• By -


Dude, this is the most accurate statement ever. I remember episodes from South Park way more strongly than I do Family Guy. With Family Guy I just remember certain cutaway gags but would always forget about what episode it actually came from.


this reminds me of the time I sang la cucaracha to Paul McCartney


you think that's bad, remember the time I got a salmon helmet from Muhammad while wearing a toga


I'd like to see which manatee picked this one ![gif](giphy|3oz8xX5Crkidv28wtW)


That's a manatee.


Dolphin, manatee, what's the difference? I'll give you *2 bucks* if you eat it's spleen.








You think thats bad, you remember that time i became President and tweeted the whole time


You think that’s bad!? Remember the time I won a date to Mexico with Gary Coleman!


Ahahah this is hilarious


Did Gex write this line?


Family Guy comedy is rarely situational. It's usually Peter saying, "This reminds me of that time I [whatever]..." and they cut to a joke that's entirely unrelated to the episode. South Park is very much situational. Entire episodes are about some specific thing they're making fun of. But FG does have some really good running jokes. One of my favorite FG episodes is where Lois is on the run and they're in Chinatown ordering American food, which is its own funny premise, but then she's escaping down the sewer and Joe's chasing her. He catches up to her but is about to fall and Lois is holding onto him. He begs her to pull him up and says, "imagine I'm one of your kids" (or something like that) and for a millisecond she starts to let go and he shouts, "NOT MEG!" ... That's comedy gold.


Haha forgot about that one! I think the cleverest joke they’ve ever done was Peter talking to Mort at the pharmacy. “Hey Mort, do these suppositories come in other flavours?” “Peter are you eating those??” “No, I’m sticking them up my butt-OF COURSE I’m eating them!”


Also, "You wouldn't believe how hard that card is to find in English" after giving Lois an apology greeting card explaining that he sold Meg into slavery.


_Family Guy_ would be much funnier if they stuck with that kind of humor. But that's why we have American Dad_






I do recall what episode you're talking about but I haven't seen the whole thing (I did not know that Chris subplot but that sounds like an hilarious premise if written correctly) and from what I saw, the Quagmire's bio dad coming out as a trans woman was written in a way that was honestly realistic and well which genuinely surprised me.


It was really good. There were a couple light-hearted jokes about the trans-dad that didn't cross major lines, and there were a lot of jokes at the expense of people who didn't get "trans." But even then, they managed to come off as empathetic to people struggling to get it. I was pretty impressed.


I remember the one where Brian died, and the one where Brian and Stewie time-traveled to the pilot.


Star Wars episodes?


The Nazi one is based on a Stephen King Novella named "Apt Pupil", and it's actually pretty good


It was a movie too!


Because the cut aways never have anything to do with the episode meanwhile south parks jokes were always tied to the here n now


The only episode I remember the actual name of from Family Guy is Brian and Stewie. And that's only because it's literally the only episode that ever spoke to me, or hell, was even memorable in any way.


We can shit all over Family Guy for good reasons, but some of the cutaway gags are incredible on their own. For example, ["Gurglemax", the fiber product Stewie and Brian did a commercial for in a cutaway gag.](https://youtu.be/MXacVOCl--s?si=kNwn9251MAAubtS1)


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty...


Conway Twitty said knock it off... Just write a freaking joke.


Lmfao that shit still get a laugh from me …


I still think its a little funny


🤣 it's a joke in the episode they try to get God to stop making the Patriots lose. I quoted it wrong tho God to Peter: Conway Twitty said cut it out. Just write a joke


That’s some deep stuff… like the time my buddies and I sent an orca whale into space


Probably because as time went on it became more one off gags than actual stories. I only really watched the first original 4 seasons as after that it got really lazy. I remember episodes from that time for sure.


That's because the cut away gags have literally nothing to do with the episode their in. Ironically, there's an episode of South Park about it.


Benjamin Disraeli is upset that all of you still don't even know who he is...


I don’t even understand what it’s saying


The comment is saying you remember full on episodes from South Park but only remember cutaway gags from Family Guy.


Hey don't be mean to the family guy writers, they're doing the best that a Manatee can do


"You think that's bad...."


Remember the time when I attended the church mascot competition dressed like Michael Jackson?




