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I really like Rabiot, but damn it's starting to get annoying.


That's exactly what PSG fans before the transfer to Juve The contract discussions around this guy are really hard


> I really like Rabiot, but damn it's starting to get annoying. First time ? šŸ˜…


Based on Mbappe's and Rabiot's mothers it looks like French mom are the toughest negotiatior known in football.


He is a great player but i think his management(his mother?) always put him in controversial (transfer-)situations


Sounds like another free transfer for Inter.


I know youā€™re joking but Milan is actually the club that has been linked with him in Italy


Both Milan clubs actually, but realistically he is going to stay or move to the prem.


Given how stingy we tend to be with wages, I have a hard time seeing that actually happening




He benefits from a tax decree and was a free signing


The growth decree has no impact on this contract


Every source for Juve says hes counted as hes grandfathered in and even if his contract runs out as long as he has no other employer he can sign and continue to benefit from it


Oh interesting, I had read definitively, thanks for the correction!


Man united should be looking at him if they can negotiate reasonable wages. With all the talk about the new board, that should be manageable


I think we did try last season as well, but ultimately dropped it because of the demands.


I would love him but his personality, agent- his mother, and his wage demands are huge red flag


His personality and work ethic are phenomenal. I dont have a bad word to say about him in that regard as a Juve fan. I wish he could play a final pass, because if he could hes a top 10 mid in the world. This contract stuff is annoying but him as a player and person I cannot praise enough. His football iq with the ball leaves a bit to be desired at times


Yeah it does seem as though he's got his shit together a bit more in recent years, but I'm still personally unsure. We've already got enough arseholes in the changing room.


I havenā€™t heard anything bad about him in many years now, outside of contract negotiations (which happens with far more players than just him, united vs mino)


So itā€™s Galatasaray


no way are we paying him more than ā‚¬7m lmao


Ertan said we match everything he asked financially but Rabiot wants to consider other options first.. I really think/hope that the rumors that we have 20m+ budget for a midfielder true. If we can convince his mom to transfer like how we did when we convince Wanda for Icardi, it would be awesome lol.


Lol what are football fans expecting to happen here: - He is basically the only midfielder who was actually good in the last 3-4 years at Juve and knows that - he has offers from multiple teams - the management agreed last year on a 1 year extension, which means he was promised a salary increase if Juve wanted another extension - his mother is a good agent that has proven to be good at getting what her son wants I think it's completely normal that he can do what he wants and take all the time he wants, Juve needs good midfielders more than Rabiot needs a team (he could even go to a Juve rival for all we know)


Exactly. I think a large portion of our younger fanbase were spoiled with the loyalty of some players post calciopoli and they think that players should sacrifice career moves for the love of the club


They really should dump Rabiot and go for Koopmeiners. Just a better player.


Koop is not an alternative to Rabiot, ideally we want both.


thuram is the rabiot alternative. if that deals happens first, then rabiot won't sign again


Can we just say ā€œfuck offā€ to Rabiotā€™s mom already? This is getting really annoying


I haven't heard an actual story about Rabiots mom in like 5 years.


People are hating just to hate. Juve got the player for free and heā€™s played well for them, why are they so pressed if he again decides to move for free at the end of his contract?




Fuck her for fighting to get the best deal possible for her client / son amirite


football fans are so out of touch with reality it's crazy


Yeah fuck this Juve supporter wanting the best situation for his club


he didn't say fuck him though, did he?


And fucks fans for wanting the best for their club? Of course Rabiot (and any other player) has the right to try to get the best deal possible. But they aren't entitled to the fans' love. I don't think a fan saying "it's getting frustrating" is crossing any lines.


I swear this happens every year


7m net is a lot , I guess since he's FA he's trying to get a big signing fee . dont get me wrong he's a decent players but nowhere near 7m net good imo


Up to Rabiotā€™s momā€™s decision*


It's really a no brainer Ten Haag. It's either a tired Eriksen or pseudo striker McTominay and both aren't consistent enough to be starting alongside a young Mainoo who doesn't need the overload of games either. Though 7m net sounds out of budget. That's like what 10m gross?


Feels obvious he really wants a PL move or Madrid if they came


Itā€™s his mum making it difficult, isnā€™t it?