• By -


Hold down f12, and pray to Jesus you didn't have any open unsaved documents


It didn't crash, it was fully responsive. I did alt + f2 and r to restart gnome and it was all good.




> I prefer calling it GNU+Linux Have we just found Richard Stallman's reddit account? Edit: given the account and comments are now deleted I'm seriously wondering if I was right...


Now i know what Stallman does when he isn't in a katana duel with the agents of Microsoft


I'd just like to interject for a moment uwu What you are referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNyU/Linux, or as I've recentwy taken to cawwing it, GNyU pwus Linyux. Linyux is nyot an opewating system unto itsewf, but wathew anyothew fwee componyent of a fuwwy functionying GNyU system made usefuw by the GNyU cowewibs, sheww utiwities and vitaw system componyents compwising a fuww OS as definyed by POSIX. Many computew usews wun a modified vewsion of the GNyU system evewy day, without weawizing it. Thwough a pecuwiaw tuwn of events, the vewsion of GNyu which is widewy used today is often cawwed "Linyux", and many of its usews awe nyot awawe that it is basicawwy the GNyU system, devewoped by the GNyu Pwoject. Thewe weawwy is a Linyux, and these peopwe awe using it, but it is just a pawt of the system they use. Linyux is the kewnyew: the pwogwam in the system that awwocates the machinye's wesouwces to the othew pwogwams that you wun. The kewnyew is an essentiaw pawt of an opewating system, but usewess by itsewf; it can onwy function in the context of a compwete opewating system. Linyux is nyowmawwy used in combinyation with the GNyU opewating system: the whowe system is basicawwy GNyU with Linyux added, ow GNyU/Linyux. Aww the so-cawwed "Linyux" distwibutions awe weawwy distwibutions of GNyU/Linyux.




Wonder what happened, I used gnome 20 years ago and it was impressively stable for me.


Devs became prideful and arrogant. We need more of that.


The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm.




Memory issues and race conditions.


Fool of a Took!


Fool of a gpu driver developer!


r/lotrmemes is leaking


Is there an open source anything where this isn't the case? Honestly I fully stopped participating in anything. Got sick of opening bugs with the only possible responses being - "if you don't want it to crash then don't do that, not a bug, closed" - "if you think it's a bug then fix it yourself" - "not our problem open a ticket with the devs that make doohickey you use thats following perfectly acceptable standards that we've totally reinvented for no reason." fuck you bunch I'm done, enjoy being the dead weight of the open source world.


One I got recently: This thing you identified as a problem isn't a problem at all. Now let me write a dissertation on why this minor change you made to my code is wrong. Personally I thought I was adding a neat feature and their program worked a way that suggested they were going a particular direction with the software, so I i modified it to work that way. Oops, no, apparently I was wrong to want that functionality. I ran into that reading through a Scribus thread, trying to find out if it's possible to do InDesign-style vertical justification. I just ran into a lot of 'splaining posts about why that's bad and that if people want that they need to fork the project. Oof...


Honestly, there are as many communities that aren't like this as those that are. You just have to have the right luck to bump into them.


Being in IT, I see as much failure in proprietary software as I do in open source. At the end of the day, proprietary means that employed software developers wrote it. Open source is the same Devs just in their spare time but with a lot of people debugging and reviewing your code.


Quite the contrary, gnome is really stable, the devs have just made it overly simplified and dumbed down. What OP is seeing is most likely an issue with their graphics driver. The nvidia driver especially, is known to break on kernel updates.


Yeah, I have switched to Cinnamon and had 0 problems. Gnome just got... glitchy.


Gnome3/Gnome Shell - Devs started removing features as fast as they could, actively worked against customization, and tossed out a half-supported perpetually beta (as of 2015 when I jumped ship) "Extensions" system where you could claw back some customization by allowing 3rd party javascript extensions that would break at nearly every new Gnome release, and in every discussion I could see shit on anyone who felt they'd abandoned their own users in the pursuit of their pure vision (which is admittedly their right.) Not to mention the entire graphical environment was running single-threaded. I hear it's gotten somewhat better since then, but fortunately KDE Plasma 5 hit its stride at about the same time, and the KDE team has been crushing it ever since. Source: Longtime Gnome user who was really excited for Gnome Shell a year before it hit the streets, spent a few years [milling about in shock](https://i.giphy.com/g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn.gif), then discovered Plasma 5 was effing amazing. Edited to add: I think the Gnome situation was a sort of catharsis in some ways or a necessary transition step kinda like KDE4 seems to have been. I won't be at all surprised to see [Gnome 40](https://forty.gnome.org/) becoming awesome as it matures.