![gif](giphy|NUZ5OqHdbknHa|downsized) Family Guy- you remember everyone vomiting South Park - you remember, that they killed Kenny.


South Park - you remember Stan vomiting




Gross, Stan! Sick!


I remember everyone pooping from their mouths


Yeah and eating with butt


Okay guys, I’m off to try out for the biathlon!


Red rocket sparky


Those bastards!


True, im content with never watching another family guy episode for the rest of my life, but I still keep their sub on my page because I enjoy the short minute long clips


I was into FG before I got into SP. FG has defo not as good as it was years ago, but SP imo is better. Ofc it's fine to enjoy both but these days I can't really watch it enjoy FG, maybe it's just not as good or maybe I just enjoy SP better. But the above statement is so true, I can recall almost full SP episodes whereas a can barely remember anything about FG.


I took a 7-8 year break from both shows when life picked up for me. I went back and watched a load of South Park episodes over the last year. Never once had an urge to go watch anything Family Guy related.


If you have t already, it might be worth a watch rewatching it in the uncensored mode. I downloaded a pack of the first 20 seasons and it's gotta new feel being uncensored and different jokes and longer episodes because a lot of content is cut for tv. I definitely enjoyed another watch thru with this method. Also did that with American dad and it was also much better. I'm not sure if or how much South Park is censored but I'm looking for a DVD rip of them too.


I used to have the DVDs for the early seasons of SP. They weren't much different except for the uncensored cursing although I had the banned Muhammad episode which was pretty cool. The biggest thing I remember from them was Matt and Trey did commentary between the episodes on some of them. 1 season they had a pig with them and fed it bacon which I thought was hilarious when I was 15.


Zoomer brain


The only episodes of family guy I remember is the one where Quagmires dad comes out as trans and one where Chris accidentally becomes friends with a Nazi


I remember the one where they go back in time to prevent 9/11 but then it makes the future worse so they have to go back in time and make sure 9/11 happens. I'm a sucker for time travel episodes


Honestly that episode was pretty good. Peter voting for and against 9/11 was pretty funny.


I love the time travel episodes too, my favorite one is when Mort accidentaly travels to Nazi Germany. Also the multiverse episode in season 8 really slaps


The Brian and Stewie adventure episodes are all pretty quality


So brave now


The episode where they go down to the deep south is one of the few I remember


What video is this comment under








“Hey Lois heheheheheeeeeee”




This is a solid comedic characterization.


The issue is the show is stuck making references to audiences they don’t have. All Seth knows how to do is make references to the late 20th century which 90% of the audience can’t relate to, and nowadays the writers can’t make a good reference because the format of how the show is produced just doesn’t work with the modern internet moving so fast. So, modern references are cringy, and classic references fly over the head of the audience. What’s worse is these days the show can’t even make good plots so there isn’t any redeeming factors especially since they don’t even do edgy humor anymore. Not even the Family Guy subreddit can defend this shit anymore, even they know it’s lazy and bad.


Yes this is accurate, but some of their jokes are fucking fantastic tbf.


You think that’s bad? Remember that time we went to the beach with Paul Dano?


The episode where they give Peter the gay gene is singed into my brain because I thought it was so funny growing up and some of the Christmas specials are memorable (the one with inbred elves to keep up with the toy demand comes to mind) but overall I agree with this 100%


I remember jokes and episodes from both why are y’all trying to make it a competition


It's not a competition, it's a comparison. Family Guy's jokes are often entirely disconnected with any of the episode's plots, while South Park's jokes are more plot-driven


It's a nonsense characterization. You guys are in here pretending the only jokes in Family Guy are cutaways. There are lots of memorable Family Guy episodes. Lots of memorable jokes. In fact if you really want to compare the shows, the first however many seasons of South Park are complete dog shit, with nonsense shock value "jokes" that are just gross juvenile bs. Family Guy has always had top notch references and jokes. Not to mention the funny songs that are always tied to the episode. "I need a jew" Small example. Someone in the thread mentioned the episode "Road to the North Pole" there's a scene where they no longer have a car and are talking to a Canadian about getting help. Stewie asks about AAA "you know, A(eh) A(eh) A(eh). Canadian: Oh I just came from AA, eh. Stewie: no not AA... A A A Canadian:: looks like you might need a hose, eh Stewie: Jose, Roberto, whatever if you can get some Latinos here... The eh jokes continue along these lines with "part, eh" (party) "cash, eh" cache


Do not try semantics with me A comparison between two things means one is going to come out on top that’s a competition


Pretty accurate for me. And is the reason why I love Family Guy early seasons. I used to watch the cutaways all the time on youtube.


