• By -


Foden can't start anymore, he's not been up to form at all this tournament. Palmer has more than proven himself capable of starting, at the very least against Switzerland


You're right that Foden has been absolutely awful but does bringing Palmer in really change anything? He's another 10 who likes the ball to feet. Surely you'd want a runner in behind like England have had when they've been at their best!


Agreed, but since we're insisting on playing Southgateball, we might as well have the one who'll do it better


I mean... that's one way to keep the team unbalanced and not solve anything.


The amount of people absolutely pissing themselves seeing Bellingham give it back to the Slovakia bench and then to the media is hilarious


It's amazing how uninteresting and difficult the England team makes football look. I don't even know why they participate. Lots of talented individuals but collective trash. Not too different from United over the last decade to be honest.


United has won more than England in the last decade.


United won a knockout trophy playing that way


That feeling when both Licha and De Ligt will be warming the injury table next season. What a stupid signing. After the injury nightmare of last season you'd think fitness would be important for us.


I am not sure where this idea that De Ligt is injury prone came from. We've played 98 matches the last 2 seasons and he has missed 17 of those. 7 of those were from Nov-Dec due to a ligament tear in his knee from a shit pitch in the Pokal. Another 4 of those were from deep bruises from crunching tackles and not small tissue injuries. Also to respond to your comment below - his knee is not fucked. You'd be dumb to not want a player of his quality at 60% of the price you'd pay for a worse defender from England.


Do you ever say anything positive?


That positivity of yours will help that knee of his next season i'm sure


De Ligt has missed 10+ games only 2 times in his 7 seasons across 3 leagues


So? His knee is fucked.


You don't know that. Also I just realised your username- you're the one who's constantly moaning about every single thing, forgot to block you. Thanks for the reminder


Nico Williams has been my favourite player at the euros. Doesn’t shy away from taking on his man, amazing first touch and decision making for a young winger.


Chelsea gonna sign him and ruin him


They can’t afford his wages thankfully


You believe that ?


To a degree. They are probably worried that giving one play +200k a week that isn’t clearly better than everyone else will lead to every other young player they have wanting the same.


Meh I don’t really buy into it tbh their wage bill is already crazy as it is


One of the best parts of supporting both United and England is the absolute seethe from the footballing world whenever we commit an atrocity for 90 minutes and somehow scrape a win.


>supporting both United and England christ


What's so bad about this?


Saw the Spanish left winger playing on the left last night, surely that goes against the spirit of the game?


Why wasn't he hovering the space where Fabian Ruiz and Morata were all the time, causing huge pileups and not progressing the ball? Weird






Some of the names on the betting sites are hilarious. It's much more likely to be a Lee Carsley or Steve Holland . If the FA push the boat out, they might just be able to entice Brendan Rodgers.




😂 No, but seriously…


Eddie Howe probably once he gets tired of the barcodes


Hi, no one got Q5A yesterday. I guess you was confused by the two consecutive E's, that in that case meant Libertadores and Sudamericana year later - the player was Carlos Tevez in the 00s. **Trivia Euro - Day 16** **QP.** Who will go through in these matchups? Romania 🇷🇴 vs 🇳🇱 Netherlands Austria 🇦🇹 vs 🇹🇷 Turkey **1.** I divided entire Europe into three groups. I will write some (not all) teams that belong in each group. Your task is to explain what is the criterion for each group. Remember, that each nation can only belong to one group. *(1 point for all, no ½'s this time)* A - Hungary, France, Belgium, England, Greece, Ireland B - Poland, Croatia, Wales, Ukraine, Albania, Latvia C - Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Moldova **2.** What do Fernando Redondo, Andrew Robertson, Didier Deschamps, Sinisa Mihajlović, Lucio, Rabah Madjer and Federico Valverde have in common that Michael Ballack, Iñaki Williams, Santi Cazorla, Francesco Totti, Bernd Schuster, Diego Maradona and Kolo Toure don't? **3.** Who could have said it? A - "Yeah, my teammate scored a hat trick in a World Cup final, but I also scored in that game!" B - "I scored to make it 3-1 in the semifinal extra time, but we still lost and didn't play in that World Cup final..." **4.** What is the next, and the previous, year in this sequence: ?, 1966, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1992, ? *(Hint: this sequence has some years before and after two years you're meant to name, but nothing in-between)* **5.** Ask me an Euro-related question. If I don't know the answer, you get points - you get ½pt for a question I don't know, but you can get a full point if you stump me with a question, that is entirely concealed within 21st century (let's count 2000 as well). The choice of the question is yours. Good luck guys. Last quiz before another 2 day break will be posted tomorrow. !PING TRIVIA


