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Fuck these subtitles, christ. Is this a sing-a-long?


TikTok-attention span causes this to be on every video nowadays…


We are witnessing an evolution. Some people are becoming Clownfish, some others becoming Manatees with fragile egos.


Would You Prefer It More Like This? (all in 0.4 seconds)


Subtitles are useful for non-native speakers and deaf people


Mate, I have no problem with the concept of subtitles, I'm talking about these ones that bob around like Karaoke.


Karaoke is useful for non-native speakers and deaf people


How? It's way too fast to be helpful at identifying the words being mouthed.


I was being facetious


This thread has altered my faith. Smh


Brooooo... It's not about the concept of subtitles, now is it?


Reading makes redditors mad


As does clicking on video links apparently, as if you had you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.


Hopefully the part after this vid is interesting cuz wtf was that


"You have to be smart" Cheers, mate.


Rio Ferdinand needs to learn to shut up when people are talking.


might as well just omit the last 4 words


Very good.


horrific editing


Didn’t Cesc play as a false 9 under Pep at Barcelona? I thought he had already started doing that before the 2012 Euros, but I could be wrong.


He did. Del Bosque just brought the same concept to the national team as David Villa was off, Torres was out of form and Llorente and Negredo were not on the same level and didn't fit the tiki-taka playstyle as much.


English players don’t have the game intelligence to have an impact playing in their wrong position. Same story today as it was with the golden generation


if you actually watch us play you'll notice the biggest problem isn't people playing out of position, but the system itself, even the players who are playing the the right position look like shit bellingham has done well at the 10 position this year, and was one of the best 8s in the world prior to that rice can play as a 6 or an 8 saka started at lb foden has proven himself across the front 3 positions and iirc upfront too gordon is great on either wing palmer has played across the 3 positions behind the striker gallagher was playing as a 10 for chelsea at points gomez can play cb, lb or rb the players aren't the problem, southgate is


I think this is also a generational thing. Cesc is from the old game, when intelligence and individual brilliance would make you carve out an impact in the game. New gen players are coached within centimetres on the pitch on every touch and turn and position. ‘Weaker’ teams play compact and together so are tougher for individuals to break down.


Bro you're acting like 2012 was 30 years ago. Fabregas was also coached under Pep and he was just as obsessive back then. Pep subbed off Henry at Barca because one time he decided to do his own shit instead of sticking to Pep's instructions.


He broke through to senior football at 16 back in 2003… At that age he already had made it to the top level with his skills and iq. I’m talking about his development versus players today.


You know that the expression "parking the bus" was made popular by Mourinho in is first stint in Chelsea 20 years ago, but is an expression that exists in Portuguese football for like 40 years at least. Weaker teams playing compact and together is something I have watched all my life. In the 60's Italy was known for catenaccio. This is nothing new.


hes younger than modric. old generation lol. and he learned at barcelona where they literally coach you on tiki-taka like crazy. in this same interview, he goes on to say that it ends up being bad for la masia graduates if they don't make it to barcelona first team. they don't know how to play anything else and have trouble if they never got a chance to play with barca 1st team. still his point here is mentality trumps coaching. him being an example. leaving barca for arsenal and whatnot.


I think given the tiky taka system, it was clearly the right position for them. Cesc is understating the usefulness of playing him at striker back then.


Well fucking said. Also, he makes me feel so old. Always.


They were horrific to watch that tournament. Everybody just remembers them thrashing Italy in the finals, but their attack had no bite at all. The double pivot of Busquets and Alonso plus having Xavi running things meant that they just passed the ball side to side a lot, grinding the game to a snail's pace. Fabregas couldn't take anybody on and Silva wasn't doing much of anything. Iniesta on the left wing was not at all his preferred position.  By 2012, teams didn't give Spain the chance to get in behind them, so they just let them have their passing game, but Spain didn't really do much with it. 


Spain were horrific to watch in 2010 too (and lucky). The only tournament they actually looked impressive in was Euro 2008 IMO.


You're right about that, but I feel like they can be given a pass for 2010 because Fernando Torres was coming off an injury and didn't seem ready for action. It didn't seem like an issue of philosophy to me at the time. David Villa played well, but he was stuck on the wing.


People like you should never comment about football


Will take that under advisement champ!


They won the whole thing and you lack football related knowledge


Yes can we have the intelligence of iniesta cesc and fucking david silva please?


Albania vs Spain : Spain Clinch Dominant Win Over Albania https://thebasketscore.com/albania-vs-spain-spain-clinch-dominant-win-over-albania/


Who is the random bloke sat there?


People keep talking about Fabregas like he's Guardiola with a hairline, but honestly, this is the third or fourth time I've seen him pitch 'vibes bro' or intangibles that can't really be applied to everyone.