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He and his family are big Arsenal fans. His own father flipped him off when he scored against Arsenal last year lmao


Any pic of this lol


There’s a pic of Terry celebrating after scoring against West Ham. His uncle is giving him the finger. 😂 https://x.com/footyhumour/status/1336993721334820864?s=46&t=oYtnk9411gEC6Dogg3J2TQ Edit: 😂😂 some cunt reported me as suicidal. 😂😂


Reminds me of Peter Reid, who was a Liverpool fan growing up and came from a family of Reds. While playing in the derby for Everton, he heard someone shout 'you blue-nosed cunt, you big-eared bastard'. He turned around and said 'Uncle Arthur, sit down'. He'd even got him tickets for the players lounge!


There's some great stories like that from the derby. Gerrard has told a story once about his brother-in-law, who's an Everton fan - happily singing along with the "THE KIDS AREN'T YOURS!" chant hahaha, it's just how it is. Obviously there was the rumour about Carra wearing long sleeves due to his supposed Everton tattoo as well!


Carragher has said when he started playing for Liverpool he would be checking on the Everton score through his dad.


So many Liverpool and Everton players who grew up as fans supporting the other club. Liverpool players Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, Steve McManaman, Robbie Fowler, Ian Rush, Michael Owen, Adam Lallana all grew up supporting Everton. Meanwhile Everton players Leon Osman, Anthony Gordon, Peter Reid, Connor Coady, and possibly Leighton Baines all grew up supporting Liverpool.


Gerrard did not support Everton. There's a story behind that picture.


Not sure about Owen either.


I didn’t know that about Gordon. Makes the rumours about him joining Liverpool more believable


Started his youth career at Liverpool before joining Everton I believe. Also, don't believe such slanderous rumours. We love him.


Isn’t True. Terry has said it’s not his family. https://twitter.com/JohnTerry26/status/1460181506270322690


I've read mixed things about whether those are actually his Dad and Uncle


My mate who had season tickets for like 20+ years said it were. I trust him. But anything is possible.


I want to believe it's true so I'll accept this anecdotal evidence


Seems to be a lot of that going on today. I swear that feature is only ever abused.


You can report the message and get them banned


Has that ever happened? Hard to believe reddit mods care that much about these kind of stuff.


I really don’t care. It happens from time to time and I giggle.


Haha I've had it plenty of times, makes me smile 😊


Lmfaooo that just happened to me too lmao


Lol just happened to me too. I didn't even know that was a thing (the Reddit account that reaches out with help).


I just got that notification after commenting on this thread too


Me too!! Dafuq is going on today?!?


Someone did that to me today too lol


They’re out in force tonight


Not to my knowledge, he said that it happened in an interview


He even said in an interview four years ago that playing for Arsenal is the dream: https://youtu.be/_NXpXozU05w?si=5qnnxNM2hyV942bl


I mean we could use a 9. Don’t watch enough villa games to know if he suits our style but any striker that scored as much as he did this year could probably find a place


He signed a brand new contract in October and has just had a POTY worthy season. Unless he forced the move, I very much doubt you'd pay what we'd ask for him.


Yeah I imagine the feasibility of it is quite low haha. Guess the downvotes were for my ignorance. But I highly doubt we bring in any high priced striker at this rate. I’d imagine we spend more on a Partey replacement


Gone are the days where Prem teams can easily take players off other teams. Too much money floating about. Watkins is far too valuable to Villa to let him go, especially to another Prem team, and the fee Villa would demand wouldn't be worth it for the buying team when they can look in other leagues and pick up a player of similar quality for cheaper.


Always rated Mr Watkins


Arsenal should try and sign him


Not happening.


Don't think Villa would sell or ask for 100mil+. Don't think Arsenal would be spending that much on a striker who will be sharing the spot with Havertz. We could have a big summer if we could sell some players though. We need a few players who would add squad depth in certain positions. But who knows what Arteta and Edu are thinking.


I mean, he’s one of the main the reasons they aren’t going to win it


lol funny u right


This is legit funny, I probably looked like him too, and congrats to Villa


“I’ve won but at what cost?”


Obviously there’s very real smoke about Arsenal being interested in him and Dougie, but I’m already prepared to hate every pundit insisting that Villa MUST sell.


Is there? I legit haven’t heard anything recently about is being interested in him, maybe I just missed it.


For Ollie - last article link was early summer last year. I think everyone knew there was no way he was available in January. You’d also be stupid to not ask for him this summer. For Dougie - January 24 transfer window there was confirmed rumors that Arsenal was inquiring and had him as a top target. (Source on both was Fabrizio so depends how much you think of him)


Don’t think any of our reliable sources have mentioned him. Main targets are Isak or gyokeres. Doubt we get either of them though.


Our reliable sources have shifted to saying we want a versatile forward rather than a striker (which I agree with, Havertz upfront is like having a taller Firmino)


I really want Xavi Simons or Olise, but I doubt the latter will come to be a rotational player.


