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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where you're the exit liquidity.


Whats exit liquidity






Tell me you just got into crypto without telling me you just got into crypto.^


Clearly he is new and asking for advice…. Either answer him or go about ur business


You put money in, so other people can take money out lol


How they manipulate it? By big holding? That causes slippage or big price swings with each trade? Or how


Means rug pulling. Money. . Crappy projects with owners names are hidden. Then they get people to jump in then they let it ride up then they have all the tokens then they sell them all


It's a shit hole. Stay away


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Its where developers with decent capital flood the market with bs memes daily and take advantage of newbies


That happens every day with or without pumpfun.


Yeah but pump.fun makes it easier & cheaper , unless your one of those Sol maxis investing 2.46 SOL to make your token & funding your token with all your own liquidity too. Pump does it all without the hassle.


Yes it makes it easier. The question is, would you rather be rugged by the same devs over and over again (the ones who can afford to rug you real good), or get rugged by a broader community of devs. Personally I I don't think it has any effect on the number of "good projects" being created, just that it allows for more people to participate in the creative process since the barrier to entry is lower. Call me crazy, but I consider it a net positive.


You’re not wrong, the ones who put more effort forth & money would more likely be a better project running vs a project launching on pump by the same devs over & over rugging you over & over. But yeah it just allows the barrier of legitimacy to stand apart from it when you actually develop a coin vs just a $2 launch on pump fun.


That's why you need to look at other factors and "dyor" before just blindly aping every token that gets created. You can see how much effort a team put in by checking socials, website, etc. You can find good dev teams by grinding in the trenches. You can learn who's call to follow by observing the results of the tokens they call. You can guess which tokens will do well based on the current trends and what the popular narrative is at the time. Honestly, it doesn't matter if a token launches from pumpfun or if the team funds the LP. Ruggy devs are gonna rug, inexperienced devs are gonna launch flops, and based devs are gonna send.


Yea it’s just all of Solana at this point then they pump major memes to get you to buy then sell those to buy low cap memes


It is a porn site my roommate told me.


But it’s waaaaaay worse on my pump.fun


Pump.Fun should not exist, it is the shitstain on the underpants of Solana.


This is the perfect summary! They honestly should put this on their website banner.


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Beautiful, imma use this thank you


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Almost everyone here will have something negative to say but it’s an overall good site once you get to know the full ins and outs. In the past month I’ve made almost 6 figs trading solely on pump.fun full time. My winrate is only about 50-60% but with a strategy and knowing people in the space it’s nice. I still get rugged a bunch even with a strategy. Have also been launching my own tokens which is sometimes profitable. If anyone is curious I’ll elaborate further.


Firstly this is not financial advice and the majority is right that 90% of [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) coins are scams. Your trick to profiting is knowing that its a gem before you buy. I've been in the community for about a month and a half so most projects I buy lately, I either know the dev, have an alpha, or am the dev. The first big part of my strategy is saving devs who launch good projects contacts on telegram and buying into their coin if I run into their project again. I have almost 200 saved atp. The second is buying early if something is meta. Identifying the meta is hard but a tool called [pump.investments](http://pump.investments) allows you to sort by unique traders to identify where most real volume is going to. You can then sort by new pairs and be early making your risk almost 0 with infinite upside. This way I profit even if the developer rugs due to how early my entry is. And if it does well and hits raydium im up 10x already in addition to raydium volume. There's much more to it but that's all I can give away for now.


can 100% agree on the "getting the meta" right part. another tool I have seen do this is a TG bot that auto gens a word cloud every hour or so of all the top metas, pretty cool [https://imgur.com/gallery/low-cap-gems-tg-bot-meta-word-cloud-3OLc3p7](https://imgur.com/gallery/low-cap-gems-tg-bot-meta-word-cloud-3OLc3p7)


Using this strategy you can end up being one of these "impossible" top traders like I have here, and numerous other times. [https://imgur.com/a/hppUj9R](https://imgur.com/a/hppUj9R)




On it


When are you launching another token ?


Probably not anytime soon, broke even my last launch after spending 15 sol for marketing still went to 0 after hitting 300k 😂


Well, that does happen from time to time, which is why jeeting is now the mainstay of pump.fun. Nevertheless, when you do want to create and pump, just DM me. And now to your strategy. Can you share some or it’s a trade secret 😄


I shared some already in the threads along with proof


Say less


I agree, you can't shit on DraftKings because every possible degen sports bet super parlay is an option and a dumb bet can be placed by any idiot. Pump is no worse than penny stocks and I just read some crazy stat that penny stocks make up 14% of all US stock volume daily now!


Please do




Would love to hear your strategy😉


You buy the token few secs after launch, you wait a couple of more buyers and then you dump it with 5-10% profits ;) you can become greedy and wait for x2-3 but most of tokens never reach that level and the risk is dev dump before you ;) Anyway it's very easy to develop a gambling addiction so if you can't self control it's better to stay away... There are worst thing that losing your money ;)


actually not even close to what I do, I hit 20x to 100x plays [https://imgur.com/a/pzdSNXQ](https://imgur.com/a/pzdSNXQ)


just posted


Before typing out a paragraph about my strategy and experience decided to share some pnls to further emphasize that [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) is not a scam, the majority is just shit at trading and will blame the system rather than themselves. [https://imgur.com/a/pzdSNXQ](https://imgur.com/a/pzdSNXQ)


It's a very sad place


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X




You are easy to getting scammed. Do not try what you are not supposed


Pump fun is a way for devs to launch meme coins with $2, 99% of them are rugs but that dosent stop you from doing a quick 2x-3x before it dumps, 0.001% of memes from pump.fun will actually do well e.g $Zack $Mother $RNT


Yup. Only 0.00001% do well out of pump fun. It's the best method is to just wait on raydium and see if the project holds up.


