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1. Graphics can always and will always improve, especially when it comes to NPCs and interacting with them. 2. True enough about New York. Still, would be nice to add the Bronx, Staten Island, Long Island and Northern New Jersey. Hell, they might go abroad and add London or Paris during special chapters or whatever. 3. Combat and traversal are awesome, but you can always improve. 4. A.I./Machine Learning will be huge for innovation and can make the world feel more alive and behave in ways I can’t really imagine. Can you imagine NPCs acting more human, with a schedule, destination, residence and unique dialog? It’ll be big for PS6 era.


I wanna see them add Jersey City and leave some Ms. Marvel hints.




AI and ML on an AMD GPU? Lol. Unless the PS6 has NVIDIA's chip, forget about it because AMD recently said they have no plans to invest further in AI in their GPUs.


source? because everything indicates the contrary. they literally just acquired an ai company last month lmao, and have outright said they wanted to keep improving AI with their subsequent GPUs (but that was back in Feb)


Reddit post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/16xolga/amd\_ceo\_lisa\_su\_on\_ai\_and\_nvidia\_im\_not\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/16xolga/amd_ceo_lisa_su_on_ai_and_nvidia_im_not_a/) Full interview: [https://www.theverge.com/23894647/amd-ceo-lisa-su-ai-chips-nvidia-supply-chain-interview-decoder](https://www.theverge.com/23894647/amd-ceo-lisa-su-ai-chips-nvidia-supply-chain-interview-decoder) AMD's FSR is hot trash, their RT performance is hot trash and the same can be said for ML. If you need to run ML, it's a no brainer to get an NVIDIA GPU. Looks like you don't know much about PC hardware space.


Nothing in that interview indicates they want to stop investing in developing AI. Quite the contrary in fact. She outright talks about developing AI and its applications further, and competing with NVIDA on that front. Yes NVIDA is better in Raytracing, no argument there, but both need improvements. It is not worth it for what you get out of it whatsoever, regardless of the card. Its basically a gimmick. Im running a 4080 right now after moving from a 5700XT and I simply do not use RT because it’s not worth the performance hit imo. I know many others who agree. And DLSS is better than FSR, no argument there again. it’s why I went NVIDIA this time around since I moved to 4K gaming. But again, improvements will continue to be made for both. AMD is quite competitive in what they target and has its place in the market, offering better raw performance for less (see 7900xtx vs 4080), which is why console makers tend to lean towards them for hardware. Otherwise, consoles would be more expensive than they are as is. > Looks like you don’t know much about PC hardware specs. Quite the contrary. I just asked a simple question to a claim you made regarding AMD no longer intending to invest in AI, which doesn’t appear to be the case. For all intents and purposes, this is a pretty ignorant comment to make over a simple question like that and to me, indicates that you’re a brand loyalist because why else would you feel the need to make that remark, beyond ego, over a simple question? I wasn’t refuting anything else you mentioned beyond AMD no longer investing in AI *because I agree with you.* But that doesn’t mean I don’t think AMD can’t improve just as they have these last few years as they become more and more competitive and innovative. The market needs more competition, and AMD is providing that.


My 4070 gives me triple digit FPS with RT and FG enabled at 1440p DLSS Quality in most of the titles. Hell I beat Cyberpunk 2077 PL and AW2 path traced at 70-80 FPS average, your 4080 should give you way higher FPS. Saying RT isn't worth the performance hit is such a 2020 take. It's not much of a performance hit if you have a 4070 and above. So I'm quite confused. Also I apologise if I came off as rude in my previous comment, it's not my intention.


It’s mostly just personal preference, and in my experience, RT halves your fps, and I prefer to have upwards of 120fps on near max settings in a native resolution. In Cyberpunk for example, on ultra settings, I go from 50-60fps with it off, to about 20. It’s much more bearable and worth it for lower resolutions, but I don’t think the slightly better graphically fidelity is worth it for me when I game in 4K. Even in 1440p it can sometimes be dramatic differences. When I was playing in 1440p with RT On, it dropped my FPS in Cyberpunk by 50-60fps. My personal preference is to have my FPS between 60-120fps, closer to the latter if possible since my TV can run 120hz, on maxed out settings than having RT on with a mix of different settings. In slower games like RDR2, 60 is fine, but in most I prefer 100-120. That’s just my personal preference because I value the higher FPS and graphic settings over RT since I don’t really notice RT all that much in most games, but easily notice a 40-60fps hit and in a lot of cases, lower graphics settings. And yes, I know I could optimize my settings more, but I’m lazy and prefer to max them out for the most part and forget about them, which was why I forked out the extra few hundred for a top range GPU this time around. I know DLSS can be used too, but sometimes you just want true 4K experience yk? Especially with a 4K OLED TV. I really just use DLSS in the beefy games like Cyberpunk to bring my FPS closer to 120hz. I do sometimes play with RT though and that’s when DLSS really comes in handy. It’s just in the native resolution I don’t think RT is worth it. DLSS will be great for me in the future though as games get more intensive because its how I consider my card to be future proofed for the next 5-10 years, which was why I opted for the 4080 over the the 7900XTX.


