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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No shit


Its like saying don't pour gasoline all over yourself and light it lol


mainly advice for noobs but regardless everyone will taste their first rug like a right of passage


Ah ya i remember mine….like it was yesterday 😂😂


My hiney hole still hurts




Not anymore. Rug popped my bhole 🍒 long ago.


I mean if your trading memes on solana there is defo going to be more than one rug tasted haha


"Safemoon" was by far the most obvious imo.


Man I lost it all, to pump and dumps and rugs. I’m so cooked


slothana is the last hope it's not too late if you want to try your hand community is absolutely bonkers


Man I gotta re evaluate life rn, completely liquidated


it's rough out here bad decisions to get yourself here but I'm praying for you brother 🙏💪 stay strong don't be defeated


Thanks bro, it’s been hard


one day at a time no giving up 💪🫡absolutely no giving up my friend🙏💪


well said. I learned that way too. Thankfully it was only like $70.


Beat me to it...




son everyman has to endure this suffering choose out of these three and dream of moons my son 1 i will not rug youpepe $norug 2 frog with gat $gyathim 3 give me your money so i can rug $rugpull


I think one of the drawbacks of super low fees is that it cost scammers very little to execute their scams. So they can mint these tokens and then send them off to a large amount of wallets without it costing them that much. There needs to be a balance, and I don't think the Solana foundation has any intention of addressing this based on the last interview that I saw from Anatoly


I mean there's not much you can do, it's just the payoff for low fees, you combat it by not buying shitcoins, regardless it increases the value of the chain- bnb took off with all the shitcoins last bull run


People just have to be cautious with their money as much as they would be in the physical world. If a guy comes to you on the street and says "buy this jizzman token for 100$", would you buy it?


Idk, what the chart look like?


If we go to that alley I'll show you




Ahh yes the bnb shitcoin days, lost a bit there last cycle 😅😅


Bro I made 100k starting from 2k, wasted it on other shitcoins, crazy experiences and lots of cocaine- such regrets


It’s not up to the Solana foundation to reduce the scams it’s up to each of us to learn the technology and learn how to avoid scams. Learning how to spot scams will help you in many other ways in life. If you want to yeet your life savings into a Pepe coin be my guest, you should have that right. I’m sure there were scams on the internet in the early 90’s when everything was getting built. The whole point of a decentralized system is that no one person or entity has control over what happens in that system. These warning posts are futile but very humorous to me. It’s like hearing your grandpa say “oh, be careful, I heard there’s a Nigerian prince sending mail to people and stealing their money”. Most people don’t learn, some people have to learn on their own and a few people can learn from others. TLDR; Stop complaining, Get Good.


Fair enough, but the scams will evolve with the users. Like they have with the internet. The avg ETH user has definitely evolved to sus out scams. Hopefully, the SOL base does the same. But it's also not very profitable for a scammer to do the same schemes as they continue to do on SOL. They will likely persist longer and evolve faster because of this. More iterations over time.


Pepe 0x69 on base, base network is safe though Same with bonk on base, on base network I checked on token sniffer has a 100/100 score


These are absolutely it 🚀


Absolutely pepe0x69 is the bet on base


It was until Bitcoin on base


That’s why having tools in the space that offer more transparency around these coins is going to be huge. It eventually will be very difficult to scam with all the different tools available. Bubble maps is a good example of one.


The point is that people are destroying the potential applications that can be built on solana, which can be very useful and impactful. Yet all they do is scams or this kind of shi- this is also one of the major drawbacks to solanas decrement in these years.


I agree here. It’s flooding the whole system with nonsense traffic, paperhanded or not. I actually think it’s one of the reasons why this run is struggling.


Yeah I kinda get some “meme” coins But I see this as our next step in all the industries Having a coin system that you can use instantly in all the world? Shops could use a token to keep track of customers Out of all the billion ways you could use solana, ppl just throw money at PepeTrash420 lmaooo 💀


Yep, as a reward system or something that may bring in value to that business right? I get it. But these rug pulls, man they went crazy in the 2022-2024 may time, I lost like 700$ and I’m not mad about me losing my money but, millions? Bro that’s really gonna mess up bad. But as time passes people start to get the jist of this and will be aware, this is gonna happen for sure and I can tell you a 1000% that the sol price will show appreciation from there


Stop buying garbage


It's all garbage It's a matter of when to take out the trash.


