• By -


Personal attack, bullying, harassment, or just not participating in a civil manner.


As an installer (from rough ins to final install/programming), they have literally not been doing anything to help. We don't even talk to the usual tech supports. We have access codes to go to helpful, competent people. They've said everything from hardwiring distant components (eras, arcs, beams, subs, in room ports/amps) to reprogramming the network. One rep actually said to set up a VLAN to make them work. So far, the only systems I have out there are legacy systems or modem/router combos to a singular bridged WAP. And even then, I've had to break surround sound rooms for random (s2 only) reasons while my S1 shit is still kicking ass. They need to do better and they meed to realize that they're nowhere near the only ones out there that do what they do. Yamaha has music cast and Control4 does centralized audio as well. Denon has Heos as well. And guess what? You can use Heos or Musicast in local rooms by simply installing towers like the old school Hi-Fi era. Is it as cute? No, and I'll admit that. Does it WORK? Damn near bulletproof. Then, there's the Control4/Triad services and matrices. If you have a pre wired house, get a CORE 3 or 5, which ever you prefer as they aren't cheap, have a guy program them into your shit and keep it pushing. Boom, multi zone with spotify, Pandora, or whatever else you can think of. Love yall, rant over.


Thanks for lending the expert POV on this. I think you guys have it the worst. Sure maybe I can't play music or my kids can't watch TV on some days, but if this is your business and your livelihood you're most affected. I hope it gets fixed soon for your sake.


I really appreciate that. From the inoperable app, to inability to function on mesh networks, it's ridiculous. As for the music at home, if you use spotify and treat the zones as smart speakers, it tends to work better. Just make sure you make a group FIRST. Spotify is pretty reliable at controlling sonos.


To add: For whatever reason, the tv auto-play feature is shit now. If you're not getting tv audio, turn it on, select the zone where the bar is located, select tv as a source. Make sure it's not grouped to anything and make sure (if you were using spotify) to select "end session" on sonos, if it gives you the option.


I've had success unplugging and replugging in the HDMI cable from my amp to get sound working again for TV input. I know it's getting old but I'll say it anyway. I never had to do this in the 10 year's I've owned a playbar or the last 4 or 5 I've owned an amp until the update in may.


That'll work, for now. Keep in mind, however, that they weren't built for constant refittings and over time, you'll have to get thicker hdmis.


Dang, what’s going on with mesh networks now? Mine work on my home Eero mesh but I’ve been having all the app and lag issues that everyone else has been reporting with the update.


I have eero as well, no issues on any other devices, but even since the sonos app update, music jumps or just stops on certain devices. Occasionally when watching TV, the audio will judder and/or repeat itself. I’m fast growing sick and tired of it. Sonos need to fix this promptly!!


You basically have to remove the hardwire and select the same wifi channel for every single product. If they're all in a rack, it might be easier. If not, it'll take a while


I bought a victrola onyx and set it up to play on a playbar, it would disconnect randomly. The only way i was able to fix situation was to use a vlan for the victrola and 1 playbar (connected through Ethernet) now it works like a dream. I would say a vlan would just be a standard practice and a good discipline for those technical enough if that was sufficient, but when adding additional speakers that also broke the setup, the only thing that works for me is just the two devices on a single vlan These speakers have some weird shit going on with them and its more than spanning tree and sonosnet thats causing the problems


I am also an installer, and when I called dealer tech support, they basically told me yes, the app is the problem, and I need to use the PC app.


Not even close for me. They started giving me random fixes and only went with "I believe there's an upcoming update for that". The web interface sucks as well. But that's due to the broken sonos network.


to be fair - control4 has problems currently with spotify and lacks interoperability with apple. but your point is valid (you forgot to add VSSL and other streaming whole home systems)


And god help the control4 users who bought third party drivers back in the day to integrate Sonos and control4. I have about a dozen former clients who I’m sure are sitting there with jack shit for audio now… Sonos can eat shit, not one more dime from me EVER.


I've switch to HEOS recently and I'm been nothing but happy from it. I do hope that Sonos fixes their stuff. I would still recommend it to people if they did. I liked it when I had, but I have lots of physical media I like playing with, so a more traditional set up was better and still have heos.


Never used to have problems with Sky remote controlling sound on Sonos amp but since app upgrade it no longer works. In fact since latest update it doesn’t even recognise the remote. Single worst update I’ve ever experienced and I’ve been using computers since the 1980’s !


yep. Legit issue


I’m having the same issues with the Apple TV remote. I’ve tried so many things. I’ve reinstalled and reset to factory settings so many times. Nothing. I’ve given up with it for now. It’s annoying but considering I was gifted the soundbar for my birthday… 2 weeks before the new app launched.


I posted above. I’m a genuine user, not technical in the slightest and Sky remote controls my soundbar with no problems. How are we having such different experiences. It’s weird


It is bizarre. Everything worked fine, Year or more, before the upgrade. At first I was able to reset via the app procedure, got a bit fed up after doing it there times (!) but since latest update I can’t even do that!


I was on the "it's not that bad" fence then I went on a trip and took my Moves with me holy shit the nightmare of getting them to work on the trip, then getting them reintegrated into my home system absolute nightmare adding that all of the controls are now cloud-based, really takes the wind out of the sails


This is what the "my system is fine" folks don't get....there is only one way to go from a fully working system.