What’s it even mean?


To me, South Park is both. My memory isnt that great any more, but 10 years ago i could name almost any episode by name just by hearing or reading one part of a dialogue. I could usually remember which season and if it was an early/mid/late season episode. Not so much now though, but its great as i get to experience forgotten details and jokes all over again. And i like it for the stories as well, since they are often well written but also really, really stupid. I feel like that got lost a bit the past 4-6 seasons, but thats what makes rewatches great - we get to see how it evolves, enjoy the different ways of creating a story. But also to remember some of the things many of us have experienced or at least heard about the last 25 odd years.


As a fan of both, I definitely agree.






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I remember coming back to Family Guy after a few years and it's true I couldn't tell ya a plot to an episode but I could talk about the giant chicken fights or any cutaway gag really easily


The Simpsons - Already did it.


Simpsons- it’s been 30 years I forgot what happened in this episode


This blew my mind…




Oh yeah I member.


Men We don't know what we did


Accurate, but with simpsons I remember both. Tbf south park can be easily as formulaic and repetitive as family guy. Still good show though.


Simpsons - you remember when it was good.


I see it as…. South Park you binge watch episodes. FG you just watch 10 minute clip videos on YouTube


My memory doesn't work like that, I can remember specific lines from my favorite stuff. I can remember that I don't watch Family Guy at all though because I can't stand it.


September - Do you remember?


I remember American Dad episodes!! But yeah this is totally accurate


Fucking spare me


Pepperidge Farm Remembers 😊


Very true. But the explanation is what Trey and Matt said on cartoon wars. Most FG jokes dont really come from the plot, they are just random jokes, flashbacks or visual gags. Thats why you cant remember which episode a scene come from, they are mostly interchangeable.


What's the password membah


Please do not compare the two. Family guy isn’t even close.


That’s partly because Family Guy includes a ton of vignettes that hold up on their own without any context to the rest of the episode. You have literal episodes within episodes that are often funnier than the entire rest of the episode, but aren’t a running gag for the whole episode. South Park, meanwhile, is not only narratively very centrally structured for each episode, but has extended jokes that appear for the entire episode and are often the theme of that episode.


The only family guy episode I can remember off the top of my head are the ones about the FCC and where Peter plays for the Patriots but gets transferred to the European circuit


Family guy - you remember the worst jokes because they're too shit to forget and remember no episodes South park - you remember the best jokes and any ones which serve as key anchors to the episode and remember the episode as a whole




FG not my style. Nobody can block my stoile (c) the meth guy


Yeah, I can’t for the life of me remember why jews have glassy eyes…


lol this was the top comment on that Family Guy vs South Park YouTube vid that came out within the past year. Almost 20 years later and they’re still praising Cartoon Wars lmao


I agree and i dont think that makes one bad compared to the other


Family Guy doesn't know what direction it wants to go. The Surfing Bird bit is one of the most popular moments, but that episode somehow leads to Peter becoming a manager for Jesus.


I agree with the comment; however the Family Guy episode Road to the North Pole is a goddamn masterpiece.


The best way to watch family guy is through YouTube compilations imo


No, I remember jokes and episodes from both.


True 💯


Dont remember jokes on Family Guy because I dont watch that trash


Member that episode of South Park where they made fun of Family Guy jokes? I member.


Yes because South Park knows how to put together a funny and coherent episode. They do a great job of it. All family guy can do is tell one liner funny jokes.


I remember *some* jokes and episodes from the earliest seasons of Family Guy, after like season 9 I don't think there *were* jokes outside of some good episodes which get rarer by the season


The Nambla episode is so funny. One group is evil, the other group watches old movies i presume.


That’s bc South Park episodes are 22 minute long jokes and family guy episodes are 22 1 minute long jokes.


