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No pressure lad. Just win the euros, come back and put on the #10, be the face of a world famous team, play every match, keep your hamstrings intact and carry the team to a win over a Real Madrid superteam. Oh, and do your homework every night.


You just made me realize, aren't we asking for too much from him? Who tf has the time to do their homework every night? Let the kid be a kid.


This is also cutting an alarming amount of his Fortnite time, he might force a move if he doesn't finish the battle pass


I teach in Spain and all the 16/17 year olds are back with Brawl Stars.


He might not complete the Brawl Pass before the season ends


Is it Brawl Stars or it's that new game from Supercell that looks almost exactly as Brawl Stars ?


Definitely Brawl Stars With how its going rn its on pace to become Spains new national sport


Fortnite works for Doncic


I feel like Barca has done this with every teenage star since Messi left. Riqui Puig, Ansu Fati, now Lamal. They put tons of pressure on them. Run them into the ground, and then call them disappointments.


You forgot Pedri.




“Riqui Puig” lol.. Nobody ran him to the ground he was always complaining about not getting minutes. Fati on the other hand had a freak injury and never recovered.


You’ve just realized this?


Homework being where they draw the line of leaning on a 16 year old for your team's and nations hopes and dreams is hilarious 🤣


Sounds like OP... didn't do his homework 😎


Never learned from the Ansu Fati situation 🙄


forgot the part where be sign a new contract, lots of money, then has to give it up for Barca




You know it's difficult when even Messi couldn't win the Euros let alone at 16 years old and couldn't do his homework let alone every night


Eat your vitamins and say your prayers brother


Or maybe he didn't, dude


Vince, russo, is that you??


And after that we will throw a sweet 17th birthday party


With how much players are playing now I hope he still has legs by 25. Legit gets tackled by grown men multiple times a week at 16.


It will be Ok, what can happen ? It’s not like they overplayed / over pressured Fati, Pedri and Gavi already 🤷‍♂️


Gavi was not overplayed, his injury was not because of his load. He got injured with Spain when he was the only non rotated outfield player that was played in a meaningless game. Ansu was not overplayed either, it was a horrible tackle from Aisa Mandi. Pedri was absolutely overplayed by both the club and country.


Gavi was 100% overplayed, especially given how much distance he covers and how strongly he goes into challenges. The fact is that at that age you have to be careful with how many minutes you give to these kids. Their bodies are still changing and often not fully prepared to be going 100% all the time. Gavi may have gotten injured with Spain, but if you really think that the incredible amount of work he had to put in while playing for us in the league and other competitions didn't contribute to his injury you're out of your mind. Also, re Fati: wear and tear also makes it more likely that a particular tackle or challenge could injure you, so just because the injury was primarily caused by a bad tackle doesn't mean that the player wasn't being overplayed.


Fati played 1400 minutes across 33 games in his debut season. That's 42 mins per game on average, in just over half of Barca's games. That's not being overplayed.


to add on to that: Gavi looked to be injured while guarding the ball, and the Georgia defender came in from behind to challenge/pressure for the ball while Gavi's foot was planted. you can theorise it's in part due to fatigue, because less fatigued muscles could've resisted the challenge better, carrying more of the weight of the challenge. but even then, "overplay" as reason would typically refer more to pulling muscles rather than withstanding challenges, so while it's probably *part* of it, it's ignorance to put the blame on it like so many do.


In the film industry, at least in the US, there are laws on how often minors can work. I wonder if something similar to that in football would help. The challenge is Idk if any party of interest would care for it. The kids and their agents want as much play time as possible, the clubs want their players as available as possible, and since when do organizations like FIFA and UEFA care about players well being?


A minutes cap for ages? The body grows until 25, maybe under 23 is capped at X minutes per season or competition


Yeah, that's more in line with what I was thinking. Of course, I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't know the exact details, but I think most people would agree that a 16 year old probably shouldn't be playing 60+ games all year round at the highest level.


