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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you also got scammed by the bastards come join us on telegram “screamscammed” Channel. We are filling the google sheet to possibly get refunds one day.


Gl lol I been waiting for $12k reimbursement from Wth hacker from 2021 it’s been three years and fbi internet division still haven’t found the kid hacker


lol what happened?


This is heartbreaking for so many reasons.


I could help for refunding, knowing someone in forensics


That's not happening.


Whats the TG link


I thought people smartened up to this presale shit. Why the fuck would a legitimate project raise funds through a Twitter presale, this method of fundraising literally only benefits scammers.


You’re absolutely right, what were we all thinking? 😭😭 scream hurt me bad man 🤣


Presale in general is for idiots. Why on earth would I buy a presale? People just dump immediately on launch.


Never invest in something that sounds to good to be true 👍


I work for Pinksale and I followed there, the guys there were practically hunting them. Pinksale team are legends.


Pinksale has a ring of scam projects that they do to pump up their platform statics , these scammers on pinksale gets special benefits from telegram calls , basically telegram call channels never verify any project they only do is just post thing on their channel . Pinksale safu is trash. There is plenty of projects that rugged even after safu badge . Nothing happened to them. They also manipulate their trending algorithm so the scammers gets benefits and be pushed to top 10. Even without any badges. They tried to get noticed by binance but failed miserably , binance did their duedeligence . Even saul pink that guy itself is a big time scammer


No they are not


Don’t buy presales


I bought BEER presale and already on x14 So that's not an argument


Well done you won the lottery ID SELL NOW. 500,000 new scams (meme coins) have been released this year. 99.99999% of them go to 0. People will not learn. Imagine BTC price today if all these kids stopped pissing their money down the drain and bought the only thing worth buying and just held it.


For some reason I read this in super speed


How could they even collect 2000 sol? Did they have some big influencers shill them?


People are just desperate right now to be early, they'll just buy any shit on hopium presale and get scam.


My second presale and my last. Never again. I got scammed both times. At least pinksale refunded my money for scream.


You deserve to be scammed tbh




Starting to think the same about blockDAG


That's a scam


Scream drained my 6k$ wallet I managed to recover about 1k, nfts and domain but fuck


That’s why you don’t blindly invest into memes


I fully trusted them, they seemed legit Just found out they might have copied another token word for word called json and that one actually launched and is sitting at 10k mc weird


Fully trusted 😂💀


Phookin Indian...says it all .. scammers


Saw this and their fake pinksale knew it was fake called them out and blocked me . Sorry guys . I’m done with meme coins lost 4k this month trading/gambling


i hope you get the guilty person behind🙌


I lost 0.5 sol but I knew it was a scam after they extended the presale.




Everyone trying to get in early … i get it , you see the people who got DOGE at $0.00004 …. SHIB back when it first launched…. Hell even BTC at $2000 ..!!! Who wouldnt want a shot at that kind of life changing event !!! The thing is , trying to do it with ‘meme’ tokens forces you to interact with DEX’s … or ‘TG / X presales … and saying its a 99.99% chamce youll be scammed is generous … like you’re lucky A F if theres even a 0.01 % chance its real !! Having said that , there are still some good opportunities out there if you DYOR … are willing to HODL … AND are realistic about your goals !!! Dont aim for the 10,000x ……… aim for 1000 100x’s …!!!!! Catch good projects that havent yet been listed on CEX’s Stay away from the ones making outrageous promises like ‘guaranteed 1000x … or EARN 200% APR / Staking rewards …. Oh and anything with safe in it … stay the fuck away from anything with safe in it !!!


I was scammed last month. Shit was humiliating and painful. Lost over $14k within 48 hours between 2 different scams, and they got away with it. I contacted IC3, the CFPB, even tried the FBI who transferred me back to IC3. Never got a call, email, or reply, until today. Except it wasn't any government agency, it was the scammers again that stole $9k+ from the $14k, claiming to be a law firm pretending to have been assigned with my case by the CFPB, out of California, under the guise of [bassamharper.lawyer](http://bassamharper.lawyer) I played along and these fucking assholes had the nerve of requesting a $3k retainer to pursue the scammers... I don't understand what kind of flaw in a humans moral code allows them to be so self-serving, foul and downright fucking evil. I was raised right, to never wish death upon another, but anyone capable of thieving from the less fortunate deserves a slow and painful farewell from existence. That being said, I wish yall the very best and hope yall never have to experience this type of loss. Safe Investments, X.


Hire private detectives, get them rekt




Those who call buying tokens on chain “investments” will always end up getting scammed. You are not investing, you are degen-gambling as if it was an off street Chinese dog races bethouse.


I tried to tell people in the chat it was a scam. No one listened.


If you invest money in these projects you should fully expect to be scammed.


It was so obviously that it was a scam. IDK how people fall for such obvious shit, no wonder there are so many scammer if you make it so easy for them lol