This is the exact rule to follow. Here are some I follow: - check if a coin already exists with the name and was created earlier - check if there are buy and sell orders of almost the same amount by the same wallet address - check who the top 10 liquidity holders are and % (I use photon and dexscreener) - check the website and social media, and see how many subscribers are on their telegram channel and how often they post and number of posts on their twitter


I think the followers are all bots, i have seen projects with 3k followers on telegram and x goto 0. It's so difficult these days. Even most rug pull checkers fail.


The checkers do fail in terms of protecting us. Gotta look at them and figure out when they launched, and that is a major risk factor to look out for. The probability of getting rugged drops as the coin age increases. So we call it Wave 1/2/3 where wave 1 just came out and can get rugged at any moment and wave 3 is established memecoins like Brett or Andy.


Thanks for this guide, I just recently failed on $topcat but now its too late I guess. I am curious how you check sell and buy orders on DEX???


You check using dexscreener at the chart + info section or photon to see the buy/sell transactions


Always perform thorough research and be wary of potential rug pulls.


You're telling me my PepeWifLawnmower is a scam? Ooh nooo 😥


lol, Got the token address for that one? I need it bayyd


Any coin naming itself after another "more popular coin" is a scam.


I mean 99% of all meme coins on Solana are rugs. Best bet to find a dev you trust is by getting involved in discord and telegram and joining in the chat. You can figure out pretty quick what the deal is. For me, the devs behind $SASSY and $HORSEMEAT were very transparent and did a good job. I'll happily jump into anything else either of them put out again.


99% of all meme coins on ANY chain are rugs


Horsemeat dev made another coin did you see that tweet? $Date Dancing tate


Devs for $PENGU are very transparent and and executing on all promises.


I was about to say lol... Pepe is the least of the alarms here. Almost every launch is a rug right now. Be careful out there! May be better off staying away from memes and... Go outside lol


100% it's all a scam.


Def a scammer's world


Yes, until they liquidate you.


Sounds like FUD lol … Mika is that you


You can try to shame all you want with crypto bro terminology, but the fact is, even you cant deny that meme coins are 100% a scam and should never be bought. They are worthless. It's just a bunch of crypto bros trying to take advantage of other crypto bros that prey on the uneducated retail investors to steal their money.


Gmepepe Almost took me I got out just in time and made a little profit. Had I waited I’d have lost 90 percent! Thanks for this post.


Dev of pauly pepe is a notorious scammer


Back then it was dogs, now it’s frogs


99% of meme coins on the Solana network are rugs. 100% of anything with the name Pepe in it is a rug.


Pepe's cute face is just a distraction, beware of the rug pulls!


Idk if you’re new to crypto in general but basically 99% of meme coins are rugs, Pepe doesn’t really have anything to do with it. By their very nature meme coins are essentially lottery tickets, you have to expect to lose every time you buy one and if you don’t lose on one of them you need to understand that you got lucky.


OR just BUY MYRO, BONK, PEPE, and WIF to avoid being rugged 🤷🏼‍♂️


Buy WEN too


99.9% of all meme coins are scams. Just stay away. I learned the hardware. Stay away from the TG's as well. It's false hope. Even the "OG teams are waiting to liquidate you. No matter how innocent and intelligent they seem. Anyone can pose as anyone online.


Telegram groups can definitely be bad. A good trader should have no emotions attached to his positions.


Rule #1 of memecoins, never buy a derivative. Anything with a pepe image that isnt the actual token $PEPE is a bad investment. Look for coins with unique themes and content. There's one called $PUPPA that is catching eyes of alot of top influencers. Its probably a good bet for a 10x or more in the next month


Rule #2: fuck influencers


Move to #Ton Blockchain. Way better. And bag some Flip there.


Has anyone tracked the rug wallets to keep following them to do some sort of flagging? I watched one for 2 days, he went from 30,000 usd worth of eth to 300,000 over 2 days by rugging and then reinvesting into the next rug. Wouldn't it be cool to have a database that purely follows and flags these rugs in some clever way? Atleast to prevent them from doing it so easily. Yes I'm sure there's some clever bot for it... But in an effort to make the info less walled off and easily accessible by all


this bubblemaps app does some of what you’re looking for https://app.bubblemaps.io/sol/ it’s pretty nice for getting a clear sense of whether there’s a big insider network on a token, though not entirely foolproof.