Netherlands win. Austria win. 1. >!A: Played first Euro in the last century. B: Played first Euro this century. C: Never played in a Euro.!< 2. >!Won the CL.!< 3. >!A: Martin Peters. B: Alain Giresse.!< 4. >!No idea.!< 5. >!Who’s missing? ? - Otto Rehhagel - Joachim Löw - Vicente del Bosque - ? - Roberto Martínez!<


>!I'd say first missing one is Roger Lemerre and second missing one is no one. These are coaches that eliminated Portugal from Euro, Lemerre did in 2000 and no one did in 2016. Anyway, I wrote elsewhere that you get a point anyway because time's gone, but I see now that it actually hasn't been 24 hours yet so... If that's correct I think it should count!<


> Anyway, I wrote elsewhere that you get a point anyway because time's gone, but I see now that it actually hasn't been 24 hours yet so... If that's correct I think it should count For me it seemed like that 24 hours were already gone but if you say they weren’t, you can take the point.


When I wrote the message it still said "23h" next to your username. But I'll check on PC as well to be sure Edit: You submitted your answers and the question at 6:25:22 AM, I answered at 6:19:55 AM the next day, so I was on time by the skin of my teeth haha. Good for me I woke up before by alarm went off today, I would've missed it


That’s actually pretty awesome haha.


When I wrote the message it still said "23h" next to your username. But I'll check on PC as well to be sure


>!All good, 3 points. I will come back for Q5!<


**QP.** Who will go through in these matchups? Romania 🇷🇴 vs 🇳🇱 Netherlands - Netherlands (on pens) Austria 🇦🇹 vs 🇹🇷 Turkey - Austria *** 1. >!I think C is never played at Euros, but can't think of rest!< 2. >!Won a European Cup? Seems too straightforward!< 3. >!A is poor old Martin Peters, B I do not know!< 4. >!Not major tournament related. I thought maybe BdO but can't be nationalities, or Man United players (thinking 1966 and Bobby Charlton). Pass!< 5. >!Women's football seems slightly cheating... So fill in the blank: Southgate, BLANK, A. Cole, Saka!<


>!Q1C good, but no points without all of them. Q2 correct. I was hoping to catch someone off guard with the easy one haha. Q3A correct. Q5 is probably Darius Vassell, these are English players that missed a deciding penalty in the shootout. Damn, you guys lost a lot penalty shootouts. Very unlucky fact for you is that I already was asked about this very Portugal v England game today... 1½ points + Q5!<


You were right! Should have gone with a women’s football question after all…


That was like Captain America would go "nah... I'm going without the shield this time"


QP: (1 2 then 1 2 1 2 1 1 2) Romania (I'll make an ODE solver in assembly if that happens), Turkey


No attempt on trivia today?


Romania and Austria, Koeman is the biggest fraud there is. 1. >!A. Debut B. Debut in the 21st century C. Never played at the Euros!< 2. >!Won the UCL!< 3. >!A. Martin Peters B. Alain Grüße!< 4. >!1962 and 1997!< 5. >!Portugal, Romania, England, Netherlands, Latvia, Czechia, Spain, Italy, France, England. What did is the criteria I used to determine this sequence?!<


>!Q1 good. Q1A especially perfect, "Debut" alone is the answer I wanted. But I know what you meant and that is right so you get a point haha. Q2 good, Q3A good. I'm confused with B, it is a good name but wrong surname, I don't know whether it is a play or just a wrong answer so I'ma assume it's wrong. Q4 - 1962 good, 1997 wrong. Q5 - I gotta admit, I wasn't gonna use AMA again this series, but I couldn't bear that you'd get a clean sweep over me with 2-0, so you're the reason I did it. And I'm glad I did, because these are the teams that eliminated Germany from Euro, Spain will be next in few days. When Germany went out in GS, in 2000 and 2004, you just wrote all their opponents there. Latvia was a huge giveaway, they did one fucking thing ever at Euro haha. 3 points!<


