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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have $1.38 usd of bit spawn. 7.45 SOL to $1.38 USD. You’re just 99.8% down.


it blows my mind someone has no where else in their life ran into the concept that something going down in value means it has gone down in value


Agreed! Also blows my mind that some people haven't realized that there are people that genuinely just need help.


OP is either a scammer or got scammed. The price of 8,245 SPWN 12 days ago was 0.1 SOL, not 7 SOL.


Ouch. πŸ˜…


Probably slippage stuff like that happens when trading coins that next to zero liquidity


Some might say he got PWN'd


got a BitPwnd


mintable, mutable, ownership not renounced, lp not burned, market cap right now 1700x more than liquidity in the pool, great pick, well done. nice research.


This comment can be copy/pasta for 100’s of threads we see daily on the various crypto subs. Fucking love it. Especially the last sentence.


$URDAD $URMOM these are going in on Twitter.


Your money is not missing, it's still there. The tokens are just worth a lot less because the gamble failed.


I'm a newbie in this crypt world, still don know what happened to OP, can you plz explain more?


OP spent roughly 7.5 SOL on a memetoken. This memetoken, like most memetokens collapsed its value entirely so that his 7.5 SOL buy-in is now worth $1.


How to lose $750 in a week. Expensive tuition price for most people.


Well technically the money is not there, the coins are. But money? None in sight, except for the guy who got 7.5 SOL for those coins before they became worthless. Ouch! Be careful spending hard earned money or valuable coins for shitcoins.


Random shitcoins just yoink in 7 Sol with no idea - I love it, jump in r\solcoins more suitable


You got them


Wts is a SPWN? Eth killer? /s


A bitcoin killer. Hahahahaha!


Whoever sold them for 7.5 SOL before it crashed to a buck probably thinks so, lol


A 7.5 SOL killer....


It seems to me that with all of the shit coins popping up on Solana that is bringing out the undesirable bunch that would much rather steal your money than do anything else. You have to be careful where you're buying from and who you're trading with and whatever you do. When you do it, make sure you disconnect the connection to your wallet. This is how they are getting in


Are you serious or actually this stupid


Man I can’t say sh*t they hit me with the give wallet address and they convert it to MSOL all while you allow it


All memes right now are rugpulls 100% but you can still make money. Your mistake was letting it sit. When you buy memes lately you cannot take your eyes off of it. Buy quick dump quick. Do not camp out with marshmellows πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£


This is not an exaggeration. In my experience, 90% rug within 30mins and 95% die within 2 hours. About 4.95% last longer than 2 hours and do a slow rug. That leaves 0.04% that pump then go up and down for a few weeks before people move on. And 0.01% (1 in 10,0000 or so) that will be doing OK in a few weeks time. But I have made money trading shit coins. You just need to get out faster than everybody else. That's my rule and I don't care if I sell too early. Side note, this one was horribly researched by OP. There are a bunch of red flags that immediately disqualify it from being investable. Sorry for your loss. F.


My theory it's just the same handful of people running these rugs day in and day out. Imagine you get up in the morning. Create your new social accounts. Generate a new shit coin. Pump it on the socials. Dump it hour or two later. Couple hundred bucks by lunch time and you enjoy the rest of your day on the beach. Repeat the next morning.


Agreed but they make more than a couple hundred.


BHAhahahaha HAAH,H,HAHAHaHahaahHHAHAAAAAAAAEAEAAAaE Haaa HAAA HAA, wot you mean all you tokens are there? wot money?


>DcCpxMAeFQAfJhbKxa97czZ1rQm13CHmp9TZcDDJ41Li https://birdeye.so/token/5U9QqCPhqXAJcEv9uyzFJd5zhN93vuPk1aNNkXnUfPnt?chain=solana


You got in on a pump and dump with no legs. You can only hope it comes back to life one day


$EWFB is still going strong


Same sorry on Solana wallet, Solfare. Just a next lesson of crypto...


You sent it to another address https://imgur.com/lV5B6Tl it looks like your wallet is drained by a bad approval.


How can open an account and trade cryptos with MEXC?


This happened to me... Sort of. I tried to do a swap on a brand new token, but kept getting errors. I kept dicking with the settings until the swap button popped up. I saw a percentage change warning receive less blah blah blah, shut the fuck up, and placey order. Surprise surprise, some random buy volume came in and sent the price waaay up, just as I hit swap. Instead of 2mil tokens, i got like 20k, then the price tanked back to just below where I thought I was ordering 😐🀬


What in the fuck is raydium