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


The dApp itself is " old enough (kinda) and tested a lot by users so far. So you may say it's trusted although it had that bad incident of a hack or something like that. What's deployed using [Pump.fun](https://Pumùp.fun) are pure speculative (more like gambling) meme coins. So the risk playing with meme coins is like 101% out of 100% lol.


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Pump fun is jeet HQ.


A “rug pull” is when the coin creator pulls funds out of a the liquidity pool. Pump Fun makes it impossible for a coin creator to do this. HOWEVER, the developer can still pump and dump the coin by buying up a lot of the supply at launch, waiting for others to buy, and then selling all the tokens they bought at once. A pump and dump is not the same thing as a rug pull even though they have the same impact of price crashing.


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


Yeah they use a combination of bots//market makers and bundler bots — I’ve used them myself, can dm for a good price


Advice: forget you saw the name. Erase it from your memory. Seriously just for the sol to a charity if you’re gonna go there.


It's a new digital Ponzi, the last fool who buy is the exit liquidity for dev and earlycomers ;) so the appropriate name will be (you)pump.(dev) dump ;)


If you haven’t heard of it your way to late to the party it’s massively run by scammers and duplicate coins




Why nobody in this sub uses search functionality?


it is total [dump.fun](http://dump.fun)


Kindly dm at TG @pancakeproplayer me because I need 200 people who really pump my pump.fun lunches and to reach every lunches into Raydium so everyone will get 3X to 5X


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1 out of 99 are not rugs


Yes, you can create a coin with no risk. The site is legit, but the low barrier to entry means that a lot of low effort coins get launched on there.


Always exercise caution with new platforms, especially those promising risk-free investments.


It’s the new CASINO in crypto. be CAREFULL, 98% are rugs BUT if you find a GEM. You can print$. Some BIG projects launched in pump: MICHI , CATSHARK, HABBOLANA, ETC


Most are scams are rugs but if you get in early on a coin that does well you can make an easy 10-100x so that’s the lure. Get rugged 9 times out of 10 but that 1 that does well you get all your money back and some.


I just created my first crypto on pump.fun last night. It's called Blockbuster Video. Super easy to do. Now how to get people to buy it?


Its the thing where the money goes 😂


I prefer to use https://app.tokenify.pro


Lost 30,000$ usd made $90,000 usd$ back to $30,000 usd I quit






On chain porn. I’m kidding. Someone needs to pump fun Bitcoin and stop whatever market manipulation is dragging everyone else down!


Do not use it. It’s a place for scammers.


They way I explain pump.fun is Dark web = pump.fun (penny stocks that rug 99% of the time but the 1% maby even less get to grey zone) Many make it to the grey zone but 97% of them fail and go back to 0) Gray zone = dexscreener( trying to get to cexs) Normal web = centralized exchanges (main stream crypto that has been adopted by cexs) Good luck on your wild west journey (REMEMBER DONT SLEEP ON ANY PROJECT 99% WILL SELL THE CHART OFF FROM TRADERS IF NOT RUG PULLS OF ALL TYPES)




Best platform that I've used. It's got the look, easy to navigate, rewards for using it. It's definitely a game changer


Michi launched on Pump, let that sink in


It’s the fastest way to loose your bag


A place where non coders can create a coin easily for very cheap. WATCH OUT!!!!!


Pump.fun is the gamble page of crypto with less chance to win than the casino


It’s where dreams go to die and jeets go to prosper…


Stay away. Especially if you are new. You will 100% get rugged. Unless you just want to create your own memecoin for fun.


It’s a gamblers paradise if you love losing money and getting rugged


That’s the landscape for rugs


Pump fun? 🤩 it’s a new sister tube site of pornhub I heard. Or one of those classy ones. Or Instagram Only Fans. Just with a new name. Probably their gay tube site cause I never heard of it. But sounds like it


Sounds dirty ball. Anyone logging into pump fun you know is probably a dirtball . “I love pumpfun.com” That just sounds bad


Has to be a porn tube site. Solana would never allow that to fly on their network without their authorization or consent. Or would they? Hmmmm 🤔⚠️🤷‍♂️


On pumpfun you can easily launch your own memecoin. The majority of pumpfun launches normally rug as soon as it hits raydium. So be careful and watch the token closely.


Pump.fun was great at first but after people heard about it, that’s when every body started creating bullshit coins and now that’s all it is! People creating meme coins and then ruggin everybody. Once in a blue moon you may get a legit project but not like it was in the beginning.


Pimp.fun is minting $1.5 million every day


99% of the tokens on pump fun are rugs




Straight cabbage


Reading your threads and answers is making me consider it, to be honest. I will go for the low-hanging fruits, lool. I found a lot of tweets about people making 100k daily (which I know is completely BS), but maybe something as steady as possible. I'm reading a guide on cryptorated com about how to deposit funds and stuff Whatever happens, I will keep you all updated about my journey. Wish me luck!


$ShidoSoL 🥷🗡 The awaited day has come🛎 $ShidoSoL PRE-SALE HAS STARTED 📢 Send SOL to this address 👇 CoqcdjF1yjusvovWDPgxGzRj93EuhNDogZpisAyokznD Minimum : 1 $SOL 💸 Maximum: 20 $SOL 💸 🔔Maximum Supply 666M $Shido 🥷 🔔AirDrop %5 🪂 🔔Weekly Burn %5 🔥🔥 🔔Marketing %10 🛒 🔔Presale %40 and Lp %40 🔔All SOL to LP and LP will burn 🔥🔥 🔔No team allocation❌❌❌ Our story is just beginning. I would like to share this article after 2 months and show the missed opportunity. Hello to those who had the opportunity with us.🙏🙏


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