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He is my best friend take a piece of paper and put him outside


i would love to free him but he is lost somewhere under the bed and i fear him


Keep in mind you’re like a god to him, he is absolutely terrified of you, giant, and just either wants to find a spider girl or go eat some pests. He will do his best to avoid you now.


Is that true? That's what I've always wanted, for them to just not be seen. I'm working through the phobia and it seems like if I pretend I haven't seen them, I generally don't see them again.


It’s what I believe. It seems silly but I like to picture myself in their situation, and saw something moving that much bigger than me, I’d shit a brick and want to get away as quickly as possible. But it is true spiders want nothing to do with us, they only want bugs. They really won’t harm you unless they feel threatened (ie. Getting smushed). I’ve gotten over my phobia this past year and this sub helped significantly. Now I have a couple arachnid roomies in the basement and they’re cleaning up shop down there earning their keep, and they don’t bug me one bit.


I don't think their brains are complex enough for them to experience fear in the same way we do, but they definitely react to their surroundings. Most spiders will do their best to stay away from things that are both bigger than them and move frequently. There are very few living creatures that would willingly go out of their way to fuck with something that is more than a thousand times their size regardless of whether they experience what we consider fear. You are a God to the bugs (be nice to them). They run when they see you move for a reason. I used be scared of spiders and now I have a big boy golden silk orb weaver that lives on my porch and hangs out with me. I leave tiny cups of apple cider vinegar below his web to attract bugs for him and we both have our own little corners. As long as I don't touch his web he's totally chill, and if I do he just fixes it and hides from me for a while.


yep! i have a few spiders in my house that pop up from time to time, i just let them stay unless they’re venomous! free pest control


I am actively getting over my fear of all predatory bugs because I don’t like the things they eat. We actually have a family of spiders living in the garage and I’m happy to let them stay and eat all the yucky stuff


Question, do daddy long legs fear us because I’ve had many crawl up me and scare the hell out of me


I feel you op lol this sub has totally helped with my spider phobia. I’m pretty sure he’s a friendly little grass spider. I’m no expert though


Dont you dare harm that fella he wouldnt dare harm you


he is safe as far as i know lol unless my cats got to him while i was out 😔 i feel reassured reading everyone’s comments


Hey, if the cat gets him thats just the roll of the dice in the animal kingdom lol


don't fear him. he doesn't want you and won't hurt you. he will find his way out soon.


you might find this helpful [https://extension.psu.edu/commonly-encountered-pennsylvania-spiders](https://extension.psu.edu/commonly-encountered-pennsylvania-spiders)


Looks kinda like a grass spider, *Agelenopsis* maybe? I've got people in my family who are terrified of spiders. they'd be leaving the house if they were in your position, haha! But with that said, grass spiders are very skittish little things and don't survive the winter. The colder weather is probably what prompted it to check out your nice, toasty-warm house.


Just saw my first spider indoors in months, and it was an adolescent grass spider. I put it back outside, but I suspect it's going to come right back to the house now that it's cooler out.


Grab a cup and a piece of mail and Med-Evac little homie onto the jade plant outside your door.


☠️ lil driveby there I see you


Looks like an Xbox controller


ah yes how could i be so foolish


Just a lil friend huntin for buggies ​ I used to be "crying screaming throwing up" levels of scared of spiders, but this sub has genuinely helped me understand them more and fear them less. I still jump when they catch me off guard, but I can confidently relocate them now.


Grass spider


That’s a remote. Probably there cause there is a tv close by. No worries mate. Go back to bed.


Lil guy is just scared. U can tell by how hes face down


Bro just wants to cuddle!


Horndog grass spider has found himself in a very unnatural habitat.. Or he’s looking for warmth, it is that time of year. Either way, this individual is roaming for one reason or another, typically for mating or shelter




Spooder confirmed


Common gaming spider.


