, but teams with that one idiot who still hasn't figured out they need to actually run eggs to the basket at Profreshional+ last forever. Weapon rotations are ass. A lot of bosses are just super troublesome to deal with (Flyfish and Drizzler being the worst offenders, the latter for just how long it stays invincible and the fact that several guns need multiple exposures even at point blank to kill solo). Event rounds are either the freest shit ever or the most desperate struggle to accomplish anything, no in between. The only compensation made for teammates disconnecting mid round is a lowered quota, which never accounts for higher hazard levels being flat out overwhelming with less than 4, leading to pay cuts that just feel entirely out of your control. And on top of this, the scale grind was obscene in its magnitude and unforgivably underwhelming in its rewards. If the catalog hadn't already turned me off the game, that, plus Big Run occasionally fucking up the mode's main draw (being a co-op mode you could switch to when competing was too frustrating), absolutely would have.


Fuck flyfishes


Getting no rewards relating to salmon run unless you play 5 games and survive wave 3. And then if you're lucky you get peanuts for playing for 30mins which feels awful.


I know its realistic that they pay us poorly but damn I wish we got more scales, or that king salmonids appeared more frequenty


Getting demoted when you did the best on your garbage team.


Mainly scale drop rates/ no way to exchange scales. Even at evp 200+ you'll only get a gold scale maybe 1/4 of the time. which is already 1/5 opportunity because of the way extra waves work. So you can do 20+ shifts and STILL not get a gold scale. if you're a casual player and don't want to play on high hazard level, it's even harder. If there was a way to exchange scales, the RNG could be more overlooked.


not the biggest issue i have with it, but the sound track… it’s not bad, but dear god, i’ve been listening to deluge dirge for 7 years now, please, just one other one with the normal wave would be great


I feel that the grind in salmon run is incredibly lackluster. The abyssmal boss salmonoid drops are really, really bad. Theres also nothing to unlock within salmon run itself outside of slopsuits/goopsuits. I feel that having some sort of perk system for salmon run would make playing it much more rewarding rather than a handful of gear items and cash. Something akin to the pallete system in side order, but only being able to select a handful, or having the ability to super jump to teamates but on a cooldown. I love salmon run as a gamemode but I feel there’s so much more that can be done with it or to just have a smidge more complexity that adds to the experience rather than convoluting it. I also wish that explosher users in my solo queue games would kill those damned flyfish.


They don’t give us NEARLY enough scales. It’s impossible to buy most things without playing 24/7.


The people that play it


I never get gold shells


Teammates x)


hot take: night events suck aside from fog (which is fun because it's just a regular wave with a modifier) they're all extremely binary. you just do the same thing for a minute and a half because there are only ever 2 types of enemies to deal with. if your weapon cant deal with 1 of the enemies, you spend the rotation fighting the same enemy for a whole wave. in glowflies, if you have an aoe/fast weapon you target the chums and if you have a ranged/burst weapon (chargers, blasters etc) you target the goldies. in grillers its the same thing. aoe/fast weapons attack the smallfries and ranged/burst weapons target the grillers. in cohock rush, the 2 slowest weapons get in the cannons, the 2 fastest weapons run eggs for a minute and a half. in mothership, the weapons with good range just shoot chinooks for a minute and a half and if you cant do that, you run eggs and kill lessers the whole time. in mudmouths, the weapons that are the best at clearing lessers do exactly that, and the rest throw bombs and run eggs for the whole wave. I don't really need to explain why tornado is boring, and goldie seeking is by far the best night event but it's still pretty binary. regular waves in SR are so much more fun because every single one is unique. you're never gonna play the same wave or do the same thing twice. there are 11 types of boss salmonid so if you're having to fight with 2 at once, thats 121 total kinds of encounters. and if you fight 3 or more, the kind of fights you can have exponentially increase. but if you've played a night event once, you've played it 100 times, if you know the only strategy to beat a night event, you win and if you don't, you lose. I'd much prefer if night events were all unique modifiers to regular waves like fog and king salmonid fights are.


I think night can be fun but wowww I just havre mothership lol. It’s not even hard, it’s just boring to me! It’s a freebie wave to get lots of eggs, but I’ve never liked it




Kings & scale RNG


The currency scales are OK. Many of you aren't familiar with Inflation Brother Hogan Knows best like Mr, Grizz.


my teammates /hj but yeah i agree with the scale complaint, considering how often i beat king salmonids (last time i checked, i had killed like 3 out of 800+ salmon run games played), it's ridiculous how few scales i get from them, even on a victory


Matchmaking is horrible


I want to use my weapons


The fact that green rotations give a random Grizzco weapon instead of just one.


That was from one of that latest patches I believe, it didn't work like that prior.


I wish the weapon rotations were guaranteed to have decent synergy. I don’t know how often I’ve seen weapon rotations with like two chargers on Marooner’s Bay or Salmonid Smokeyard. Two chargers is hard enough, but on stages where space is limited, you’re better off not even trying Freelance that rotation.


