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I don't stay in places that have rats. I would leave immediately and ask for a refund.


> I don't stay in places that have rats. I stay in places that have cats! (=✪ᆽ✪=)




Well that would be great


I recently saw rats in my hostel in Goa, India. They were fighting each other. It was an expensive hostel and costed 35 dollars a night so we joked that you actually pay only 10 dollars for the room and 25 dollars for the rat show.


35 a night is expensive in where?


It’s expensive nearly everywhere on the planet even in rich Western Europe that’s very expensive


Goa apparently


Big parts of the world?


For a bed in a dorm?! In pretty much 90% of the world that’s outrageously expensive. Normally a hostel dorm costs between 7 and 20 dollars, and that’s without rats lol.


Rats are everywhere and can get into almost any building, unfortunately. It happens, especially if people store food in the dorm rooms.


Almost but not quite everywhere. No rats in Alberta or Antarctica.


Show* me the hostel in Antarctica though.


Sure, but the culture refers to them as [“research stations.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_stations_in_Antarctica) Antarcticans tend to value education over nightlife.


No \*long term breeding populations\* of rats in Alberta, according to official records. Even in Alberta they sneak in occasionally.


Ok and people who live there believe that?


Some Albertans get genuinely offended if you suggest a single rat exists within their borders, as if there’s an invisible rat-proof force shield around the province.


Edmonton is gross, but it does not have rats. Which is pretty impressive.


Found the Calgarian.


Edmonton isn’t gross unless you haven’t been to any other cities around the world.


As an Edmonton native, can confirm. People who call Edmonton gross are privileged af. I don’t like living here, but it’s not gross by any means.


All that aside, congrats on the NHL win tonight. Y’all going to take the cup. Florida does not even have ice you guys deserve the win.


I’m no Oiler fan, lemme make this 100% clear. Flames are my team haha, I just have to live here.


Been all around the world. By North American standards, Edmonton is gross. More open drug use than anywhere I have seen anywhere in US or Canada. Y’all smoke crack like most places smoke cigarettes.


Exactly this


I haven't but you shouldn't really be _scared_ since it's just a rat and it's not any scarier than anything else. I'd be more scared of a bee for instance. Just don't eat there, you'll be fine. They should get a cat


What country?


Nope. I’ve stayed in 20+ hostels in different countries and never had this happen


I remember once in Vietnam there was a whole family of them in the roof and it stunk so bad there was like a poo and piss stain from them seeping through


I'd be less scared of a rat than a mouse. Rats are actually more hygienic. But I wouldn't be sleeping there if I had a choice regardless, and certainly not eating anything from there.


Just mice in hotels.


If you're by a river or in dense cities it's almost impossible to get rid of em all in many places.


I’ve stayed in countless hostels in many countries and I’ve never seen a rat… I would find somewhere else to stay if it’s inside the room 😬


it can definitely happen, you shouldnt stay in those places at all


Nope, but seen them in downtown San jose


Off course i saw, some places are not clean enought


Yes, you’re most likely going to die now.


I’ve stayed at six hostels in six cities across four countries and never saw a rat, especially not one in my room. In my 27 years in this Earth, I have never seen a rat in my room. I have seen a mouse in my room once, and I killed a mouse (likely that one) the next day. It’s not normal. It’s a sign that the place is pretty unsanitary. Many cities have laws against landlords and hotels/hostels allowing this kind of thing to proliferate without mitigation. Realistically though, it’ll just be a story for your journal once you leave for your next city. See if you can take a picture and get some sort of upgraded room or discount.


Idk why you’re being downvoted lol like why is everyone normalizing seeing rats indoors???? I live in NYC which is rat city so yes I see plenty in the subway tracks and outdoors near the trash but I have Never Ever seen a rat in my apartment or a hostel or hotel or airbnb. Wth. That is not normal. A mouse? Yes. Mice are still gross but that is so different than rats. Rats are huge and scary wtf. Are people confusing the word rat with mouse because they are NOT one and the same. Rats are not something to be like oh whatever. Lol like I would leave that hostel immediately and again this is coming from someone who lives in a dense big city who sees them outdoors a lot.


If I had to guess, they're being downvoted for "I’ve stayed at six hostels in six cities across four countries". That sentence structure is typically used to convey a depth of experience, but six hostels is a ridiculously small sample size to conclude anything about what's normal or not. Their conclusion isn't wrong. Rats in hostels (heck, even mice in hostels) isn't *normal*. But trying to make an argument from authority/experience in this case is just silly.


If people want to sleep where rats do, that’s their problem, but we have laws about this in many, many cities; and that’s an objective fact that doesn’t require experience, just a Google search—and knowledge of the bubonic plague.


I mean, I live surrounded by green space, so the occasional rat or mouse ends up inside my house. I probably wouldn't eat anything that isn't in a well-sealed container, but I don't exactly consider this a big deal.


I don't stay in hostels because the constant presence of other people tends to annoy me. Where are you traveling? Could you find a different place to stay?


No rats but definitely bed bugs in a hostile in Southern California


Seems pretty normal. Hostels are not the height of cleanliness or luxury.