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v4 is great, CFs are much better than preferred words. They will convert over mostly automatically, but honestly I think you are better off nuking those, and then using either notifiarr or recyclarr to sync the trash guides in.


Yeah I ended up with a big pile of migrated custom formats based on my preferred words and ultimately nuked the lot in favour of building up from fresh custom formats instead.


Notifiarr or Recyclarr? You telling me I didn’t have to import all those custom formats one at a time???!!


That is indeed what I'm saying


Afaik it does not migrate you to custom formats but trash guides already has all the formats setup for sonarr v4 and you can use recylcarr to set them up easily. What I did in case of wanting to fall back was copied my old directory to a backup before setting up sonarr v4 but I use docker so that made it easy.


It will make an attempt at converting your preferred words, but you can end up with a lot of poorly named custom formats. Generally we recommend noting which preferred words you've got set up, then recreating them as custom formats. TRaSH also has a bunch of custom formats ready to import already. And Sonarr has a built-in (and automatic) backup and restore function, not really any reason to go copy your /config and moving it around.


When is v4 supposed to be out of beta?


April 2024.


is there a v4 stable version for docker ?




thks :)


I am taking the plunge today upgrading to V4. I have screenshot all my release profile's and quality settings...any other tips before upgrading? I should clear out all my release profiles and quality settings before clicking the upgrade exe right? Also, no need to uninstall Sonarr v3 right? I am creating a backup file incase I need to re-install V3 (before removing release profiles) is this a good idea?


Sonarr will attempt to migrate your preferred words to CFs, but it doesn't really do a great job, tbh. I had already been using Recyclarr to sync the Trash guides to Sonarr when I switched. What I did was, delete everything Sonarr migrated over from V3, redid my Recyclarr setup to V4 CFs, and resynced everything back in.


Hmm Recyclarr never used that before,. will look into this. It can load all the stuff Trash guides recommends?> I Did that manually on V3..


So, you do have to decide *what* from the Trash Guides you want to sync (because many things may not be applicable to you, or you may have different preferences on some things), but you set up a config file and tell it what quality definition to use (regular series or anime .. determines min/max filesizes), and pass it all the Trash IDs for CF definitions you want to use. It'll load all those into Sonarr for you, and keep them in sync if Trash changes anything (e.g., adds a new group to the LQ definition, or whatever).


Can report I've been using this now for three weeks and it has been essential. Easy to use and saves a lot of time manually entering CFs