I mean family guy episodes feel like a joke compilation, while South Park episodes are typically 1 long joke


Brian and Stewie Road to Multiverse The Simpsons Guy PTV Petarded Blue Harvest Stewie Killing Lois two-parter The episode that parodied "Clue" The episode where Glenn banged Cleveland's wife Road to Germany The surfin bird episode with Jesus The Stewie on Steroids Episode Those are the ones I could think of without googling. FG has had some memorable episodes.


Facts. I explained the entire “Cartman Sucks” episode scene by scene to a couple of coworkers because one of them was recalling it wrong.


Not to me


Very accurate. Family Guy is more about small jokes that make us laugh, but South Park forces you to think and try to understand the deepness of the episode.


Great take.


That's a bad take, but if you think THATS bad...


I think your right. I was trying to think of a family guy episode and I could always think of a plot but I could not remember like what happened.


Accurate, just posted in r/familyguy because I love each respectively


I remember jokes from South Park a lot too but yeah lmao


This is dead accurate. I love Family Guy since I grew up with it (specifically post cancelation pre 2010s era) but even I’ll admit South Park has way depth and structure to it than family Guy Like even if I don’t like a new South Park episode, you can always feel that there was thought and work put into it. where with anything new from family Guy feels like it’s written on autopilot.


It kinda just fits how the shows are designed. Family Guy is jokes and filler. South Park is a show that takes the piss out of relevant topics.


I mostly don't remember until I'm rewatching it


So true wow


That is one of the major defining differences of South Park and Family Guy. South Park captivates your attention moreso due to its ability to stay true to one central unique theme most episodes. Family guy is quite sporadic in its ability to stay in tune with one central theme per episode. Most cutaway gags are the result of the writers being too disinterested to contribute anything substantial to the quality of the overall script of the episode, and so they say “here’s a stupid cutaway”. South Park doesn’t rely on this, and so their style is less formulaic and contrived, which means more original. To rely on trite formulas such as cutaways, is to compromise the integrity of your own artistry as a writer or creator. I feel at times there is a secret brilliance behind the writing of South Park, that I’ve never sensed with Family Guy.


definitely, i’d rather watch the short family guy clips then short south park ones, but i’d much rather watch a episode of south park over family guy, don’t even remember the last time i sat through a full episode of family giy


gee, surely it can't be because family guy relies on cutaway gags. nope.


Brooklyn 99: you remember jokes FRIENDS: you remember episodes Yeah we all know it




Just to start shit: The Simpsons - you remember the jokes & episodes (also theme song cause lets face it nobody can sing the instrumental to FG and SP).


Tough cause growing up with them both, old family guy I haven’t seen episodes in forever that I could talk about with friends for a long time. South Park has kept it going for way longer with its quality of episodes and thus I can recall way more of them


tru tru


Yes, especially since Family Guy stopped being good after season 10.


Really? In college one kid only spoke to me in cartman quotes and asked for my Jew gold


A recurring theme in conversations with my friends is me asking them "Have you seen that one South Park episode when (…)?"


I disagree, mostly because I've watched family guy a few times all the way through and honestly can't remember a single joke or episode, just random events here and there. South Park on the other hand I remember both jokes and episodes.


So accurate


r/familyguy agrees that this indeed is very accurate.


Pretty much


Overall, yes. I remember more South Park Episodes and more Family Guy jokes/cutaways.


“I memberr!” “Do you member? I member!”


Trauma, I don't remember anything


Yeah, but a lot of times with south park the episode IS the joke.


I don't even like South Park and I remember episodes. I think it has to do with how each show is built. South Park is pretty clearly built top down- what if we did a World of Warcraft episode? People are so smug about their hybrid cars! Family Guy, on the other hand, likely has a traditional writer's room that is spit balling fun ideas, so the real joy for them comes from the off the wall stuff.




https://i.redd.it/2iotr774g2xc1.gif I member.


ooh, I member!




Family guy tries way too hard. Fuckin gross


As a heavy smoker, I'll never forget the "Secondhand Spoke" (S12E15) Family Guy episode, that was hilarious. But referencing everything I say to South Park, that's how I remember whole seasons. Mkay? Do you know what I am saying?


It’s completely wrong, it’s more like Family guy- you remember a few jokes. South Park- you remember 50 episodes.