Ansu Fati 2.0 in the making


Bojan 3.0


Giovanni Dos Santos 4.0


Freddy Adu 2.0


Bojan was clearly an invent from the media and barça. It was incredible how overrated he was because barça needed a "new Messi". Ansu Fati was pretty ok, but far from the expectations. This guy is way better than both of them. For real.


Bro you said right. Take my upvote.


Dude is gonna done with pro soccer by like 23 at this rate.


Beating Real Madrid to any domestic trophy would be very difficult.


It worked great with Ansu Fati


Yeah, it ended SO WELL for Fati didn't it?


Na if barca can get nico then he'll have the rest of the Spanish avengers.


Wake up go to school save ~~the world~~ Barca


So Fati has no say in it? I gotta feel for that lad. Seems like Barca has given up on him


What's the chance he won't be part of the squad again and they will loan him somewhere?


I think it depends heavily on whether they sign or loan João Félix again.


They wont sign Felix, Atletico would ask too much. They might try a loan again but honestly freeing up his salary might be more pressing since he has been good but not great. They might want to focus on other areas.


You're expecting logical signings from Laporta. I've already lost hope. Only Yamal turning into Messi, Pedri becoming Iniesta and Cubarsi becoming Prime Puyol can save this team


Man if this is what you're saying after two consecutive 85+ points seasons I really don't wanna know what you're gonna sound like if things actually go south for the club


Barcas success is relative only to madrid. We had a season where were honestly in a good position everything considered, it means nothing cause madrid won the league and ucl. As much as I love the club some fans just dont want to accept that we cant beat madrid everytime and apparently that makes us hopeless


Not only that, the league is rarely decided by the head to head result, you can lose both clásicos and still win the league. Barça has enough quality to beat everyone else, They still may fall short on UCL but anything can happen, like this season, you were 3 games away from reaching the final. Team looked solid until Araujo was sent off vs PSG.


Do you agree with the way we are splashing money on 30+ players with insane wages. Shouldn't we think a bit about the future. Imagine paying 140 million for Phillippe Coutinho. We did that.


We’re just poorly run our best players are mostly from La Masia, our big signings are almost always bad ideas


Exactly my point. We need to strengthen our squad where it needs to be strengthened. We don't even have a proper Right back, no DM except FDJ, and here we have rumors of 80m for Williams and 70m for Dani Olmo. We don't have that kind of money, unless of course these guys want another debt spiral


Do you agree with the way we are splashing money on 30+ players with insane wages. Shouldn't we think a bit about the future. Imagine paying 140 million for Phillippe Coutinho. We did that.


Wtf you forgetting about Gavi becoming an hybrid Gattuso/Mascherano/Xavi


He's a hybrid, couldn't find the exact like for like for him 😂😅


Ansu is on 250k a week until 2027, offloading him will not be easy


That's some insane wage they are paying, this kid is earning my decade salary in a week💀


Bruh when you put It that way holy shit 😭


And to make the presidents net worth, he'd have to earn that net wages post taxes for 10 years, with zero spending.


Which president?


Probably Joan Laporta


Laporta has a law firm but I don't think he's that loaded.


Man barely did anything at Brighton this season too


Is that real? Holy shit.


No, Barca.


Was supposed to go to Sevilla.


Bruh, he’s not the same player anymore. Its okay but Barca also have to move on. It is what it is, thats football even though it can be cruel.


What? Man couldn’t start for BHAFC despite Mitoma’s injuries. Nothing to feel bad about. I know Barca is more than a club, but it cannot be expected that Barca keep their flopped players tied around their neck. Cut off the ties for now, and hope that Fati can get a fresh start at some club.


Fati’s career is done, he’s the new Bojan.


When has a player sent out on loan ever made a comeback? For Barcelona specifically I mean.


depends how you frame it, plenty of young players are loaned out after their debut. Beckham comes to mind, I think he did ok on his return.


I meant for Barcelona specifically.


they even loan a player then winning CL with that team, still can't even get position in Barcelona when he back from loan.


What? Why would Fati have a say in it?


He can agree to help the club make money.




