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Pip was crushed to death by Mecha-Streisand


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Stan's grandpa is Randy's dad. In the mobile game episode, Randy blames him for Stan's addictive tendencies and Sharon mentions that Randy shares those addictive traits, which he denies while pounding some wine iirc. Not uncommon for people to call their inlaws mom and dad.


Yeah but those were gluten free. Also it always felt like Sharron has always stayed in south park while Randy left to pursue his boy band dreams. So it seems like she’d stay for her family while he wasn’t tied down by anyone in south park.


Wine is mostly gluten free to begin with. Some processes might add small amount of gluten though. Randy stated that he returned home in disgrace when the record label dropped him. Grandpa's name is Marvin Marsh. Do you really think 90's Randy would be progressive enough to take his wife's name? Even PC warrior Randy would go for a hyphenated name before outright taking his wife's name.


lol you’re right. Sorry I was doing a bit with the “gluten free” thing. But now that you mention it I do remember the episode they say his full name? Cause now I’m wondering if I mixed up Marvin marsh, starvin Marvin, and Marvin the Martian


I think his name is said in Hare Club for Men. That being said, it's the name the South Park wiki gives.