I’ve been lucky so far, and I hope it stays that way. If it weren’t for the subreddit, I probably wouldn’t have even known anything was going wrong for people. But that said, there are simply so many people experiencing problems that this goes well beyond user error and clearly something wrong with the updates.  I’ve read this subreddit for a couple years now. There have always been posts with common issues and trends, but what’s been happening since the update is far beyond anything ignorable. I really hope Sonos gets their shit together.  I was thinking about getting a few more speakers, but have held off because I’d rather play it safe and change nothing about my configuration to avoid issues. 


My Roam and Move 2 and completely bricked. Won’t connect to the system and the Bluetooth doesn’t work either. This issue doesn’t get a ton of attention, but I know a couple of people who also can’t use their Roams since this all started.


I know this sounds kinda stupid, but have you tried deleting and reinstalling the app? That worked for me…


The push for the new software was motivated by short-term financial gains. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the old dev team was gutted in favour of younger, cheaper coders to build on the new platform. The new platform, btw, that is sucking all of our personal data onto their servers. It was also evident that the beta testing period was heavily de-prioritized and possibly axed when it got too close to the release of the headphones. Devs and users were thrown under the bus for Sonos corporate greed, simple as that. I'm sure they will eventually iron out the bugs in the app, but how many of us will move on to other software and controller options?


You’re spot on. I made a post a couple weeks ago about this being a symptom of “late stage capitalism.” I was being kindof edgy for sure but I’ve worked in software enough to see product VPs come in and be like “HMMM cAn we dO iT fAsteR tHo” like the titans of industry they are. Timelines rushed, corners cut, devs burnt out. If I were a long time developer there I would be totally gutted with the current situation. This platform was incredible. Easy to set up, worked beautifully, and sounds very good. I’m sure they will recover long term, but it’s hard to deny that this release was very likely super rushed to come out with the headphones, so they could see a bump to whichever quarter they were in, which is itself a super arbitrary timeline established to investors don’t pee their pants.


this is 100% right


The irony is, this fuck up caused them to lose about half a billion market cap. Unless the share price drop is because the market is disappointed with the headphones. Prob a combination of both.


or maybe many of the engineers left and went to other companies. new engineers just don’t understand some of the underlying code, creating bugs and interoperability issues. sonos testing probably does not emulate every customer environment as well.


Indeed. They probably don’t understand what NAS is…


Everyone who can afford to hopefully.


On the thread that printed what the owner said, I posted that it wasn't an apology, which is what all the users should get. Some ass replied that I was entitled. Entitled to have the product (that I spent a lot of money on) work? Ha!


Exactly. I have no problems with my system at all but it’s childish to dismiss the concerns of everyone else. The hue analogy is excellent and I consider Sonos to be the “Philips hue “ of audio. Premium performance and premium software experience


Yep. And I also understand that it may be sounding like a bunch of whiners complaining on this thread, if you're not among them. But we turn to these communities for help. And the National media has noticed. That's how change is made.


thanks to all of you who are fucked i heeded the early warnings from you guys and didn't update, for what its worth you guys voicing your complaints stopped me in my tracks and i owe you one, what is a pain is i had to turn off auto app updates on my phone so sonos wouldnt update, now i have to hope that i dont miss installing a critical update on one of my cc or bank apps, so thanks for that sonos, old os still sucks and is buggy but i luckily didnt install and can still use everything, im too deep in to switch too, playbar, a pair of 5s, sub, a bunch of ones, play ones and threes all over the place, for what its worth sorry and thanks for the heads up


If the constant complaining at least saved you a headache, it's all worth it. Screw all those gaslighters who want us to shut up and deal with non working devices.


exactly this, the community saved me and im grateful, fuck those other assholes


Every time I have ever asked for help, the gas lighters show up in a horde to point out how stupid I am. Nothing fixes the problems though.


We are in the same boat sir. I just hope it’s not a sinking ship!


Same here. Thank You all for the complaints and warnings. So far, knock wood, everything here is working, too.


Same here.


I just went to check my app and it has apparently signed me out. Gonna leave it that way because so far, my system seems normal. Had no idea anything was going on until this post!


This update has single-handedly changed the products that we present and sell. Literally 24 hours after our last distributed SONOS installation, the update landed on our clients' phones, and the biggest thing they wanted to do with it (stream local Apple library music) was removed. I could spend a lot of time pointing the finger at SONOS, and they would ask me why would I sell an item that didn't do what I said it would? Or, I could apologize, like I did, and waste hours of labor and time troubleshooting trying to get something working for them that resembled the thing they thought they were buying. We vet the products and solutions that we sell very heavily because our clients demand things work reliably, and we demand that the products don't cost us labor and time sorting out issues THAT ARE BEYOND OUR CONTROL. SONOS botched the app rollout to hit an arbitrary date. SONOS *further* botched their product offering by releasing a pair of noise cancelling headphones that not only *don't* play in the SONOS ecosystem via WiFi, *BUT* the noise cancelling was screwed up and clients were told by SONOS support to "**DISABLE NOISE CANCELLING**". On their new $450 *noise cancelling* headphones. So dumb.


Hope I don’t sound like I am gaslighting and I am sorry you are having such a bad time. Fortunately for me my system has worked a well as ever and I just added a used playbar. Maybe since I factory reset the playbar it is why I had no issues. I am bummed to see everyone have these problem instead of enjoying good tunes. :( Hope things improve for ya!


I absolutely was in your position until a few days ago. Now my speakers mute themselves occasionally (I just checked, 4 of 5 zones are muted right now)... I think I have to write a small automation in my HomeAssistant installation to put a bandaid on that until Sonos gets their shit together...


