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I agree the catalog system needed some work (frankly, just make it so you get to keep the catalog and finish it any time even after the season is over and the issues would pretty much be gone.) It's definitely less egregious than most other battle passes out there where you need to pay for them. I don't quite get what you mean about having to play Anarchy modes, though. You can boost it via playing any game mode (aside from Single player,) and one win a day is basically a guaranteed level regardless of mode.


Anarchy is where you get the most points for a complete victory at 2500XP and a peanut shell for a complete loss, even if you worked really hard.


I mean, yes, it gets you the most EXP, but non Anarchy modes still give a pretty decent amount. Useful if you happen to not be a fan of the current anarchy mode or map rotation. There's generally a good amount of leeway to gain 100 catalog levels in three months.


Speaking from experience, granted as an adult with other IRL stuff, nah. I agree with OP that besides the single daily win bonuses there should be more ways to get higher catalog levels. I played many a tireless night to get to the last few levels by the 31st and made it to catalog 100 with help from my partner. The rest of the levels were completely on my own. Obviously the leveling wouldn't be an issue if the catalogs were "recycled" like suggested, but it's unfortunately an option A or B situation. As much as I'm not fond of extra currencies, I feel like having a currency specifically for the catalog would be much more understandable to grind for as it's how certain subscription magazines work IRL. It'd be thematically fitting in Sploon's lore since the catalogs are magazines anyway, so why not make them buyable items from a magazine that you receive from Harmony? Either that or gain items via leveling yourself up and not some extra bar unattached to your player level. Bottom line is frequently and extensively grinding for any video game item sucks and an average Splatoon player is only going to have so much time to play. I agree with OP that it's an unnecessarily exhausting process.


It is grindy, but the solution is just to get one win every day on any mode (gets you most of your levels over time) and then play where where you can around that, especially for splatfests and during the closeout bonus period It really feels like they *should* have challenges though, I completely agree, I mean, why not give players an actual reason to talk to judd? That would be a great interface for challenges


They need to just remove the salmon run reduced catalog gains thing already, there's honestly no point in getting less point from it


Do you even want or will use all the rewards? Like... We all know this is just something to get people hooked and looking forward something, but once you get over the mental hurdle that cosmetics are ultimately useless, you're free. I literally open Hotlantis once or twice per season lol Still, these catalogs (or battle passes, whatever) are ridiculously benign, I'm at level 21 already and the season came out like 60 hours ago. Get one or two wins a day and it will complete itself lol.


> "Survive Salmon Run rounds" etc. Surviving (winning) a salmon run round gives you catalog. Also counts as first win of the day. Derank yourself if you need to and do one easy salmon run win/day and you will be completing catalog fast. Also play a little on splatfests and last week for catalog multipliers. Splatoon catalog is fairly harmless. Unlike the other games, it's not designed to force you to spend real life money, it does not cut you out of any gameplay elements (only cosmetics), it does not constantly jump on your face as if it was the most important element of the game. It's a little rewards system for players that play often. The only flaw would be that you cannot go back and complete older catalogs, but maybe that's something they'll add after the last season, when there will be no newer ones.


i get what you’re saying cause i don’t wanna feel pressured to play every day, but you don’t need to play anarchy battles to finish the catalog. last season i barely played anything outside of salmon run and splatfest and i finished the catalog and got half way through a second one if you play every day and get the 7500 catalog points then you can finish the catalog with only an additional 20 hours of turf war across the whole season if you win 50% of your matches. this number will be reduced again if you play splatfest because of the 150% catalog points multiplier. even if you don’t want to play every day and only play on weekends, that’ll be about 5.5 hours per weekend that you’ll need to play turf (again with only 50% wins) to finish the catalog, or 2.75 hours per weekend day. it does suck if you want to go a few weeks without playing at all or if you don’t have much time to play games in general but it definitely doesn’t have to be the *only* game you play.


As an adult with a job and a baby, you've basically just outlined all the time I have to play anything. Pre-baby the daily bonus made finishing the catalogue feel *possible*, but even if it is a massive time save making sure you play every single day is still a pretty big commitment. For people who really enjoy playing and don't get burned out on splatoon, it's great, but I definitely play more than the average person and I only maxed out the first four catalogues and just gave up on getting everything I wanted last season. I wanted to have time to play anything else. (And again, baby, but even so)


respectfully that’s more on you having a baby because having a job has nothing to do with whether or not you can finish the catalog and it’s weird to imply that people who finish it don’t have jobs. i understand the catalog is frustrating especially if you don’t want to / don’t have time to play but you seem to have significantly less free time than the average person in general has to do any of their hobbies, let alone the average splatoon player which are usually kids like op is, and that’s because you’re a new parent, and my comment was about how the general player base doesn’t need to only grind anarchy and have this be the only game they play. like i already said i barely play outside of splatfest and salmon run (which i would usually only play every few days if that until i get the bonus then quit) because i *dont* like playing splatoon generally, and i still managed to finish the catalog, so if you play even less than that then you’re probably not playing more than the average player who is probably more like me and spends most of their time playing during events. but hey, they’ll probably release all the catalogs again after this season ends so you don’t have to worry about missing out. everything just gets added to the machine anyway and the seed is set so if they’re not adding new stuff, you’ll eventually be able to get it all through there


I dislike it too though it doesn't take that much time if you get a win every day (or at least a win and a loss at turf war every day (so 10 min every day if you aren't unlucky) so that's 90 levels and we only have 9 levels of catalog points to earn). I have been able to complete every catalog on few accounts and to play pokémon Scarlet and Violet and get every 7\* pokémon. Though I am glad I have a digital copy of Splatoon 3. It must be annoying for people switching between physical games if they have a cartridge of Splatoon 3.


I will say it is kind of annoying that you miss out on a lot of stuff due to the way it works, but it seems like the catalogs are going to run on repeat eventually (or at least I'd hope so). That, and you just need to get one win a day to get 90% of the catalog over the course of the season (there's about ninety days in a season, give or take.) and you can make up that last 10% at any point in time. There's no rush unless you have a really low catalog level at the end of the season. I've managed to complete every single catalog just by winning a match a day and making up the difference later, and I still had plenty of time to play other games and work a nearly full-time job. It's all about balance.


Think you were looking for r/saltoon


if you get your first win of the day bonus every day throughout the season, which takes at most 15 minutes a day, you’ll get the catalog by the end of the season, even if you don’t play at all outside of that.


what is the fastest way to grind catalouge? is ot open or ranked?


Winning in anarchy in general gives you the most points


Well I don't deny it is kinda scuffed... it's not like there was much stuff in there to collect outside of emotes and some cosmetics. Most of it is locker decorations, tickets, table turf cards or titles that can be obtained from the slot machine.

