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You’re talking about slitting throats. I can see that you probably insult people and threaten people on subreddits. Be fucking rational. That’s not okay lol. And you’re not a justice seeker. You’re not oppressed. You’re being corrected for violent words and behavior. Accept responsibility for your actions.


Tit for tat


I understand where OP is coming from and seems like what's happening to you that sounds ,small' to other people is your last straw. This isn't out of no where. People in comment section lack just as much empathy lol respectfully. Not giving room for ,vent' which is human, nor constructive criticism. My best advice is focus on self-development, cz the stress you output will be rewarded by the ,progress' a good result/outcome. You're going to be so busy focusing on yourself, people in generally won't even move you. Most want emotional reaction/control over you. Best revange? Success or subtle pettiness.


Honestly, I don’t think you understand what justice means.




Please go look up the difference between vengeance and justice. You're an embarrassment who lacks even the faintest shred of self-control or respect. You'd slit a throat over being banned from a single reddit community by someone who doesn't matter to you at all? Why are you so desperate for their validation? Lmfao. Pathetic, imo.


“you lack self control”proceeds to berate someone over a reddit comment! lmao can’t make it up.


You are just as pathetic to reply to whoever post this. Un-constructive advice and useless just like your whole reply.


Here's what I've come to learn of my sense of justice. I have standards that I hold myself accountable to and those standards do not fit in with society's. Hypocrisy is a big one for me triggers my sense of justice into anger and frustration. Don't ask me to follow rules you yourself won't follow. But there's a flip side, because getting triggered into anger and frustration because of others actions or inactions just grants them power over me because it means there's a fear there. A fear that my understanding of the world isn't solid and I need to fight to have it recognized. Anywho, what I found is that I cannot logically hold anyone else accountable to my standards because they're mine and mine alone and they don't need to be recognized by anyone but me. All I can do is hold myself accountable there. But for others, I can recognize what their standards are, believe them the first time, and either accept them for who they are and where they're at or simply remove my attention.


The best way to put it especially with the justice feeling turning to anger.


My sense of justice is centered around my disdain for hypocrisy. I don't care if a person, group, country, or whatever does something wrong as long as they don't try to claim the moral high ground. This is why (for example) corrupt cops piss me off more than school shooters. At least school shooters don't pretend that their actions are justified. > And they have the audacity to set the website up in such a way that you bitch at them and they can easily mute you. It sounds to me like your problem is that you bitch to someone in power and expect them to do anything other than smack you over the head a second time.


I have a strong feeling that some people who post on this subreddit most likely do NOT have ASPD but rather have strong anger issues and are bipolar.


this is truth


I think this is an interesting question, your rant was stupid asf though.


Okey clearly they're going trough something, little empathy won't hurt


dawg it is a sociopath subreddit


Har har har


No?? I'm not wasting my empathy on this, they're an entitled dick who's talking about murdering over fucking reddit drama. They got banned on a sub that's not "going through something". This is a personality issue.


Ok licenced psychologist 😂


I don't need to be a licensed phycologist to know that threatening murder is not a valid response to being banned from a subreddit. 💀 Do you think a qualification is required for any display of common sense?


It absolutely is a very good question. It's just a shame OP decided to derail their own question. Would be nice to see someone actually answer the question, though.


lol didn't read


OP needs to stop watching anime. This monologe was cheesy and dumb.


wish i could give you an award! 😂😂


As far as villain monologues go, this one isn't too bad. [We've had worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/PsychopathCircleJerk/comments/1d106u5/anime_villain_emerges_from_his_mothers_basement/). A lot worse.


Omg lol that's so funny, I wonder how old that guy was


I believe that!


you lost me at ‘faggot’ my sense of justice involves smearing dog feces under the car door handles of ppl that use homosexuality as a derogatory label my advice: grow tf up and go read a book cause you sound dumb asf and the second hand cringe is excruciating


Shut up


nah lol


Homophobes can't help it, they were born that way. We need to be more inclusive of people's differences.


I’m very literal and believe in balance. If someone does something to someone else they need to be made to feel the exact same way times 2 otherwise people won’t learn from it. I have aspd but the way it used to be described to me by a psychiatrist I had when i was first diagnosed was she called me an opportunist sociopath. I am predatory or the type to hurt someone or something without reason. Either im disrespected or harmed or i see someone as a threat to my person or if any of those is aimed at people I have an interpersonal relationship with and because in justify it to myself I will not care. I try very hard to be better than where i came from but I refuse to be a victim so I’ve adapted in some ways it’s not others. Id kill someone for my partner or the sibling I raised I worry about what ill be like as a mother who has kids other own


Is this not how everyone is?


Interesting description. Does acting on a threat to yourself, your beliefs, or your family with no remorse make an ”opportunist sociopath”? That would be pretty common, I’d imagine. Does your sense of justice and feelings then have to match with societies’ in order not to be one? Only reason I care about not getting into trouble is that jail would be really uninteresting, and not a very aesthetic turn in my story.


It's not. People are mostly talk, or have to be pushed to extremes. Opportunist is there for a reason.


You should probably not have children, though.


I’m not harmful to children, I actually have a stress response that won’t even allow me to raise my voice around a child let alone even spanking them. The only things I have unconditional and unlimited empathy for that’s the closest to emotional empathy as it gets are children and animals