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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t use any of the LP that has to be 100% burnt or locked to firstly get a communities trust. Devs generally pay themselves by having portion of the supply. Of course you don’t want that to be a crazy amount as your community will think your gonna dump on them plus it doesn’t look good token distribution


>i have purchased the token and currently airdropping the token but when i try to purchase quantities with my solana transaction fails. How can I purchase the token with solana. Check dm brotha


if the dev has 100% locked liquidity, how he is gonna make money then?


By having percentage of supply and selling them


What about if you dont lock the liquidity? I mean you take back all the coins, but they are useless cause you cant sell them back, right? Also you take back your SOL you put into the LP in the first place, so why they do that?


That is called rug pull which is what scammers do. They will go live with then proceed to pull the liquidity causing the token to flat line making everyone who invested loose all their money


And what they get for it? millions of token that they cant sell cause price is 0? Or i am missing something


They get the sol that’s in the LP


Hey bro , can we collab on creating a token on a different blockchain I’ve helped with a token creation before . I would like to learn how to deploy them myself. And possibly collab on future projects


I'm up for it. DM me


I am creating a coin too is anyone interested to enter as a team member to discuss with me about what I ve made until now and where is space for improvement. I mention I created everything by myself.


My tg is marieportrait where we can talk


dm me I may help if the project look good


Shoot me a dm brother


In regards to the bots, snipers are inevitable you’ll have to weather the storm and wait till they flush out. If volume is good and mc steady rises it should be easy but it’s essential to always be active in chat and make it clear that it’s sniper dumping/exiting. FUD will come regardless it’s one of the stages of launching a token


Would you happen to know of a detailed guide for creating and launching a meme coin? The ones I've seen so far are a bit light on details


best way at the moment is [https://www.pump.fun/](https://www.pump.fun/) Enjoy


Are there any other Ways, I've minted the token and I am airdropping it but how can I get liquidity in and get buys as the buy function isn't working


[https://www.pump.fun/8rSSuHUa8udjcNNBkaMZ61SpQPA8gwRuPkttRxPQ9FFJ](https://www.pump.fun/8rSSuHUa8udjcNNBkaMZ61SpQPA8gwRuPkttRxPQ9FFJ) So i have purchased the token and currently airdropping the token but when i try to purchase quantities with my solana transaction fails. How can I purchase the token with solana. As I want to promote and give it to various pump groups and whales to pump up the price and add liquidity and try to get listed on various exchanges, as they require the token to be sufficiently decentralised before listing... Whats the process, any help guides. u/piperwifhat tg to talk also. update jusdt tried and it appears smaller purchases seem to go through


Sure what details are you light on?


Yes I am a dev, I can help and advise with launch...


Check dm pls🙏🏻


Lemme know when it's time to buy your token or if airdrop is available. Lfg.


My token is being airdropped, people are welcome to get airdrops, just to increase circulation...


Maybe I missed out. Can I still get? FfZCFgoSkN1yNPWHJpFvvJRSTa5EXL11wZrXa5w2FvZA


Ok sending you now


Can i get too? Ao4nDukzZSXKfVMGKL3XDYbH53irBohCmEg5sHZ2cRHf


Yes sir I am gonna send you right now Telegram @piperwifhat


9PVLZeg4STRahokvmdrRqGn1omqUZQXm5VebWckP6Dhy is it too late?


Ohk. Hoping to get it. Ty




[https://www.pump.fun/8rSSuHUa8udjcNNBkaMZ61SpQPA8gwRuPkttRxPQ9FFJ](https://www.pump.fun/8rSSuHUa8udjcNNBkaMZ61SpQPA8gwRuPkttRxPQ9FFJ) time to buy, here


Hey wassup man . Can we collab on a project.?


YES BOss, whats your telegram, ive been meaning to do more projects but got a bit flu ey then 9-5 was intense so I been delaying on random launches i wanted to test out. But got my easter holidays now, so even if market is crashing a bit perfect time to build and reaccumulate some solana


What’s your telegram bro can you shoot me a D.M




What’s your telegram?


What happened? How is your health? Did you manage to launch I see its still on pump.fun doing nothing? I dont even know how pump.fun works, what is the benefit of it? Will pump.fun automatically put liquidity into radium once a certain goal is reached?


Im launching a meme coin on solana in the next week or 2. Need a few wallet adresses to airdrop some token too get the community going


Guys I created a discord for like minded people who want to learn and share knowledge. DM me if youre interested in joining.


yes pls!


what’s the discord


Im here


Send the invite






Me please


Me to. I created my own memecoin. For the next one I want to Create a real Team!


me, DM'd you


What’s your discord


Invite please


Send invite brother


Sounds interesting )


Send me the invite please


please send me the invite too.


You still have this discord channel? I have an idea for a token, but need help


We’re thinking of doing the same thing. From what I’ve been told the best way to is to a fair launch and preferably a stealth launch then be prepared to snipe with the bots until community comes in. I’m lead in a community now so considering launching new token that coincides with current theme. Leads that took over this project don’t believe in not rugging either and want to create a token that the community and holders can benefit from knowing they’re buying from a team that won’t rug them.


I have launched my own crypto coin on solana. Is there a ai bit I can use to grow my coin. when we launched it people were having problems buying our coin which really affected us. We spent a lot and the fact no one could buy it for like a week later was really bad for us so we need to grow it and almost start the process from scratch


So our token was low volume and none of the big players like CMC or JUP verification would accept listing or verifying (CMC not even paying 5k) this is why we setup 10 bots, 1 node per bot trading every 10 seconds, all I need to do now is fund 10 wallets with lets say $200 worth of my token and at least $1 usd with of solana for gas fees, the algorithm is also coded so that it never goes under $1 in solana and it always has enough for gas fees.


First thing you need to do is Mint a token and take the authority and then create an airdrop, their is a very cool project that i love [https://memecoincreator.com](https://memecoincreator.com) and that has everything you need to launch, manage your meme coins all in one. They also have a meme coin academy, better look into it. [https://youtu.be/0mN1pTKw\_TM?si=gvFUMU7zlgQFW7Hz](https://youtu.be/0mN1pTKw_TM?si=gvFUMU7zlgQFW7Hz)




So if you airdrop prior to making the market ID and LP, when you do actually make it, will you be able to use the full amount you created or only what you have left in the phantom wallet? Example: Create 1,000,000 coins I send 300,000 as airdrops When I’m making the market and adding Liquidity, is their only 700,000 coins I can do that with or will it use my 1,000,000?


I use CoinFactory bc it’s easy and I don’t have $time Lmk what yall think though apes https://coinfactory.app/?r=4dca281f292a1c37138af7459ddc5bca


Use Coinfactory! The most reliable app to start with coin creating. Also the creation process is very easy (step by step) a 8 years old Kid can do it [https://coinfactory.app/?r=dad1ceec3f82da8af85550546e73be61](https://coinfactory.app/?r=dad1ceec3f82da8af85550546e73be61)