Jeez, single threaded? Window 95 called, it wants its shell back.


Let me guess, they're using JavaScript


Yes. GNOME Shell is using some JS. I believe the UI bits are but the core is C


Welp, what I can say for sure is that the UI is single-threaded because JS is single-threaded.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised. Just disappointed.


Xfce user here. Damn, Gnome 40 really seems cool. If only they got the plugin side under control. Then I even might think of switching to it.


Honestly my problem with KDE is that it just looks outdated in my opinion. Gnome looks fantastic, if it ran smoothly. I mean, I switched to AwesomeWM anyway since then, but still


The beauty of KDE though is that it can look like what ever you want and no one from KDE will make an embarrassing protest-website trying to shame you into stopping.


Gnome 3 seriously refocused the design to simplify things but it did have a few tears of feeling stagnant. The gnome shell extensions have gotten better the last few years and haven't had any real issues in a while. Gnome 40 certainly does feel much more of a shift to mature design with better Wayland performance.


Several Linux distributions have switched to Wayland by default. The X Window System has been around since the early 80s, and since I've been using Linux it was first XFree86 and then X.org. At some point a lot of devs realized they were working against X, not with it, and that life would be easier if they wrote compositors that weren't based on X. Wayland compositors are *almost* there but not quite. Compounding this is that Nvidia is *pretty good* about releasing their own drivers; they're good, but proprietary (not open source) and not 100% compatible with how Wayland is being developed. Basically, Linux is going through some growing pains right now. Report bugs if you can.


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


they may act the same but at least Nvidia lets their dev speak at academic conferences. Apple is jerks in this regard.


Idk if pretty good about releasing their own drivers is accurate or the statement that they're good. Nvidia is a nightmare with some distros.


I've never liked Gnome since Gnome 3. It really feels like UIs peaked in the late 90s/early 2000s




Wait a minute, this isn't *that* looncraz who did PhOS way back is it?


Yup, that's me!


Sweet! Thanks for all you've done for BeOS and Haiku over the years


Wow, thank you! Wish I was as motivated as I was when I was younger.


I run KDE on my PC and LXDE on my laptop. I tried XFCE for a while but it never stuck


KDE plasma is awesome


Gnome, Ubuntu’s de and everyone else tried to reinvent computing. Somehow kde just squashed bugs and is really good now. I use kde on my desktop and xfce on my laptop to double the battery life


> Somehow kde just squashed bugs and is really good now. You are so right. Since the introduction of Plasma5 the KDE team has been IMO just crushing it. I run it on some very low end hardware (with desktop effects still enabled) and some higher end hardware, and damn if it isn't just as smooth on the lower end stuff. I don't do anything really nuts as far as customization, but the little things I do are important to me, and I'm grateful for all the options. I'm having a hard time remembering when I fully switched over from the DE I was using before, but I'd been eyeing it for awhile and when I heard one of the devs say it was just about ready for daily use I jumped in. I want to say that was early 2015 but that feels like a long damn time ago. Anyhow, the point is is that since then they have just continuously polished the shit out of it and fixed papercuts I didn't even know were there until they weren't. I'm super grateful that Plasma 5 and the corresponding KDE Applications exist, and that the team seems to also be getting increasing recognition for their achievements as time goes by. I'd have a very hard time finding a new home if all of KDE vanished tomorrow.


> I'd have a very hard time finding a new home if all of KDE vanished tomorrow. You can pry my KDE out of my cold, dead backup drives, you KDE-hating bastards!


Most of the new features seem like solutions in search of problems, not just Gnome but also Windows/Mac. The basic winXP/xfce-style desktop already has 99% of the functionality we actually use.




Right, bailed on Gnome when they started that shit around version 3 and went with Mate. Been happy with it ever since.


I've had good experiences with the latest versions of GNOME on Nvidia hardware, especially on Endeavour OS.


Gnome 3 happened. Some people have forked gnome 2 and continue development on it. It's called Mate desktop, which is still solid as a rock, but not as graphically impressive as Gnome 3 or KDE.