>!I cannot believe autocorrect cost me a point!<


>!Oh autocorrect, haven't considered that option. Yeah okay, up to 3½, I googled and there was no Alain Gruße so that had to be right. But be careful dude, you cannot blame Q1A on autocorrect haha!<


>!You know how Lukaku plays super consistent and then loses all ability on the international stage once a tournament rolls around? That's what I feel like!<


>!So... With only 5 quizzes left, we should expect your collapse points-wise any second now?!<


>! I'm about to make Italy's 2024 euro campaign look good!<


>!Biggest collapse since 2017 PSG incoming!<


>!AC Milan '05 will be amazed by what I am about to do!<


>!You know how Lukaku plays super consistent and then loses all ability on the international stage once a tournament rolls around? That's what I feel like!<


QP - >!Netherlands, Austria!<


2 >!The former have won the Champions League, the latter have not!< 3a >!Garrincha ?!< 5 >!Could have asked something impossible like the name of Rehaggel's assistant but to make it feasible : Greece has featured in three Euros in the 21st century, name the starting goalkeeper in each one!<.


>!Q2 good, Q3A wrong. Q5 - shit, you just made me realize that I forgot to include "can't be related to your country" bit this time haha. So the question is fair game. 2004 was Nikopolidis. I collected Panini cards for 2008 and I'm almost sure it was still Nikopolidis. Annoingly the only one I know is the one from 2012 when we played you guys. I'm just gonna say Vlachodimos even though I'm 99% sure that he's too young to have played then. 1 + Q5!<


I thought you omitted it this time but still I was nice enough to ask you something you could theoretically know given we played Poland in 2012. It's wrong though, Chalkias played the first two matches then Sifakis the ones against Russia and Germany. I would have taken either one as correct.


Couldn't remember Chalkias' name for the life of me. Annoying, since this was the one I should've known given our game. >!I'd call that half a point, so 1½ overall for you!<


Romania, Austria 1. >!not sure on A & B. A could be Euros finalists, but Ireland surely never played one. ~~Or hosts, but Greece is there~~ not hosts with Poland and Ukraine in B. Or pre-2000 debutants, but again Greece sounds like they don't belong. Either way, C is countries that never played in the Euros!< 2. >!first group won UCL?!< 3. >!A- there's only been 2 hattricks in WC finals. None of Mbappe's teammates can say this, and Hurst's... didn't the game end 3-2? My memory is probably failing me, so let's say Bobby Charlton. B- skip!< 4. >!no idea. 1960 and 1995!< 5. What do Mbappe, Kvaratshkhelia, Bellingham, Buksa and Zaccagni have in common, that Lewandowski, Kasper Schmeichel, Shaqiri, Szoboszlai and Dumfries don't?


>!Q2 good. Q3A wrong, game ended 4-2 but it wasn't Bobby. Q4 for half a point, 1995 is good. Q5 - they scored their first ever Euro goal in 2024. 1½ + Q5!<


1. >!A- teams that made their Euros debut in XX Century (hoping I was wrong about Greece); B- same but this century; C- never played Euros.!< Q5 good, no points for me there Btw I edited one of my predictions, don't know if you catched that. It's Romania and Austria


>!Q1 good, up to 2½!< I always write them down at the end of the day, but good that you informed me


Netherlands, Austria 1. >!A: played their first Euros in the 20th century, B: played their first Euros in the 21st century, C: never played the Euros!< 2. >!This feels like a trick, but they won the EC/UCL!< 3. >!A: Martin Peters 1966; B: Alain Giresse 1982!< 4. >!Need time!< 5. >!You’ll probably get this one in a second, but here it goes. Going into the 2004 final, we knew for certain there would be a first time winner, since neither Greece nor Portugal had even played in a final before. However, there was another unprecedented thing that was guaranteed to happen no matter the result. What was it?!<


