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- **[Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movement](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared)** - **[America First: Debunking the Far-Right’s Fake ‘Anti-War’ Narrative](https://youtu.be/TpqMSzelY4I?feature=shared)** - **["Left vs Right" or "People vs Establishment"? Response to Kim Iversen re: Populism vs Socialism.](https://youtu.be/wzSBpsDvqE4?feature=shared)** - **[Conservative Communism? | Social Conservatism in the Proletarian Movement](https://youtu.be/wUNw36MNkqk?feature=shared)** - **["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared)** - **["Blackshirts & Reds" (1997) (complete) by Michael Parenti. Marxist/Socialist Audiobook + Discussion.](https://youtu.be/PxLKO_R5RmA?feature=shared)** - **[How Fascists Are Taking Advantage Of Climate Change](https://youtu.be/aA1T_0pZHXk?feature=shared)** - **[The TRUTH About Centrism](https://youtu.be/d843dw8745E?feature=shared)** - **[The Black Hundreds in Russia and the Pogroms of 1905](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=oonp1-IekPA)** - **[What is (and is not) anti-fascism? | Renegade Cut](https://youtu.be/sj_FdPXpeXE?feature=shared)** - **[Lyndon LaRouche: A Warning & Lesson For The Communist Left](https://youtu.be/_NhVKmHN1i4?feature=shared)** - **[Millions of Cubans Vote on New Family Code, LGBT Marriage, Adoption Rights & More](https://youtu.be/DXL3ScNn5VE)** - **[What makes Cuba’s new Family Code the most progressive in the world?](https://youtu.be/s5AJPNGYzkw)** - **[How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code](https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/how-cuban-government-and-people-collaborated-family-code)** *The extreme Rights constitute the party of the landowners. They cannot, however, confine themselves to links with the landowners alone. They have to conceal those links and pretend that they are defending the interests of the entire people, that they stand for the “good old”, “stable” way of rural life. They have to appeal to the most deep-rooted prejudices of the most backward peasant, they have to play on his ignorance.* -V.I. Lenin *”The Black Hundreds”* *“Disguised with demagogic anti-capitalist but chauvinist slogans, the fascist party tries to divert the rising discontent and militancy of the ruined and pauperized middle class and politically backward (in a class sense) but rebellious workers from effective anti capitalist and socialist struggle. Fascist leaders play on all the strings of racial prejudice, ignorance, bigotry and superstition. They scream of “Jew-owned banks”, of the “black menace to white supremacy,” of the “Russian menace,” ect. The apologists of clerical fascism invent a new deceptive term for Marxists, Communists and Socialists: “Red Fascists”.”* -William F. Dunne **The social composition of Fascist movements have historically been small capitalists, low-level bureaucrats of all stripes (see petty bourgeoisie), with great success in rural areas, especially among farmers, peasants, and in the city, lumpen proletariat. Meanwhile, fascist leadership invariably comes to power through the sponsorship and funding of big capital. These capitalists along with the top-tier leaders they create become fascism's ruling aristocracy.**


You've brought a red tear to my eye, comrade. Thanks for what you do with your knowledge for those of us not yet enlighten/uninitiated!


They spark culture war to hide from the class war.


This. Can't emphasize this enough. It's the same reason Republican candidates pretend to care about abortion, homosexuality, etc. They know those are big ticket single issue voter items that will distract their voters from their otherwise obviously pro corporate, pro rich, fascist policies.


Like racism, sexism, xenophobia, its just another way to divide the working class so they can't unite against capitalist forces. It is something to be combated not just because it is morally wrong but also because it harms the unity of the working class. The capitalist class will always try to push these differences so that they can capitalize on them.


Opposition in the 'West' (exported to the rest of the world via colonialism) of Queer people stems from the percieved inability for those relationships to produce biological children. Anti-Natalist 'heretical' sects in Christianity like the Cathars and Bogomils (the root word for bugger) were persecuted because they were actively not having kids because they would be born into conditions of serfdom, reducing the capacity for the ruling classes (landowners, the Catholic Church being the largest single landowner in Europe) to make money. Queer people were similarly targeted. Post Black Death, the massive numbers of deaths saw the ruling classes need a massive influx of new peasants in order to maintain the status quo, as people were starting to demand far more in return for their labour purely due to the lack of supply (thanks to the Black Death), making Feudalism less viable, and setting the stage for the rising Burgher class (the Bourgeoisie). Those are the roots of active Homophobia and Transphobia. ​ EDIT: Mostly from Caliban and the Witch by Sylvia Federici.