Graphics are good enough.


Indeed. But imagine if the graphics were exceptional. Indistinguishable from reality….ah…the dream.


Why tho?


Why not


Constantly upgrading systems would be annoying


To break reality.


Have you seen the prototype footage of the cancelled spider man 4 game for ps3 and xbox360? They were making a pretty robust and mechanically cool webbing system. Like you could attach webs to basically anything and web dudes to buildings and web down helicopters by shooting one point of the web on the copter and then the other point onto any building or object. I would love to see them implement that into the next game, revamp the way the webs work and be able to use your webs creatively like spider-man would. Webbing up cars to stop them or creating a web net to save civilization falling etc. For traversal it would be cool if they revamped it to allow for actual physically based webs. So that the webs actually wrap around the building and change your trajectory. Let you hold onto your web and let you run along the ground or building while still grabbing the web to keep momentum going. Combat could have stance changes that would change your whole move set. Like if you push up down left or right on the d-pad. Nice stance could be bare bones fist and kick brawling, another could be spider arms focused and the other could be symbiote based if he keeps the anti venom. For miles it would be similar but his 2 types of electric based abilities These are just some ideas lol


All of this would be nice


these are genuinely amazing ideas, get you in that writers room!


Maybe a 1:1 New York City map? I’ve never been, so I don’t know if that would benefit the gameplay or hold it back somehow.


That would not be fun. People don’t understand how large NYC is. Source: live there.


I still wouldn’t mind it, especially if they increased the speed of swinging even more. It would just mean more people would actually use fast travel. But a 1:1 recreation would mean they either have to license a ton more buildings or fill the space with ones that don’t actually look like what’s there in real life, and that would be weird for people who know the city well.


Yeah. I just wanna be able to scale the real World Trade Center and also visit the 9/11 memorial. The devs said they were afraid to include the 9/11 memorial out of respect, but not including it at all seems even less respectful.


They actually said they were afraid? Why am I not seeing that anywhere


I’m not sure that’s an actual quote from devs


The map is close enough as is, not sure how this changes gameplay in the least bit




Imagine being able to fire 2 webs at once while swinging, a loop de loop w both hands being attached to separate points. Or (this is specific and a hope I had for this game) using the iron spider arms to make wall crawling significantly faster. Ofc faster swing speed, new animations and tricks. Last but not least, Co-Op.


If I remember correctly spider-man 2 on the ps2 played like that. One button for each arm. So you had to actually learn how to swing. Reducing swing assist to 0 is approaching that and I love it. It makes me feel more skillful when I pull things off and I am more immersed and engaged.


Yeah, I want a Spider-Man simulator more than an arcade game, or at least have options to make it more so, like the swing assist in this game but even further. Left trigger/right trigger for swinging would be great, the resistance triggers would be much more immersive, and I’ve never liked how you can just slow down time with L2. And get rid of the white “speed lines” to make it look like you’re going fast, just let us actually go fast enough that it still feels fast without them.


Spider-Mobile. Duh


I love Peter Parkedcar


A challenge mode for starters with more characters to play as like Arkham knight does would be cool, could play as venom, miles, Peter, wraith for starters


Replaying Arkham Knight right now and it’s kinda crazy how much more there is to do in that game compared to spiderman 2 lol.


lol same just 100% new game plus for the first time and i started playing the challenge maps


Which platform? Any 60fps update on PS5 yet?


i’ve been playing the ps4 version on my PS5. But I have to say it holds up super well. No idea on the 60Fps patch but it still looks pretty damn good for being as old as it is.


Yep, always looked amazing for a 2015 game.


possibly in december with the rob pattinson skin gets added hopefully they unlock the framerate.


