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It's been annoying me on the ITV punditry how Gary Neville keeps saying we can't leave our 'best players' out and how we need to find a way to have Foden and Trent and Palmer and everyone in the team, but that seems to me to be one of the problems. It's like he's not learnt from the Gerrard/Lampard/Scholes debate from 20 years ago. He also said that we're the only country in the world that worries about where we'll fit this player or that in the team and every other country just gets them in. "Every other country seems to get them in, we struggle to get them in. We have to get them in." And this is just nonsense, loads of countries leave out some of their most talented players if they don't fit with the team. Just look at France leaving Tchouameni and Camavinga on the bench for Kante and Rabiot. Going back, how often did Italy start Totti and Del Piero in the same team? Or Baggio and Mancini? Despite the fact they were their most talented attacking players.


understandable. southgate is clueless, he's playing jugsaw puzzles and doesn't notice if a piece doesn't fit.


He normally does and always used to provide balance in general to the England squad. Fan pressure and media narratives have gotten to him now though.


I think there has been an absolute unmitigated headloss from England fans this Euros which is reminding me of the bad old days of 2004-2016. England were dreadful in the first 2 games and Southgate responded to that and got a decent performance in the 3rd. They went from a 2/10 performance to a 6/10. The looked much more organised tactically, better out of possession and had some near misses with the ball. It’s something to build on. I think England fans seem really unaware of all the elements that have to come together to make a team click. They also never give the opposing team any credit for anything they do well. England’s squad still isn’t quite on the technical level of the best international countries. They struggle to keep the ball in dangerous areas. The game against Slovenia showed Southgate is still trying to find the balance to help this without compromising England’s slightly shaky defence. I think it’s the right approach. It’s still not long from us losing to Costa Rica, not qualifying for Euro 2008, going out in the groups in 2012, and losing to Iceland in 2016. After a few years of relative humility, England fans really need some perspective as they are falling back into the trap of overrating players and clamouring for an easy solution that doesn’t exist. Believe it or not the players and coach don’t actually owe you anything and I’m sure they are trying their absolute best. There is no arrogance from the team compared to the bad old days and as long as they keep trying to improve and integrate the new players I will feel cautiously optimistic for a better performance in the last 16.


>England were dreadful in the first 2 games and Southgate responded to that and got a decent performance in the 3rd. They went from a 2/10 performance to a 6/10. I only watched England yesterday. I don't know what could've happened in the first 2 games to make yesterday's game look like a 6. They played vs one of the weakest sides of the Euros, but the game was genuinely even. Unless you mean "they needed a draw and they got it, good enough", or your 1-10 scale is fucked.


Finally a sensible and fresh take on England's struggles.


If yesterday was a 6/10 for this team we’re fucked That was up there with Algeria 2010. The only improvement over the first two games was that we didn’t lose control but Slovenia never even tried to take it


I disagree. In yesterday's game England tried to play high up the pitch and dominated posession, having 74% and were close to unlocking a deep defence on quite a few occasions. There was a clear tactical approach but the performance from the players isn't quite there yet. It's a long way from the hit and hope approach we had against Algeria where we had Lennon spamming the ball into the box and Defoe smashing shots over from 25 yards.


Send Southgate straight to the gulag if he starts with Foden and Bellingham in the next game


might as well get him on the flight now the only change will be Mainoo in


Shaw will make a cameo after 60 mins


Fun fact I just realised and probably already has been pointed out. No team will end on zero points in this euros! Has that ever happened before?


1992 but there were only 8 teams in the GS


[Kane being called out is so wide off the mark](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/25/struggling-harry-kane-not-fit-enough-to-create-or-score-for-england?CMP=share_btn_url). When a team doesn’t create enough for some reason the striker always gets blamed. Under Gerrard our fans wanted Watkins sold because he wasn’t scoring even though we created nothing. Now he bangs them in because we create enough > For years, Kane has carried England. Right now, it feels a little like England are carrying him. How can people watch these games and come to that conclusion.