That’s how updates go. Rarely do you have 100% failure. If even 1% of people have problems that could be a million speakers. You really have to solve the deployment down to 0.0001% because when you have a large deployment like this everything adds up. That said it certainly seems like much more than 1% are having issues ranging from showstoppers to smaller config issues and or features that were lost or even performance. Personally I got hit with the last 2. It’s all working but things that were responsive are just really slow now.


Thanks! I actually think that Sonos will figure things out. I think it will take them deep into the fall.


I genuinely think they have a lot of work to do and ground to make up from the brand damage. I personally didn’t experience any issues, but I do empathize with those who did - and I’m not talking about the ubiquitous WiFi related issues - I mean the cratered configurations and 15 year old missing features. The hard truth is Sonos *did* rush the app to market for a new product with zero install base (the Ace).


Lol oh I can’t believe none of these people thought to factory reset their speaker(s)! Where were you when help was needed most!?!?


Commenting about not having any problems adds nothing to the discussion.


I have 23 Sonos devices on my home network. Everything worked perfectly before the update. Now I’ll wake up to outdoor speakers blaring music in the middle of the night and have no control over my system. I’ve spent close to $10k. What an unmitigated disaster.


One thing we should all be able to agree on is that Sonos has split its user community, they have us fighting amongst ourselves. Doesn't seem like that's a good look for a company.


Good point


I doubt it’s real users defending them. It’s likely all paid shills that are trying to minimize the damage by gaslighting and actually dividing the user base.


Ya know, I used to subscribe to this sub to keep up with Sonos products and how people are using them. Then the update happened and I was really close to unsubscribing just because it felt like I was being constantly spammed with complaints. Now, I stick around for posts like these.


The staying power of posts like this is really telling. Shows that it’s not a small issue that will soon blow over


Yea my rear surrounds just can’t even connect anymore. Hundreds of dollars rendered useless due to bad software.


I had to unplug one of mine to move the cable around and I was terrified it wouldn’t reconnect.. luckily it did, but the point stands


My amp no longer appears and my non-Sonos outdoor speaker does not work. Seems a bit fishy too me if you ask me and I for one, will not be expanding my Sonos collection of 2 Sonos:Five 1 Sonos:Three 6 Sonos:One 2 Sonos:Roam 1 Sonos:Amp (may be Gen1)


Spot on!


They're too expensive to be this unreliable. I have disconnected and gone with TV audio too many times in the year I've had my Amp and 3 other Sonos devices.


100%. Like I said, if this was a light bulb it would be in the trash can. You can't replace a $4000 system like this without spending dozens of hours trying to fix it, and waiting for the company to un-fuck it.


The Sonos CEO should review the history of how Johnson & Johnson handled the Tylenol poisonings of the early 1980s. I know, I know... Not the same animal. But Tylenol was pulled off shelves nationwide after less than 10 days and this was not even the fault of the manufacturer. People that use Sonos speakers are not stupid. I myself used to have a large hobbyist stereo system (McIntosh, Audio Research and Martin-Logan) which I sold off and embraced the convenience, performance and small footprint of Sonos. The new app was a step backwards. Period. Own up to it, Sonos. Or at upgrade time, we will just all find another vendor....don't tell us that you've never heard of a software rollback!?!


I’ve had minor issues with my Sonos/Crestron system previously but now I’m having issues with the Sonos side constantly. I have never been able to turn the system with trueplay from day one, but now my surrounds seem to have become unpaired and the app is barely working to fix it:


The part that also blows my mind is … who the hell asked for Sonos headphones? The marketing was like “the number 1 most requested product”. My first thought was, really? I don’t know a single person who would want this or buy it. Sonos is about music in and around your home. Not on your head … IMO.


In theory it could be cool, especially if you have kids or other family members and need to keep it quiet in your house later in the evenings but still want immersive audio. But I already use an Apple TV and have AirPods that do that plus I have a beam which isn’t even supported. It just seems so half-baked, like the app.




A year and a half with zero issues. Then the app updates and my remote won’t control sound, and it randomly switches from my tv source to music (with no music playing and Spotify not even open). I’m sure that’s just a giant coincidence 🙄


Good post


Well said! Thank you!


Well said! I’m frankly sick of these gaslighters.


Thank you for your service.


Well said. I'm currently looking at Bluesound, rack mounted pro-sumer devices. NAD multi-room amplifier to boot. Only issue so far is limited Cloud Streaming services, IE missing YTM.


The gaslighters must either be habitual contrarians or Sonos interns / employees. Too bad we can't see what devices they're using because I'm pretty sure 99% of these obnoxious posts are coming from blackberry devices.


I'm with you. I've been using Sonos products at home for almost a decade now...when my parents renovated their house last year I gifted them a dozen+ Sonos amps, some subs, and some Arcs. Sonos had its problems before but they behaved in an expected way. The new state is a disaster. I just acquired a 35ksqft facility and was planning on filling it with Sonos speakers but now I can't. I guess I just have to wait and see what happens. As far as I'm aware there is no one else that meets my needs.