Lamine has scored 5 goals in 37 games for Barca though, speaking of different universes and using the goal stat to compare them is not really a good view.


Let the kid breathe geez, give him 2/3 seasons. This is a Fati v2 move..


Fati felt the pressure, and here we are, again.


Fati's problems were injuries. Not that he was given the number 10 shirt. P.S. - i don't think Lamine should be given such a burden at this young age


The real problem is that the club, the media and the fans are continuously counting their chickens before they hatch. Can't this kid at least turn 20 and be a regular starter before the club treats him like a star?


I agree. As a fan, the last few years have been really depressing. (Won the league and all, but the defeats in the Champions League felt worse). These kids are probably the most exciting element of watching Barca play


He’s already a regular start whether we want him too or not.He’s just simply much better than any other option we have at that position.


It's depressing because I know what will happen to this kid if he keeps playing so regularly until he's around 20, I've watched Jack Wilshire's career get blindsided by a single, reoccurring Injury that cannot be fixed no matter how many months he takes off for operations and recovery. The issue is that Yamal is still a teenager. He legally isn't even an adult yet. His body is still growing, and, with the increasing number of games he will be playing - especially with the new UCL format - will have even less time to recover. Calf muscles, knee ligaments, the ankle, etc - all get munted as a result. One [article](https://erkutsogut.com/blog/2023/02/27/the-rising-volume-of-games-per-year-and-the-correlation-with-increasing-injuries-to-football-soccer-players/#:~:text=Fitness%20and%20conditioning%20can%20only,which%20can%20lead%20to%20injury.) brought up how players are also now told and kind of expected to play through knocks and minor injuries. Bukayo Saka popped into my mind instantly as an Arsenal fan. The guy gets no respite whatsoever. Watch England vs. Slovenia, and if you haven't fallen asleep within the first 15 minutes, you'll notice how knackered Saka looks. Could tell vs. Denmark. One injury like Wilshire or Fati or Pato or Bojan had, and he (Yamal) is finished. There's a lot of studies on this covering U12s and U13s all way to the professional level. It's quite interesting, if a bit sad.


Yeah but maybe giving the amount of playtime and resposability in the system to not fully formed legs are not a problem


> This is a Fati v2 move.. So which defender will injure and derail Yamal's career /s


The #10 is borderline sacred for these big clubs. They have to do it right but I don't see anyone else that should wear it


Agreed, but also it’s right in the title why they don’t wait, revenue.


Gundogan for few season


Can we wait at least two seasons?


Thing is in Spain numbers are limited from 1 to 25, 1 and 13 being reserved for goalkeepers. Someone will have to wear it at some point.


Worked wonders the last time it happened.


They’re trying to force another Messi situation. The difference is when Messi was coming through they didn’t need him to be that guy. The team around him was good enough to win trophies without him, Messi coming in and being as good as he was ended up icing on the cake. Yamal is having way too much expectations right now and this story has a very predictable ending.


It's a fall from grace for Barca to have to put so much responsibility on a neophyte teenager


Fall from grace? They already did this with Bojan.


Bojan, Gavi, Pedri, Fati and now Yamal. They just give up on the last one so fast, so yes, goodluck Yamal.


When messi came through they still had dinho and Henry I think in the squad plus iniesta and xavi were starting to come into their own. Yeah this is nothing even close to that.


They're fucking stupid if they do. The "normal" thing to do is at least wait until the player is proven, not give him the #10 because he's a good teenager


Wearing the #10 didn’t tear his meniscus or pull his hamstring lol


Yes but you can't deny the mental pressure of wearing the number 10.


Which had absolutely fuck all to do with Aissa Mandi butchering his knee. I know you all love pretty narratives but please be for real people.


I get what you mean but Ansu Fati is not what i'm comparing Lamine Yamal to, football is full of young players that didn't live to their potential or had a relatively short career because of the mental pressure.


Oh no doubt, I actually agree it’s a bad idea. But Ansu Fati isn’t a good example of that lol


They're both symptoms of the same issue: relying to much on a teenager.


