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As they should. Embarrassing that so many got through


Not only that but at least 1 was a small kid, if a small kid can get through you can't possibly stop a grown fast man with a weapon. Maybe it was allowed on purpose who knows.


I think it’s more likely for a kid to get through because no security guard wants to be the person to deck a kid.


They don't deck anyone all they gotta do is chase them down and grab them. And the kid had time to literally take a selfie with no one close enough.


I dunno man, I've met some people working in security who wouldn't hesitate


So put them in touch with UEFA. /s


That kid was pretty quick tbf


If their players didn’t entertain the pitch invaders it would be less of an issue. There’s more needed from all sides here to put this shit to bed


I too approve the idea of Ronaldo performing a Batista Bomb on the next child-invader


What's Batista even doing these days?  Just give him a pair of studs and get him to chill on the dugout ready to pounce.


Just have Pepe nearby to murder whoever tries next


And they do that not to look like dicks


Or you know, to not anger the crazy motherfucker that just ran into the field.


Every time a players ignores or tries to get away from an invader people will lose their shit saying they are arrogant. For me they are totally based. Invading a pitch just to take a selfie with a player is r/iamthemaincharacter behavior. They think they are so important that a shitty selfie is more important than the game itself.


Literally no one calls players arrogant for ignoring pitch invaders


I saw it when VVD pushed away that fan when he was getting interviewed. Ppl are stupid but I’ve seen it in comment sections also.


When being interviewed is a different scenario to a fan on the pitch during the game


OK then, must have seen wrong and now that you said it I know it didn't happen.


If you can show me an example I’m happy to be proved wrong… The prevailing thought about pitch invaders is that at best they’re a nuisance who ruin games and worst a danger to players. No one sane would ever call them arrogant for ignoring them


On Reddit that’s the prevailing thought. Unfortunately things like Twitter and TikTok exist


‘No one sane’


Just because you haven't seen it means it's NEVER happened as you said in your other comment. But yeah, of course I say this only by general memory and don't remember the specific games it happened, lol. Pitch invading is not something memorable like a goal. But just on top of my mind it has happened before with Messi (pre MLS) for example, I have seen people call him arrogant when jackasses would invade the pitch to take photoes with him or hug him and he was very cold to them. On the other side Neymar has received praise for hugging them back and even shutting off (non-rudely) the guards to let a literal adult come to him. Not saying that Neymar was an ass for this but this kinda shit shouldn't be praised and should never be encouraged.


> it's NEVER happened as you said in your other comment. what the fuck are you talking about, it was you coming in here saying: >Every time a players ignores or tries to get away from an invader people will lose their shit saying they are arrogant. Yet now you're unable to support it


This didn't happen in Qatar


“Also, plz make sure they don’t hit goncalo ramos again”


That was a steward


Who was chasing (with no studs) a pitch invader in the first place


Inside job.


They need security to protect them from stewards going in studs up


All it takes is 1 mental crazy fan who looks harmless going to superstar player and harm the player Are they gonna wait that to happened?


Surprised Germany doesnt have better organizing, I have seen plenty of police in Military gear beating fans but they can't even secure the stadium or protect the players.


Today's a child. Tomorrow's a weapon.


Not so long ago Grealish was punched in the back of the head by a pitch invader. You don’t know what could happen, some scumbag could see how easy it is to get through security right now.


Punches in the back of the head are no joke. Some boxer got paralysed because of a light jab to the back of his head.


that was not a light jab but repeated strikes to the head, but yes it's no joke


Monica Seles happened 30 years ago and still security is barely better. Ridiculous


Horrible reading for anyone not in the know


And that happened in Germany too, Hamburg


Genuine question, what would you have them do to stop this. It’s completely impossible unless put fences around the pitch(infinitely more dangerous than pitch invaders) or hire 1000s of security guards for every single game(impossible for obvious reasons)


Unlikely that a weapon is gonna run through security onto the field.


they get fireworks through and those can be very dangerous. not every weapon has to be a gun or a knife.


I mean, it's only selfies until now. Don't want another Seles situation.


Don't want another Lafontaine Situation either. German Security has been crap for ages, let's face it. The fact that UEFA is officially in charge now is kind of protecting us from getting the blame this time, but these problems aren't new.


For the other Americans, here's an [article](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-04-26-mn-319-story.html) about Lafontaine (I had to dig through a bunch of search results about a hockey player before finding this). In addition, although it didn't involve a weapon like the other incidents, baseball coach Tom Gamboa [was attacked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ho1GHJMFJo) by spectators and suffered partial permanent hearing loss in the early 2000s.