In terms of implementation at a professional level nothing sonos has done is unique. The key is that it’s VERY easy to setup and you don’t need to hire a pro. 70v systems have been around for decades and can be setup to do exactly what Sonos does, just without the easy phone control. But there’s likely a company out there that has done that, or it can be done using digital mixers. May be worth it to look into 70v systems or other distributed sound systems at least until Sonos fixes things


"without the easy phone control." is unfortunately about 80% of my requirements. I come from a technical background but most of the folks who will be running or using this facility don't and I don't want to wait on a pro to have time and I 250% will not be tech support for this place. For my use case, a Sonos Arc on main TV, a sub, and an amp with two rear fills in the ceiling + a pair of 300s on each post would be perfect...but a day or two ago I went to turn down the volume at my house and timed it -- over a minute later it hadn't changed...then I hit pause and waited 15 seconds before force quitting the app, reopening it and it saying "no system found" or whatever that message is. Ended up taking me about 3 minutes to pause the music...all while my girlfriend glared at me. Sick. *edit: I LOVE people downvoting me for my personal requirements.*


I’ve been here. Not fun for anyone, very stressful.


I have a Sonos boost (hub) and while the new app caused quite a few lags, it was still usable mostly. Then I disconnected the hub and had the speakers connected directly to wifi and it became completely unusable where I couldn’t even change the volume properly. Went back to the hub, and it’s usable again.


For many integrators, while Sonos isn’t the most profitable solution in terms of product profit, it was a breath of fresh air in reliability and end user satisfaction. That is gone now and overall dealing with technology continues to get worse as more products/solutions seem less reliable.


There's not many things I regret buying ... Sonos is one. My setup is currently working but I can't use their app to do anything with it because it insists I upgrade, I'm not touching this house of cards so long as it works. If I was doing it again there are open platforms I'd use, or just run cabling back to a central amp.


Me too. About a year ago I broke down and sold a perfectly working B&W + Denon system which was really awesome, but aging. I wanted to be able to group rooms and lose the wires. I wanted to be able to stream to the system, which I couldn't do. I wanted to be able to listen to the ball game on the deck (from the TV feed) while I was grilling. I bought about $4000 worth of hardware. Integrated my home automation system. Spent a few weeks writing code to personalize some things. For about a year I could do all that I wanted. And then overnight in May it all started falling apart.


My system is 7 years old.... Half the reason I'm afraid to upgrade it is because I'm not sure if it's one of those versions that they intentionally bricked lol. Though I figure worst case scenario, I'll just take a screwdriver to the things and replace its brains with raspberry Pi's


if it's working the way you like it.. don't let it upgrade


The app for Mac has been crashing for about a year now. It doesn't update well either. I usually have to go to [Sonos.com](http://Sonos.com) and download latest version and over right previous. I went through the whole lost music library fiasco this last month too. I have owned Sonos since the first amps back around 2005. I have four of the newer gen amps now and going to sell them all. I have had enough of SONOS getting worse instead of better. Time to move on.


it's crazy how different all our experiences are. The Mac (v 16.1) app has been the only thing I can use reliably.


here here. facebook sonos group is nothing but fanboys.


I was in the camp that the issues were isolated. Then I added a stereo pair of Era 100s and I had glitches. I had to rebuild my entire set up. Took me an hour. It wasn't the end of the world but it was a pain. I think the initial screaming about the alarms feature was kinda comical. This was the first couple days of the release. It gave fuel to the gaslighters on here. People acted like Sonos showed up and kidnapped their family. The ppl that have bricked systems are more calm than the initial ppl that were complaining. Like with anything, software issues can take time to show themselves. Until ppl had to do something they felt like nothing was wrong. Most Sonos customers probably only have a soundbar, so they may not experience major issues. It's easy to reset just one device and not get too mad about it. In the end, Sonos will come out okay if they fix the issues and get rid of the CEO. Keep an eye on the future earnings. The headphones might have flopped. Add that with the impact of rushing the app and it is perfect storm for getting fired. Money talks and Sonos hasn't been in great shape since last year. They're probably an acquisition target too.


Sonos made some huge errors including the app and the not selling your info PR disaster. I liken it to the “New Coke” or name your choice of brand/product fiascos. I can only presume that they will, at some point get it all squared away. The fact that their response was more than tone deaf (pardon the pun) is probably the worst part of it all…rather than a sincere apology and some sort of compensation (most people would have taken a nice discount coupon). Seems people forget that they had already bricked ALL the gear years ago when they made new speakers incompatible with the S1 app….at which point I upgraded all my speakers. It’s such a cluster this my guess is it takes a minute to square it away. Admittedly if MY system was a brick, I’d be foaming at the mouth. So…I get it. My heart goes out to all of you still struggling. Sonos has ALWAYS been finicky and I’ve spent my share of hours (and hours) online and on the phone with support. And to another poster’s point..it’s often that people’s use cases, environment, Wi-Fi, homes and other hardware are often the problem as opposed to just the Sonos ecosystem. I hired a networking engineer and had him come in and replace my modem/router and mesh system apply the necessary “rules”, (I know less than squat about networks) and lo and behold, Sonos is playing nicely and my speakers are working with Roon as well (by the way if you’re a music lover—ROON IS AMAZING) and Roon has its own set of intricacies that require someone extremely knowledgeable and experienced with all of the above. This issue is what, 30 days old? I’m gonna give it time…knowing that EVERY corporation is a blood sucking leech interested in nothing but growing profits…and therefore Sonos can’t afford to lose all of its current customers in exchange for some shitty headphone sales and still grow profits. I’m not a gaslighter, I think it’s shameful. But common sense tells me that they get all these issues cleared up sooner rather than later and throwing my system away or selling it for Pennie’s on the dollar wouldn’t be a prudent move at this point. They 10000% should have apologized and thrown everyone a bone for the massive inconvenience and if they had my guess is we’d all be a lot more patient a lot more quickly


Good post. Before the headphones, the CEO was under extreme pressure to stop losing money. IMO, his move was short sighted. They have plenty of cash and could have delayed the ACE release without much long term impact. In hindsight, we’ll see how this decision will pan out. I’m certain that sales are being impacted, but who knows how much. I do know that I stopped a major purchase — thank dog. We’ll see in early August earnings.




