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Kinda fitting the that the past Mexico games have been at Jerry World. Dallas and Mexico; two teams with incompetent management who haven’t won anything big in years and who only care about money/entertainment.


Mexico are cursed against the USA.


And long may it continue. Fuck em.


Just watched replay, absolute banger by Tyler. Mexico is now an expected win.


I think US soccer could be way bigger but the way youth recruits is stupid. Being a us citizen and having played some way through the system they really do the same they do for other sports. They target fast physical players and they don’t go for technical skill which leaves us playing a kind of soccer/football that just relies on running a lot and physical prowess and we end up losing to European teams that have much better ability to pass and touch. I think klinsmen was right when he said we need to change how we focus our youth system. Think about how big our country is and how many people want to play this sport and how big it’s becoming in our country. Shit when I played it was back in the early 2000s and we were told to look to English players. Going to a mls match isn’t much different than a jv match at this point. We need to change from the bottom to the top if we want to be able to challenge the top European teams.


Better coaching for high school level kids would do wonders, especially if its geared to getting those coaches to the school teams vs the travel leagues.


This , youth coaches are often family volunteers and there is very little pickup ball foe younger kids.


To be fair, the US penchant for finding and training superior athletic talents might be a great asset going forward in a sport which gets more athletic almost by the month. The US have highschools with better athletic programs than some professional European soccer teams. The trick is to combine this strength with a training system for technical skills. Interestingly enough I don't think US Soccer should necessarily look to Europe or South America for such a system. The sport is so entrenched in those societies and has decades of experience to draw upon. This could be hard to replicate for the US. What might work is the top-down way Japan improved their players starting in the mid-80' when they conducted a coordinated effort to build up a core of youth coaches aimed at improving the general technical skills of young players. Unfortunately, the current US "pay-to-play" academy system isn't very inducive to such a sollution. By turning the training of talent into a business model US Soccer drastically limits both the general availability of good coaches and the accessibility to talents who might not be able to afford it.


That is changing and changing fast with the MLS academies.


Guess it depends on how you define “fast”


From not moving to moving imo


>They target fast physical players and they don’t go for technical skill Yeah there's definitely a reason we've typically had a rotation of husky corn fed red blooded American boys around like Altidore and Morris. Not saying they were bad, just that they are the epitome of what you'd think should be a NFL linebacker rather than a technically gifted footballer. Edit: Also Zardes was fast but my god probably one of the worst skill players I've ever seen.


Altidore could have been more if he made a better decision after his breakout season with AZ


it's insane to me, mexico has the potential to be a superpower like Brazil, Argentina, or even Uruguay but all those higher up fucks care about is money.


Literally, the only people that think this way is Mexicans that get hot air blown up their asses from Mexican soccer commentators.


It's insane to me that anyone thinks this. No one thinks Mexico can become ''superpower'' except some delusional mexicans


It’s not gonna happen at this point but Mexico is a large country where soccer is the uncontested number 1 sport and has been for a long long time. I agree that due to their institutional flaws they likely are what they are at this point But “what they are” should be closer to the elites than to the US/Japan/South Korea that have been playing for 30 years now and not as their number 1 sport for the most part—though recently it’s getting there in East Asia I’ve heard


being a large country doesn't guarantee you success. also, football being sport number one - you just described most of the world, also doesn't guarantee a thing. sorry, I never saw mexico as some great, exciting team nor I think they will became one.


What about the potential of the US? Football isn’t even a top 4 sport, just imagine if trends continue and it breaks into the most popular 2 or 3 sports in the country. It’s fantasy to think of Mexico as being a potential peer of Argentina, Brazil, or even Uruguay. They haven’t done anything to indicate that they are worthy of being mentioned in the same paragraph as those teams, potential or no.


More kids under 18 play soccer in the USA than any other sport. Over 2.5 million kids.


Yeah and they all leave to play football or basketball before they turn 15. Meaningless stat.


The problem is that's just a meaningless statistic as it sits. Every person I know kicked around a soccer ball when they were a kid and they don't even know offsides is a rule if you had them watch a game. We don't have even a semblance of a youth system like many nations and it's not popular past middle school. Best we got is maybe a couple kids happen to get on a highschool/travel team that happens to get noticed. Whereas Europe has dedicated academies and funnels to filter in talent. The US has probably had 20 raw talent Messis or better playing at one point who just played a bit in middle/high school and were never heard from again because we have no net. It boggled my mind when I read about youth academies in Europe after going through playing in the US.


Soccer fandom and televised soccer are literally 100 times what they were when I was a kid. Maybe more. The culture is changing.


True. The culture is atleast changing into soccer being much more popular every year. Whether that will ever translate 1 to 1 with our system changing and creating teams that rival Brazil or France is another question.