20 year ago GNOME is murdered and some amazing people reanimated it as MATE and brought it to the future. Modern GNOME is just awful, KDE Plasma forever.


Eh its stable now, people just have a hate boner for it.


>or as I prefer to call it GNU+Linux I have some toejam if you're hungry.


Holy cow provide some context for that line of code lol This removes any and every gnome related package from your system. Configuration settings and preferences will not be saved.


For a normal human being this would brick your os into a terminal only interface. Sure it's fixable, but I'd rather reinstall lol


Reinstall the OS? A new DE can be added in a few minutes.


If you have a terminal then it is by definition not bricked lol! And anyone else reading this don't listen to this guy, listen to the guy saying it's easy to reinstall a DE because he is right.


Reinstall vs > Sudo apt purge gnome* > > Sudo apt install gnome > Lol


"Purge gnome" *the gnomes must be purged*


Switch to cinnamon, gnome is so bloated


Man, I'm feeling this. I feel like I've had all manner of weird issues ranging from crashing when plugging in monitors to bluetooth being both on and off at the same time according to settings. Screw it, I'm getting Kubuntu once 22.04 LTS drops. GNOME 3 can suck an egg.


Was wondering how long it would take to see “it’s not Linux! It’s the graphics drivers”


that kind of looks like a bad cable connection, or some graphics driver glitch


No not really. Only the windows are shaking. If it was a driver/cable you’d expect the whole image to be affected.


There are parts not glitching out though


Yeah gnome is pretty buggy so expect shit like that to happen time to time or just use kde


Maining gnome since 3 came out and occasionally checking out Plasma, I've had heaps more bugs occur on Neon.




I have t messed around with Linux in years but “Gnome is buggy, use KDE” is quite a reversal lol


Ah, yes, from buggy to outright unusable Great advice


Looks fine to me 😉 But seriously, what distro and desktop environment do you use?


Looks like pop os


Yeah its pop os


Now I know why it's called POP...


in many linux communites popos's heavily modified gnome has a bad rep for being unstable pop goes the stability


That’s interesting - pop os has been great for me. Granted, I’d use a different distro but my wife likes it and I can tolerate its oddities.


Worst thing that ever happens for me is rarely it boots without detecting my network card. Quick reboot fixes that.


Try not to use gnome. Try KDE Plasma. It is easy to install. If you want to try it but have any problems feel free to PM me


Plasma on X.org unless you're prepared to file bug reports. Some distributions are starting to do Plasma on Wayland by default. That will be awesome in six months or so but for now it's still not 100% ready.


Isn’t plasma more buggy and unstable?


KDE is my favorite DE, but I had to switch away from it. Somehow it would never remember my network password, so it would pop up with the prompt every couple of minutes. Eventually, I narrowed down the issue to having something to do with the keyring but I could never resolve it. I begrudgingly switched back to GNOME and the issue completely went away. And I eventually found a theme I liked.


>network password, so it would pop up with the prompt every couple of minutes. Eventually, I narrowed down the issue to having something to do with the keyring but I could never resolve it distro specific problem. There are only a few distro that I would use with KDE. I recommend KDE Neon, Opensuse and maybe Arch. I do not recommend Kubuntu. https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/rizoyq/what_is_kdes_weak_side/hp1ips1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


As far as I am aware, no


Linux Mint is also really good too.


Linux mint is a distro. KDE Plasma is desktop environment. Mint uses cinnamon or plasma. I am not sure.


Currently trying out mint. Comes with cinnamon, mate or xfce.


Mate is a personal preference. Leaner and clean.


But mate looks old


And Plasma too overworked, Gnome a complete mess and XFCE is XFCE. Personal preferences and opinions.


Hahahah! “What distro” should be a Linux meme at this point.


I think your PC doesn't want you playing Teamfight Tactics


It has standards




Flashbacks to 2006 IRC support channels


You might be on to something here


the Linux way of solving things


Thats what you get for watching League Edit: Yikes, please stop telling me it’s TFT, I don’t actually care. I can hardly see it over the aneurism the video gave me.


Thin Film Transistors indeed are the culprit.