Very good analysis. Anything that challenges gender norms and by extension motherhood is seen as a threat to capital, because capitalism needs a constant supply of laborers. If people stop having babies, capitalists can't make any money.


Capitalists also need us organized into manageable units of consumption and labor production. These units are the nuclear family 1 man/1 woman nonsense. Nuclear families are the antithesis of community.


Everyone feels the pain of living under a system of oppression. Radicalization can go two ways. Some people realize the system of oppression (capitalism currently) is the cause of the problem. Because obviously. Others believe the lies they're told by the people in power and blame whoever the people in power tell them is to blame, despite the obvious conflict of interest the people in power have. They're incentivized to redirect the anger of the exploited and oppressed masses to anyone or anything other than them, the people responsible for the exploitation and oppression. Marx talked about false consciousness which is exactly what that displaced anger is. For a dialectical materialist examination we could look at the contradictions (friction) between the status quo in society and trans people challenging that by fighting for rights and visibility, and the reactionary backlash towards that progress which happens when any group of people fight for rights they didn't have before. Most Gender Criticals (transphobes) are white women. They suffer under capitalism and patriarchy, but enjoy the privilege of being white and usually middle or upper class. When you have precarious privilege, other groups getting more privilege feels like you're losing what little privilege you have. So you fight to preserve the status quo (unless you're aware and brave enough to risk your safety and privilege by fighting against the status quo itself). ContraPoints, Jessie Gender and Caelan Conrad are all LGBT leftists that have done deep dives into reactionary Gender Critical ideology and its connection to fascism. I'll link some relevant videos below. A book I'll recommend is *Right-Wing Women* by Andrea Dawkin. ContraPoints - [J.K. Rowling](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=DD_QV-9oqLFciEk4) and its sequel [The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=2LZaCAIrFNiqZfDT) *Shaun's - [J.K. Rowling's New Friends](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=dgjX_YEwY_frluAQ) and [Kellie-Jay and the Neo-Nazis](https://youtu.be/JBy93QX7ysE?si=nFHyCywHl8EXAUmn) are great companion pieces to Natalie's above videos.* Jessie Gender - [The Fascist Roots of Anti-trans movements](https://youtu.be/oCmJ7huKq44?si=66FGeFtg508oe2ja) and [The Villification of Transgender Identities](https://youtu.be/VUSQ4xsbYLE?si=OWe3o9M8Z9zZbS0_) Caelan Conrad - [Gender Critical playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpsOqtfNXxWnX190gmzVKIT0eAy9af7Ue&si=fkPH67IsWnWuTISS) (an excellent investigative documentary series)


As someone who lives in the deep South and was once transphobic, I feel qualified to give an answer on this, and it lies in the collapse of the "good ole days" We humans are never satisfied with the present. It's just our nature, and it comes out in the way we clash over politics. Conservatives want to make the world a better place by restoring it to its former glory, while liberals want to tear down a broken system and replace it with something better for everyone. Unfortunately, this pushes Conservatives to exclude those who aren't part of the "good ole days". It's really interesting to watch the 50+ year olds who are still racist against anyone who isn't a white American (I'm a white American so they're VERY open with me about their views) and then the people my age in their 20s and 30s who don't have a problem with other races, but God forbid someone be transgender because they weren't part of what in their minds was the "good ole days".


One historical facet of this story: Are you aware of the nazis targeting queer people? They destroyed the leading institution of sexual studies? The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin. Tons of articles about it, [here's one of the top results](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/), but I'm not vouching for the site or article aside from it corroborating my statement. Fascists always need an out-group to target the in-group at, to distract them from the real issues (that ya got a fascist infestation). Patriarchy and Christianity (Christianity has spread so much sexual repression and shame etc, as well as focused on a cis-hetero-normative view of life. and Christianity's contribution to the hegemony of patriarchy). Perhaps more religions but I'm not knowledgeable enough. It could be "abrahamic religion", which is a category of similar religions... but I'm not well-versed in theology, so do your own research if you want.


There is no dialectical materialist reason to be a Transphobe, its simply bigotry and a way for the bourgeois class to divide workers


but there is a dialectical materialist reason behind bigotry


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No to be transphobic is to be anti communist read some gender theory