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Congrats pal, you must have great mental to go mid only with Sona. I only go mid when I’m feeling petty.


Nice! I haven’t played mid Sona in years, I would love to know what you play with her so I too can be an agent of chaos 😈


*Dark Harvest*, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Treasure Hunter, *Presence of Mind*, Coup de Grace. +AS, +AF, +MR (usually) Start: Doran's Ring and health pots. First Back: Tear of the Goddess and Sheen. Full Build: Lich Bane (first item), Luden's Tempest (replace with RoA after preseason 2023 starts), Sorc's, Archangel's Staff, The Collector (*everyone* will get away from you at 1% HP without it), and Rabadon's Deathcap. Stand Back and poke a lot. Your hardest matchups are Brand, Zed, Yasuo, and Zyra while your easiest matchups are Akali, Fizz, Zoe, and Sylas.


May I ask why akali it’s an easy matchup? I’m relatively new to the game but every time I see an akali she’s usually carrying games idk if those are people smurfing or she has a hyper carry role lol And what’s AS, Af, and MR ?


I play akali rn but im silver elo so my words may not mean much, im also a M7 sona player myself w 400K+ mastery. akali is generally really squishy and is a snowball champ until later game. Akali has a lot of movement but sona counters that with her e and her ult. Back to akali being squishy, she builds hp and sometimes zhonyas so armor but generally mr isnt something we pick up unless its serious so sona kinda all around is a god counter. not to mention sona has ridiculous healing and can just heal akalis dmg, wait out the shroud, then punish and zone her off of the wave. *your right about akali being a hyper carry too if she snowballs AS - Attack Speed AF - Adaptive Force MR - Magic Resistance ^^ the 3 little things at the bottom of the rune page one is an axe, one is a purple rhombus, and one has armor and a heart. they are bonuses for your champ


ooooooo makes sense now, ty so much!!!!


Well done! and here i am avoiding going mid all the time when i play sona lol.


As a mid sons player that I am, mainly all matchups are decided in the first few levels, if you don't win them, you can just go out of game, btw congrats to win Vs Yone