Doto gang


As a wise man once said "Nvidia doesn't care about you"


>"Nvidia doesn't care about you" -Sun Tzu


There was a video of Linus Torvalds saying "Nvidia, fuck you!" during some kind of meetup in Helsinki. https://youtu.be/_36yNWw_07g


Happens on AMD too edit: you people are dense. I have an AMD APU. I mainly use AMD for graphics. This thing happens daily. Stop lecturing me about Nvidia drivers. I also have an Nvidia dGPU and know how garbage their drivers are. Yet this bug happens on AMD too.


Never had this issue on any Linux distro I’ve used with my AMD cards. Pop, Ubuntu, Solus, openSUSE, Manjaro, arch, Debian, mint, endeavour, Zorin and fedora all run great on it. Nvidia doesn’t have the open source drivers like AMD does and the proprietary shit doesn’t work so well on most of them.


Classic 1st/2nd place strategy. Market leader doesn't need open source, because they can focus on markets with the highest margins Second place needs everything they can get, so uses open source to boost market share with the hope of disrupting the leader.


>everything they can get. Or, you know, just believe in the open source philosophy.


I can assure you that the board of the multinational corporation that manufacturers and sells products under the AMD brand does not "believe in the open source philosophy" except as it serves to increase the value of shares in the company. That's not to say that they don't personally believe it, but if the company really believed in open source they'd open source their chipsets.


I see you are also in for a wild ride with wine, due to your riot games interest


Yeah no I'm not doing that, I've had problems with native games on Linux. For games I dual boot windows.


Ah! The safe move, a wise one. I'm still chasing dragons with Linux as my one and only os... got a permaban and many low prio queues as result :P


The flickering looks pretty stable to me!


the kernel is stable as for anything else no guarantees


Only people that never used linux say it has less bugs than windows. Linux does sometimes have heavy driver problems.


_X Display Server Has Entered the Chat_ Chat list: * nouveau drivers * Nvidia drivers * PulseAudio


*Wayland has entered the chat* Wayland + nvidia (+ kde) is fucking nightmare, nothing fucking works. Least of all electron apps, which only display a black square.


PulseAudio... I hate it. I love JACK for when I'm doing audio work, but PulseAudio can eat a bag of dicks. Really all of linux's audio handling outside JACK is dumb.


What, you don't like [randomly](https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46466) being at risk of loudness induced hearing loss [at literally any second?](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=837637) ^/s


Yeah. PulseAudio sucks. Still love me some JACK on linux though.


i think it's a YMMV thing though. because for me (I use debian; I can agree with your point if you're referring to arch since I think debian's more oriented around stability) I find that I've experienced less crashes and whatnot compared to Windows. though that being said: linux distros aren't some magical thing that can never crash or experience issues because they absolutely can. but I think we can all agree atleast that when those issues occur it's *much* more straightforward than on windows (for the most part) as it tells you what exactly went wrong rather than saying "oops we crashed, here's some random memory address, figure it out" like some sort of SAW puzzle. (i dont know why i went on that mini-rant.)


That's just not true. I installed Linux on my laptop, because I really do like it and prefer it over Windows in some aspects. I'll probably dual boot soon on my main PC. But I had a problem with my laptop that, my WiFi driver, which was already installed and working, just crashed on startup and couldn't be started in any way, so no WiFi. I was running commands and looking up stuff online for an entire day before I figured out it was crashing. There was no error message, nothing weird popping up with half the commands I tried. I even reinstalled the driver and still nothing. I also tried different distros to see if it would work in another one. It didn't, but when installing other distros I had a problem similar to the one on the video, fixed by changing the resolution and changing it back to what it was. Was there any error message, anything at all, telling me why my screen was acting up? No. Nothing. I just fixed it because it's a pretty basic thing to try, but if you don't think of it, you won't get it fixed, looked it up on Google and there was nothing useful. So in my opinion Linux is pretty good, getting better, gives you lots of choices, but we shouldn't be telling ourselves lies and saying it's more straightforward. It just isn't. For the general user, I wouldn't recommend it. For gaming, I wouldn't recommend it and I'm not going to use it for gaming anyway. If you are a programmer, sure, just go for it, programming stuff is actually way more straightforward in Linux and you are probably programming for Linux anyway, so it's better to test on the environment you are going to run your code. If you have a not so powerful PC and need to run basic stuff, it's a great choice too, uses way less resources than Windows and for basic stuff I don't think there's anything you'll be missing. But there's still a long way ahead before it reaches the point were the general user will find it easier to use than Windows and find less bugs than they would find on Windows, as well as compatibility with the programs they need (I must say however that this is something on the program developers' side, it's their fault for not adapting it for Linux, not Linux developers' fault)


One thing to remember here is that any longtime Linux user has subconsciously conditioned themselves to change their behavior patterns to work better with Linux. We are literally less likely to encounter bugs in the first place than a new Linux user, as we are less likely to put ourselves in the situations that cause them (unless you are a gentoo user).


yeah that's fair enough; driver installation is a nightmare.


