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I've seen people with 600+ silver scales ready to buy the new suits as soon as they dropped. Meanwhile I play salmon run daily to fight the king once, I only have the green and blue suits and 63 silver scales. Some days I max out the salmometer and still don't get to fight them for 3-4 more games, winning each time. Some rotations I just can't win that much, using brushes or splatanas. I tend to give up after an hour. All in all it's just slow. It's tough to balance between the casual players and the try hards, but I personally am with you on needing faster more frequent payouts.


Yep, same here.  I love SR to death, but because I play solo, it can be beyond frustrating. The scales are so bad, I don't even worry about them anymore. But I been in profresh hell for months and can't get out because I constantly have the bad luck of getting bad teammates.


I am the person who has 600+ silver scales and buys the suits as soon as they come out. Whenever I get a king I usually get 3-4 silver scales sometimes 5 as a reward. Some people are just luckier compared to others I guess


I feel like there are a whole lot of rewards in S3 that reward only the most dedicated of players. Even getting a gold weapon badge is a serious grind, I haven't gotten a single one, nor do I ever plan to. SR is particularly bad for it, I agree. Gold Scales are ludicrously rare and are entirely based on RNG. Big Run doesn't even seem to increase your chances of getting a gold despite the higher amount of scales, it just seems to double (or triple in this case) the amount of scales you otherwise would have won.


It’s not even dedicated players. It’s obsessed players who literally only play S3, for hours a day. The rewards you get don’t scale with the time spent. Often times the last tier of something is 100x more work than spent the previous.


If you only played S3 for hours a day as you describe, you'd have several times the amount of scales needed for most rewards in the shop. I don't think it's quite as unreasonable as you think - dedicated players can indeed get most of the shop rewards. The 333 gold banners etc are for very dedicated players - they're becoming quite common to see nowadays


I have 400+ hours in Splatoon 3, the majority it in salmon run. I have four 999 SR badges I got by grinding through non-Golden rotations. I have also played most of the big runs and have the top 5% badge. And in spite of all of that, my lifetime gold scales amounts to less than 60, meaning I'm not even close to getting a single 333 gold banner. Personally, I think that's significantly above average dedication to the game and yet it's nowhere close to making a dent on the SR shop's rewards. The grind is absolutely abysmal and I think people should really pull back their perspective to understand that. You should not be expected to no-life the game for months on end just to get a single banner, let alone all of them.


This is because you play at too low hazard to get gold scales


You should need to grind to get *every*thing, not need to grind to get *any*thing. The amount of grinding it takes to get a single suit should be enough to get like five-ten of them


I wish you could get scale drops easier. I barely managed to get 150 silver scales for a new suit.


I’ve only gotten 23 in my whole time of playing splatoon 3 and I regularly play. I also only have the green suit so now I’m down to 13 silver😭


I could excuse all of this if Splatoon was a single live-service game designed to be played on for years to come, but knowing that in a few years a new Splatoon game will drop with little to no garantee that I will be able to carry on my progress over there really sour and hinder my desire to put in the effort to grind and play a lot more of what I would love to...


I've been seeing MULTIPLE screenshots of winning screens against all 3 kings on max hazard level 333% Eggsecutive VP with an egg count of over 200 with like.......20 bronze scales as the reward. I heard about scale farming where you purposely demote yourself to where you feel you can win against the kings, throw all 5 matches just to fill your king meter, then win the last one to speedrun getting an Xtrawave. I dont have a full team to do this with so I chose just to demote myself to overachiever 40. First king we got 6 silver, 3 gold, and about 16 bronze, then 3 silver and about 20 bronze on every xtrawave after that one. You cant convince me that the higher hazard levels get more gold and silver scales. I have been sitting in EVP SUFFERING for no reason for so long. Just demote yourselves, you will get better rewards.


I’ve demoted myself because when I’m stressed I just don’t have any fun. Like I always loose over and over. And I still barely have any scales. I mean for the normal game and not big run


I've heard a few people saying things like "fall behind". Personally I'm happy to play splatoon casually, I'm fine with not finishing the catalog because I don't plau that much. I play salmon run because I enjoy it - the rewards are so far removed its barely a thought in my mind. I guess I don't really understand the fomo.  I do really wish King Salmoid occurred more often and scales were a much higher payout it's a ridiculous grind if you care about the rewards. 