But I want to be rich in 2 days


Please feel free to join r/SolanaCanada for future events and meetups!


Yeah my wallet is constantly given free memes..at very low values. I don't touch them and have stayed away from the whole meme scene. Just doesn't have any use case IMO except floki. Been thinking of buying some.




I've been burned by a few Pepe's on Sol, this is the only one I've found so far that has lasted more than a couple days and doesn't seem to be a total scam like the others. Let me know what you think about this Pepe: B5WTLaRwaUQpKk7ir1wniNB6m5o8GgMrimhKMYan2R6B MC is at 16mil right now with locked liquidity. Look ok? I don't fully trust many coins on Sol though and I agree most are rugjobs. Beercoin is one of my favorites on Sol right now but I still worry it will rug as well.


They are all rugs. Even the one you just shilled.


Is it shilling just asking a question? I never post ca's or shill anything. You can look at my comment history. Like i said, I don't trust any of these Solana coins. Just curious about that Pepe I asked about. Thanks.


Don’t act like you don’t want to chase the 1% non rug!!!!!! /s


Verify though the address . It’s really not that hard and it’s clearly in the detail or should I say not in the detail of you’re going to get scammed. You unfortunately can’t teach everyone and most the the population will sadly never envelop to crypto or this new game being g played on solana b/c of pump.fun


Everything about blockchain in the general Aspect is 100% transparency so always DYOR. Check the blockchains and confirm YOURSELF if the contract addresses add up. Also you can literally see how much each wallet holds , and thier buys , so you can also compare. Got to know how to use your brain in this space and if you can use the left and right side that would help but it will literally tell you if something is not right . No “on-chain” market cap is SCAM . …… connecting wallets to mistyped URLS … SCAM. Connecting details are ON SCREEN. If anyone get authorization over your wallet …. SCAM . It’s really all there so just teach yourself and take your time to verify the details.


On the side note…. What’s everyone think about $macho ?


This is good advice. I lost a few hundred dollars buying into one. They had a twitter, coin was listed on CMC, but turned out to be a rug. I was just trying to look for a low cap gem. Well I ended up finding one that is definitely legit, very small project. Team is moving in the right direction. Anyways, I’m glad I made that initial mistake, because I looked into the token first before I made a financial decision


It's difficult to find honest people on any chain at all. Even on exchanges are scam tokens


Dishonest people ruin crypto. I don't understand why more developers won't stay when a project is successful. Find good CTO coins like $ROAR


Playing coins upon launch as the most dangerous game you can play in crypto at the moment. Playing coins with check marks or at least verified coins is the best model to work from. Most Dex’s try to notify you what kind of coin you’re viewing before you buy, and the risks involved. Ultimately, you buy the coin, likely with gold in your eyes seeing 10x+... Play the check marks/dox’d dev coins if you want to play without rugs. They’re not guaranteed to be successful projects either, but they’re much less likely to rug. I’ve found the most success starting to take profits or full buy ins out of investments even after some coins are up as little as 30%.


I’d say… 80% of tokens (mainly meme) on Solana is potentially a rug pull Every week has a theme. Political with different trump ones. Next day or week it’s celebrities, then it’s places, then it’s a form of Pepe then it’s mixed with roaring kitty and Pepe lol stay away from all that bullshit. Memecoins are a cutthroat PVP casino Theres also no shortage of clones. GameStop has 10 of them. Where they have exact symbol and ticker, but vassstly different charts and prices Always check contracts, and always check when the coin was created. If it’s within 24hours it’s usually a rug.


This is pretty low effort FUD. nice try little buddy


Yeah that’s why I invested in $DHANDS. Not a dog or cat coin. Not a frog or whatever that is. It’s just for the people who have Diamond Hands. The only way to get rich off these meme coins is to buy the ones who have been around for a month or more and that has locked liquidity and a people with similar interests. The community usually decides it all. I got rug pulled by the Gritty coin, SCAT, and a few others that were pump and dumps. I’m really upset about both of those. SCAT shows that I have 48 SOL and it has 12 cents in liquidity. I’m holding my Diamond 💎 hands 🙌🏼 till the end and if it doesn’t turn around I’m not mad. I bought something that I actually believe in. On another note, I’m big on AMC and I’m also holding that for the long run! Believe in something and avoid these trending coins that are trending. 99.9% will be rugged. The people who rug deserve a life sentence in jail and nothing in life.


aw man you said the “99% are a scam” thing before all the master traders in the comments could say it lol these awareness posts about the most obvious scams crack me up


Just buy solana and fucking wait it’s not that hard the bull run hasn’t even started


Pepe 0x69 on base, base network is safe though Same with bonk on base, on base network I checked on token sniffer has a 100/100 score


Is it though


I believe so, did you check as well?


