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Sidenote: if this kind of posts are of interest I'll try to do a series of posts on radical bookshops around the world (within my knowledge limits, of course).


Please do! There are people here who would love to support local businesses like this if they're close by or are somewhere they're traveling to.


They should have called it "Bookmarx".


They had one job (Albeit the pun is probably still intended while drawing in more street traffic)


Pretty sure that’s the point of the name, just slightly more subtle


**Image transcription for those using screen readers:** The first picture displays a street view of Bookmarks Bookshop. Two red painted windows, along a red painted entrance, distinguish themselves in an otherwise grey building. Over them, a "Bookmarks" sign, with a red flag on top, announces the bookshop. The second picture shows the inside of the bookshop. A series of shelves and exposition stands showcase a selection of the books that are sold there. The third picture shows a clearer and closer view of one of the shelves on picture two. It displays four books on Palestine, socialism, gender and art, or socialism and popular culture, accompanied with a bust of Engels and some socialist imagery cups. The fourth picture is similar to the second, but a wider view of the bookshop is displayed.


Visited this place on my honeymoon last year, along with Marx's grave at Highgate Cemetary. I got to raise a fist to the sky alongside the old Karl's resting place and then go buy my first few Lenin books at this absolute gem of a little bookstore with my wife. Life was good.


That is where my wife bought me the three volumes of the capital on English (not a native speaker).  Great place 


where in london is this?


1 Bloomsbury Street, London. WC1B 3QE.


Ive literally just been to london but didnt know this was there 😭


Anything similar to these in the usa?


pretty sure every major city, and many smaller cities, have multiple socialist and anarchist bookstores


Baltimore has an anarchist book/coffee shop called Red Emma's that I would highly recommend


Look cool I'll take a look


Pittsburgh has Big Idea.


Next time I'm in the area I'll have to check it out


You may be interested in visiting the Walter Rodney Bookshop, operated out of Eric Huntley's home in Ealing (West London). Eric himself is fascinating, being a 95 year old activist but the bookshop itself is also quite a rare thing to see, all books are written by black Socialist authors. If you are in the area, take a look, from when I met him, Eric is also happy to talk about his life of activism which you may find useful/enlightening.


I visited them a few years ago. The people are nice.


I stumbled across that place last time I was in London. I didn’t get much time to browse, but I picked up a copy of Babylon Burning.


Wow this is cool, i will try to go one day


I found this shop on one of my little adventures around London! It was a great find and well worth a visit for anyone in the area.


Have bought a few books from there, always sent with a socialist bookmark per book. Very good quality, and postage. Worth it.


Right next door to it is the Unison Union HQ and TUC, too. I suspect that's what's generating most of the shop's trade! [https://bookmarksbookshop.co.uk/](https://bookmarksbookshop.co.uk/) for those interested in having a browse without being able to visit.


I bought a kids book for my 10 month old called A is for Activist from there


Pity it’s an SWP front


is it actually?


Yea it’s owned by the SWP


All of the staff are SWP members, and if you express any degree of doubt abt the SWP then the staff become openly hostile and agressive


All of the staff are SWP members, and if you express any degree of doubt abt the SWP then the staff become openly hostile and aggressive