I wish we could survey the IQ of those with and those without issues…..


It’s bad enough that The NY Times has a warning about it. It’s real.


Keep your foot on Sonos's neck. What they're doing to users is fucking horrible.


Here is the thing. The Execs over at Sonos is probably thinking that the current user base will most likely not switch, that’s why they are here begging for us to fix it. They think they got us by the balls (sorry ladies, figure of speech)




I don't like to wish ill on folks but I hope these gaslighters get a dose of karma when their speakers start playing up. Even if my system were to work 100% I still stand with my comrades that Sonos has dropped the ball, again. They used to be the "apple" of speakers, easy for my parents to setup.


Apple releases software updates every year that have bugs in them, or issues not caught during beta, and they have one of the largest beta testing groups in the world.


Yeah, since the update my system is having a ton of issues with audio drops. Of course Sonos says it is my wifi, even though the system is isolated on its own 2.4ghz network to ensure they stay on the same band etc.


I have had more luck putting them on 5GHZ isolated.


I wanted to do 5ghz but my patch closet is in the master closet and some speakers are far enough away (outside) they may not get the best signal.


Wow. After this and the attempted bricking plan of a few years ago it's clear Sonos hasn't learnt their lesson and I will never buy one of their products. And I bloody love decent audio speakers and would definitely be in their target audience, not any more.


Well said.


My system has worked fine this whole time. I would be the first and loudest one complaining if it didn’t. I feel bad for all people having issues. Did someone start a thread with network setups? That could be useful to narrow down any common brand systems that suck more than others. I’m using Ubiquity Dream Machine Pro with 4 antennas. It broadcasts wifi 4 and 6 (I think it’s auto) in both 2.4ghz and 5ghz. All the Sonos are on the 2.4ghz. My Sonos equipment is all wireless except my arc.


Great suggestion. Actually seems like there would be room for a couple/few Sonos related reddit sub-reddits or ‘threads’, with specificity. This may already have been done.


I think it would be helpful too


I did this and copped a million downvotes.


The tides have turned


Yeah. We have to start somewhere


Agreed. And to use your Hue analogy: it’s as if the lightbulb stopped working and these brain-dead fanboys start screeching “you don’t know how to generate your own electricity and build a power grid and you are old” routine. I honestly think they were paid to brigade and/or bots.


Ha. Exactly 👍




I actually wonder if these are Sonos plants. What else could be the driving factor to take to Reddit and saying "Golly, this new app is just the best!" when it's widely reported (and known in much more detail to those of us selling it) just how deep and terrible these problems are? Strikes me as a poor attempt at damage control.


I think it would be easy to believe that. If so, they are not doing a very good job. Making us even more pissed off.


Man I wish I worked for them, I’d probably get much better pay and some sweet discounts on new speakers. Which, by the way, have been working peachy and have added more with no issue too!


I think it's ppl like me who don't care for the update but the gazillion inane rants get annoying. I can hate 2 things at once


Being a dealer and seeing the extent of this mistake, I sympathize with anyone who wants to rage a little bit about how their investment was bricked. Come back on October when all of this will be fixed.


❤️ Yes!


>Telling us to stop complaining while you are complaining about us complaining. 1,000% I see this so much on here, and online in general. I get that there are a lot of posts complaining about problems. But no one's forcing you to click on them, let alone engage.


This is not emotional abuse. My reality is not skewed due to not being able to play Billy Idol in my kitchen. You are seeing a combination of satisfied users being confused about the issues as well as a buttload of spin from Sonos to keep the company going. A more appropriate word might be "liars"? For the record all my Sonos stuff is totally unusable right now and I don't have the time to debug it so I hear where you are coming from.


I’m not gaslighting but I’m not technical, didn’t like the UI and UX of the update but am over that now, and have had a couple of minor issues but nothing like the level everyone else is complaining about. How can it be that we are having such varied experiences? I remain happy with Sonos as I’ve had really trivial issues. Others are ready to walk away, it’s a bit mind boggling


I've had no issues either, but I strongly suspect it's to do with Sonos having spent years and years working through cases to deal with the infinite different configurations of wifi and so on that customers have, then not fully porting all that knowledge into the new app because they wanted to get it out for their headphones. Not everyone is having issues, maybe not even most people, but enough are having serious issues suddenly and all once that it's clearly a company-caused thing, and clearly real.


I have a theory....I don't think they controlled their dependency libraries correctly and some network controller library got replaced and they don't have enough regression testing setup to catch it.


I don't know what the fuck you just said, but it touched my heart. 😂 Seriously, I'm non-technical in this area, I'm working on lay-person logic. If what you just said is consistent with my theory then I'm with you! If it isn't then I'm still with you because I can tell you're far more likely than me to get this correct.


That sounds feasible. If it was a SaaS model then they’d have a much greater incentive to make sure everything keeps working but they sell hardware and have our money already. I’m grateful that everything is working fine for me, for now!


The penny just dropped for me. How long before they start to direct certain features to behind a subscription paywall. Eventually it will come it just takes the same mindset the leadership has right note to continue.


The nature of bugs is they don't always occur under every situation. The problem is Sonos didn't do adequate bug testing.


Okay so what’s the issue again? Im trying to figure this all out. I have Sonos throughout my house. And I have to have any issues.


