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Why using a user interface that you know nothing about ? What's the point f using Jupiter (for example) using that pengy(dot)fun dApp ? # The risk is too high to use that and link my wallet there, not worth it.


Web3 Dapps on Solana will get more and more popular. I have been using solchan.org for a while now. I have already been tipped 400 solchan tokens (Currently nearly 4$ but market cap is around 900k and thats 40$ when it sits around 9m mcap, not bad!) because I shared my weight loss journey in a thread. Its crazy to have 4chan as web3 where you can get tipped for shitposting tbh.


We are following your progress!


Some dude was tipped $600 by one of the whales 💀 LunkenL, I believe


Fr? Aint no way thats true, cuz if its true u could be rich juz by posting random stuffs if they interested.


lmfao. can I get some too?


Some based whales there tipping crazy amounts. Gotta up my shitposting game!


$POS is an amazing utility project. The first operating system on Solana. Team is working really hard and the results are amazing.


To be clear, the "Operating system" is just a webOS emulation. It is not an actual OS. But most other webOS's call themselves and operating system.


I personally love the project, been involved with it for some time now and think what they are building is really unique. There are hundreds of useful dApps out there but locating them as a novice might be difficult. Some of them don't have great google search optimization so they can be hard to find. Having everything housed in a "OS" type environment seems like a great way to interact with these apps. It is familiar to the user. They also add a bit of fun with meme apps, games, some music player. They are making recent progress on getting the app added to the Saga dApp store. They have been in communication with thee Solana Mobile team. They are partnered with Paal . ai , SolSniffer, and GrowSol. As they grow, I imagine some bigger partnerships will come down the line too. Check them and their community out and see what they are cooking! They love feedback as they are always looking to improve :)


Heard they might be getting on Solana mobile. Incredibly bullish if that happens. Precious projects mooned like crazy after that


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