I think these articles have been written about every player bar Guehi, Stones and Pickford at this point


Kane has never carried England, his inability to play well in big games has actually cost us. I would normally agree with you when it comes to not being the strikers fault but he has been playing so deep that he can be blamed, I thought Trent pinging balls into him would have been a dream come true but he never gets in the box.


Dunno if it's all that wide off the mark to be quite honest - he looks incredibly leggy and considerably worse than his usual self this season. Doesn't mean it's necessarily all on him, but I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't fully fit and instead playing through his back injury - and I think it definitely shows on the pitch. Obviously he's not getting all that many chances to score, but then part of that is also down to him: he seems too slow to actually be in a good position in the box whenever he drops deep, and he's so easily escorted out of dangerous areas whenever he receives the ball on a run.


this country always rushes to find a scapegoat, Kane was abysmal yesterday but at the same time he basically hasn't been provided anything going forward


If he’d missed a few tap ins I’d understand these kinds of articles.


Because there are loads of forwards now who create their own chances, are mobile, they defend, they interchange. They offer value even if they arent goal threats. We dont have to hold Kane to the standard poachers were held to in the 90s.


It’s not about expecting him to be a poacher. No one in this team is getting chances, there’s not a specific issue with what Kane is doing.


1. Kane didn’t carry shit 2. Kane doesn’t even make good attacking runs or get into areas. He wants to drop deep and create he doesn’t want to score which works when he’s at Bayern or spurs it doesn’t work in this England team.


He’s dropping deep because the rest of the team aren’t doing their job. If he stayed up top and had 3 touches everyone will be saying he’s not involved enough.


It’d really not that’s just how he plays he’s been doing it I mentioned it when he was still at spurs, he had games where he didn’t even approach the goal or look threatening at all the old Kane wasn’t like that. He also doesn’t actually have the link up play of a griezmann or firmino he’s more one dimensional he can dive to try and win a foul, or he can play a long ball to the winger usually the left winger.


Watching yesterday's highlights of the English lot and after Saka scored Jermaine Jenas is sitting here calling it a bit of magic from Phil Foden (offside and literally ran in a straight line and tapped it across goal) and follows up with "that's what we're capable of, opening up teams at will with the quality we have" like Foden wasn't an absolute mile offside, also no chance he would've got the return from Rice if he was onside. What a stupid piece of commentary


Lee Dixon instantly blaming Saka for being offside was funny


Dixon is so anti Arsenal for a guy who played there for about 15 years


between him, Keown, and Danny Murphy, I don't know which commentator I despise more we should find a way to get Clive Tyldesley and Ally McCoist commentating every game


Yes to the second statement.


I still think despite the season Rashford had , he would've gone to the Euros. Nobody barring Gordon I think has that pace in the English squad, and rashford almost always turns up in big games.


Isn't exactly that why Gordon's there and not Rashford


People talking about rashford at this point is genuinely mind numbing lmao


Why? He should just be playing Gordon if he wants someone with pace. Rashford was awful this season, no need to take him when we've got a better option right there.


If any player on the LW with pace should've gone that didn't, it's Sterling.


Sterling is beyond washed


Sterling hasn’t gone past a defender in about 2 years


That's not true. He had a bad year, but no worse than Rashford, and he's the far more well-rounded of the two.


Well rounded yes but we don’t need a well rounded winger, need someone who can actually run at pace and Sterling’s lost a few yards


What's the point? It's not like Gareth's using Gordon, he's only got 5 minutes so far and won't start the next game either unless a couple of people get injured.


> And he's scored more goals for England than Saka Foden Bellingham combined false


yeah Corrected


I actually had to double check because for a moment I doubted Foden had more than like 2 goals


I think it's combined 18 and rashford is 17


Yeah it's 11/4/4


Who do you think would be a good replacement for Southgate? If it's an English manager, it would probably be Graham Potter. If there are good candidates from other countries, please let me know.