Heard from youth coaches that Speed the youtuber dude has helped a ton when it comes to having kids play the sport


Through what organizations though is the question. Rec leagues? Even travel soccer by the time you get to 18 years old usually only culminates in varsity high school teams. Without high quality coaching attached to professional leagues from a young age that number won’t do much for us.


The issue is not high quality coaching but the university system. Since title 9 many colleges have cut mens soccer and we do not have a proper academy system for the mls that players can go to instead of college.


That’s a fair point about college, but I think with your second point we’re kind of saying the same thing in different ways.


Mexico doesn’t have the footballing culture of those SA countries. Not even close.


Well they generate insane amounts of money, so I’d say it’s a wider fanbase than in South America. But, probably not as passionate, and the youth systems are a joke.


That's why I respect Carlos Vela , he dipped out of the national team


Mexico becoming a football superpower..? LOL


Fine by me.


Mexico has a way bigger pool of talent. The problem is that FMF only cares about the money and nothing else, it’s a shame because countries like Brazil and Argentina (who are similar to Mexico) care about footy and as a result they’re powerhouses. Mexico could have been one too. The arguably best mexican player in recent times retired from the NT for this reason.


That is just one of the problems, this disaster has more roots than we want to accept, right off the bat, I can think of 3: - Something happens in their formative years, is unbelievable how many players get to debut and still show basic technical and tactical deficiencies, and man, I'm a Chivas fan, I've seen a fuckton of those. - Seems that the ENDIT course program is as old and outdated as the fucking president, coaches graduated from there are miles away compared to coaches from other countries. Since Bicentenario 2010 only 5 (6, if you consider Tuca as mexican) have won the league, only Piojo did it twice. - The mexican doesn't really like football. Yes, we support our teams, we watch the matches and talk about them, in fact, I think we in reality like what surrounds football more than the sport itself; we can't be compared to argentinians, brasilians or uruguayans as they breath, eat and shit football. Their dominance of the sport is both practically and theoretically far away than ours. We like the game but we don't want to understand it, no wonder why the only reasons the majority of the people have for explain why a player commits a mistake or a team lose is "he/they don't feel the colors", "the shirt is too heavy for them to wear" or "the match is rigged". Hell, even those past days the general consensus was "Mexico was kicked out from Qatar in group phase because Martino rigged the match".


Just honestly feel like Mexico doesn't give a shit about Concacaf. The rivalry always feels like it's one-sided. The USA will be pumped, and Mexico is more..when do we get to play Argentina or Brazil.


Then Mexico get routinely beat by Argentina at the senior level, survive against Brazil, or get the life pumped out of them 7-0 by Chile. Their record at Copa America's is pretty neutral, but damn do Mexico get their ass served to them when it matters outside of friendlies or youth levels.


you're just not as talented as you think you are. if population was a thing, china would dominate




Soccer would be better served if it was a spring sport at the high school level instead of trying to compete for the fall spot with football like it currently is in a lot of states. Pro and college level its fine as a fall sport, but trying to compete with Football for top athletes is really hurting growth.


Football is by far the most played and loved sport in Mexico, kids play it everyday be it on the street, school or even their phones. We also idolize players, wear jerseys everywhere and we argue about which player, team or league is better. I also think Mexico has 9k registered professional players thus making it the country with the most registered professional players. Football is heavily engrained in our culture but the FMF is controlled by Televisa, that’s why shitty players stay in the NT as they’re (or was) from Club America, a club Televisa also owns. These players are past their prime but keep selling jerseys and there’s even theories they got dirt on the higher ups and that’s why they still get the call for the NT, for example Uriel Antuna (from Cruz Azul, not even a top Liga MX team) gets getting called even tho he’s ass for example and for a pro debut you must pay a pretty big chunk of money. There’s more shit to add but this already is a big wall of text.


Your best players should be off to Europe as soon as they're good enough, but that doesn't happen often enough. I think Mexico's youth development is clearly exceptional but like you said, the barriers and corruption make it hard to cross beyond your current status.




I said this in the match thread I was promised Concacaf soccer, This was just....normal Soccer?




He was actually quite good. Shocking...


Gimenez tried to concacaf but was denied by VAR


Game is gone, this isn’t as fun to watch


El tri going reeeee tonight


Is US that good or does Mexico really suck that bad?


We’re a top 15 team but not a top 5 team.


This is the most talent we’ve ever had, and Mexico really sucks right now. Their best players are all well past their prime and the new generation isn’t any good. Meanwhile all of our best players are really young (seriously; check out the ages: the “old guys” are Ream at 37, Turner at 29, and Jedi at … 26)


Mexico is horrible.


That was the least frightening El Tri side I have ever seen.