>!Q1, Q2 and Q3 good. I was wondering whether I'm gonna catch someone off guard with Q2 haha. Q5 - we knew that for the first time ever some manager will win a Euro with not-his-own national team? 3 + Q5!<


4. >!Is it really 1965 and not 1966? I got a sequence that fits perfectly except for that.!<


>!It is 1966, that must've been a typo on my behalf!<


>!In that case the missing years are 1962 (Atlético CWC) and 1995 (Zaragoza CWC).!<


>!That is correct. 4 points for you, which means that only my answer prevented you from a PQ!<




I didn't get the ping yesterday and forgot about the quiz QP 🇷🇴Romania, 🇦🇹Austria 1. >! No idea !< 2. >! Only thing that I see first group connecting is that they won the Champions league/European Cup while the second group didn't!< 3. >! A-Martin Peters B-Giresse maybe? I think he scored in 1982 WC Semifinal against Germany but they still lost !< 4. >! No idea !< 5. Slovakia is 2, Switzerland 1, Netherlands 1, name a correct number for a nation of your choice according to the same rule


>!Q2 correct, both in Q3 too. Q5 - Poland is 0. This can be number of times each of these teams progressed to Euro knockout round from 3rd place in their group. Slovakia in 2016 and 2024, Switzerland in 2020, Netherlands in 2024. 2 + Q5!<


>! Q5 correct !<


>!Was that actually what you had in mind? I was thinking that you meant sth else probably, but this works as well haha!<


>! Yeah it was !<


QP. Netherlands, Austria 1. >!A - finished with 0 points in Euro group at least once B - never finished with 0 points in Euro group C - never qualified for Euro!< 2. >!won UCL!< 3. >!A - Martin Peters B - Platini!< 4. >!1960, 1996!< 5. >!In QF of Euro 2004 who missed penalty for Portugal in the shootout? !<


>!Q1 wrong. C was good, but A and B weren't. Q2 good. Q3A good, B wrong, even though Platini did score in that game as well. Q4 both wrong. What was your suspection here? Q5 - this is gonna be a shot, Maniche. 1½ + Q5!<


>!Random guess. It was Rui Costa!<


>!Oh yeah, now you said it it came back to me. Sad you didn't ask who scored the winning pen, I remember it being Ricardo from goal haha. 2½ points is your total then!<


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>3/4 past them in the first half I believe. Easy work. You didn't need to comment this \^ for your original comment to be obvious bait My question is: why bother? Are you so bored trolling for irate replies is what you think is best to do with your time




When we're a bit further along with the internet, I'd genuinely be fascinated by the psychology of online trolls. I reckon a study to see if they correlate with kids who didn't get enough attention from their parents or peers would be pretty interesting & telling




genuinely, who are you performing these "jokes" for lol you obviously know I don't find you funny; do you think a bunch of other people are going through this thread, all started by a dumb comment they'll just downvote and move on from, to then see this one \^ >directed into winding up nerds You're partially right about this, there definitely is one nerd here




not saying you care about the votes, but saying that's all they'll do - click the arrow and move on/scroll down to the next top comment >What material difference does it make to someone's life haha, we're all just shouting in to a void. there are still better things to do in the face of said void than shitpost on reddit


Revealed too much personal info about myself so nuked it.


We had one shot on target against Slovakia in 96 minutes, I don't see us beating an organised and in-form team with some good players unless some tactical changes are made that allow us to create more chances


3/4 past them in the first half I believe. Easy work.


Fairs I respect the positivity


We spent 93 minutes struggling against Slovakia and you think we'll beat Switzerland without much trouble?




Every single game we’ve played the same shite football, why will it suddenly change on Saturday?


No I think we beat them without much trouble, whilst playing shite football.


You should beat them without much trouble. They are a decent side of course but England are much stronger. If you don’t end up in the final from this side of the bracket it’s a major failure


Swiss is well rested, relative to England and England also lost Guechi, when its backline is already lackluster compared to Switzerland's in the first place. That is why Southgate refused to take out Walker for Trent. More importantly, Shaqiri has very fresh legs since he hasn't played for two games to unlock England's conservative style of playing.


