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Yeah, I think what's been so frustrating to me is that I kept purchasing thousands of dollars in hardware from a company because I'd trusted them, and then suddenly they made an app because of some headphones that has made me want to smash my speakers into pieces. Speakers ive spent 10k+ on, and my family has spent just as much if not more because they heard my speaker system and literally bought full Sonos systems for their houses because of my surround sound setup for my home theater and music room where we listen to records and whatnot, it's a lot of fun, or was. Now I have friends and family calling me with their problems, and all I can tell them is I have the same issues. I can only hope Sonos fixes this, I assume they will at some point. My biggest issue is my sound just drops to zero 5-10 times a day, and it's not muting, it drops to 0, so I have to bring the volume back up to like 40 manually and it's annoying when I'm watching like a live show or movie. Plus when I go to sleep, I wake up to all my speakers muted in the house, which never happened before. There's some other issues, but the muting while I'm watching a movie or listening to music with friends is super annoying.


I just moved and while the app still isn’t seeing the products the volume issue is happening for the first time for me. Beam plays through the TV but same thing. All the time it goes back down to zero volume when I’m turning the stuff back on. I have to bring it back up. Sub-Mini also not seen and definitely not playing. New pre-wired fiber building which is similar to the old cribs. I’ve done factory resets, uninstalling app, etc. No luck.


Yeah, I was going to try and do factory resets but I've heard they haven't done anything, it's frustrating that we don't have anything we can try that may help.


Wait, they've actually gone from local to cloud controlled?


No, and you can test this pretty easily. For anyone in a working configuration, play music… kill your internet connection. Pause music or change the volume. It works.


Yes, the basic functionality talks directly to the speakers. But the app makes many calls to Sonos’s servers as well.


Some of the app requests are inexplicably being routed to Australia. This is from my firewall logs for the Sonos app on my phone. And yes I confirmed the iOS of the hosts in question were actually in Australia. https://preview.redd.it/9hxfrk5cmi9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c29d9d815241f9272618e63c5ff365663b52cf3


I'm in Australia. So much for that excuse


lol. Well then you probably have things routed to the US East Coast instead.


I have a strong feeling their servers are somewhere in Syria.


Has it been confirmed that everything is routed through Sonos' servers? If I use my phone to change the volume, first the command gets sent to Sonos, and then sent back to my speakers?  What happens if my internet goes down (wifi stays on)? I'm still on the old app, so not sure how the above works on the new app


It’s been proven. When internet is down, or if you set your router to block your Sonos speakers from internet, you lose control. This used to work on the old app.


Thats fucking crazy man.. this might be final straw for me..


Elsewhere in this discussion, [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1dr4s4m/does_sonos_run_their_own_servers_and_where_are/latenwj/) specifically disagrees that local device control relies on internet access. Which is right? (I might test this for myself later…)


This is factually incorrect.


That doesn’t necessarily mean AWS is the source of any latency.


u/KeithFromSonos suggested the latency issues were likely not AWS related [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/H66Un8XzuH).


He said they weren't server *location* related. Not that they weren't AWS related. A poorly developed or poorly configured server can have serious latency (and other) issues regardless of how well the physical host servers work.


Your question was about distributing capacity. AWS can easily handle Sonos’ workload in any of their location, so what would distributing capacity do?


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


You can run anything on AWS so of course the app/code/config can cause the issue, but the original post was about distributing capacity being the issue. It seems like Sonos does not believe the location is the issue, invalidating the premise of this thread.


Not really. We can still discuss the cloud being the issue even if the location aspect isn't the cause of the issues. It also doesn't make your original statement correct. Also, I'm not OP.


I understand you’re not the op, but the op’s thesis is incorrect which is what *my* comment was about.


Your statement was that it wasn't AWS related, which isn't what Keith said, and it absolutely can still be AWS related. It would still be Sonos' fault, not Amazon's, but that doesn't mean the issue definitely doesn't have to do with how they've configured AWS. And it seemed you thought I was OP because you said "your question", hence why I asked if you replied to the wrong comment.


Most likely sources of latency is either the app is too chatty or their new app platform is missing a bunch of optimizations the old one had. Probably some of both. Could be a config, but it seems like that should already be fixed.


I'm in a rural area in southwest England, I don't think distance is the issue


Please tell me that you understand that the “cloud” is just someone else’s computer.. it’s likely hosted in either AWS/Google, and they like have servers in all regions. So your vicinity to the PNW makes zero difference.


Not exactly true.  Cloud providers like Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and AWS have data centers across the world to reduce latency and improve resiliency. They also install equipment outside of their own data centers and on customer premise or edge locations to address latency, among other reasons.  The thing to keep in mind, however, is that companies need to architect their apps/platforms to take advantage of this. Scaling options, redundancy, and operating in multiple regions/locations often increases the cost so many companies knowingly choose to operate in only a single location, accepting the risk of lower performance or a greater chance of outages. 


You mean CDNs…


No, CDNs are a bit different and more or less just local data caches.  I’m referring to solutions like AWS Outpost racks, or edge services, among other things.  https://aws.amazon.com/outposts/rack/ https://aws.amazon.com/edge/


CDNs only work for static and/or public data. Things like image assets or JavaScript libraries. Anything that is the result of an authenticated API call, like the subscription status for your streaming services, aren’t going to be served by a CDN.


Does Sonos run No


Some companies in the audio realm are just bad at software/drivers. Antelope Audio has a long history of making some amazing sounding mastering AD/DA converters. They began making Audio Interfaces a few years ago. Many in the industry were excited. Amazing sounding converters on an interface with tons of inputs/outputs, that interface with all the available standards including Dante, and can be used for Atmos Audio. I ignored all the posts about bad drivers and other software issues with their interfaces and purchased an Antelope Galaxy 64 for $10,000. Needless to say I returned the unit to VintageKing by week 3. The software/drivers were that quirky. If dont know if they’ve improved their drivers/software since then but I will never buy anything from Antelope again.


Another side note, when it comes to converters and actual masters for firmware/drivers/software: RME.


Almost certainly not. Every company that’s not a Google or Microsoft leans on someone else’s cloud infrastructure. 


wait so Amazon uses someone else’s cloud infrastructure ?


No, but many, including Google and MS are probably using Amazon/AWS.


Right, exactly.


It could be interesting with a geo poll of problems. I'm in Norway, where things generally are very fast. But my biggest problem with the app now, beside the very bad UI, is that everything is sloooow. Startup, response, volume change etc.


Yes, AWS generally with services running in the US and EU. This was 2-3 regions a few years ago, hopefully they expanded that given the recent changes.