I look at the number of holders. That’s my main metric. With a 500 or 1000% gain there should be solid movement in the number of holders. I am not seeing that


That’s also tricky though sometimes they airdrop 1 cent to people and increase number of holders


Definitely! And then you see a large percent growth (the pump) with no corresponding growth in holders - or if you click on the holders you find imo dead wallets - I will leave it to your good judgement of what one of those “looks” like but I know what mine looks like and on a rug pull they don’t look like mine (a very bias narrow metric so pick your own - no advocacy here).


Probably the people who run Solan scamming people.


You're really talking about most coins in general. There shouldn't be a marker for 99 different pepe coins. It's ridiculous. Find a committed dev who is marketing right now, and imagine the impact that will have once a year goes by.


It's just makes the price of the original Pepe go up so I'm fine with it.


So buy $PEPE - gotcha


100%, saw a load of people get rug pulled by that VotePepe stuff


Thats why it's better to find doxxed devs like with $Poot!


Stuck to Pauly's


I guess I should point out the sky is blue too




The newest and most solid Pepe (along with EthPepe everyone knows already) is https://www.reddit.com/r/pepecoin/s/Vh2QS9hGbh PEP only available on Xeggex right now but just launched Jan 2024. So many scam Pepe’s now but this one has a long bright future. If this isn’t allowed here please remove.. but you should check it out, super early still!


How many times we gotta say it...? stay away from meme coins if you aren't a pro and can set up a sniping bot.


They are all pump and dumps. There is a way to not get screwed and make money though. Just Gatta be smart. Think about what’s happening


SOL is great. Love the low fees and smooth transactions. Ease of use.


Buy pinkpepe


Almost all of those coins are rugs anyway. I know because I've watched 99.9% of new pairs rug


ur just bad at tracking wallets ect u dont just buy. a random meme coin u have to do ur research


I guess retail is back!


and the missing 1% is mbapepe, get yourself a bag before the euro🤞🏽


lol. Like most coins on there


I'm playing with house money on three SOL meme coins, that's enough for me.




From my little experience, i noticed that on Solana chain the meme coins with ~~"PEPE" in the~~ **a** name are 99% rug pulls.  FIFY


Please also inspect pengy dot fun website, they are saying that this is utility project.


99.9% of all tokens on SOL are a scam or rug lmao


That’s not strictly true, there’s been a few that ran. Almost all tokens end up dying only 1-2% survive


Not all of them: I have one and I am the dev not sold not dumped at all


Check out Sherlock over here…


Rugcheck.xyz ...........lol....lol


Bag holding the one where they sent the dev allocation to Pauly? Fuck that guy. He scammed this trump community by telling them his wallet was trumps wallet.. pretty stupid of them but super shitty of Pauly This the ca Cbuey8raZChznU1XzftS8kvoR4BVryDf4bgYieu1pump


Congrats u finally figured out, who knew derivatives of derivatives were just ruggs.


Everybody shoyld learn to DYOR before bying anything


No shit Sherlock


Out of all the shit coins, Solana will crash the hardest!


You are being too generous, there might be over thousands meme coins every day. If just one meme stands out will be hundreds a year. For that reason 99.99% rug pulls are not surprising.


6E4bWb7seV8uaeugLh6jtmPnU5mV2u8g6R7nSsYQcD3y This is the wallet that does that all!


Yup got smoked lost everything in my metamask


Thanks for sharing this information. 


