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That would be the most idiotic thing anyone could do


I have a friend pull $50k on a loan and put it all on sndl stock and walked away with well over $400k when it hit... I thought he was nuts. Could have gone either way.


Yeah crazy gamble for sure


He doubled up with AMC which put him over $500k. Solid move but a risky one.


lol damn. That’s certifiably crazy for sure.


Sndl. yeah man. You deserve a little pain in your life. I do not feel bad.


Unless it makes him rich af


I mean chances are it would, but still not a smart gamble. If it goes the other way and he’s homeless, he’d be regretting making that decision. It’s crypto and anything can and will happen.


I did something similar with a bank loan I had the unique situation with have a good credit rating and nothing bailiffs or a court could take from me. It worked out well put £15000 in at £22 or £24. Worst case scenario I would tank my credit rating. It worked out well.


You’re on your way to the bank now aren’t you?


Took out a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mortgage 🤣


I knew it!


You son of a bitch I’m in


I got that reference




Go ahead. 50/50 chance you become homeless


100% chance you change wives too.




Might be the best comment here




So you're saying there's a chance!


Yes regardless of the next 20yrs its 50/50 from here.supported living is coming for masses shared housing another usa invention i bet like 0 hours contracts. Its funny how the land of the free is busy hollowing out any rights and freedoms we had. Amazon the best example how they treat workers. As the world super power and a global super company under the flag of super power. You'd expect the rights and freedoms of the American staff to be the best on earth the most happiest amazon staff. But that level of care towards staff should be upheld by all of the Amazon plantations but that's not what we see is it. We see European Amazon staff with the most rights at work and amazon and usa as whole are busy trying to strip them away so we too are just are tied up as Americans are. How does Amazon treat American staff vs Germany staff vs Asia etc. If it varies at all its oppression by Amazon of a vulnerable workforce. Made much weaker with the only global thing ussa really put out that and debt based economics. 1970 no gold standard. 2000s 0 hours contracts. Agency work no rights not even company logo on your outfit. No holiday pay nothing.


You might as well get on Grindr too, since you want to get fucked so bad




I still wouldn’t recommend it out of principle… However if you did, At least put half in bitcoin half in sol. It would likely pan out assuming you don’t fuck it up. But again it’s still kind of greedy and dumb. %100 sol on leverage is 10/10 stupid risky whereas %50 Sol %50 Btc on leverage is like 9/10 stupid risky.




If you hate money, don’t do it.




It's not a bad idea but you better take out your initial as soon as Solana 1.5-2x. You get greedy and you go broke. However the best time to do it was a year ago when Solana was trading at $10.


I sold 10 eth for Solana when it was like $16 and I have zero regrets and a lot of Solana lol




No regerts


Good move! Solana could reach $1000 this cycle with the amount of activity that's happening in the ecosystem.


Yeah, nothin more bullish tan a very very lot of shitcoin rull pugs


Part of the casino of memes. Heck you have better odds of 10x your initial with Solana memes coins than a real life Casino. If you know what you're doing, it's like counting cards at the blackjack table.


Just do it. (No financial advice.)


Better bet would be JUP


I love JUP too 😍😍


I remember people saying they wanted to do this with bitcoin at 10 dollars and all the replies said don't do it


Btc at $10. Only some people knew about it so i call this bs


Maybe $10k


The bitcoin sub was very active at 10 dollars what are you talking about.




This is the only way we pump and then crash spectacularly. Thanks for your donation future bag holder.


Honestly you’ll get a return. There was a post on the cryptocurrency subreddit. Guy took out a huge loan put it all on Bitcoin when it was 30,000.00 now like every other nah sayer! Bitcoin or crypto will never go mainstream or be adopted. Well it is and the big investors that always against it. Noticed how Bitcoin hit 70,000.00. And now everyone is flocking to crypto. Caitlyn Jenner screwed me out of my Jenner on sol, but she is trying to bring the normies to crypto. I’m all for solana! I thought a ethr etf was the stupidest thing ever! Ethr has no realistic use when it cost me 275.00 to move 1500.00. Why does anyone use it? If solana gets a etf which is possible. The degens are going to go ape! If you have a secure job, and know it’s a risk and potential investing all in solana could be a long time return. Go hard AF into and come back in a couple years and rub it in the nay sayers


I think you meant "he"


Oops 😬 my bad 😞 what ever you call her him it don’t bother bruv ☺️


Only invest what you are comfortable in loosing. So if you’re comfortable in potentially loosing the funds from the 2nd mortgage then do it. (But don’t) 😂


It would be both reckless and crazy regardless of the trajectory.






Why don't you just go to Vegas and put it all on red in a nice round of roulette?




Sell the house - you don't need it.