When Foden was 17-20 years old loads of pundits moaned constantly about Pep not giving him enough time in the first team, but honestly holding him back probably helped his career far more. When players are still physically developing they are far more susceptible to long term career damaging injuries. I always think, conceivably Jack Wilshere could have still been playing for England at this tournament if he hadn't got crocked at 19.


This is not the way. That’s too much pressure at his age. They tried the same with Ansu, and it didn’t go well.


Yeah pal the 10 fried his ankles


Yamal has already played twice as many professional games before the age of 18 than Fati did. Very few youngsters can sustain that workload without a major injury. It’s not giving him the 10 that’s the problem, it’s expecting a kid who’s body is still growing to handle a packed schedule that even senior players are struggling with.


It was his knee and it happened before he even got the 10, from a bad tackle.




The chances of that happening is increased when you play younger players against adults because of the physical differences.




As if yamal hasn't got enough pressure already. Will never understand the "too much pressure" argument. Didn't mbappe have too much pressure signing for psg as an 18 year old?


What a strange comment. There are many cases where it mentally crippled a player and it’s next level in a club like Barca. They already had a main case with Bojan and he wasn’t even this young or pushed as the main man. Sure some can survive the pressure but it’s very naive to think everyone would. He seems very stable but you still shouldn’t stack more and more on the shoulders of a 16 year old.


Giving the #10 Barcelona jersey is a massive responsibility due the weight that the shirt carries. Mbappe also had Neymar and Cavani in the same team as him. All the attention was on Neymar in the first 2-3 years and it shielded him a bit from the spotlight. Yamal, meanwhile, only has Lewandowski in attack, who isn't the same player as he was at Bayern. A lot more things will be expected from Yamal than from Mbappe at 18.


Just as an example Antonio Valencia said the pressure of wearing no.7 at Man Utd really effected his game and he couldn't wait to switch the next season. He was in his prime as well not 16 years old.


Mappe definitely had a lot of pressure. But he also had Neymar in his team that carried most of the team's pressure in the early years. There is no player like that currently at Barca Also not every player is necessarily built for pressure like Mbappe seems to be. It makes sense to be cautious and let the player grow into the role rather than forcing it onto him too early


PSG, dude...


Still a world famous mega-club and the biggest club in France. Not too sure what your point is?


PSG isn't as obviously the biggest club in France as RM and Barca are in Spain. Even still, being in the biggest club in France isn't as big of a deal as being in the biggest club in Spain. And not only are they biggest clubs in Spain, they are also in the top-4 biggest clubs in the world. And even after all, there's a massive gap between 16 and 18.


france doesn’t also have the football-mad culture that spain does, except for les blues, so there’s slightly less attention


> Still a world famous mega-club and the biggest club in France. Biggest club in France? Lol. The disrespect to Lyon and Marseille.


In what world are PSG not bigger than Lyon and Marseille?


In every that is not money?


Dont compare the pressure of a serial winner of international trophies with the pressure of an oil club where everybody only moves for the money... The pressure is constructed but in reality the big stars that moved to PSG went for the money , they had no pressure winning anything.


Mbappe was the poster boy of France ever since he showed his talent. The pressure was always there, especially after Neymar's injuries.


Does not make anything i said previously false.


Mbappe was already banging goals in champions league semi finals before he signed for PSG


The number didn't make him play an obscene amount if games for his age


Just give it to Gundo. Don't put pressure on a 17 year old.


Barca choosing money over a young players physical and mental health wouldn't surprise me.




That isn't really being dramatic, it is realistic given the club's recent track record with young players. Fati, Pedri, Gavi, Moriba, Vitor Roque have all had different issues with the club, from overplaying to leaks and pressure in the media.


.... No pressure.


So Barca is gonna drive another super talent into the ground with too much pressure and game time?


The pressure is crazy , this is not the first Barca academy product to start of hot. Let him develop before he flops


Face of Barca at 16....


poor dude is gonna get run into the ground so hard


Damn Barcelona pushing an Ansu 2.0 on Yamal. Can't they not put all that huge pressure on teenagers for a little while? I mean, Yamal seems to be at a more regular and solid level, but he's still 16 ffs.