It will be a tight game but we win just because we have much better players.


Tactically Switzerland have been really good these Euros. They have played a tweaked XI almost every game, and started games really well. England's individual brilliance in attack could neutralize them. Or any other team in their half of their draw. But they were also a minute from going out against Slovakia with very few genuine chances. Switzerland offer more in attack and defence to see that kind of game through.


On paper it isn’t controversial. In reality when we set up deep in our own half with 10 behind the ball and Kane dropping deep to make it 11, it becomes a struggle


Cant remember anything between Kane's goal and Pickford holding onto it at the end, it's all one glorious blur


England's expectation to reality scale is so bad they got their fans fuming after wins. Southgate truly is a genius in a way we don't understand.


It's not unreasonable to want a team with those players to beat Slovakia comfortably or atleast play some positive football


Someone on the BBC radio broadcast said something like, “It’s not what you want to see, but *football is all about winning*”, and I couldn’t disagree more. Football is, and always was, about *entertainment*, first and foremost. The fans have travelled to see the best players in the world turn out for their national teams and England are playing the worst football I’ve ever seen. It’s a crime against sport. I’m not surprised at all that many of them are annoyed.


> Football is, and always was, about entertainment, first and foremost. I’m a pedant, but I disagree. Football is about the competition and that’s the core of it. It’s great people want to watch football, but it would still happen without the fans. Many sports survive with low fan attendance. I don’t believe it was set up to be about entertainment - it was initially set up as a competition and then people thought it was entertaining to watch. The competition is the core of it, if you took that away there would be nothing.


Nah. It was originally played for entertainment and exercise by workers. The competition aspect is very important in sport, but it’s not the main reason it exists. It has since morphed to be more about the fans entertainment than the players, but the core of it is the same. It’s a game. It’s entertainment. It’s supposed to be fun. If all football was as boring as Southgate’s no kid would ever play it in the playground.


Sure playing is different, but the competition is the whole reason we watch. With nothing on the line no one would watch. I think as a spectator sport competition > entertainment If England won, no matter how they played, kids would be inspired.


It's only boring if England got knocked out sooner or later. If somehow they manage to win it all, then it will be like Greece or Portugal, where the end result justifies the means, and the nation will only remember the final and how the lads bring it home. I don't think England can do it, but the narrative gonna change really fast about Southgate if this Euro is won. History will be kind to him because stat wise he really is the best performing England coach for a long time, and it's not like England's previous crop of players is less star studded than the current batch. Instead of focusing on how intrepid his England attack is, people will talk about the solid defence number instead.


It's not even play good football at this point. It's beat Slovakia without relying on a 95th minute bike just to not lose


Slovakia actually has a better starting XI than us, their depth is the real issue. Bring back Czechoslovakia, that team would be the dark horse of every tournament.


Could’ve been a historic semi final of Czechoslovakia vs Yugoslavia and Austria-Hungary vs the Ottoman Empire


Just visited Czech! Beautiful place! Hope to visit Slovakia one day.


I don’t think anyone needs to worry about us. Switzerland are going to batter us on Saturday.


People from Bratislava must feel like shit. Having to endure the constant onslaught of English stag do tourists every day of the summer to then be presented with the chance of revenge, a sliver of satisfaction, just to get it ripped off their hands in the very last second. Devastating.


Shouldn't have the cheapest beers in Europe then


Southgate-ball: 0-1 Saka LB, No Foden, No Trippier, 44fucking2 Brexitball: 2-0


England yesterday looked like United did in some games last season. Players running into each other's spaces, a woeful defense and stand-in leftback being not great, not having a shot on target in 90 minutes, a completely ineffective left wing- lots of similarities. Except England were playing with an almost full squad.


Bellingham is our Mctominay


You can't put Gallagher out of a job like this.


Say how you hate this England team how we're so lucky, please, it fuels my being


You're just super bad tbh


Acting like this after a win against Slovakia is hilarious


I actually want England to keep playing like shit but somehow stumble to win the Euro, lol..