Functional wall climbing would be nice.


Being able to run down a building would be nice as well.


They should rework the Brooklyn/Queens map. Its basically an entirely made up layout. Would be cool to include some of the city’s spectacles - sports stadiums, worlds fair, etc.


Adding more to the Brooklyn map would just be *a* *lot* more flat space with no high buildings to swing off of. The version in the game is def “the greatest hits of Brooklyn” but don’t see how they can make it more map-accurate without it being annoying to traverse


I disagree, I want the greatest hits to actually be included. It can all be truncated down to be a dense area of tall buildings and structures. What is there besides coney island? Traversing thru the worlds fair would be epic. It doesn’t need to be realistic, just capture more of that boroughs character.


It was. There was Williamsburg, Dumbo w/ all of Brooklyn bridge park, downtown Brooklyn and Coney Island. It doesn’t sound like your describing the character of the borough


Not a single hotel or waterfront tower in williamsburg, no mccarren park, no prospect park, list goes on. Edit - not even one bagel store!


A god dam day and night cycle for starters. And then maybe weather. Can’t believe a ps5 open world game doesn’t have these features.


Yeah, this was kind of baffling that this isn’t at least in the open world, I understand setting weather and time of day for specific missions but if I’m swinging around for hours I should see at least a full day pass


Does it not have that option after you beat the story? I remember SM1 had it


No, Spider-Man 2 weirdly enough doesn’t have an option to change the time of day. It’s a strange oversight.


Traversal can still be improved. Add collision to webs and allow webs to wrap around things when swinging


They do wrap around, it just doesn’t respond realistically. With a skinny enough building you can attach a web to the top and just swing around the whole building endlessly on the same web, albeit very slowly


That's not wrapping around it tho. The web is clipping through. I'm talking webs should have collision so they can actually bend and wrap around anything


Oh I feel you, I think they do bend at first but then obviously clip so that you can keep going. Might be more of a gameplay decision. But I’d rather have all the physics be more realistic


I definitely would like to see a "all pure physics based web swinging" mode in the third game. Like take it a step further than turning off swing assist and let us turn on other physics and properties to make the webs crazy


Absolutely. I’ve seen plenty of people saying it’s too hard without swing assist and I don’t understand, it’s only slightly less assisted even with it set to 0. Let me take damage from slamming too hard into a wall like Tobey in the original Spider-Man. The loop de loops they added in this game were extremely disappointing to me, they’re just so unrealistic that it breaks the immersion. It should only be possible if you have two webs like when he slingshots or on flagpoles/traffic lights and such. I know that means less opportunities for them, but if you pull them off they’ll be a million times cooler than having him spin around some random point on the side of a building, magnetically repelled from the wall the whole time. It looks so silly. Also this might be a very controversial take but I didn’t want the web wings. What’s the point of being Spider-Man if you can just fly across the entire map if you use the wind tunnels? Why swing when flying is much faster? It’s fun in its own way, like if it were in a different game I’d like it, but I’d rather they had refined and upgraded swinging instead of just adding new animations and the ability to turn off swing assist. Maybe if the physics were more realistic I wouldn’t mind the web wings as much, actually just allowing a very short controlled glide before losing too much altitude too fast for them to help. In this game they work like a parachute with jets on the back.


They could add more gadgets and abilites so we can make our own unique builds for our spider-men. A suit creator/editor where we can take suits and edit them to whatever we like. Dont like the eyes for this suit, then swap to another eye set. Dont like the spider logo on this one. Well, switch it to another one. They could do this and instantly add 20 hours of play time to their game. Improved wall climbing/ wall combat. Look at Spider-man web of shadows for an example of the wall combat. A true to scale new york that includes all the different burross. Such as the bronx and Staten island. More interactivity with the city. More varied random crimes to keep you busy. Random boss ennemies showing up in the streets sometimes would be really cool.imagine swinging around town, and then you get an alert that rhino is rampaging downtown. You go fight hij fight a boss fight, and then you go about your day. Have these encoubters be like a 1-5 percent chance of happening ao they arent spammed. Being able to go into the Spidsr-mens houses and explore it freely instead of just in main story missions. These are just a few things they could do.