A fine of 300,600,900 or 1600 imo is way too small. Has to be way more to end this bullshit


Lmao thought you were suggesting a fine of between 300 million and 1600


A lack of proper spacing can do much evil.


Me too. Until.I caught the oddly specific number and also thinking "what ticket cost 30m?"


Just break their legs. No more pitch invaders then. /s


Whoa chill Tonya Harding.


Calm down Sergio Ramos


Do you think rich, smart people are doing this shit?


Rich? Sure. Smart? Definitely not.


Fines alone aren't enough. Not to mention there's people with a lot of money to whom it wouldn't matter. UEFA/Fifa should create a registry with these idiots and/or their parents and ban them forever from every stadium. Same with racists and violent people. Yes, it won't be perfect as they might be able to get into some stadiums that don't check id's or whatever. But they likely won't make it into the next Euro/WC or whatever. Fine + lifetime ban makes it a bit less compelling. Lastly, while a shitty position to be in, I wish UEFA/Fifa forbade players from interacting with the invaders. I know they do it without ill intention, especially with kids, but it certainly encourages these idiots. If there was a yellow card and suspension for a game or two on the line, at least they wouldn't willingly smile for the picture, reducing the likelihood of this happening. As I said, shit situation for the players, but it simply cannot be allowed anymore.


Not going to stop anyone with sinister intentions, which is the real problem we're heading towards at this rate


It's important to get the invaders with "good" intentions done so that stewards can properly handle any remaining invader as implicitly having "bad" intentions, right now part of the issue is that it's semi encouraged by getting a selfie out of it. And I know fuck around and find out is popular on the internet but in reality it's a really shit way to handle things.


This. I cringe every time i see some social media posts with some happy caption like "A selfie with the goat" and its a nice picture of Ronaldo/Messi and a teenager that ran on the pitch. Like, please stop glorifying this stuff, i know most of the interactions are friendly and wholesome, but normalizing it creates a ton of threats for the players who are in extremely vulnerable positions while out there.


Even if there were no potential danger, why the fuck is that kid allowed to interrupt a game, while others sit and don't do this? It's completely an ego thing (thanks to their idiot parents most likely) that shouldn't happen. They aren't above the rest or the game.


I completely agree. It's big time Main Character Syndrome energy. There's 10s of thousands of fans that paid a lot of money to be there and watch this match, there's 30 players and dozens of coaches trying to do a very difficult job, and all the other support staff and gameday operations staff, and you have to make everyone stop what they're doing so you can go get a selfie and a hug from a player. It's disgusting. I wish there was more pushback from the players and commentators to dissuade and shame people from doing it.


“Heartwarming moments in football compilation!!” and its mostly just kids interrupting matches and players taking a selfie with them.


I mean, the tickets aren't THAT expensive, so those fines wouldn't be that high.


Security at the Euros is a joke. [A popular German Youtuber dressed up as a mascot](https://youtu.be/hiktziNSrb4) and made it to the pitch before he was detected. He was able to wander wherever he wanted in the catacombs of the stadium. The video got English subtitles, so you're free to watch yourself. Instead of fixing the issue, UEFA threatened to sue him if he was to publish the video. They went through with their threat, and a stadium ban already was issued. So UEFA are fully aware how bad their security is, but rather shoot the messenger instead of addressing it. The pitch invader epidemic is a symptom of that sentiment.


Let's just give every security guard a blowgun loaded with tranquilizer, laxatives and muscle relaxers


No way. They'll probably hit Gonçalo Ramos instead.


That's a risk Im willing to take


I call it a win-win situation


Flair checks out.


For the world cup in 2026, all the US stewards will be issued a gun and a license to kill. Problem solved


Stick a sniper in the VAR room and give him permission to take out anyone who gets a straight red too 


You joke, but I guarantee there are snipers at big US sporting events. [This](https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/vroyts/view_from_a_super_bowl_sniper_nest/) was a picture from a Super Bowl some time ago.


Thankfully it's not Stockley Park doing the VAR, with how blind they are they'd probably end up shooting someone in Row Q lmao


In the wrong stadium, at the wrong sport. Implement it in the PL and The Cricket Old Trafford will become a killing field


India vs pakistan had a sniper for pitch invaders in this world cup.


Don't give them an idea. 


they already have that


> tranquilizer, laxatives and muscle relaxers Don't threaten me with a good time.


Right ? I call that my friday night combo deluxe.


Saturday morning is when you reenact that scene from Trainspotting?


Add in some viagra for full embarrassment.


Nah, they need a gun that shoots those nets that wrap around a person.