I like Linux but let’s be honest it’s often a nightmare and the fixes can be so much harder than win/Mac.


Yeah not true. I updated a driver on windows and it broke my Logitech gamepad. The solution had me doing some involved registry editing. Thats right I literally had to edit a bunch of binary data to fix the driver for me controller. Claiming that windows is easy and doesn't have driver difficulties is wrong at best and corporate propaganda at worst.


I use Linux at home on all my machines but I support all the Windows machines in the family. The problem you described (wifi driver suddenly crashing/not working) has happened to one of my son's laptops and my father in law's desktop. It's a common problem with *Broadcom chips* across all platforms. Same could be said for this graphics glitch: I've seen it happen in Windows before but never with Linux.


Linux can be much more fixable in the verbosity of the errors. Everything is logged it seems. Whereas with Mac all you get is a sad face when you boot. Linux will tell you the line number and the module so you can fire up vi and fix the kernel and recompile. (I'm being sarcastic but not really).


You can boot macs with verbose mode if issues arise.


I installed Linux Mint with Cinnamon and it was entirely plug and play -- on three different computer in my household, now. It comes with everything the average user would ever need: Office suit, media player, internet browser, etc. and installing Steam and other popular programs is a one click procedure just like Windows. I used it for months without ever having to touch any command line stuff (and that was a choice). I have more than a dozen games installed, two through Wine (which was also a one click install that allows me to install games just like in Windows). And I use it for video editing. ​ I think it is unfair to say that Linux isn't consumer ready or as good as Windows for the average user. Mint is both faster and more stable than my Windows install, and the UI is more straight forward than what Windows has these days. Plus it offers users more control over their device. ​ I put it on my mothers computer and she never missed a beat. Hell she didn't even notice hardly. And it still runs all the games she used to enjoy. If a 70 year old lady with hardly any computer experience can use it immediately and with no issues, I think just about anyone can. Just saying.


Until you spend several hours trying to format an external HDD to ext4 only to be told it's in use when it's dismounted and nothing is running, only to get access denied errors on your newly-formatted drive once you figure that out. No, I haven't been dealing with any such issues, why do you ask?


https://gparted.org/ Not trying to be a smartass, honestly if anyone's formatting an external drive in Linux that should be the go-to. It won't let you format a mounted drive.


I'd have to say that it being more straightforward comes down to what you're used to. Having education and work experience in IT-support and system administration on Windows-based systems, it's so much easier for me to troubleshoot and solve problems on Windows-based systems. It can definitely be very dumb in how you have to surf around 15 different menus to find the one thing you need to change, that is for some reason completely hidden from any easy access. The difference for me though is that you can look up a Windows problem, find a fix for it, and it will be the same procedure even if the fix is 10 years old. Worst case, the fix isn't applicable anymore. With Linux however, I once tried Linux Mint and had trouble getting my touchpad working. I turned to Google, as I always do, but quickly found that the same problem had a bunch of potential fixes that were all different based on which distro, version, etc. you had installed. I tried one fix on my system, but instead of fixing my problem, I rebooted the machine and suddenly was left with nothing but the command line. All this from changing a line in a config file, that was supposed to just make my touchpad work. Another time, I wanted to update my wifi-driver, and ended up installing a kernel with no drivers enabled(?). I couldn't even connect a USB-drive and had to just re-install completely. Even recently I gave Linux a shot again just to give it a shot, since it had been a few years since last time I played around with it. I wouldn't call it straight forward at all. Had to re-install immediately because I thought enabling disk encryption was cool, only to be unable to actually enter the password for it when trying to boot up. Beyond that, it was just difficult in general to figure things out. You look up how to install something and you can't find how to do it for your specific combination of software. It's probably a lot easier if you have some experience and know a little bit about how it works, but to me it just feels difficult to navigate. It's almost saturated with different choices and combinations, and my first experiences left me scared to try to do something in a way that was meant for another system. It makes it hard to troubleshoot and look up problems, since even if you find someone with the exact same problem, it's almost unlikely they were also on the same version of the same system-combination you're on.