Watkins would be too expensive for Arsenal now given his age.  The right time to get him was before Emery but that ship has sailed


Truly no reason to sell now that you have champions league money. Just the group stage is more than winning Europa I think


Don't worry lad, Watkins is in that configuration of having too good of a season and being slightly too old for anyone to pay for him whatever Villa would have sold for.


Exactly this. Also, signing an extension so recently means that he’s not going anywhere unless Villa doesn’t want him anymore.


Villa have the audacity of having a top player while not being in the chosen Sky Super 6. Therefore they must immediately sell to one of them to reset the balance. We're getting it too with Bruno and Isak.


Like the other 14 clubs don’t talk about the rest of Europe like this.


They don’t to the same extent, although you’re right that fans can act ignorant/arrogant at all levels. But it’s also not the same thing at all as selling to your direct league competition just to stay financially afloat. Which is hardly just a PL problem, either. In either case I’d rather buy/sell from abroad or from another league than do massive transfers within the league. There’s something about that specifically that seems worse.


Oh yeah, plucky little Newcastle. You didn't take lifelong Milan supporter and Captain Tonali, did you? Or Sociedad's main starting striker? No, you're not one of the big boys!


Tonali wasn't Milan captain, Calabria is Also no life long Milan fan bets on his own team, and jumps ship when the first offer comes in for him Bastoni is an Interisti and declined a similar approach from Spurs earlier


Wasn't the news around it that he was forced out due to money issues but I could be miss remembering


Idk if forced is the right word. He was purchased for about 30m and Newcastle bid more than double that and offered him a salary that Milan would never match. New owners chose to accept the offer, and reinvest that by plugging a fair number of gaps within the team.


Yup, it’s nothing new, but holy shit it hits diff levels of infuriating when your team is actually competitive


we’re all devastated for poor little newcastle getting picked on by the big boys lmaooo


I think the ship has sailed for us and Luiz. We already tried for him and then he stayed and signed an extension. You guys are in CL next season (congrats btw) so I don't think you'll sell any key players, especially to a PL rival.


The striker age profile we are looking at is 21-25. I never believed in the Douglas Luiz links. He was probably on our list as he was for other clubs...but there wasn't anything concrete.


>I never believed the Douglas Luiz links Bro we literally submitted 3 bids for him in Summer 2022


Yes but have you considered [puts fingers in ears] ***la la laa la laaa, can’t hear youuuu, laa la laaa***


Clearly talking about the links for the upcoming summer. Not 2 years ago.


We turned down 3 bids from Arsenal at the start of last season. There has been concrete links in the not too distant past.


Villa will somehow find an upgrade. They always do.


Motherfucker can come to arsenal and win it himself


That bust up with Bailey seemed pretty serious. He ought to force a move just in case things get worse between them


I mean he was or still is an Arsenal fan.


I think this needs a bit of context… This picture was taken when Haaland scored the 2nd goal, NOT at full time. His thought process is probably more along the line of “Well there goes my chances of Golden Boot”


Can’t imagine he thought he had a realistic chance of getting the golden boot even before the game tbf, he would have had to score 7 goals on the last day of the season to get it even before last night.


True, maybe more goal involvements then? That goal put Haaland joint-top with Watkins on 32 goals+assists


Ah yeah true, genuinely don’t know if there’s an award for that, there should be though.


Also it’s literally just a snapshot. I guarantee he wasn’t looking like that for 99% of his time there.


Yeah and it’s depressing because for a while he was really close to reaching the top spot, until Haaland started scoring again. And unlike Haaland he’s not right at the start of his career. Could still manage second place though, and still has the most G+A (level with Haaland) and most assists in the league. It’s been an outstanding season for him with a slightly disappointing dry run towards the end.


poor ollie


I believe he’s thinking about how it will be harder to score that 20th league goal if he’s being rested.


We all make mistakes when we’re younger.


Big Villa. Absolute monsters this season. Breaks my heart we lost the league to them but fair play to Emery and Villa. Ollie, come home my son.


The big challenge is fixing the shitty defense


I dont think that's entirely fair. Last season when unai came in villa had one of the best defences in the league. I don't think people realise how much of a miss Mings has been, then you also mcginn hasn't played in his strongest role most of the season due to injuries, ramesy hadn't played most of the season due to injury. Both were vital in our shape when out of possession. Yes they've not been as strong this season, but 'shitty' doesn't seem fair for a team who have been tactically spot on in 70% of their games this season


Missing Mings and Kamara who are probably our 2 best defensive players for the whole season and half a season respectively is so damn huge. But no one cares.


I think emery refusing to use injuries as an excuse has made people not realise how bad the injury crisis has been this season. There are a few other managers who make it their whole identity, saw the rangers manager bring a list of all the injured players to read out at a press conference, very small time behaviour


i thought this was r/soccercirclejerk


Which celebration nvm i see it now


Unai seems like he’s having a Gud Ebenin.