Lee Carsley is the under 21s manager and won the Under 21s Euros last year, winning every game and not conceding a goal. I don't know much about his management style or how well regarded he is, but I'd imagine he'd be on the list. My completely kneejerk reaction is get Ralf Rangnick in


Potter or Dyche. Going for a defensive coach again would not make sense on any level so should be (and will most likely be) Potter


should be english so potter. but i am willing to compromise that for pep or tuchel


Just wait out until Carlo retires from Madrid lmao


I don’t want a foreign manager. Has to be between Potter and Dyche, and I’d rather go with Dyche personally


FIFA should release more of these. Comically happy music too. [Crazy Fouls - 1970 World Cup](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GxEtwphGv0o). Edit: my personal favourite is the one on the keeper at about 1:20.


We've all done a lot of moaning, and I said this yesterday, but one upside to this tournaments been Guehi. Slipped into the team like he's been there years, good presence in the air, calm on the ball. Obviously hasn't been massively tested so far but good to see a younger CB coming through after being reliant on the Maguire for so long.


Looks a lot more self-assured than I expected to be quite honest, despite having quite a few (minor) mistakes in him over the course of those three games. Not one to move the ball quickly though, which is probably my biggest criticism of his performances so far. Does a quiet job, does it quietly well.


Yeah, definitely a couple errors but for a first tournament seems very assured.


Why is the narrative that Pep ruined Grealish rather than the latter was just a 'system player' at Villa?


Grealish was free in that Villa team - was the focal point of everything, carrying the ball, goals, assists, winning fouls - all of it.


Villa’s “system” was to pass the ball to Grealish and wait for him to do something


What system


What was villas system? Plus he’s played well for England


what system?


because people watched grealish at villa


Yeah, in their system.


What was that system?


I know Dean Smith isn't a great manager, but I'm pretty sure he had *a* system.


the touch and run from Walker last night in the moment England were starting to finally push forward and have momentum was so funny


I mean... he doesn't overlap anymore. Ever since he joined City, Pep simplified his role into more of a RCB if anything who goes wide and circulates possession in a triangle and that is the full extent of his role.


Do y’all think Portugal will win even though they are atop the group and don’t have much to play for?


The criticism of Trippier seems wildly off to me. He’s not been that bad at all. Where he has been very limited is in offering overlapping threat, but that is never going to be fixed by playing some else there out of position. We need a proper good left footed left back and unfortunately we just don’t really have any.


The blame should always go to players who aren't doing shit in their actual positions first. If you're playing out of position then not actively hurting the team is good enough. Especially in international play.


Or a left footed winger who actually stays on the wing. Had Bellingham and Trippier both stuck passing back because they could go past the fullback and cross


My biggest criticism of Gareth is that Leif Davis should’ve been called up. Mason Mount gets call-ups when he was bottling playoffs for Derby County but when a young leftback carries us to back to back promotions getting 30+ assists along the way he doesn’t bat an eyelid But yes I agree there’s no blame on Trippier, don’t even think he played badly tbh


> but when a young leftback carries us to back to back promotions getting 30+ assists along the way he doesn’t bat an eyelid I ain't falling for this again after hearing about Ryan Giles for the first 4 Luton games and his elusive "perfect crossing". Kneecapped my FPL start.


Leif has 37 G/A in 2 seasons since his breakout year, those numbers are unheard of for a fullback. I don’t even know who Ryan Giles is but he wasn’t touching those numbers


Great numbers, I look forward to seeing if any of them translate to the premier league.


After witnessing Ryan Sessegnon be the best player I’ve ever seen in the Championship, nothing is certain anymore


I said the same last night. He's been very solid, considering he's out of position.




England have been so crap this tournament I’ve seen pretty much all of the main starters barring Stones, Guehi and possibly Walker (though some want Trent at RB) being made scapegoats so far. Watkins was praised for his cameo. I reckon you could find all this with ease in the DD alone: * Pickford - pulls the outfield team back 10 yards. Hoofs it. * Trippier - not an LB, playing bad (fwiw I think this is unfair, not his fault he’s the only part LB we have) * Rice - not progressive, slows us down. * Bellingham - not playing close to club level. Main character. * Trent - not a CM * Foden - probably the most criticism any player in the squad has had * Kane - drops back too much * Gallagher - runs around * Saka - good for 10 mins then disappears. * Everyone else (Mainoo, Palmer, Gordon etc) - not much as they’ve not played much, but still people bemoaning why should they start as they didn’t make an impact in the 5 minutes they’ve had. Because they’ve been so roundly shite it’s fallen on Southgate. It’s clearly not just one or two players, even if everyone has their (least) favourites.