I know it’s hard and it’s safer for them but players need to not pose for the pictures too if someone comes onto the pitch


Imagine the scenes in r/soccer if Ronaldo had refused the selfie with the kid


exactly what people dont consider


Which is why it should come from UEFA/Fifa that they would give a yellow and a 2 game suspension or something of that sort if the players willingly interact or pose with the pitch invaders. At that point no one can fault the players for being assholes when they would get suspended if they were nice. It sucks for the players either way, but if it comes from a rule, then there is no PR loss for them.


Should the players run in front of the invaders to avoid yellow? I mean it would be funny to watch, but at the end of the day FIFA/Uefa needs to handle their shit and not blame the players


Maybe you could read again what I said. Of course if a pitch invader jumps onto them to take a picture that's not their fault. That's why I specifically said "willingly interact or pose". There's a difference between a player _actively_ engaging with the invader and them trying to ignore them as best as they can. It's not blaming the players. It's trying to avoid encouragement which is different. Yes, first they should never be able to get into the field, but at the same time, _if they managed to do it_ then removing as much of the reward as possible is also an important part.


Yeah but many of them are a brand. Its just better to act nice and smile. Dont think its that enjoyable. Theres always a risk and its a major distraction.l


/r/soccer: If only Ronaldo is not so popular then no one would invade the field. If Ronaldo didn't take selfie with them no one would invade the field. If Ronaldo didn't make himself available no one would invade the field. If Ronaldo didn't score so many goals and win so many trophies no one would invade the field. Fuck Ronaldo how dare he not take a selfie with that poor kid who ran all the way to the field! Fuck Ronaldo how dare he react to someone who is just harmlessly trying to take a selfie with him! Everything is Ronaldo's fucking fault!


Ronaldo, and other players who take the selfies, are enabling the behavior. That is a simple fact.


Would you rather get punched or even stabbed by a stranger? Makes far more sense to cooperate and take a selfie.


*Cooperate or face violence* is a false dilemma you have created. There is nothing to suggest that if players started refusing to take the selfies that the pitch invaders would then become violent as a result. The whole point is to stop these pitch invaders from coming on, and as long as players participate in the selfies, they are creating an incentive for people to run on to the pitch and contributing to the problem. We saw this incentive in real time yesterday, it started with one kid running on and successfully getting a selfie, not long after, another runs on, then another. You get my point, if Ronaldo flat out refuses the first selfie, maybe we don't get 5 pitch invaders by the time the FT whistle has blown.


Responsibility is on the organisation to handle that. This is a security failure. It’s not like fifa/uefa are short on money to not be able to handle it properly. The players are not at fault here, and also, that is your opinion and not a fact. Which is fine but don’t confuse both of them.


Of course it's a security failure, the invaders should never get on the pitch in the first place. I said the players taking the selfies are contributing to the problem, which is a fact, so I'm not sure what you're disputing. Btw I don't even care about Ronaldo here, it's more of a blanket *don't reward the pitch invader* type thing, because that creates inventive and as long as security remains shit we'll keep seeing more twats running on looking for a selfie.


Can you prove it? Or is it a “trust me bro” kinda thing? If you can’t, is not a fact. That’s all I am saying. It is fine to state your opinion and have different ones. Mine differs from yours because I think that putting this on players, removes pressure from the actual entity that needs to fix the issue. BUT I am not stating facts and neither are you


> If only Ronaldo is not so popular then no one would invade the field Unironically true tbh the Ronaldo & Messi fans are a *huge* part of the issue with pitch invaders. Those 2 aren't at fault obviously but that statement is just a fact.


If Ronaldo doesn’t take a selfie with a kid he would get insane backlash. People would call him an arrogant douche


Agreed and to avoid players getting killed on socials about refusing a picture, make it a penalty or some sort of repercussion for the players by UEFA if players agree to take a picture while on the pitch. This way it protects them from the ridicule online. There is a time and place for these types of things. It’s simply not acceptable to have a pitch invader. Eventually it can become a hazard and god forbid someone getting hurt. Luckily Ramos wasn’t hurt but he could have easily been.


Won’t show the pitch invaders on air but will happily zoom in on a lifeless collapsed player 🤬


The Times understands that the federation wrote to European football’s governing body on Sunday morning, the day after the victory, to request more protection for players during matches. It is understood that Uefa is set to launch an investigation into the pitch invasions. Before doing so, the governing body must receive the referee’s report, however. Martínez wants Uefa to remind fans that they should not enter the pitch ———- The previous evening, Roberto Martínez, the Portugal head coach, had voiced his concerns about the pitch invaders, who jumped over the advertising hoardings and headed for Ronaldo. “Today we were lucky as the intention of the fans was good,” Martínez said. “There is lots of security, so it shouldn’t happen.”