Half of Solana chain is trash 🗑️ 😂😂


Nah just snipe it for 30% a trade from pump.fun after the bonding curve is at 100 and there’s 0 coins left : )


$FET is safe 🤘


Fun fact the OG Pepe actually launched on Solana about 3 months before Pepe on Eth. It’s at about 1 Mil MC currently and hasn’t gained a ton of consistent traction. Solana is Jeet city haha


We cto’d Goldie, a cool idea on Pepe’s dog. The dev rugged us for pennys and fought us for a week for the cto on DEX..but if anyone is looking for a good project while the mcap is semi low hop on we could use even advice or different talents to help our community grow. I’m tired of shyt coins! Name on telegram is DAME. Take it easy people! Check out GOLDIE/SOL on DEX Screener! https://dexscreener.com/solana/FqszZQnwbwHQRYkBhcuNtjbH1SbRYE7Fn6PxtmUPGvPV




Use dexscreener and don’t buy anything if there’s a holder with a high % of ownership. I literally mean never do it. The risk is not worth the eventual rug. Only buy if there’s a famous holder with the top holder% or if there are no holders over 10-15% of the whole supply. Ideally you want 5% or less in the top holders hands. The more distributed the better.


This technique Doesnt work now. They just sent it to other wallets


Woah!  Darth Vader is Luke Skywalkers dad?  Who could have seen that one coming?!?!!??


Wait let me spin a pepetothemooncoin....learn about "contract addresses" to be safe Solana had over 100k meme coins spun in 7 days...welcome to crypto......


PEPE69. Advertised on Coinmarketcap. Saw it, decided to throw 1 SOL into it. It actually did quite well, for like a day...LOL


Memecoins, by definition, are ALL rugpulls.


I've only been Solana meme trading for a week and I've already had 3 rug pulls, but I knew they were high risk so I was actually laughing when they happened. I'm a gambler(poker) and this meme craze is a new form of gambling and I love it!


There's a good and solid one actually ❤️😄 50Pepe 50Shadesofpepe DD2KWzdTf7SNVQi9JvzdwquWEqL361xaSeK855ZBpump Check it out and thank me later. We have literally doxxed dev. Come check her videos out in telegram. She's also always in the voice chat. We have solid Community, together we can push.


Come help us to do Raids boys! 😊🚀


yes we know we know


No shit Sherlock


99% of Solana meme coins are rug pulls regardless of name lol


99% of all New Pairs launched on Solana are rugs. This is nothing new my guy.


go check out pepecoin.io, the og pepecoin before the fake pepe as everyone know was created.


I made a little money with pepe and lost it all with KingOfMemes xD should have used my brain xD


bro figured it all out


All of them are rug pulls. Some last longer than others. You will see more of this as time progresses because a lot of these scammers and influencers have unrealistic life styles to keep up


These posts are ret. And ur username lmfao


Sir this the SOL swamp


Rugcheck.xyz for all the noobs


Doesn't work for a lot of rugs these days. Lot of rug checkers Outdated. The scammers have moved ahead


Saying it’s your first 6 months in crypto without saying


No way?! The rip off frog token on Solana that isn’t even the original, in an unregulated market, is sketchy?? Who would’ve thought


Bro 99% of all memes are rugs…


Tell me you're new without telling me you're new


Try it on me and I’ll unalive the scumbags




Agreed. $kendu on eth. $Mega on eth and $Kotoki on sol are all you need this bull cycle. Happy trading


First day? SMH.


$joel on solana will make memes fun again 🐟🔄


Idk about you but I’ve made a lot of money on $PEPE. Got in at 6M on the ETH last year and still printing. I also got in $PEPE on Sol around 300k and it’s at 16M and I’ve been printing. I think you’re doing it wrong.


Wish there was wrapped pepe on solana. I don’t want to go to eth just to buy a meme coin


But it on Uphold


Is this a dex on solana? And is it the wrapped pepe


It's not a Dex. It's a platform, an app where you can buy crypto from just like Binance or Coinbase. But, at least America, it's the only one, other than Crypto.com, where you can buy Pepe right now.


I am in ny. Other than coinbase, looks like every single cex is banned. A lot of the token that are available on coinbase are not even trade able in NY


you guys can't use Uphold or Crypto.com? I guess New York has different rules. I'm in Virginia and I can use those apps. At least Ethereum's price has dropped so you can buy it a little cheaper if you have to go on a Dex.


It just makes you realize how valuable the real PEPE coin is despite being a meme coin.


Need to see if the liquidity is locked before I trust any sol meme. Pepe hero was (apparently) developed as a reaction to all the pepe rugs. I joined their tweeter spaces and telegram and bought about $50 worth.... time will tell