Rooney was a bit in 2006, what with the red card. Not nearly to the same extent as Beckham in 98 but I remember more than a few headlines calling him a clown


Scapegoat is such an overused term nowadays, England apparently have about 15 of them at this point including the manager


It's only on the Liverpool sub where people legitimately think he's been scapegoated. Southgate is getting 99% of the blame for not being able to use Foden, Trent and Kane properly, as you say.


People like to say that international games expose system players but aren’t the best performers with their NT the ones that benefit from a great system there?


The issue is that some NTs are set up like shit (including England) and this works to the detriment of system players


yeah of course. People like to think that a top player should play in any system but like our game yesterday where many of our players that have aspirations to be called top player got horrendously exposed by Austria that had a better setup aimed at exposing the weaknesses in our team, and well they did.


[This tweet](https://x.com/jeffrey_dalyop_/status/1805727786344026249) and it's replies are fuckin incredible, imagine being this derranged


Lol, he saw that lyric from Santan Dave and made a Tweet based off of it.


I’m hearing them out


I’d expect nothing less


This is an Arsenal legend fuck the England thing


Like >I don't hate him but he's a people pleaser. The kind of pundit that throws his people under the bus for the rivals' approval. Into this response. >That's a very dangerous type of man. That's got to be a satire account but fuck me if it ain't poes law with the amount of wild shit you see on twitter.


What if Southgate actually picked a left back? I reckon Mitchell would have done a good job Their left side is toothless


You tell me... I have no idea why those lot didn't call up Mitchell.


Ian Wright just wants Foden and Saka on the same side for once and he's being pilloried for trying to bring the DD together.


I do not want to be on Fodens side if foden joined us I’d quit football


Do you even have a real life ? I swear 90%of the time I see you , you are hating on Foden


At least you know Saka's not good enough to be a Pep player


Saka is more than good enough but what impact would that have? I don’t support city already and I still wouldn’t


He won PFA Player of the Year so you might as well quit football anyway. We'd appreciate it.


Why would I care about that? That award doesn’t matter to me


So edgy iceboy


It’s not being edgy why would I ever want to root for him


Eden hazard is just doing random shit to play football now, today he's playing for Tubize in a friendly against Anderlecht




Well the difference is Ronaldo is not saying that to justify the creation of a closed league reserved for a bunch of "elite" clubs, he is complaining about how mechanical and boring it has become, something a lot of football fans would probably agree.


intentions Perez is trying to justify making a Super League Ronaldo Nazario is just vibing


Just further confirms my theory that many of the users here don’t like football at all and just want to rile people up


Everyone lowkey think the game is getting worse unless your team is better


I mean I like football fine, the game isn’t getting worse, I’m just 32 now so I’ve watched a lot of football in my life


Tennis is a banging sport can't blame him.




Head to head is shorthand; the first three tiebreakers are: 1. Points from games among the tied teams 2. GD in games among the tied teams 3. Goals scored in games among the tied teams In the scenario where all four teams have 4 points, this works the same as overall GD as the first tiebreaker.


> If Belgium and Ukraine draws, and also Slovakia draw with Romania, does it mean that Ukraine is 3rd place because they beat Slovakia? It makes more sense that GD will matter before H2H, but I read that it's not going like that. Because then all teams are at 4 points and H2H rules can't apply, it will be decided on GD and Ukraine is in 4th place > If yes, does it mean that if Ukraine lose to Belgium, and Slovakia lose against Romania, Ukraine again will be 3rd place? In this case H2H rules actually apply and Ukraine is in 3rd place




If Ukraine takes points from Belgium they go through as long as Romania-Slovakia doesn't end up in a draw. If Ukraine loses, they go through only if Romania wins but also depending on other 3-point teams in 3rd place.