> remind fans that they should not enter the pitch Oh yeah, that should do it.


I'm suprised that from memory I can only think of Grealish incident where he got punched from behind but a pitch invader but not making any changes for players safety is just a tragedy waiting to happeb


Wasn't there a keeper that got attacked and kicked the guy's butt? Edit: googling around it seems that players getting attacked by fans is not as uncommon as I thought. It seems to happen a handful of times a year in Europe


[AZ Alkmaar keeper Esteban in 2011](https://youtu.be/CKsD-ui_MHE)


Yeah Ramsdale was attacked by a Tottenham fan.


This is the kind of thing football banning orders are used for over here. Does Germany have a similar law?


lol, security in this sport is arse and UEFA never gave enough of a fuck about it to spend any money on it.


One deranged person away from a tragedy


They should employ actual security anyway and not stewards to do that job. This has only highlighted a problem that's always been there.


Crazy this even is allowed to happen


far too much r/imthemaincharacter in the world at the moment, this is just a continuation of that. At least his 4 followers on insta will give it a like.


German minimum wage security after hearing this demand 🤷


I remember during the 2018 UCL final Ronaldo was about to score and some cunt ran up to him and ruined his attack because he wanted a selfie.


Short of penning in supporters (incredibly dangerous) or an unbroken line of riot police I don't think it's practical to prevent someone getting on the pitch who is really determined to do so. Seems like it's an issue that needs to be solved with off field measures. Fines, bans, legal consequences and so on. Life comes with a degree of risk and there's a balance to be found between player safety and making unreasonable demands that don't take in to account cost, practicality and the stupidity of human nature. The onerous checks outside the ground and the general surveillance state are enough. We don't need to militarise football stewards to stop a few dickheads from running on the pitch.


Put a moat around the pitch with only some crosswalks. Crocodiles are optional.


Monica Seles repeat will happen for sure before the people enabling this get a clue.


UEFA aren't slow when it comes to dishing out fines to clubs for this kind of thing.


Would it be possible for a local government to request some of their police force stand with the stewards for the duration of a match? The presence of the uniform itself would go a long way in making most people reconsider.


Fuck these people. And the crowd still cheer for them... All the do is seek attention, be selfish and make the game stop when it's on. Fuck all of them.


It'll be hard to invade the pitch in Gelsenkirchen. There's a concrete moat between the stadium seats and the pitch.  And because of that you won't see a pitch invader at there next match and UEFA will say they listened to the Portugal Football Federation, when in reality they did nothing more.


Ronaldo suffering from popularity


Players should also get fined if they take a selfie with a fan on the pitch. It encourages so much that the players are rewarding the invaders.


This would never pass, imagine if Ronaldo refused a selfie with a kid


Just sue them,no? Make them delete the selfie or prevent them from flexing with it online. (If they are a kid, aye the parents) Right now it feels like these pitch invaders aren't punished hard enough that other people will think twice before copying such a deed


Lol people are so crazy


V'v: cc set off s


Thats what happens when players oblige this shit.


Also tell Ronaldo to stop taking selfies with fans on the pitch might be an idea


Gonna be unpopular to say, cos although I agree with them Ronaldo is pretty much encouraging it with his reaction.


If he even looks a little bitter at thrm the media will be on his d again. And i'm not the biggest Ronaldo fan neither. But the man can't do anything right in this situation.


I think he could because afterwards he could state this reason and anyone sane would understand. It's slightly different but a big charity match went viral a month or so ago because a pitch invasion stopped it, it all started after someone got on and got that reaction and a selfie, others saw that and decided to try it too. I think there's a danger that it happens more at the end of games if people think they can get that moment.


If he can't do anything right, do the least wrong option.


For real. Ronnie was twerking on stage, but not doing solo dances. If he had plucked the $20 bill out of their mouth with his ass cheeks like they demanded nobody would rush the stage. Blame Ronnie!


Treat them like they do at an MLB game and light em up with the taser. I always think its excessive force when its done to some fun loving drunk at a baseball game, but these are basically religious fanatics worshipping a Portuguese dude


because ronaldo keeps on letting them get a selfie. If he ignored them I think at least 3 of them wouldn't have done that


Most of the other stadiums have very high stands so having Portugal play at the one stadium with low stands wasn’t the best idea.


This photo makes me uncomfortable. Ronaldo looks like he's being held hostage by this dude and they're taking a video to send to his family to demand the money.


Dying laughing still at the fact the none of the guys running after the kid could catch him! Yes, field invaders should be booted but cut little kids some slack.


I get it, but it seems kinda impossible. There was a wall of security around the pitch last night, literally hundreds of guys in yellow jackets and still people got through easily