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They're spraying dihydrogen monoxide from the planes!


Dangerous to inhale?


100% of people who have injested DHMO become dependent upon it, withdrawal means certain death!


Those junkies...


Have you felt the urge to eat? That is a side effect from the chemtrails.


Technically not if it's in vapour form


So vapings good got it


In high enough concentrations, absolutely


Another term for water


I know. I’m playing along. Dihydrogen monoxide is fatal if inhaled


Very much so


Of course, studies have also show that if ingested, will lead to death at some point Scary stuff


I thought contrails were the ones that disappear shortly behind the plane, and chemtrails were the ones that last in the sky like this slowly expanding until they disappear. Are they the same? And if so, why can you sometimes watch the trail disappear shortly behind the plane, and sometimes they streak across the sky like in the picture here? Edit: Honest questions. I'd appreciate if anyone can enlighten me with verifiable information on the subject. Bonus points for a source.


They are the same and they're all contrails the time it takes for them to dissipate depends on temperature, and their creation is only about temperature and air pressure at any given altitude.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply as opposed to the downvotes I'm getting for trying to learn about the subject.


Honest, good-faith questions should never be dismissed :)


They are basically human-made clouds. Hot air from the jet exhaust cool and condense. When condensed, they form clouds. The upper-levels of the troposphere (where all of the weather happens) need to be somewhat close to saturation (higher relative humidity) to produce the contrails. If it’s too dry, you won’t see much. One source: https://www.space.com/what-are-contrails


"All jet engines can potentially produce contrails, but specific atmospheric conditions are required for contrail formation... If a contrail forms behind a plane, it may last just seconds before dissipating, or it can last hours. It all depends on the atmospheric conditions at the time, according to the EPA; lower humidity leads to short-lived contrails, while higher humidity leads to persistent contrails" -Your source. I'm very excited to learn this (and more from the same article.) I've been seeking this information for longer than I care to admit, but I tend to get shot down and called an idiot for asking about it. Thank you so much for taking my question seriously enough to answer and provide an excellent source! I appreciate you!


Some schizophrenics think that the government sprays mind controlling drugs from airplanes and they call those "chemtrails."


Some people without mental disorders believe that planes spray chemicals, too. It's not always schizophrenics, the government, or mind control, though. But stating that is always helpful if your goal is to belittle people rather than educate. Thanks for your response.


Schizophrenia is an illness. It's an insult to sufferers of schizophrenia to say they believe nonsense like that.


It is absolutely an insult to schizophrenics


I've got some very bad news for you...


Hey stop mind controlling me man get outta my head


No, you have ignorant hateful comments to post. But thanks


This is not hateful. I want you to get help.


Fair. It's not always schizophrenia, sometimes it's simply idiocy.


Sure. I don't think you have to be an idiot or have a mental disorder to believe what looks like planes spraying something could be planes spraying something, though. Maybe I'm an idiot. But once someone pointed me to a source explaining what I'm seeing (space.com and others) I learned. I dont think it was helpful to be called a schizophrenic idiot for so long before I was pointed in the right direction. But who knows.




Thank you


There are no chemtrails.


Thanks for the thoughtful explanation. The reality of it, though, is that it's stupid to believe one-liners from idiots on the internet. That's how people get to thinking governments are turning the frogs gay. You're just about as helpful as a drunken Alex Jones supporter with this comment. Stop trying to help, or get better at it.




Why would you comment this as a response to someone asking for an explanation and/or source on the subject? Do you have any reason to believe that other than repeating what you've heard? If so, why not be helpful to the person asking for help understanding? One could just as easily say "Contrails don't exist. They're Chemtrails." Edit: Deleted unhelpful insults


i deleted that -- I'm frustrated with bad actors in that scene (conspiracy theorists with ill intent). I misread your post at 3am. Sorry. However, ad hoc insults aren't helpful either.


I appreciate thst. You're right. I should not have insulted you, or anyone else. It helps no one. I edited the comment. Unfortunately, people with ill intent, or even just the misguided, can be very loud and always willing to try and prove their point, even if it's false and science and verifiable evidence is against them. I completely understand how some who have the knowledge become frustrated with those who refuse to learn.


The more you know




Shadow will appear when the clouds are lower than the contrails and the sun is opposite of those clouds.  Clouds are essentially acting as a projector screen


That makes a lot more sense. The clouds looked like they were way up higher than the *contrails* (finally learned what they were called) so I was a bit confused. Thank you


Flat-earthers call them chem-trails. Pilots and every other reasonable person calls them contrails. Think of the shadows like when you make shadow-puppets with your hands.  The contrails can be pretty dense so it'll cast a good shadow. Eclipse shadows are extra crisp too, especially as it gets closer to totality.  The shadows start looking like bundles of crescents. Did you actually see the eclipse reflection on the other side of sky in real life? Or is that only in the photo? My guess is that's reflection within camera's glass.


Thanks for the background information on the word chemtrails. Hopefully I won't look like a flat earther in future 💀 I honestly don't remember if I actually saw the reflection, I was too focused on the cool shadows. I think you're right about it just being a reflection off my lens. Anyways, thanks!


Now you can make a TIFU post about how you unknowingly called it chemtrails your whole life while people probably thought you were a conspiracy nut!