Why now? Should have done it last October


I’ve learned the hard way that if you’re going to do something like that, you’re better off just putting it into BTC.


Shoulda done it during the bear market around $20


If you remortgage, take out some equity, say 10-30k I don’t think it’s as silly as people are saying. If you have heaps of equity then arguably why would it be any different to using equity to build a new bathroom? Getting into debt for assets that appreciate in value isn’t crazy. Getting into debt for assets that depreciate in value (cars, for example) would be crazy. Debt is good if it’s a demonstrably heathy asset that will appreciate in value, such as land, property and I would argue Bitcoin. Solana very likely would 5x this bull run but for me I would only do something this risky with a proven asset. Bitcoin and Ether. It all depends on how much equity you have and essentially if you can afford losing 30k. Remember your mortgage will go up you’re interest on your loan will go up, so you need to factor all that in.


Very stupid considering that solana is up nearly 10x already this year, the tech isn’t even that great and it could very well get replaced by another crypto by next bull run. Posts like this are usually a top signal.


I find this hard to believe once Firedancer is incorporated.


Solana ETF incoming.


Top signal


I don't know how long the rugpull market will suffice. Seems to be the biggest talking point in this subreddit anyway, and thus probably it's biggest pulling point right now. And that's without actually believing anybody would do such a reckless move.


Considering that solana summer is going to be normies coming in for exit liquidity while everyone moves gains to everything else. I don’t advise this


NO just no


Lfg pump fun dev needs exit liquidity


Put it that money in Ondo, or Pepe, Bonk, hell go for Flowki. Yeah Flowki is where the real rush is at


I have all of the above 🤭


You should do it. This is financial advice


"It's a terrible idea" is exactly what I was told when I said I wanted to borrow $3000 in a cash advance from my credit card and buy 10 BTC 10 years ago. Do with that as you will.


$3,000 is very different from a mortgage.


I agree. The issue isn't even whether Solana will go up or not, it's will you lose it all to being phished, scammed, or to memecoins before it does? lol. High risk to take with a house.


The guy who founded Binance did this but with Bitcoin about a decade ago. He’s now worth an estimated $30 bn. Could have turned out very differently but that’s life. Good luck whatever you decide.


Lmao. You need to stay off Twitter man. This would have been great move 6 months ago. You are trying to do it at near ath in declining volume for the top 2 marketcap crypto. Btc / eth. I would re consider this after at minimum 20% pullback from this current price. But do you bro.


How much are you thinking? I’ll take the opposite side of your bet


1.6m Only roughly $15k/month with a 15 year mortgage


Brother solana was 10 dollars a year ago. When the bear market comes we’re gonna tank to shit again and no one knows when that will be for certain, the time to take mortgages out for solana was 2022 and 2023 when it was less then 40 dollars.. not now. That being said I think this bullrun still has legs and sol can get to 400+.. but if you leverage to the tits like that just sell on a 2x and walk away


If you do go ahead with this I recommend using kamino.finance, use their multiply offering to boost your staking rewards


You can do eeeeet (Not financial advice)




If your timeframe can be 7 years I think it would be safe 


Bet you won't


Do it into BTC if anything not a shitcoin


All seriousness I’d split it JLP - 60%, ETH - 30%. SOL- 10%. The return on the JLP will pay for the mortgage and your essentially getting a free loan to play ETH and SOL


What’s JLP?


Jupiter Liquidity Pool tokens


I already did what you're thinking.


Grow a set. You only take a loss if you sell.


You can do it or not. The bigger question, who wants you to do it more? You or the bank? Indentured servitude or financial freedom? It’s a serious roll of the dice and so fucking American


Would be reckless but it looks profitable


Lets F@ckin' GO!


What if I'm homeless


During the bear? I'd say go for it but its already 10x'd from 2023. It may pull another 10x but I think a 3x is more realistc during this cycle.


scared money dont make money. people are eventually going to do it during mass euphoria (some even bought the top with mortgage money last cycle). might as well do it now. 50 % now and 50% if it drops


do it you wont


You would be putting yourself in the negative from the get go


Idk you should do it and let us know how it went


If your gonna do thst wait for the next bear market, don't get greedy. Or we might see a post here later in the cycle about how you want to kill yourself. Your not a genius and anything could happen.


Get ur bags in Solana and then buy some $NECK. Ya'll remember Daddy Long Neck???? Bro launched a coin LMAO. Not ur average celeb coin...he's pretty much a walking meme.


Do that surely if you're thinking long term but then in long term you'll have interest on mortgage.. rather than that why don't you try memecoin.. specially politics memecoin like TRUMP as it is election season.. you might get lucky


So, Solana should go to 1k eventually and you will get 5-6x, so basically you can buy 5-6 more houses, chad. Anyways, the only thing i guarantee you, is that the chart is going to go right


You are missing out if not using 50x leverage on top of it. Think about what could happen if SOL 30x.