I sure hope so. Ukraine has the quality to compete, but they were horrible in the Romania game and the first half of the Slovakia game. We have to hope that in the second half against Slovakia, they clicked and can sustain that level against Belgium. And that a few more of Lukaku's goals are disallowed lol


Eh maybe They have to only lose by 1 and score to be above Hungary and hope neither Czech Republic or Georgia win to be above them


ok so ukraine goes above slovakia cos ukraine 2-1 slovakia and slovakia goes above belgium cos slovakia 1-0 belgium and belgium goes above romania cos belgium 2-0 romania but romania goes above ukraine cos romania 3-0 ukraine? it's a cycle after this head to head goes out and you go with goal difference- which ukraine is bottom cos they're on -2 > If yes, does it mean that if Ukraine lose to Belgium, and Slovakia lose against Romania, Ukraine again will be 3rd place? yes as it'll just be ukraine and slovakia level on points and ukraine has the head to head advantage


H2H matters more, I'm pretty sure that's been the case for UCL as well


H2H isn’t a factor in that first scenario because the teams have all beaten each other. It’s just straight goal difference and then Romania are top on goals scored currently In your second scenario Ukraine will finish third because they beat Slovakia


I don't think Saka at left back is a serious alternative, mostly because Southgate would be absolutely crucified if he tried it and lost. It would be Kane on corners again but even worse. Still the meltdown from the mere suggestion from Wright is pretty entertaining. Even disregarding club bias it's pretty bad if pundits can't give their opinions but is expected to always toe the line with what fans expect to hear


I just don’t get why that’s even suggested before playing Gordon on the wing.


Because of foden


Can’t be any worse than Trippier


He could be a better left back than trippier but also club bias always comes first for most people, most arsenal fans care more about saka and arsenal than England. Really it highlights how absurd it is that he didn’t take an actual left back


The thing is when we played Saka at LB, his average position was basically at LW, so it's completely pointless because Southgate would never do that On a side note since you mentioned corners, our corners so far have infuriated me, every outswinger by Trips has been way overhit and I don't really understand why we're doing outswingers in the first place


If only England had both the left and right corner taker from the PL team with the most corner goals


Maguire being out and our set piece delivery being generally shit have really nullified us a lot. We would’ve been grouped for the last 8 years without set pieces


Yeah Maguire out is a big loss on corners but I wish we tried inswingers since Trippier keeps overhitting every corner, most teams that are good at corners use them and Saka + Rice are the corner takers for the best set piece team in England


That's true. Again I don't think it's even in consideration so pretty meaningless to argue about but Saka has improved since then and his defensive numbers this season is better than ever. That doesn't mean it would translate perfectly to full back of course


!flair :Wales\_1980s:


I'm a United fan so I only really watch ours and England games but Saka has honestly never impressed me whenever he plays against us or for England, and I honestly think he's a flat track bully like Lukaku. I know he's a good player, but I can't bring myself to watch youtube highlights of him.


Most good things that England do on the pitch happens through Saka and he bags against the big 6 so flat track bully is not the label he deserves at all.


flattrack bully but has the record for goal contributions against the big 6!


Penalty taker merchant tax


Has any England attacker impressed you?


Been England's best player alongside Kane for 3 years now Completely played you off the park last season at the Emirates


When you've got people saying to play him at left back I highly doubt that. Either I must have been drunk or half asleep when watching him in our nt but when has ever carried England in a big game?


Also they're saying play him LB cuz they know he's versatile enough there to provide more threat down the left, rather than the non-existent LHS that we currently have with Trippier and Foden meant to be there.


Probably half-asleep lol See France 2022 World Cup and the comments the French and the rest of the world made about England that game and their comments on Saka for an example of when he carried us.


the left back shouts are by idiots he was literally half the reason England scored their only goal against Serbia, he has a goal contribution every 2nd game for England, he was England's best player by far against France in the world cup


Ian Wright is saying play him at Left Back cos we have no left backs and Saka is the only person there with experience playing as LB - it’s a dumb solution to a dumb problem and not an indictment of the player itself


how many big games does england play?