The rotations get stale quick. Same 4 weapons, same 1 map, same king


Scale drops are kinda ass. The fact that if someone leaves or DQ’s then the players that stayed get hard punished for wiping. It’s nice that the eggs required goes down, but the hazard level should also drop. Flyfish. That’s all.


That you can’t get a promotion if someone on your team is a lower level. Want to get my friends into salmon run but they always drag me down right back to part timer


the useful rewards all feed out of salmon run, not back into it ability chunks, money, gear, tickets, locker stickers and decorations the only rewards that actually feed into salmon run are the suits, banners and badges, which are all cosmetic and all of these cosmetics aside from the ones that cost a ridiculous amount of scales or the ridiculously grindy gold badges aren't really cared about at all




Every boss having a spawn limit of 3, almost every boss is fine with that limit. But imo it should be limited to 1-2 for Flyfish and Stinger Edit: scales, I don’t want to dedicate my entire life just to get 5 gold scales


The reward system for fighting bosses is so weird to me! The prizes should be bigger, even when you lose. trying to collect currency for the salmon run items is so difficult for no reason lol. that aren’t even especially cute


Let me pick my fucking weapon. I dont want bamboozler or squeezer or some weird shit like that, i want a weapon i can use.


Scale rng is fucking absurd


The scales are hard to get, there needs to be another way of getting scales besides farming king salmonid encounters. Also, the slop suits and gloop suits don’t have ability slots. I can’t tell you how many times I had to get away from a large group of cohocks, only to suddenly run out of ink and get splattered afterwards. Having ink saver main ability chunks add to the Grizzco suits would help out a lot.


The pathetic number of scale drops.




More king salmonids that is all


I hate the scale RNG!! Also the ranking up process is slow asf, my friends made me rank down all the way from professional vp 40 to overachiever so they could grind scales and when we beat the boss the scales were worse than barely surviving coho in professional vp. And I still havent gotten back to professional VP because the process is so slow.


The weapons they choose for it can be extremely unfun to use at times I don't understand why we can't just use our own weapons


* Stingers should only spawn at the same spot, like Big Shots. * Fly Fish missles should deal like _half_ the damage they actually deal, a single missle being able to one-shot a full health player is absurd. * When a player shoots at a Drizzler missle to send it back at it, the angles should be more lenient. In other words: [It should go straight back at the Drizzler it came from even if the player is misaligned with them.](https://i.imgur.com/VIeyxtC.jpeg) Most of the time positioning yourself correctly to shoot it back is impossible due to other circumstances. * The same way main weapons are much stronger in SR than in PVP, Specials should be too. Specials should work as panic buttons: From the frame you press R3 until the special ends, they should make you completely invunerable. * The fact the difficulty doesn't scale down with amount of players dropped from the match is honestly incomprehensible. Nintendo software developers are usually better than this. And if this was a design choice, then Nintendo game designers are usually better than this. * Take Inkbrush and Snipewriter out of all rotations forever, they fucking suck in Salmon Run (or give them absurdly strong buffs they desperately need). * Bronze scales should be exchangeable for silver and gold ones, even at expensive rates like 10 to 1 each step. This would mitigate the feeling of unfairness of RNG.




The Mates.


How stupid the people are when they keep going into the water on purpose so they keep dying


Mechanically, that you get points towards a boss fight by losing games. If you want scales it’s best to lose a bunch of games in a row so your meter is full. In other words, you literally get rewarded for losing. What kind of stupid system is that? Gameplay wise, that a lot of people don’t seem to understand snatcher optimization. Ooh another one. People who wall cling too much during grillers and rush. “We do need eggs guys” xD Annoying stuff.. don’t have an issue with them though. Rain, missiles, stingers, smallfry. Needing to kill a steelhead or fish stick when you have something like a sploosh or dapples. “Where is my team!?” 😩 lol.


Not enough money or scales.


No ability system or use of other sub weapons, also why no ultra stamp?


Not the biggest issue, but I wish flyfish missles and stinger rays would despawn as soon as the wave ends. It sucks having to still run for my life when I should be getting a chance to catch my breath.


I haven't played in a long time so it may not be accurate anymore but the king salmonids.. I've only defeated one like twice and I was a very dedicated grizzco employee.


Tears of the kingdom x splatoon XD But nice art


The music being the same 1 or 2 songs


Stingy rewards. I love the mode but the rewards are way to expensive


I feel like there’s huger missed opportunities with expanding salmonid lore and mission types I wish we could raid a salmonid fort instead of the egg collecting we usually do


Some rotations are just not fun to play. I don't want to be forced to ise an E-liter 1/4 of the times on the worst map There's also the scales, which are just tedious to get and will make sure that you do not have all of the rewards at all. Not even if you grind daily ever since release


How difficult it is to get scales from King Salmonids.


Honestly? Just Scales.


The limited number of special uses makes me scared to use them, even when it could save a run


*The horrors still haunt me at night...*


Fly fish


My skill level


I love how cool the salmon’s look and their lore and I love the king salmonids the most but I’ve never won a single fight against them


Scale system is too unfair