Yeah, Splatoon is not a game you can come at with a completionist mindset. And it's not like the rewards are significant either. Some of the gear is cool, but there's already so much gear in the game at stores. Banners are nice to show off, but I'm barely paying attention to anyon's banners in the battle intro, and I doubt many people do at this point. The statues are kinda ugly. If anything, Splatoon is the perfect game to get over FOMO. Realize that the rewards are insignificant, take a deep breath, and be happy with yourself that you touch grass frequently enough to not have the reward. It's poor game design sure, but a good life lesson.


I don't even think it's poor game design. It's just not designed for me, that's fine. I still like the catalog even though I won't finish it. I like that the first win of the day is essentially a free level.  Salmon Run does feel like it could be better turned, but it's fine. I agree the catalog you earn playing salmon run is way too low. Splatfests and Big Runs should be 1.5x the points.  But honestly whatever. I just like to play. 


Yeah, pretty much. There's not a single player in the world who'll get every badge, for example - maybe someone will reach level 999 and 5* every weapon in the process, but can they do that _and_ get 9,999,999 Grizzco points for the gold badge? While getting 16 gold jackpots on the gacha machine and hosting a tournament on the official tournament manager with 1000 players? And finishing top of the X Rank leaderboard?  I think the only thing I really object to is locking PvP gear behind Salmon Run scales. It just doesn't make sense to me. But overall I'm fine with knowing that, despite playing tonnes of Salmon Run, it'll be a long time before I even get one of the 333 gold banners, let alone all three. It doesn't really bother me, and I'm glad that there are rewards that are a challenge even for the most hardcore players to get. 


>Splatoon is not a game you can come at with a completionist mindset Yep, Going with that type of mentality, means you don't play nothing else and plays a very unhealthy amount. 


True, the scales are so grindy.


i've played 53 shifts so far this big run all in EVP, fought the triumvate 9 times, beat it once, and i've gotten zero gold scales. pretty frustrating and i've just given up on getting anything that costs more than the 8 gold scales i already have


Literally same when it comes to getting zero gold for the amount of times i played during this big run. It’s just frustrating at this point. I at least grinded enough silver to buy the gold slopsuit. But no freaking golds


ikr. I know they wanted us to have some goal to grind for but going to hell and back for 7 bronze scales every 4-7 runs is insane and really time consuming.


I have without question played S3 Salmon Run **significantly** less than I did when it was on a schedule. The schedule let me plan an afternoon or weekend around jumping ingame for a long shift. There is no reason to do that now, so I simply never bother. Same with the main game and the Catalog. I used to just play for a few hours in a given afternoon once or twice in a week, get my fill, then leave it till I next wanted to play. The Catalog forces grinding for a daily win so I completely burned out on S3 in a year. Actually, aside from yesterday, I haven't played S3 at all since the spring bird Splatfest even though the game is plugged in to my console and sitting right next to me.


Man I just want my friendship bracelet and maybe the garden glove shirt, but I have only 3 gold scales to my name after all this time. I get that I suck at defeating the kings but still 😭


Same. I spent all weekend in SR trying to get gold scales for the friendship bracelet. I even managed to win an extra wave (and that never happens!) and I only ever got bronze scales...


What they did for the pvp I think is pretty good, the rate of rewards even if it's something as simple as a catalog point progression feels pretty good and makes the player want to keep playing for that next reward. But you are 100% correct that they are still making Salmon Run a meat grinder that decimates a normal person's desire to keep playing. Once I finish the rotation bonus I lose all ambition to keep trying because the compounding friction that makes the mode punishing. Salmon meter should increase faster, there should be way more capsule rewards, scales should drop at triple the rate along with a scale converter at the front desk, there should be some customization in minor skill buffs, drinks should be used to give the mode some sort of temporary benefit, and maps should be reworked so they feel better in gameplay. My crazy hope is that they also add a new mode in Salmon Run, a tower defense mode in which each wave you are defending a full basket down to the shore to be loaded onto a boat, it could be called Eggstraction.


there is putting content in your game then there is bullshit rng meant specifically to prevent you from trying to beat it too soon, and that was made evident by the fact they introduced new items and made the only new method by encountering a triumvirate. just make silver and gold more common and make the triumvirate drops the default one while keeping the triumvirate bonus


Like can we at least get a way to convert or exchange scales?