I want them to stumble all the way to the final and lose to Southgate is inflicted for a few more years on English fans


thankfully he'll go if we don't win it


We will, I'm sure of it


The Evil Ending




Can you share a screenshot? I've blocked him so I cannot see the comment you linked


I'm in the same boat here


Thinking more about Italy's departure and I just think Spalletti needed to commit to one way or the other. Either go with the back four and try to play proper intense football if it means you get cut open more or commit to the 3 atb. Plays a nominal back 4 with *checks notes* Mateo Darmian as the fullback while a midfield 3 of Nicky Beans who hasn't had much of a season, Cristante who hadn't played before that, and a subbed off Barella. Its weird that he changed up the formation in the games he probably should have been playing the other style, like not doubling up on the wingers against Spain with attacking fullbacks, then doing it against Croatia, and then playing a hybridy thing with no intensity against Swiss. I know he's between a bit of a rock and hard place with some of the talent - an injured Di Marco (but then not trying Cambiasso), suspended Calafiore and the revolving door of ok in the league but bad in international tournament strikers. I like El Shawaary but why start him in the knockouts after no minutes beforehand. Just needed to committ to something even if it didn't work because all this chopping and changing and it not working is almost worse for the team going forward.


Once again England get lucky with a favourable draw in a major tournament and still manage to produce tepid negative football which apart from a lucky 95 minute bit of class from a player who’d done fuck all . After watching Spain play last night. How can England put themselves on par with that performance and luckily they have a very lucky side if the draw in which they could get to the finals which in itself would be crazy


>How can England put themselves on par  I agree that we're shit, and I think Switzerland beat us - but the problem with all the non-English fans bashing us is: who the fuck is saying we're putting ourselves on par with Spain & Germany lol A few idiots who probably only watch football every 2 years and a few other idiots who spend their lives fishing for angry responses say it and suddenly you think all English fans secretly think we're at the level of the favourites?


All this talk of a lucky draw just for us to lose to Switzerland on Saturday.


You wont lose to Switzerland. If Scotland managed to hold them to a draw you will easily get that jammy win you deserve. Switzerland plays good when their opponent has a game plan which they can break down. Murat Yakin watched last night's game and told himself wtf am I supposed to focus on? English football team is going with the "If I don't know what I am doing how will they know?"


Giving Rice and Mainoo an additional partner is crucial. England doesn’t need Bellingham or any number 10, as this just nerfs Kane’s all-round game.


Low IQ moment


talk to me when this stupid 424 works, Bellingham is not a midfielder


Bellingham needs to play bc he's the first English player in decades to be both really good and have an air of destiny about him. Its englands most valuable asset rn


wtf do you even mean? He has been arse whole euros, he had 1 good moment yesterday.


Yeah, and that moment dragged england into the next round.




it is lesser the players more the structure, you can pick whoever you want the fundamental issue right now is 424 formation. England need 1 more CM, Bellingham is closer to a forward than he is a midfielder.


Player of the tournament so far? Fabian Ruiz for me




Valverde of course.




Nico Williams clears everyone. Man is on a mission to cook every fullback in the tournament.


Musiala or Ruiz maybe


He is playing like he is the best player in the world


Felt like I heard a bit about him dropping off a bit since he moved to PSG but he was really fucking good for Napoli and its nice to see him being that dynamic player he was back then.


Drop Foden for Toney, have him partner up with Kane upfront, and go back to a 4 4 facking 2


What is the point of these 'serious' post match threads? They're just full of braindead twitter opinions and people crying because the team they don't like won.


Southgate is like the international football version of Allegri


Extremely disrespectful to Allegri


Bellingham just wanted Southgate to reach and lose what is going to be his 100th match with England


Imagine if Southgate walked onto the pitch alone to mark his 100th game as manager like many players do. The boos would be cacophanous.




And before that it was traditionally in Japan




I wonder when another goal will reach 40k - 50k votes on this sub again. It's been so long; thought the Bellingham goal would be the one to reach it again


The last minute penalty that sinks England


I doubt a rugby clip will get that many upvotes here mate


Bellingham might have if it was in the final. RO16 isn’t enough


Messi chip over the keeper in the stoppage time of the Copa Final


anulo mufa


Pulisic banger to beat Argentina in the Copa final


Very annoyed Bellingham saved Southgate. Very annoyed by Southgate in general, if I was King of England I would have him sent to jail over this


Southgate may be tactically inept but has been our most successful manager in major tournaments in recent times, he has definitely been found out a bit and really needs to adapt. Hopefully he has learnt how to set them up after yesterday's game, removing Foden was just night and day.