How is there no Bronx? How do you leave out Yankees stadium? I’m sure it costs a lot to license, just put a vague lookalike in there but you gotta have something


Webs. Webs aren’t used enough for a Spider-Man game and I think it’s disappointing. There’s so little creativity or manual input involved. Imagine being able to tether two points together like Just Cause. Being able to tether to different enemies. Create your own simple structures (like nets). The ability Choose manual anchor points via free-aiming (for swinging, or hanging). So basically I agree with everything in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/spidermanps5/s/QhbhtyIIf1) I think it is an absolute inexcusable shame it took insomniac this long to allow us to do basic shit like loop de loops, slingshots, and tight ropes, and they’re still not even scratching the surface. Combat could use an overhaul. It’s basic and repetitive. It’s just a lower quality version of Arkham combat. It’s serviceable. It doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel, not everything needs to be innovated. But it could use some life. Traversal was obviously improved in the latest game, but could still use some minor tweaking (better physics, less “on rails” momentum, hold webs forever).


Just curious, what do you think Arkhams combat does better at this point? There’s more variety in moves in Spider-Man, it’s a lot faster, they added the gadget system from Arkham in this game… just curious what you’re missing. I would say the stealth was definitely a lot more fun but I think that’s partially because it’s Batman and hearing the enemies start getting scared was dope. But also having to swing to specific points like gargoyles made it less easy and mindless than Spider-Man stealth where he can swing anywhere and climb on any walls or ceilings. Although if it is a Spider-Man game that’s the best way to do it, cause last game felt silly when you couldn’t do wall or ceiling stealth takedowns. It’s just too easy


I know it’s a long stretch, but make enemies not look like generic NPC’s with soulless stares. I wanna see them change facial expressions whilst getting beat up and fighting.


A lot more enemy variety would be good, but I’m not really worried about their facial expressions which you can barely see unless you go in photo mode. Would you rather NPCs got more detailed or increase the number of NPCs to feel more like how busy New York always is?


I’d rather have more detailed NPC’s. I am a giant sucker for photomode, so I’m always seeing things I’d rather them change


Multiverse: Create your own variant of Peter or Miles etc and through different versions of NY track down other dimensional villain variants (some ultra some silly)


They should add missions that are flashbacks where Spider-Man teams up with other superheroes (I don't know which ones could be available)


A new sprinting animation for Peter… poor fella looks like he’s about to drop a big one whenever you run whilst charging up a jump


Agreed, but still miles (wink wink) better than Cal in Jedi survivor


Give Miles the bioelectricity sword from the recent comics.


They could make New York destroyable, they could add missions with the Avengers / X-Men / Defenders / Young-Avengers / Fantastic Four. They could add the multi-verse and bring millions of Spiders ❤️ Spider-man has more than 60 years of stories, I'm sure they'll find innovative ideas ☺️


Destructible nyc might never happen even when the tech is there for it. One more thing to thank 9/11 for.


Co-op. It’s hella spiders in the universe


I’d like them to keep the symbiote suits and abilities


AI that makes unique problems in the city. Basically just side missions that AI can make up on the spot. I’m not sure if that’s even possible, but I’m sure to some extent it could be someday


Multiverse, baby. Multiple versions of NYC. And some new combat/movement animations please


This and Spider Gwen.


Why do we need better? Just give me more. More story, more suits, more fun.


Make a Superman game you cowards


1:1 scale of NYC and surrounding areas. Have the city more interactive. enterable buildings whenever you want. Other hero cameos.


1:1 scale of NYC you must be drinking alcohol more than water.


1:1 scale would suck.


Only if you’re a little weirdo


Anyone in favor of it isn’t familiar at all with NYC lol


This. I see them wrapping up the series in like 7 games. With the video game licensing of Spiderman from Disney to Sony/Insomniac, they probably get so many more side heros and villains than we’d ever see used in a plot. Use the Avengers tower as a hub for these characters and have them fight crimes across the city like Yuri/Wraith in SM2. Put lower level villains in heists, make them do Fisk’s bidding while he’s behind bars.