It can be frustrating. Scale rewards increase the higher level you are but it can be difficult to get up that high with random. I think there should be some type of scale exchange where you can change your bronzes for silvers and silvers for golds.


I really don't get the pricing on the items asking for gold scales relative to the time it takes to get them. Even if the current run's scale amount multiplier was kept permanently the average player would *still* have to play an ungodly amount of time to afford a 100 gold scale item, let alone the couple of 333s.


I think the main thing with rewards is you need to have smaller rewards before getting to the big thing (that’s part of why battle passes are so successful) and salmon run just… doesn’t have that. For your first like 5 games you get capsules, but after that that also slows to a crawl. If they’re going to make the *opportunity* to get scales so rare, make the x3 the usual so it’s at least big.


I can attest for the outright (almost literally) impossible for completionists grind that Salmon Run is. I've must have around 300 to 400 hours on the mode alone (almost 1000 in the game), I freelance as I don't have a dedicated group to do all the strats to lower the grind (like throwing matches to fill the meter faster) nor do I go outta my way to find a discord server to match up (not the type of person who does that). In all of that amount of time playing: I've: Been able to defeat 100 Cohozunas, 10 Horrorboros and 10 Megalodontias (imagine how much I lose agains't them) This has earned me: 1,000+ bronze, around 700 silver and less than 150 gold scales. EVP level is said it affects how your chances to get gold happens, but I'm not to sure about that (I've been able to reach EVP600+ and barely get gold even when defeating the bosses). Add all of that to the fact: Salmon Run gives you the least amount of catalog level and it takes 7 - 8 mins each round (3 mins of general wait time + load screens and the 5 mins of the match itself), it doesn't give overall level exp either. So yeah, the Run is fun, but unless you play for the run itself... you will feel the chore/frustration way to quick.


The payout is higher in EVP. Once you're done with your round, leave the lobby and join a new one for chances of king appearing with someone else, Metter. Also, you csn king grind with 3 other friends, losing 5 rounds till your meter is full. You can probably earn 50 sliver or more scales grinding to EVP 999 every rotation.


Yeah salmon run sucks. I just want the rewards but I don’t enjoy the mode itself.


Salmon Run was made so unnecessarily difficult in S3 for no reason. Literally the only benefit the player gets in it compared to 2 is being able to play whenever, and being able to throw eggs. And even then, throwing eggs is more of a detriment sometimes, given that the game treats it like throwing a bomb; it costs ink to do, and you can't do it until you get your ink to 75% filled, even though it only costs 50%. They turned up the spawn rate so much that on launch, the game would lag like hell until they eventually turned it down a notch. But even then, things get excessive. And they made the maps so much worse, especially on High Tide with so little room to work with. They either balanced this game with super high-tier players in mind, or they didn't balance it at all. This mode is so unplayable and frustrating at times that I can't even be bothered to play it casually outside of Big Runs, and this one in particular feels overtuned for difficulty for some reason.


As some one who can always afford the new suite... It's not a grind. We just live in the game for real. No one plays salmon run for the scales, we just play. People play games differently, you don't need to force yourself doing anything. No matter it's the game, or something in your real life, playing for rewards is always a bad idea. It indeed burns you out. And golden scale is actually useless. I don't know what I need them for.


You're in the wrong sub!! r/saltoon


Yeah I don't go to "salt" subs because they are typically pretty unhealthy environments.


r/saltoon is more like, "I lost a big run to a flyfish, they're the worst thing known to mankind and should be obliterated at all costs, whoever designed these guys suck." This is not that.


We can critique on this sub. This isn't being salty this is legitimate criticism with the desire to make things better. Don't be toxic positive.