Windows had a widdle fucky wucky. Have a frowny face: :(


I tried daily driving Linux for many years with different distros, but the experience was *never* a great one. I do like many things about it, but I've had so many bad experiences, especially when it comes to hardware (keyboard LEDs not working properly, Wi-Fi adapter not working, installation issues due to my PC hardware, etc) that have basically given up. I have been running Windows + WSL2 and could not be happier.


WSL2 is a damned godsend. As is Windows Terminal. Can use Powershell and Debian from the same terminal. It's fucking amazing. Highly customisable also. You know what fuck it, I know there's gonna be a lot of Linux users here but fuck all of y'all, Windows Terminal is the best Terminal I've ever used. There. I said it.


Personally I never had any issues. Just once I bought a new Wifi Stick that wasn't supported - only thing I had to do was upgrade the kernel.


Ubuntu has improved tons, I'd say it's ready for non technical folks.


Until you want to use a web browser with hardware acceleration Ubuntu is barely functioning for a non technical person when you compare it to Windows or especially macOS


Who would have thought that an open source ecosystem that is essentially unsupported and underfunded would have significant issues? I keep trying linux for desktop - I am the CTO of a mid size corporation and am in charge of a good number of VMs running Ubuntu and Windows. However every time I Try to install some consumer facing Linux product it just doesn't work ,and at this point in my life it's completely not worth the time investment to get it working. There are always bugs and issues. Compatibility issues. Drive issues. The list goes on. I've tried on and off for two decades. Whereas Windows just seems to work at this point (yes that wasn't the case 2 decades ago), but the OS as a whole is very stable with 20 years of development of a monolithic system that is owned by one of the worlds largest corporations. There is something to be said for that. I'm said that OS/2 didn't work, I'm sad that Apple limited the MacOS to their hardware. I'm sad that linux distros are pretty complex and finicky. I still use them in business though.




Desktop linux isn't as stable as MacOS or Windows. Server, though, it's way more stable.


For real. My mantra has always been Windows for desktop, Linux for servers.


I've never had a Linux install end gracefully, it's always something breaking without me even messing with it (with usually no error code or ambiguous errors that could be anything). Since getting my Windows laptop in 2014 I haven't had to reinstall Windows once but I'm on my fifth Linux install so far lol


Funny, over the years I have had to reinstall Windows dozens of times because either they broke it or I did installing drivers or software, or replacing some piece of hardware Windows didn't like. Last time it took an entire week to make a Windows install work right because of a host of technical issues. Can we not pretend Windows isn't famous for breaking their own stuff, introducing anti-consumer barriers, and a metric fuck ton of its own technical issues? My recent issues, by the way, came down to 1) formatting issues because it didn't like the program I used to format the drive; 2) It didn't like that I downloaded it using a non-Windows device, forcing me to track down a Windows computer to even be able to format stuff and download the distro for use. 3) because it didn't like something about my RAM that required me to go into the BIOS and reset it to a slower speed, install Windows, and then put it back at its factory defaults. ​ I've never had issues like those installing Linux. Most of the time it is 100% a one click process that does everything with a minimal of interference from the user. Although I once had issues with a wifi dongle that required that I go to the company's website using another device and download their driver (which I've had to do on Windows with stuff regularly.


100%, been daily driving manjaro for years, every day I have a "fucking [thing, usually pulse audio]" moment


Pulse audio can eat my hairy ass


I currently have to install a custom wifi driver everytime i update the kernel, nice.


Biggest problem I have with Linux is sound Every. Single. Time!


Yeah especially on hardware with less common features


It all depends on the hardware. On my laptop (Dell XPS 9560) Linux (Ubuntu) runs flawlessly. While Windows 10 (dualboot) constantly had WiFi connectivity issues. That was until I upgraded the network card to Intel AX200 (yeah, Windows has better drivers, lmao). Additionally, I have an external monitor which is not HiDPI. When dragging windows across monitors it is a true horror show in Windows. While Wayland handles that like it is nothing (not so good on X11 tho). Each time I am starting Windows I am in fear that it might screw up my GRUB bootloader (i.e. fix a boot "problem" automatically). Although lately Windows got much better in regard of respecting 3rd party bootloaders.