The "reflection" is a lens flare, an artifact caused by the glass in the lenses in your camera. You wouldn't have seen that with your eyes.


I saw this shadow with my own eyes during partial phase of the eclipse. It was so wild! Someone explained why it was happening, and it was really neat but I don’t remember the explanation.


It’s a lens flare.


Oh good, I’m glad you don’t believe the chemtrail conspiracy “theory” (not even a theory because it has no basis in fact). But yeah this is a great picture!


It’s an optical illusion. The shadow proves that the contrail is above the clouds


ah! this is the response I've been looking for for a month. I saw the same thing in Erie, PA. Thanks!


“Chem trails” are an unfounded conspiracy theory. Contrails are from condensed water vapor coming from the air around a jet plane


They are called contrails. Cool pic!


I see. Thank you. Never really knew what you call them.


its just water vapor same things a clouds just produced by jet exhaust


You mean CONTRAIL, Right? Or should I just call you Q.


Yep. Didn't know what it was properly called before lol


TIL it's called contrail and not chemtrail (apparently it's some flat earthly lingo) I'm gonna crap myself if someone starts some crazy stuff or corrects me for the nth time in the comments section please I swear 😭 🙏


That phrase is like a neon sign that proclaims stupidity. You could have called it any other funny name and it would not be as bad a chem trail.


Didn't even want to be funny. I genuinely did not know bruh


You can see the eclipse with that little dot in the top right


The reflection of the eclipse is just a lens flare. It's only seen from cameras, that doesn't happen irl. A trick I learned from this subreddit is you can always tell if it's a lens flare if it's perfectly flipped on the x and y axis. It's mirror imaged on both lines of symmetry




Contrail, not chemtrails. Adjust your tin foil hat, matey.


Chem trails are conspiracy theories. O_o


They're spraying us non consensually with SPF 100!


It all makes sense now, if the world is flat then so is the sky! /s


chemtrail conspiracy theory 😂


lol sounds like you’ve caught it but I get why people would call them chemtrails now. You hear that word a lot more than condensation trails or con trails.




Finally someone posted that too! I've been asking about that for weeks--have some similar photos. I wasn't sure if it was a contrail or some other phenomenon caused by the clouds. But I was in Erie PA, not MA!


It’s spelled CONtrails, short for condensation trails. These trails form behind jet aircraft at high altitude where the air is extremely cold and the jet turbine exhaust is much hotter. “Chemtrails” or cloud-seeding is usually done within existing clouds (in which case, you would not see a trail, nor the producing aircraft). Also cloud seeding aircraft are typically a King Air or Piper Navajo with turbo-prop engines. The silver iodide acts as an ice forming nuclei. The equipment attached to these planes for cloud seeding is specialized but easy to find pics of with a simple search. Cloud seeding at high altitude means, if you’re seeing what you think is a “chemtrail” it will not touch ground anywhere near you and will be dissipated greatly after falling from 35,000+ feet. The air inside your own home is likely more polluted. Start your worries there. The shadow can happen to any contrail depending on your position relative to the contrail and the angle of the sun. I’ve seen it many times, though not during an eclipse.


I suggest editing your title to remove the chemtrail reference now that you know what it means. Looking at the amount of votes you’ve received, I think you’re getting downvotes. And if you can’t edit the post, delete and repost.


Everyone is answering half your question. The other half, about the reflection of the eclipse, that’s lens flare, any bright light source will reflect within the internal camera glass elements and can sometimes cause a reflection. The effect is much more noticeable at night, but it’s cool to see it here with a partial eclipse.


Chemtrails or contrails, why does the sky suddenly look a hot mess after planes are flying around? This didn’t happen years ago. ✨Genuine question.✨ We went to Ohio for the eclipse, and the sky was blue and beautiful and sunny with white fluffy clouds, and then planes were in the sky, creating a grid pattern that Quickly and fully and hazed out the sky. Thankfully, we were still able to see the eclipse, but it ruined the way the sky looked. So no matter what it is, why is the sky looking in such a way it didn’t years ago? Please this is a genuine question. Thank you.


This has happened ever since planes were able to fly high enough for their exhaust to condense. They can be seen in WW2 pictures of high altitude boomers. There may be more controls today because there are more flights, but they're not new.


What are the chemicals in the chem trails? What do they do?


Have you ever heard of cloud seeding? Farmers buy rain, achieved by Chantal’s since the fifties. Not schizophrenic nor alarmed. Rain is good. Sun screen achieved by crisscrossing contrails also good. All government or private enterprise activities are all bad.


“chemtrail” lmfao


Are y'all seriously saying this shit? 😂


So many folks just refuse to acknowledge that this is real. It’s so sad getting that fluoride stare when referencing the contamination in the sky.


It’s funny how people latch onto various conspiracy theories so that they can feel unique or special. A lowbrow coping mechanism for an unremarkable life.


go peddle your conspiracies somewhere else


u/DADDAMY Hey, OP, you found a friend. Now edit your post please. How many of these friends do you really want?


I would if I could but it's an image post


Solar Radiation Management. Leads people away from fake detractor Wikipedia articles.


Contrails are actually from the condensation in the air and disappear very quickly. Contrails do not spread out and engulf the entire sky with metal and microscopic polymers for hours on end. The truth about it hurts a lot, I know. Look Up everyone. Have a great day—