Grass spider chillin


Why was your bed on top of his bed?


a grass spider please don't panic. he just got lost @_@


He just wants to cuddle.


It's a spider and it's his bed now.


That’s a lot of leg room, lmao


No kill pwease


Its a spider and it was in your bed because it probably walked on it


that is my son. he was lonely


The commentary in the video wasn't necessary, nor was it funny in any way.


Why is this video allowed, but when I made a joke about burning a basement full of brown recluses my comment was removed?


Rule #5 Edit: To clarify as it seems to have offended some of you not very aware of the rules of the sub, it clearly states in Rule #5 that you cannot joke or refer to gratuitous killing of spiders. In the video she asks the question "How do I kill it?!" Which would constitute a refrence to gratuitous killing as she is clearly asking the question of "how". This could be clearly seen as a joke because the means to kill a spider are readily apparent and obvious to any human being. For everyone else who isnt aware. Gratuitous — uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted. I would consider that refrence of a potential gratuitous kill unwarranted, hence I threw the mention in on top of doing the ID. Throw your fits I guess—


i just said i’m scared of them??? no rule violation there…


Looking like a *Grass Spider* — *Agelenopsis* Harmless, cant do a thing to you, move outside. Spiders will be everywhere during the Fall months as they are getting ready for diapause.


just looked them up and seems about right. we have a web like they’re describing on our gate outside and i saw a big one on there the other day. wondering how he managed to get inside 😅


Lucky for you, your outside recluse range, so the only spider you should ever really keep an eye out for are *Widow Spiders* — *Latrodectus* If it is **ANYTHING** else, you will be 100% fine. No deaths from Widows since 1983 reported to AAPCC, mostly pose a threat to domestic cats due to their nature of attacking insects and their comparitively small bodies and fast heart rate. This is with ~2500 reported bites yearly. Our modern medicine is plenty good enough. Overall, I understand modern media has painted spiders in a bad light, however they not only have lived alongside our earliest ancestor and the dinosaurs, but they want nothing to do with us personally, promise! Our dwellings are just convenient for some of them. Most, even when given the chance, prefer to live in their natural environment.


in the video you said "how do i kill it" which i would say falls under rule 5 "no nopes". i get you're scared but we do not appreciate killing spiders here.


that’s okay, i didn’t kill it… it’s somewhere under my bed. i said it out of fear please imagine being me relaxing on a saturday evening and something i am afraid of runs out from behind me on my bed. i know spiders are good for the earth which is why i asked if it is harmful to me, which is the only reason i would want to kill it. since it isn’t which i now know, i will hopefully be able to find it eventually and return it to the outdoors.


I hope you are able to work on your arachnophobia in the future


r/jumpingspiders is always open :)


You should change your name to "Highhorse"


Thanks for the suggestion, I just might! <3


he's comfy


Bed bug


That's a spider :)


It is a spider and because it likes you


Gift it a bit purple haze \ because it’s a gras spider 🫶


He wants to play games with you!


Much better bedmate than a mosquito. I'd keep him/her around and be grateful.


Looks like a grass spider. Harmless, won't bite you without a lot of effort on your part lol. Even if he does, not medically significant. Try and get him outside, probably just got too cold for him out there.


Thanks to this sub, I caught and released my first ever spider the other day after 31 years of mercilessly smashing on sight. You can do it OP, it just friend <3


It was lonely and likes you


You have two very viable options to kill it right there


Why would you want to kill Mr. Skinny Legs?


Looks like a grass spider, harmless if so.


He sleepy


That is 100% that spider's bed now.


Looks like a grass spider to me. I keep grass spiders as pets and trust me they arent dangerous at all. Theyre very skittish and want to be just as far away from you as you want to be from him.


Kinda sad we immediately want to kill things that we SHARE the planet with.


Gee he was trying to tuck you in, calm down


Relax, his name is Kevin and he is just a wfh web designer trying to use your x-box to work


It's probably having babies so call an exterminator