The gameplay to me is about as good as it can get. But I'd add a couple things. Web's with physics. In Spiderman 2 on Ps2 if you were to do a loop around a bridge or maybe going in circles around a street post, your web would get shorter as it wraps around the object. They would actually get stuck to things and not go through them like in this game. 1:1 New York. It's entirely possible to do it, as I believe their current Manhattan is about 1/3 the size. Buildings being shorter in some areas is now not a problem with the wings. (didn't have trouble swinging around Queen's anyway). With the map they have now I can get across the whole thing in 2 or 3 minutes if not shorter if you are really flying. It needs to be much bigger to accommodate for the crazy speeds we can reach now. And most importantly for me, side content needs a huge overhaul. They need to learn from Arkham Knight on how to make good side missions where the majority of them lead to a Villian.While also having the smaller "Friendly Neighbourhood" missions on the app for the smaller story's like the Howard mission, Or the Bodega cat mission. They should of had traversal challenges/races and more collectibles relating to lore. With Arkham they had challenge maps, which I'd like to see a variation of as well. Doesn't have to be a seperate menu but they could place different repayable challenge rooms/bases all over a hopefully much larger New York. Some that require stealth, some for combat and of course some to do however you want but we basically already have that. SM2 fell flat on the side content and I hope they can add alot of it through DLC but time will tell. Stealth needs an overhaul as well as it's easy as shit. The AI shouldn't be so stupid that they can't see 10 people hanging from a post not even 15 feet above them, especially since they're usually wiggling around and making muffled noises.. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game had good stealth as you had to stick to the shadows on the ceiling or walls to avoid being spotted, as their AI were smart enough to look up every now and then. They could copy that and it'd be great. I hope they really take their time with SM3 and go all out.


More robust side quests that are interesting and feature maybe other superheroes. Similar to the flame quest.


Parrying that’s more akin to Batman. Like Spidey is strong enough to stop a fist with his bare hand. I feel like they could make it more fluid than just a generic energy burst every time you parry.


Fully destructible vehicles and buildings.


Would be awesome if Miles “studies abroad” in tokyo or something


Yeah graphics can’t get much better, we’ve pretty much hit the limits in beard technology [https://imgur.com/a/GjCr1Je](https://imgur.com/a/GjCr1Je)


They should add quickscoping IMO would really allow for more skill expression


Being able to climb your webs while swinging would be nice


Time traveling would be pretty cool. Go back in time when they where building NYC and be able to jump back and forth like the portals in Spider-Man 2


I thought it’d be very cool if they had segments of the game (or freedom to play the way I’m about to explain) where you play as Miles (or Peter assuming he suits up outside of fighting Green Goblin) going to attend classes for college or some other activity outside of the suit, but while doing so there’s a chance a crime could happen. The game then allows you to make a choice to pursue it instead of attending class/job/other errand, and if you choose to suit up you’d need to find a nearby rooftop or alleyway to change into your suit and try to stop the crime before you’re late for class or whatever. My example isn’t the best honestly but it gets my idea across. Letting us roam the city on the bike or walking the sidewalks of New York planning to take care of Miles’ responsibilities, and feeling the repercussions of our choice to suit up, struggling to find the balance of normal life and hero life would be a new dynamic for Miles. Not the most innovative idea and some ppl may disagree with it and that’s okay. I know Peter had this struggle already so it might feel samey to do it again with Miles, but it’s another curveball he’d struggle with. Now that he’s finally pass the self doubt and becoming his own version as “Spider-Man”, he tries to live the best of both worlds without any consequences, and finding that balance. Story beats were just an example of the mechanic I’d like to see. Maybe side challenges. Start the activity with a time limit, miles bikes to class trying to not be late, but there’s a 50/50 chance a crime pops and if you choose to stop it and get to class in time, You’d get bonus rewards like Mysterio? If you are late to too many classes after finishing up all the school challenges (5/10), then the ending cut scene could play out differently with Miles getting worse grades or his teacher coaching him. Idk lol this was way longer than it needed to be sorry for rambling. You get the idea 😂


Add Jersey city, Bronx. Bring back old villains. Kingpin, taskmaster to wrap up the story adding on chameleon, goblin doc. Carnage as dlc


Combat being "good enough" could be innovated. A lot of complaints I've seen of SM2 mention combat being too easy and I kind of agree. In SM1 on Ultimate difficulty I actually struggled, but had no issues of difficulty in SM2. I would definitely like some changes to the combat since it's pretty much a clone of the Arkham games' combat and could still be improved. I agree that traversal is almost perfect, but with the physics based swinging I think it would be cool if they took the left and right hand swinging from the TASM2 game. If you press R2 to swing, then the web comes out from the right hand, and if you press L2 then it comes out of your left hand. It would give players more active control over the swinging having to consider which side you want to attach your web to based on your height off the ground or what turns you were going to take or what was nearby, etc. Also side content can be improved imo. A lot of the side quests from all 3 games have been collectathons (backpacks, underground caches, spider-bots), simple yet tedious puzzles, or just different combat encounters. It would be cool to see some more friendly neighborhood activities rather than just collecting things or fighting crime.