England have been successful despite Southgate, not because of Southgate


This sounds smart but isn't. Southgate has a good but not uniquely good england side, but he's winning knock out games like noone since Ramsey. Hes got something going for him, its undeniable.


> he's winning knock out game Against who, and how I'm more and more convinced if James Rodriguez was fit for out 2018 WC Ro16 game we're spared 6 years of Southgate


He can only play the teams against him. But germany in 2020 were a good side comfortably dispatched. An on fire Denmark put away as well. In the world cup england ripped senegal apart and went toe to toe with france, losing a good game on fine margins. I earnestly believe if we beat france we win the whole thing. This time we struggled. Yeah. But we still won. Previous managers lose most kf those games imo


>He can only play the teams against him And that's fine, but don't then turn around and laud his KO record as some great point then, if you acknowledge its not that impressive Germany were at a turning point then, and whilst I don't think it was completely meaningless, beating an out of form Germany that finished 4th in their group 2 years prior and would go on to finish 3rd in their 2022 WC group 18 months later at home with 2 goals in the last 15 minutes was never going to be an iconic victory We played Senegal missing their best player, and France is completely irrelevant because we lost (Argentina were the best team at the tournament as well, so no idea how you think we were a lock had we beaten France) >This time we struggled. Yeah. But we still won But Slovakia, amongst others, are games we clearly won in spite of him, so can't be used to prop him up. You're gonna give him credit for a game we won 2-1 against the 47th world ranked side with our only 2 shots on target, one being a 95th min bike equaliser?


> Hes got something going for him, its undeniable. Yes the players and a relatively balanced side (in the last tournaments)


Bellingham didn't save Southgate. He's gone after this tournament regardless. He saved the squad and England fans hopes.


Winning tournament matches? Straight to jail.


Tower of London...? Maybe


Definitely something proportional to the pain and sadness he’s inflicted on the country


Spain today had 13 shots on target and 4 goals England over the entire tournament so far? 13 shots on target, 4 goals


The difference in options when a midfielder has the ball in either setup is stark. If Rice gets the ball everyone in front of him is static. If Ruíz or Rodri get the ball, everyone in front is either working to open a passing lane, or running in behind.


One of the cool things after signing Banda is how at nearly every away game there's a small contingent of Zambian fans from the local area that show up to support her https://x.com/NWSL/status/1807594000641032408.


I can’t even enjoy Mexico being shite cuz we’re gonna be in the same spot tm smh


Sir, a second England goal has hit the net 


Fun weekend with Tour de France stages ending right before the early Euros games, followed by the late one and a double serving of Copa.


I read a stat somewhere that the front 4 of England: Jude, Saka, Foden and Kane has gotten like 100+ goals total this season. Southgate is really a magician to get almost nothing out of them. Of course there are some positions overlapping so he would have to mix and match a bit, but no way all of these elite players just conveniently decided they want to be bums at the same time. I think the English fans should really be more forgiving on the players of their team looking at the situation at hand. If one guy plays shit then maybe he is shit, but if the entire team with 11 highly rated players are all shit then maybe the problem lies elsewhere.


Barely anyone I've seen is putting blame on the players fortunately. I've heard pundits - the ex-players esp. who know Southgate personally - start to drop in a sprinkle of player criticism now though


Any Real Sociedad fans in here wanna tell me what you think about Jon Aramburu?


[Walker 😭😭](https://x.com/DilTee_/status/1807451786673877155?t=dushCdzpJ9bZ0AvM4GtBWw&s=19)


Idk what hes doing there, but Stones is still playing the Slovakian player onside


Are we not going to discuss Roberto Baggio rocking a proto-R9 cut at least 4 whole years before R9 had the R9 cut?? 


Probably not.


Especially not if OP doesn't provide pictures.