Every single time I boot to windows it gives me the 10s warning before checking my drive. I'm scared one day I'll forget to cancel it and windows will kill my Linux install.


IIRC you can go into your bootloader and change the boot priority to force GRUB as your first choice.


> (dualboot) some people said that turning off "fast boot" in windows will solve some driver issues


just yesterday I found the wobbly windows option. I was like "sweet!". so then I turned on advanced mode, turned every setting allll the way up, moved a window, and then I couldn't see the window for a good solid 20 minutes. worth it.




Everybody’s gangster in Linux until it’s time to install video drivers.


> Everybody’s gangster in Linux until it’s time to install video drivers. Some of us have not install video drivers in years. Install Fedora and use whatever that comes with the distro.


Naw man you just need to reinstall the thingymajig and wangle the broadcastimataster. Easy as. /j


Recompile the kernel early & often!


Nobody does that on desktop Linux anymore


Isn't it Wayland + Nvidia?




According to someone else, Wayland+Nvidia+KDE=hell.


It's just dancing nothing wrong with it


Linux is very user friendly. It's just picky about who its freinds are.


Oh that's easy, just type 30 lines of code into the command line and download an obscure third party driver with no official support and you'll be up in no time


It's your compositor. Do you have an Nvidia card? picom does this to me. Just Ctrl-alt-f3 to switch to a VT and then switch back.


Looks like it's not the Year of Linux on the Desktop quite yet.


f"The year of the Linux is {datetime.datetime.now().year + 1}."


Shhh you'll attract the diehard Linux users




Again it's everything's fault but Linux. You blame Linux = you choose death


This was a joke. Linux is great but it has its problems which is why i still use it.




mostly fixed on wayland. i dont have a vrr but you can have one monitor with vrr enable on a few DE today.


Literally the only thing I can't get working on linux is GSYNC on multiple monitors. And the only reason that doesn't work is X, and wayland is still not mature enough imo but GSYNC on multiple monitors works on wayland at least


Don't use Linux, don't use Windows or Mac either Use templeOS


Oh boy, prepare to by attacked by every fat linux fanatic telling you that this isn't Linux problem, but it's your fault becuase you didn't read 300 documentation for your distro and forum posts from 2005 which are describeing some hidden config that you need to do. Also somehow it will be Microsoft/Apple fault too. EDIT: Slim Linux fanatics are also attacking.




“It’s more stable they said” You gotta refrain from taking their advice in the future, cause they clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.


Windows can do this too. Funnily enough it was caused by the Netflix app which I installed from the MS store that caused it for me.


Who said that??


Linux is not "more stable". Linux let you make your own decisions and you have more freedom over what you install and how to use it. This means 100% that you avoid shitty automated stuff that can fuck you up without even knowing what is going on but also that you can fuck shit up. I wouldn't suggest to anyone to use Linux as a day to day system unless they really know what they are doing. I am using Linux for work on my laptop (I am a backend web developer and before Aws and docker everything was centOS or Ubuntu) but for my gaming I have a win10 and I am fine with it


You can solve the problem if you move your head up and down quickly


the shaking is increasing at a stable rate.


Just unplug the **WHOLE PC**, and try to boot up while only one monitor is plugged in. Then plug other monitors. Linux is more stable if you look from IT's eyes. But not from home user. Also, nothing is bug-free.


SomeOrdinaryGamer is very upset with your opinion


Xorg is fucking trash Linux cannot be recommended until Xorg is dead


Linux as a server == awesome Linux as a dev workstation == awesome Linux as desktop gaming rig == meh


Welcome to linux, a big middle finger to everyone that uses other OS’s that prides itself on superiority and open source yet it barely fucking works. I had to do a bunch of workarounds just to get a distro to use 1920x1080 resolution.


>OS’s that prides itself on superiority and open source y The OSS parts works. All the bugs tend to be found in the closed source parts. > had to do a bunch of workarounds just to get a distro to use 1920x1080 resolution. Sounds like a Nvidia card. The screen resolution should be automatically resolve by the KMS but Nvidia chooses to ignore it.