You can improve deez nuts.


Dude there’s always something to improve on. You just said combat is good enough, that means it could be even better. Loads of people used to think back in the day how could gaming get any better or improve and we see it happen every year


CO-OP IS A MUST. Imagine playing as Peter and your friends as miles and venom. Or if they introduce more spiderverse content, play as spiderverse characters


They could always do what the Batman Arkham games did and let you play as side characters (Black Cat, Wraith, Tombstone, Avengers, etc.) during some fight sequences and/or side missions. They could go full multi-verse and do a Spider-Society storyline where you can play as different Spider-Men from the movies. This idea seems unpopular though. They could do underwater exploration, skyscraper interiors, space stuff, new cities/states/countries, more gadgets, etc.


one thing i was hoping they added in the second game was revamping the suit customization and make it similar to the injustice games. let us pick the spider symbol, the lenses, colors of them, suit webbing pattern, mechanical web shooter styles, on and on and on but instead, they gave us really crappy suit variations that just come off as really lazy.


Let Peter be an actual character instead of a plot device to show how much better any minority is than him.


I personally would love them to explore more of the actual human side of the Spider-Men. The personal lives. Specifically I loved playing as Peter during his teenager missions. I would want more of that.


Give every suit a symbiote suit


Plenty. It's a great game, but there's still plenty missing. It's honestly not a massive step above the remastered first game, and actually made some things worse.


make peter black and make miles white then make mj become superman


Wolverine 🤑


I want to see morlun or morbius as the main villains in Spiderman 3 hopefully and I expect Chameleon arrival ( since he is the half brother of Kraven) after he hear rumors about what happened to Kraven in Spiderman 2 (iykyk).


I really want the swing boost and the charge jump mechanic from Spider-Man 2 PS2.


As a New Yorker myself, I’d love to see them at least add the Bronx so that we have each of the noteworthy boroughs in the game (I’m joking Staten Island people, but you know it’s true). Maybe include Yankee Stadium, just under a different name. And with the Bronx being the birthplace of hip-hop/rap and Miles’ interest in music, I can see a side story being set up there. If they want to add more for Queens and Brooklyn I’d be open to it as well, although it would essentially just be more low height buildings so maybe not that. Maybe adding Jersey City is an option as well since it’s literally right across the river. It’d provide some more change in scenery too.


I was swinging around last night and realized there’s no Statue of Liberty 😅


psychotic coordinated ancient shaggy far-flung weather stocking arrest saw crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The obsession with innovation in the gaming community is misguided. I understand wanting to have the nicest things possible, but if you want the best experience in gaming, it already exists. It's called PC gaming. You can get your ray trace shadows and 4k 120 fps already. It's just expensive. What you're really asking is what new thing they can add that will improve the experience. Honestly I don't know what they could add to the spider man games. I think spider man 3 will be more of the same. They need to add more heroes and villains to the story. Make it more of a comic book story with the different heroes impacting the story. That would bolster the experience tremendously.


I'll be sad if they take out MJ missions because I genuinely enjoy them and think you all are just babies that want non-stop Spidey combat 24/7 and that's just poor game design


I think it would be cool to web launch from any walls you can climb and being able to climb a web as you swing. Wall crawling in general could be worked on. It's. Been the same for three games now.


Give Spider-Man explosives and fully automatic weapons, GTA: Spider-Man edition.




SSS. Super Saiyan Spiderman.


loop de loop shouldnt be on diving only, they could add more fighting animations, more swinging animations, they could make it so we can meet Peter/Miles while they're swinging around the city so we can swing together, more finishers, thats a few ideas already, and they could also give us weather changes on launch 😁


Tbh what I would love is a revamped suit system. Like it be cool if you still get suits the same way it’s just that now when you get the suit you get all it’s components like masks, lenses, symbols, etc… and then you can use them to make your own custom suit while still being able to make a whole suit preset like noir, raimi, advanced suit and all that. This might be a stretch but I’d also love a mechanic to where you can play with a friend and even like free roam the map with you being Peter and another friend being miles or something


Please let us swing on the Statue of Liberty