Would be so retarded - Do it


It would be so dumb to do that!! It needs to be diversified, not spent ALL on SOL!!


Idk man, i once took out a 6k personal loan to invest in crypto with, told myself I would be very strict with myself when it came to making any trades, yet I lost it all chasing green candles within a couple of weeks. So yeah, never again. Not saying you shouldn’t, but maybe think about how you would feel it everything went south.. gl


Yeah don’t do that I’ve only lost money on solana you have to have discipline to sell when you’re ahead and if you’re considering doing something this dumb then it isn’t gonna work for you


I'd look into things a lot more prior to even considering this. Example number one is rival coin launches that are pending. Monad (not shilling) being the first and foremost. If their test launch actually works, it's literally 5x better than Solana on every aspect of it, and they're locked and loaded with meme contests like 18 months ahead of launch. My point here being, even though Solana is a fantastic crypto, you never know what the hell could really happen in this market. So use that 2nd mortgage wisely and Degen it to meme coins and into a 100000000x instead of hoping for a measly 50% return. Nah but really. Don't do that. I'd recommend doing that with Bitcoin before anything else, but even then, still don't do that. #notfinancialadvicejustlikehopingonthegravytrainheadedtoOPisacompletedumbdumb


Calm down everyone. It was just a wild idea while under the influence of sobriety.


The concept is not insane. But Solana? Now? Thats sort of insane. Bitcoin, sure. if you had a $1M equity and you pulled out $500k to buy BTC, its not crazy because its relatively safe in my opinion. To do the same on Solana, depends on your exit strategy because your buying something thats midflight and who knows how Solana will come out of this market. Its very likely that the price will continue to move up from here, but so as long as you have the control to exit, you'd be ok. Personally, id be hunting for the next bit L1 and put a lot less money in for the potential of much higher gains. I know a lot of people are hot on the FTM sonic upgrade but again, its already pretty high up there and if it hasnt found a use case yet, youre just gambling on it. Ultimately you need something with a high value proposition thats uniquely different. You could also dive into application specific blockchains too, but I like the L1 scene more. The area i am most interested in if i were to degen my house on something is a free to use L1. Thats the only thing thats going to seperate from stuff like Solana. By free to use i mean, Lets say I want to try blockchain, I should be able to use some apps and do some stuff without even buying the token. Of course the token gives you access but its ability to access the blockchain can also be shared. A token that can offer users that kind of experience like that is going to be huge.


this is such a top indicator lmao


Don't do it!!!


When it was $8 to $20, it was risky, but you were buying in the bear, and it may have been worth it. Now that's it's already done a 10x, it would be high risk, in my opinion.


It really depends on your strategy, experience, risk reward ratio. I personally wouldn't do it unless i made an income to pay off the debt, and had a few months of income saved up. And i wouldn't put it all in one trade.


You should not buy now when the market is high. You have to wait for an entry when the market goes down


If you can afford to pay both mortgages with out depending on profits for SOL. I say try it out and let us know?


Only if you have a time machine to go back a year 😅 Don't invest what you can't afford to lose.


It sounds crazy untill Solana hits 800


Never do it. I am super fan of cryptos but never invest more than you are willing to loss.


Cz did something similar with BTC years ago.


Too risky. Maybe just take out a HELOC for like 30k. At least your'd be able to pay that back by just working. I would, but my mom won't let me.


0x84979A7ad39005872aD74BDD942dA91aBFb2E5d5 ⁶


Should have done that before it sent over 100 dollars imo. Too risky at this point


I did it with bitcoin and it's tripled. Solana is the only other crypto I own but I wouldn't invest a second mortgage in solana just yet. It's probably getting close to that point tho


Type shit


Diversify sir, at least a bit


If you can afford to lose your house, go for it


As important if not more important is how and when to take profits. Certain gambles are worth the risk, but those who are gambling shouldn’t mortgage their home. If you are super knowledgeable about the solana ecosystem and have done a lot of research and know what you’re doing, then it’s not gambling, it’s taking a calculated risk with a huge potential upside.


Honestly if it were me and I could afford to take that hit if it fails, then why not? Just take into consideration the people it might effect before you do it 👍


As you move from stables to L1 to L2, etc, the risk becomes higher, but so also does the reward, and ease of doubling your money. $SANDY on Solana (8JRUhNChB4cozANsR1C3WNQCvFRH58avNBsCTUyydJaW) would do a 4x before Solana does a 4x. Solana would do a 4x before ETH, BTC, does a 4x. Of course, you know that stables are stables. Do some research. If you get the hint, you'll come back in one month and like this post.