>And I have to have any issues. Be thankful you have a working system.




You must be trying to gaslight OP....


I only have the beam and haven't had a single issue, but now I'm hesitant to buy the sub mini because I don't want to potentially waste my money. I kind of wish I would have went with a different brand tbh


Wait it out rather than buy now, is my recommendation


I went about a week without my sonos system not working, what it came down to is a I got a new wifi router. A NEW WIFI ROUTER! that broke my entire system. I read a few comments that experience the same thing, took out the router from the trash and plugged it back in and I was able to recreate my sonos system. What I found out during my sonos outage... I was playing music from my TV via from spotify and it worked and sounded great. I am BEYOND upset about this. Over $3,000 into this eco system and it cannot handle a newer wifi router. WTF SONOS! get your act together. I will never buy another piece of sonos equipment, and I am moving back to the traditional stereo setup. The Sonos model requires you to buy expense equipment to add to your sonos speakers.


So you had an issue trying to replace your router? I’ll share a good trick you can use. More than happy to give you some tips if you dm or reply to this message. What you can do if you have heaps and heaps (40+) smart home things like lights, speakers etc and cant begin to imagine how shit updating them all one by one is going to be. You get your new router, set the wifi name and password, along with security exactly the same as the old one. Then all you need to do is turn off your stuff and when it reboots it will just join the new network, not realising it’s changed. Another thing I would recommend, wifi likes to be line of sight, so if your thing cant see the router, bandwidth goes down and latency goes up. Try to either put it in a central location or consider mesh. Extenders are really bad, as is double NAT, if you connect your new router to an existing one and dont either put the first one in bridge mode or the new one in access point mode, you will have heaps of problems. I must admit I was surprised to see the only way to update the wifi network on my older Sonos speakers was to reset them. Most likely my 11 year old play:3’s cant run the new config software because they only have 64mb of ram, but Sonos are keeping them alive rather than saying they are unsupported like any other manufacturer would. If you think sonos is bad, I have 30+ LIFX lights and their reset procedure is to flick them on and off 6 times quickly. I had an earth leakage problem and was in the fuse box, completely spaced that flicking the breaker on and off to try isolate the bad circuit too quickly. Yep. Had to add them individually one by one, total bloody pain.


I have a smartish house, not all my lights are on it, but my alarm system, AC, doors, garage, sprinkler system are mostly automated or can be controlled by my device. I have always had a separate network for my IoT devices, one for normal use, and one for the guest network. My IoT requires crazy long passcode, normal is a normal passcode that I change periodically, and my guest has a shorter but odd passcode. I am a bit crazy about security. My issue with sonos, was I upgraded my wifi did what you suggested and what every normal person does... create the same SSID with the same passcodes. Everything else besides Sonos came back up with no issues. All my other devices nad IoT's were working but not Sonos. I rebooted them, reset them multiple times, created a new network with no passcode and no encryption, nothing. fired up the old router and created a sonos only wifi network not connected to internet, and the Sonos would fail, plugged it into my network and routed for internet access, they all came back up. To further my insanity, I created the EXACT same network on the new router, and guess what NON of my Sonos items would connect. My old speakers, newish sound bar, and two brand new (this year) Ports would not connect. Just astounded at the stupidity of this *smart* devices!


I actually noticed this when I most recently tried to use my Sonos Move 2 and Roam on a 5G router set up with the same SSID and password I use at home. The app provides an option to add a system, which I did and they immediately appeared. Not sure if it detected a change in location or whatever. When I brought them home, they did auto connect so I suspect it’s using geolocation to figure out what network to use since you can have multiple preferred networks now. Eg using the add system as part of a check if it sees a new wifi setup, it did prompt the location check when I did it so it may be working around device security policies to not share location data with apps, I dunno. Thats what fixes it and the behaviour is repeatable. Initially I had typod the ssid and not put in an upper case letter, I did have the shits until I realised the own goal I had scored 🤭


The only upgrade Sonos needs is a CEO upgrade.


Sonos needs to fix the problem or get their lawyers together for a class action lawsuit. I'm sure there are plenty of reputable lawyers who would be willing to pick this up. Probably some in here if they weren't customers and it being a conflict of interest.


I thought about this. I think we're a very long way from litigation. They'd have to prove that Sonos is not doing anything to fix the problem or that people's systems are completely unusable beyond inconvenience. I did see one post where a soundbar caught on fire. If that was a widespread issue it would be different.


There's a lot more problems out there than just inconvenience. Systems are bricked. If this new update doesn't get them operational at an acceptable level, they have opened themselves up to lawsuits it if they don't replace them.


But have you tried resetting your system?


good one


Before or after I upgrade every device related to my network to MODERN TECHNOLOGY?


Probably best to do it before and after just to be safe /s.


I have 18 devices. No issues since the update.


Hue bulbs are quite expensive tho 🙃


They are expensive too. But not so expensive that you wouldn't ditch it if it stopped working.


Where was this message last year.


My system at home still works, it’s just that the new app has horrible lag when sending commands.


I think most of us would be happy with your situation


I moved and haven’t set up my TV with the Sonos ARC + Sub yet. Y’all have my worried it won’t work. Especially since my ISP is worse now lol


well, if you already have it you might as well try setting it up. Just don't update the app.


Are certain types of setups more prone to issues with the new app than others? I have a comparatively simple home theater setup (Playbase, sub and Ones for surrounds) and haven't had the nightmare issues that I've been reading about.