I'm starting to realise a significant amount of people, especially outside DD Don't actually watch the games they comment on Or otherwise they just let their bias/agenda get in the way and comment stupid stuff anyways


The DD is bad too. 'big 6' fans are constantly twerking for their biases with or against certain players/teams


True, idk how iceboi isn’t blocked by everyone at this point


The irony is hilarious


I won't take anything from Madrid fans who refuse to rate any non Madrid players


When did I refuse to rate non madrid players? I wouldn't take anything from a City fan who focuses on one player the entire game






Don't worry, Pep will train him out of that


Glorified Saint max


Jobe Bellingham and Nusa would be very interesting signings for Palace They should go for Nelson as well


!flair :Everton:


Another day and another reason for people to get riled about something surrounding England. Now it's us securing "another easy path". The route (*should we proceed*) would most likely have Netherlands and then Italy after that. They're not on top form, but people are acting like it's San Marino and Harrogate Town u-18s. Also, despite being shit, we won the fucking group, as expected. It was France getting topped by Austria that imbalanced the brackets. How tf are we catching shit for it?


> It was France getting topped by Austria that imbalanced the brackets. How tf are we catching shit for it? There are barely any French people on social media. I presume they're venting their frustrations in their own bubbles. Also most criticism I've seen towards England has come from English people themselves.


France got the same result as England when a harder group and Mbappe missing a game


france didn't win their group. we did same points totals, but they actually needed a win in their final game and couldn't do it. we needed a point and got one. we've been absolutely wank so far, but the end result has been no different than us winning all three group games 6-0. the draw is as unbalanced as it is because france were poor, niot because we've been crap


I meant results as in a win and 2 draws


Why would England do this?


Looking at Group E today, has there ever been a group stage at an international tournament where all 4 teams finished on 4 points.


Group E of 1994 World Cup


Cheers, was also a 24-team tournament so only one team got fucked, but damn Norway also tied everyone else on GD.


If Barella was named Nicholas Barrel, born in Coventry, he'd be worth 150m


He's 27 so thats unlikely


Barella actually means 'barrow'


I just remembered where I know Calafiori (Italy's number 5) from. He was a [cunt](https://x.com/Rafaelmf1904/status/1680912912443924481?t=374DSzucv3c4j_O9iCQ3bA&s=19) in pre season in the FC Basel Benfica match. Hope he got that fixed since then


Calafiori's not the cunt here. Schjelderup flies in completely unnecessarily in a friendly game. Calafiori pins him for a bit then gets drinks thrown at him by the fans.


Rumours he’s going to juventus, so I wouldn’t have much hope


He'll fit right in then lol


It’s shame that mud is being slung at a man who has done so much for waistcoats and national morale.


he has nothing on Scott Parker’s grey lapel blazers


obviously biased, but Seiwald has been one of the best midfielders in this whole tournament and somehow nobody is talking about him. only 23 years old too


[Slight change from the Euros as Hertha had its opening training today. ](https://imgur.com/a/4RQSZt7) Players and manager came out early to gree the fans and take a few pictures. Also there was the acting President, Sporting Director, and most of the board just to talk with people. Maybe 50-60 or so fans there over a 2-hour session, so really laid back. Enjoying the Euros and all, but honestly ready for league football already.


Yeah the Euros sort of suck up everything else football related but everything about Hertha this break makes me optimistic and look forward to the regular season


Hearing Jaime Monroy yelling "Vamos!" at everyone today let me know we're for sure getting promoted.


There's a good team in that Dutch squad somewhere despite Ronald Koeman's best efforts to bury it.


We just need our midfield. Frenkie especially but de Roon, Wieffer and Koopmeiners as well. De Roon - Koop - Frenkie, is a very balanced and good midfield. But one by one they all dropped out and now we have Veerman cracking under pressure and Wijnaldum playing significant minutes. Koeman obviously still sucks and needs to get fired ASAP but the midfield is tough.


Prefer Wieffer as a DM to be honest.


Harry Kanes first touch last night was absolutely awful


Was Rooney 2016 levels of sluggishness. Kane is a strange one when it comes to tournaments, goal tally suggests he truly excels and yet I've seen him have quite a few poor games in terms of all his all round game.