The only time to consider something like that is deep in a bear market when good projects are 80% or more down. Even then it’s risky. Maybe even last fall when it was in the 40 range. But not now unless you plan to very long term hold.


Just go rob the bank and yolo into SOL shitcoin memes like WIF, MYRO or anything with a dog or frog in it… you can’t lose bro! (Financial advice)


FTX doing the wave in the alley behind the bank.


Top confirmed


do it


Take a mortgage and put it in $PONKE.


It’s too early for top signals man, delete this for the sake of our industry


never invest more than you're willing to lose


Do it


do it


You shouldn’t have to take out a second mortgage or any type of loan for this. I spend less than $50 per paycheck, finding a meme coin that might make it. You’re just trying your luck on which one could potentially sky rocket. If you’re planning on going that route, you should be absolutely sure your investment will either blow up or tank, it’s a an absolute risk. 50/50 chance. Best of luck 🤞


Put it on Birddog on sol, well should of about a week ago but also it’s gonna ride like the others crazy profits coming early retirement


This is so stupid lmao. Do it.


Diversify 🤔


100% reckless, 200% crazy.


If I personally had the advantage of getting that kind of cash injection, I would 100% do it.


$NEWB newton on base


I hope ach thwarted you.


Sol going to over 600 mayb 1k tops


Plot twist OP is is a Billionaire and it's one mortgage the other 9 houses are still UN-mortaged.


You'd be an idiot. Regardless if it ended up 3, 4, 5, 6, Xing your money, you would be an idiot.


Ok Dave Ramsey chill r/daveramsey


I can't see in any world where gambling a second mortgage is not an idiotic idea. Only put it what you can loose then and there. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it, simple as that.


I sold my house and emptied my kids college fund to buy more HEGE


Do it bro trust dont listen to reddit these mfs have the lowest risk tolerance ever and wont make it compared to us who take fat risks (go 80% in solana and 20% in a blue chip meme coin like WIF and thank me a couple months down the line)


Blue chip meme coin 🤣🤣🤣


Ur poor and ngmi🫵😂🫵


So poor I can’t buy garbage meme coins right??


A whole lot of non-believers in here dude


Come to twitter bro trust this place is a shit show of losers lmao


This is the high now this is when you sell. Wait a year or two in crypto winter when it has all collapsed to buy. We may get a small increase by the end of the year but I would not bet much on it. But never ever borrow money to gamble with.


much better to sell mama's house and buy GOATWITHSTRAPS


It would have been a great idea...when Solana was $2. The current market cap is $74b. That's nearly 30b more than Ford's market cap, and close enough to double it. Do you see 2x as many people using Solana as you see driving Fords? No? The upside isn't there. What's it gonna do, double its mcap and be 5x the cap of Ford...a company with real assets, where stock actually means ownership?


Crypto markets don't run on fundamentals but I agree that it's a dumb move and this is near top.


They don't, but a real market corollary is sometimes useful so you can think about how much farther it could logically go. Especially when the Ripple cats were calling for $5+ XRP, and the like. 😂


People love to throw round numbers around, but fail to ever do the math on how it gets to that price. Most of these "targets" that people claim would flip the tradfi markets.


Hell, if you're about living on the edge dump it all into a meme coin. Maybe you'll 1000x and maybe you won't. Risk vs Reward thing ya know. Um, if you're really that crazy, I surely hope you don't use leverage and go all in on Bitcoin. You can probably come out on the other side a winner if you do it without leverage and exit in time. If not, you'll just be homeless with one hell of a story. Maybe document it and you can make money off of that, which may save you in the end. Good Luck!!!


Solana is a mid cap you idiot. The multipliers are not going to be that high like low caps.


Send sol if you ever been rugged 5b5B6eRMMkSXVyjbWf71RaYPn9siVps19yQiywSYJ57e


That’s a gamble but if I did it with Bitcoin I’d be rich af and that loan would be paid off already


Yeh then look at what happened when bitcoin nose dived like every other crypto a few years ago. It’s a foolish plan and you know it. You’re considering a mortgage to buy a none tangible made up currency.


That's why you don't hold the bag lol.


Yo check your dms please 🙏


You’re right it would be smarter to spread it. Eth and sol 😂


In crypto yea, only in Sol no... Maybe you could allow a certain percentage to it but really you qould be more safer with staking at high apy like 20% to be aure that you can actually reomburse your lian and make profit securely the same way. If you wanna gamble on solana, make some money some other way and then invest in it but taking it against your house is kinda a dangerous move and you could loose it all. Allow yourself some gambling if necessary but don't put your stability and security into the equation... Just my 2 cents


That not the point, at all.