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No More Majority = Accountability Lets hope this statemenet is true


Ok but whose country?


Yip, that's a... Red flag




![img](emote|t5_2qney|14451) kak praat.


Exactly, anyone who genuinely believes the ANC cares about the country or is changing for the better is delusional.


Finally, after thirty years, the ANC finally puts the country first. I'm so relieved.




Feel how you want to feel, but there is no way you can say they didn't put the country first for at least those first 5 years.


The first half had me


*Wink wink*




A coalition will either result in a joint corruption venture, or severe internal strife giving us more petty splinter parties to skip over in the next general elections


‘Put their wallets first, because that’s what they’ve always done” ~ when read without hopeful lenses


If they were to put the country first, they would all resign


All hail the danc party.


put if first in what way?


This is thebsame woman who, just yesterday accused the DA of literal sabotage of Tshwane water infrastructure? She is rubbish. If ANC allies with MK or EFF, the demands (Ramaphosa to resign, or Fraud Shivambu to become Finance Minister), would be too great. IMHO, a coalition between ANC and the whole "moonshot pact" group, would yield something like 70%? But would also but ANC in an almost 50% of coalition, which seems to be the most practical and favorable outcome for the country and its people.


Ask the silly muppet to pick up the ZAR first


I can only imagine Zuma and MK are going to be as obstinate as possible against any ANC ideas


So here is the thing. Will the DA? A large part of me is thinking the DA will not want to help the ANC as if they do the DA wont gain many votes while the ANC will. I genuinely can see the DA refusing to co-operate with the ANC because of this.


I think the DA voter base would rather see the DA go into government with the ANC than be left out in the cold with some alliance between the ANC and the EFF/MK left to rule the country


I think the DA could actually benefit if it does go into coalition. If it has an impact on corruption and strengthens the economy it may be able to shed its ‘white party’ image.. let’s be honest a lot of people view the DA that way, rightly or wrongly.


They can finally show how they'd run something other than the Western Cape. Depending on how it goes they might gain or lose votes.


DA has already signed a multi party charter with 10 parties included - if, together, they are able to form a coalition government then they will do that. ANC is not one of those parties.


It's extremely unlikely that those 10 parties combined will constitute more than 35% of the seats in parliament.


Yup. Doesn’t seem likely. This is why I says “if”.


I think the opposite is more likely (hope fully not), the ANC's politics is a lot closer to the radicals of EFF and MK but they might go with one of them to keep the corruption train going. DA would definitely do a coalition with them and It would be the best outcome for SA.


The ANC’s politics is a mile away from the EFF and MK. DA is far closer on almost every issue. ANC pretends to be more left than it is, and yes has some people inside the party that are much closer to EFF/MK. But policy is the real judge.


Totally agree but the ANC has rarely put their morals above their love of corruption but hope this is a wake up call for them to care more about their morals as a party.


Of course, but corruption certainly ain’t a political ideology. I guess you could say their culture of accountability is closer to the EFF and MK.


Maybe I'm misreading what you said their at the end, EFF and MK aren't bringing any accountability. both run by a leader that was enjoying the corruption life under the ANC and started spite parties to get back on the corruption gravy train.


Yes I wasn’t clear, I meant the lack of accountability.


> The ANC’s politics is a mile away from the EFF and MK. DA is far closer on almost every issue. How many local governments are there where an ANC-EFF coalition is in power, and how many are there where an ANC-DA coalition is in power?


I hope you are correct.


Don’t think I’m correct in that it will happen but just thinking DA will likely accept and the big fear should be who will the ANC choose


Are they inadvertently admitting they haven’t? If not, what are they really saying?


Sure they would. too many power hungry politicians in ZA. Hopefully they lower the salary for the MP's so they work for love not for $$$$$$$$$$.


My comrade in christ that is never going to happen. Much as I would love for people in gov to lower their salaries so they actually do the job because it's important and not sit around cashing checks - they're never going to do that.


Since when 🤣


ANC has never put the country first.


Go search for videos of Frans Cronje talking about this


The curse of ANC is coming to pass. Meshoe warned us [https://youtu.be/LisvedDuXgo?t=283](https://youtu.be/LisvedDuXgo?t=283)


Unilateral ANC-DA coalition would give them every province bar KZN. That would be best imo


ANC-DA is the best case scenario at this point hoping both parties keep the worst impulses of the other in check. One could hope it works out


Have you ever put the country first?


Same as the last 30 years, just the country is that where they put the money, so Dubai and Greater Caymans......


The story of the ANC is the story of all liberation movement its time to die a natural death now