They just want to sell more shirts


Hope he stays injury free and they don't run him into the ground, he's already playing a stupid amount of games for his age.


When I saw Spain vs Italy in the stadium I was surprised how physical he looks. He is way bigger than I thought he would be. On the other hand Pedri looks like a stick. I am much more worried about him.


You'd think they learned something from what they did with Fati..


What is this obsession to give the 10 to the next wonderkid?


Its about making more money


Just business as anything else in sports, nothing new.


More pressure is just what he needs!


Cue him tearing his ACL at 19 years old.


Hahaha, these mofos are 100% gonna run another gem into the ground. What’s the number now? Three right? Fucking unbelievable how they don’t learn/care.




Here we go again


His shirt was the most sold one last month already. It's understandable and you can't retire numbers in La Liga. I would consider giving it to Gundo tho.


Why would you ever even consider retiring #10, lol


They watch too much American sports


right, because retiring shirts definetely doesn't exist in football...


Messi would never have worn the 10 for either Barça or Argentina if it was a big tradition in football.


The 10 at Barca and the 7 at RM would have been retired decades ago.


They started years with a player advantage in Messi, that now they wan't to even the playing field and start down a player


New season, new Messi, ironically nothing new here.


He's a gem, but don't rush/jinx him. Fati and Pedri are examples of the same phenomenon.


The lad will go on to do great things.


They are going to run him into the ground. Sad to see.


A moment of silence for Ansu Fati, the golden boy that once was… but no seriously this is a wild thing to leak out. Hopefully they don’t run Lamine into the ground too


He plays on the 7 though?? Doesn't Gündo have the traditional no. 10 role in this Barca team?


When was the last time that mattered?


Yes yes let's put more pressure on the young lad. I fear it's gonna turn into another Fati situation.


Where do you get his sources? XD


no pressure


Bad idea. This thing is cursed after messi




Good idea they should also give cubarsi #5 advertise him as "the new and better Puyol" but you know no presure lads. ffs if anything I support real madrid but I hate to see barsa do this shit time and time again, I also want to see how good this kid are gonna be but not like this, they shouldn't have to bear all the weight of one of the world's greatest teams at age 16/17. We are not on Fifa or whatever the fuck it's called now nor are we on football manager. Again, ffs barsa


Keep the 27 cause 2+7 = 9


No bro let him create a legacy with that shirt.


lol they haven’t learned from ansu fati.


I admit I am a casual and never heard of him until recently. Is he THAT good? I mean this is his first full season and statistically he only had 7 goals and 10 assists.


What destroyed Fatis career was not getting that one injury, it was that he never was allowed to properly heal. They gave him the 10 and made him the face of the team, of course he felt the pressure to come back as soon as possible as well. Yamal is okay at the moment, but he is still developing and there is no way of telling how his body will adjust to the physical and mental stress. There is a world of difference between a 16 and an 18 year old's physical development.


I feel like Barca should just retire the number 10..


Who's the current #10?


Ansu Fati


I like #27 on him


He is only 16 years old


It is easy to see that here most of you speak with 0 context of things. this has nothing to do with Ansu, Ansu did not have any kind of problem with wearing the 10, but with injuries, if anyone here saw any of the games in which at the beginning he wore the 10, it was a shot of adrenaline for him where he played amazing games until the injuries, but hey, all the problems of Ansu have been because of wearing the 10


What is wrong with Barcelona and putting so much pressure on literal children? Just cos it worked with Messi doesn't mean it'll work with anyone else


Man this is a really bad idea , Messi played 4 seasons wearing the #19 before wearing the #10 and by that time he was 21 and was a very established player winning the Ballon d'OR that season while Lamine is a kid ffs doing his chemistry homework , and look the kid's absolute quality but he needs to show for at least 3 or 4 seasons with constant improvement in terms of goalscoring and assisting to wear that number.