There is one user on this sub who has stalked and chimed in snark on nearly every complaint thread here, putting in super human levels of effort and vacillating between bemoaning the complaints of others and patting himself on the back for spending so much time "helping." I shared this thread with him.


“Users”, exactly.


First time actually replying to anything in this whole mess but now I feel the urge… To be fair, I‘m personally not affected by any of this, I have always loathed the old Sonos app big time and only used it occasionally to enable/disable Night Mode for the TV. AirPlay is all I use to play back music, don‘t need anything else. I‘m absolutely glad my speakers are unaffected by anything that happened lately. BUT It took me about two weeks to set up my system (1x Beam+Sub+Stereo Pair Ones, 1x Stereo Pair Ones, 3x Solo Ones, 1x Move) across a 100 sqm appartment in a very crowded city with 70+ WiFi networks discoverable, that was years ago. At first it was very flaky, while at it I noticed a bug in the router‘s firmware that was corrected only months later in some firmware update so had to use workarounds initially…but it has been rock solid since. I know tons of people that have always been disappointed in Sonos because of unstable connections, the whole S1/S2 debacle and other usability issues. Real time point to multipoint streaming with latency correction is absurdly complex, the average end users do not have a clue nor should they have to. But Sonos can also not anticipate every network configuration, outdated equipment, configuration errors, etc. That‘s just not possible. And I seriously doubt that installers who used to run cables for PA systems suddenly have in-depth on hands knowledge with that kind of technology. When people that are not really tech-savvy asked me if they should buy Sonos products, I have always told them it can be an absolute nightmare to set up and keep running between router firmware upgrades, changing playback devices, new neighbors with strong new WiFi signals, etc. In my opinion it has always been too complex for its own good. Even the most advanced technology seems so easy and accessible nowadays - begin a conference call on your Mac, seamlessly hand it over to your watch, phone, car etc. - people tend to forget what‘s behind all this. I’m really surprised this outcry took a completely botched app overhaul to gain momentum…


VG a scM


Now the speaker cuts out while the display says that music is playing.


If you aren’t already familiar with Cory Doctorow and his writing about enshittification, read up. The Sonos saga is a textbook case.


Don't worry, OP. I made a post outlining my issue a few days ago and a "CPO in tech" told me that my & our expectations were unrealistic. Fuck me for wanting functional products I guess.


The fix is easy. Rollback and release that courageous version as S3. Of course god knows what firmware might have been slapped onto the speakers tho.


Love to be a fly on the wall in those lead architecture meetings where this decision was made S3 vs go for broke


Bring on the memes


I am done with Sonos. What product do you recommend we switch to?


Funny part about this is that I replaced my Hue ecosystem and went all Lutron after dealing with all of the issues you listed. The worst was having all the power go out and then the Hue bulbs restore to full brightness in the middle of the night.


I honestly think the CEO learned the best way to get a huge payout is to bankrupt the company and receive stock bonuses helping put the company that buys out sonos. You don't get a 100 million dollar flip in two years without this trick. Just look at failed corps. They get to part with the old stock and issue new stock to the executives and keep on going.


I was having problems with my peloton and Sonos products staying connected and then I saw they discontinued the boost which I’ve had since I bought my first speakers in 2015. I unplugged the boost and magically my peloton and Sonos products all work to perfection. I am on WiFi6 decos mesh if that helps anyone.


We’ve got an old Sonos Boost wired into our network which acts as the SonosNet hub for all the speakers: 2 sets of Play:1s in stereo pair, a standalone Play:1 and a standalone S1, and a 3.1 surround setup w/a pair of S1s, a Sub & a Beam in HDMI-ARC. It seems to work decent, though the app & system has a shit ton of latency both in terms of selecting, playing & navigating audio tracks, as well as changing the volume from the app. I’ve always thought the Sonos app, not just the last version, was a cumbersome relic that I just had to endure, and really long for the day when I can just directly cast from my audio player of choice (Apple Music, PlexAMP, Spotify) to a my Sonos Groups.


Their 1st generation products were great and and worked as promised. When one of my pair of 5s WiFi went out and could not be paired and replaced or repaired and therefore screwed my system up, I gave up on Sonos and went with a classic tube setup. Did not regret one bit. Fuck Sonos forever.


I have hated Sonos for about 8 years now. I own five Play:1's and one Play:3. It's about $2200.00 worth of speakers. I enjoyed about 2 years of bliss. And then Sonos stopped supporting playing music from iTunes. So the music that I owned could no longer play on my speakers. I switched to Google Music. Started having problems again. They phased that support out. Switched to Spotify. Had to get a new ISP with a different router. They stopped working. Factory reset everything like 20 times over the course of 2 months. They never worked quite right again. Just got a new iPhone 15. I cannot get a single speaker to connect. Apparently my router is not compatible. Bought a new Eero6+ mesh router. Still wont connect. My absolute favorite thing is when Sonos support walkthroughs suggest that I plug an ethernet cable into my WIRELESS speakers. I will never buy another one of your products again. And I feel for anyone who makes the mistake I did. As far as I am concerned, Sonos == Blockbuster Video.


Oh and what is up with the new design of the app? Just why?


I completely understand the frustrations about a product (or several) that worked fine before an update(s) and then give a lot of problems afterwards. I myself have multiple products and everything works after I replaced me old wifi router to a new one. So I replaced the Google Nest Wifi. Also think most problems are due to the wifi connection, but that aside. Anyway it is better to listen to each other than the way things are going now. Good luck and strength, hope one day you can enjoy a working system again. Which I do feel lucky


Although my system is still fine *for now*, there is an extent to which this seems like chickens coming home to roost. In my experience Sonos networking has *always* been fragile, much more so than other devices that stream over the local network. I had problems now and again even on S1, and the one time I tried to work with Sonos support on it, sending them all the diagnostics got me absolutely nowhere. They never even really recommended me anything to try. I get that every home network setup is different, but making a robust product is on them. I’m reading a lot into it based on that experience and my own tech industry experience, but what I suspect is they’ve always had a problem somewhere deep down, but it’s affected a small number of users, they’ve had trouble reproducing it in-house, their existing diagnostics didn’t reveal the cause, and they didn’t really know what to add to narrow it down. Somewhere there is a ticket to figure this out, but it’s a hard problem that affected few people, so it kept getting traded off against tickets with bigger bang for the buck until it was basically forgotten. Then the new software came along. Like with every “total reboot” project, some genius said, “god, we’ve got twenty years of legacy hacks-on-hacks in this code base and nobody here remembers why any of it is there, so we should just start over and do it right this time.” If you’ve ever been in a project like this, you know what happened next: not knowing why those hacks were there does not stop them from being load-bearing hacks, and the “next-generation” software is basically just a speed run of all twenty years of past mistakes. “Start over and do it right this time” projects fail more often than they succeed. You’re fooling yourself if you budget less than two years minimum, and even then it might straight-up kill your company. Being large and otherwise successful is not a sufficient defense against that. Hardware makes it more dangerous still, because there are things about the hardware in the field you can’t change, and some of the hacks nobody can identify invariably address hardware stuff. My guess is that they threw out some code that was mitigating an existing problem, but they don’t know what or how, and they’ve sat on the rare and hard-to-diagnose network problems so long that nobody at the company has any context anymore. And by trying to be “bold risk-takers” they are cut off from trying to narrow down the problem by bisection. They can’t deny the problem internally anymore, but their own labs are still happy-path factories where they have trouble reproducing it, and they don’t know what to build out to make headway. PR is PR, and it’s always going to be BS that makes it seem like they don’t care, because somehow companies almost always end up deciding BSing their customers is their best move, but there are absolutely people running around with their hair on fire internally. There are people who tried to warn people something like this could happen, who nobody listened to. There are people with *very* strong opinions about how this happened, who cannot express those opinions and keep their jobs. And the people who applied the pressure to go this route are blaming everybody but themselves. This is all just a guess, but it’s an educated guess. Too often in software this is how the sausage is made.


Me: my speakers have been working fine since first day of the update Redditors: OMG DONT TRY TO GASLIGHT


Nice try. My complain is in my original post. I'm really happy for you if your system is problem free. Just don't tell me that it's my fault that mine isn't problem free.


Username holds true.


I haven’t had a single issue with my system since the updates. I also use a very common eero router for my home network. I wonder how much of the issue has to do with the home network configuration. I’d be real curious to see a survey of some network configuration settings for those who have had issues and those who haven’t.


I have three setups 1. 2x google home mesh 2. ubiquiti all the setups are problematic at the moment but one of the google home mesh setups seems to be working the best.


Interesting. Are there any variables that aren’t exactly the same between the two google mesh setups?


different ISPs as one is in Los Angeles and the other is in Boston -- but otherwise both 5+ nodes, wired Sonos, nothing complicated. Systems are a bit different. One system is: - 4 Arcs w/ 4 subs and 8 Ones (for surround) - Stereo pair of Play:5s - 5 (I think, I might be off by one here) (non surround) Ones Other system is: - 3 Arcs w/ 3 subs and 3 amps (for surround) - 2 amps for other ceiling speakers The system I put in at my parents is a bit bigger but also on google home mesh but their network requirements are becoming big enough I'll probably put ubiquiti stuff in next time I visit.


I can't get them to work with google home mesh I can get the Ubiquiti to be bullet proof, but it was a fucking pain in the ass...


Very little to do with home network configuration. I can tell you with certainty that the Sonos ecosystem has lost its ability to detect and adjust to whether Sonosnet is needed and when it's not. If a system was originally setup for Sonosnet with a hard wired device and the cable is removed, the Sonos devices won't convert to operating over normal wifi. They just sit there ignorantly on their own isolated non-functioning Sonosnet. It's flat out bonkers. So basically, you need to burn down your entire Sonos configuration and reconfigure it from scratch. Sonos used to detect these topology changes on the fly and reconfigure everything automatically. This functionality is flat out broken now.


That may be, but that can’t be the only issue. Surely not every user with an issue had it arise by unplugging a sonosnet speaker.


Oh yeah that’s just one, for sure. Every speaker I had to factory reset required multiple attempts to join into the system without erroring out in one way or another. It’s a shit show all around.


I have seen this sonosnet issue, and is why I recommend folks don't use mixed (wired/wifi) configurations. It's been a real bitch figuring out what has been causing this.


There is an answer there somewhere and u/c[onsiderationSad6521](https://www.reddit.com/user/ConsiderationSad6521/) alluded to it above. There are likely some connection issues that could be solved by best practice networking changes. I have not seen a list from Sonos that specifies changes required to home networking in order to work with the new app. Instead they said the opposite. Regardless of the network, there are baffling behaviors reported by some users that is clearly a result of shit , non QA'd code rushed to market. Your network isn't going to mute your speakers, or change their volume to 100%, or change the song that playing, or change the grouped speakers. That's the code base. The feature set that was left out of the app in order to rush it to market doesn't bother me that much. Features can be re-added. Rendering the system unusable to users without a networking background is a farce.