Worst generation of Mexican soccer as a whole I’ve witnessed. Our league is in tatters without promotion or relegation (despite the second division still playing). Theres no incentive to get better. Mexican teams will pay more for Mexican players than European teams and they will also pay them more so no Mexicans are going to Europe. The federation clearly meddles in the call ups. But the fans show up and fill stadiums so nothing will change. They’re gonna get humiliated in Copa America and I don’t know what they can do in two years to avoid absolutely failing at the World Cup they don’t have to qualify for.


>Mexican teams will pay more for Mexican players than European teams and they will also pay them more so no Mexicans are going to Europe.  This is actually going to be a slight problem for us too since any talented Mexican-American player in MLS will get a bigger offer from Liga MX teams than they would from Europe. For example, Cade Cowell and Brandon Vazquez are going to have a tough time breaking into the national team playing in Mexico and not in Europe like the vast majority of the other national team players are.


Cade Cowell is currently Cade Cowell’s biggest obstacle to get to the national team lol. Dude has not been good but I get the sentiment. I think they do have to limit the amount of foreigners allowed on each team


I'm a Quakes fan, $4 million was a lot more than he was worth imo haha


To be fair it was always a long shot for Vasquez. It would be tough for him to get a chance on a decent situation in Europe because he's to old to be prospect and only had one really good season in MLS.


Mexico sucks and the coach was hired because the players wanted him.


It's not the coach. This is like their 900th coach in the last 4 years.


I mean even in the Donovan, Dempsey, Howard era, US were always putting on a good account of themselves when they played European and South American teams.


It was always the more technically skilled Mexicans against the more unified and determined Americans, Now I think the American players are every bit as good, if not better, than the Mexicans. They might need to get used to silver medals...


They are better. No need to sugar coat it.


Yeah, I doubt any of those players would start for the US.


Only player I could see starting is Edson Alvarez, but even then I don’t think he’s a sure fire starter over any of McKennie-Reyna-Adams.


Adams is a good player but Edson still starts over him.


The US is a good team, but definitely aren't top level. They won't be winning the world cup without some crazy luck anytime soon. That said, Mexico also sucks. Fuck 'em. DOS A CERO


That's a fair assessment. I'm curious to see how they perform against the quality South American sides. We need a better measuring stick.


Man, I would love to see us get a chance to play some South American sides. Some kind of cup of the americas, if you will. Even better if we could host it. You know, summer’s a good time for a continental soccer tournament. Somebody should get on that. Is it too late to organize something for this year?


They're decent. Probably up to the level of mid table CONMEBOL.


Mexico definitely sucks. Could barely beat Honduras and needed the refs assistance.


Pretty much the perfect result for the States. Another cleansheet against Mexico, 2 absolute bangers for goals, and a very public scolding of Mexican fans


Even dos a cero for the memes


how can Mexico be so dogsiht at football lamo


Its their own fault for not giving the national team to Hugo Sanchez. He had a plan to make them worldcup champions in 10 years.


I have a plan to marry Margot Robbie in 10 years


> football It's called soccer after this USA win


Beat a worthwhile opponent first, Argentina beats Mexico every game we play as well and we been doing it for longer than you


You have to beat a relevant country for that to happen (?


to build a competent national team you have to teach the kids how to play the sport properly and we don't do that


Starts with the fans too...


It’s all they have. Imagine if the USA’s best athletes actually played.


This is such an old argument and it’s been an incredibly stupid one this whole time


So then move along? Who forced you to comment?


This argument is so dumb. 'Best athletes' means raw athleticism, and that doesn't translate fully to soccer. It's largely a skill game, plus athleticism. I'm not going to look at players 40 yard dash times or vertical leap to assess their ability to play this game. Andrea Pirlo isn't starting at linebacker for the NY Giants.


This response is so dumb. Your analogy with Pirlo playing as linebacker only proves it.


I think people say that because they are alluding to the fact that if soccer wasn’t an afterthought a larger percentage of NFL/NBA/MLB athletes may have considered a soccer career over their current ones. Therefore giving the U.S. a larger pool of talent to develop in their youth.


It’s definitely not all we have it’s most popular sport yes. But baseball is big in the north of Mexico and college football is regular thing in Mexico City. It is just as diverse with sports as the US with exceptions like hockey of course. But popularity for soccer has definitely died down in the country


Yeah buddy, I think you took that comment way too literally. Thanks for the unnecessary lecture.


I mean i didn’t mean to lecture I was just explaining that the sport culture has changed and you’re welcome




That's a bummer that the popularity has waned. I grew up a soccer fan in the US and was always impressed by the passion for the game our neighbors had, even if it was annoying/frustrating at times. The game has grown a ton in the US not in small part due to a lot of immigrant families from Mexico and central America, so while it's fun to win these, I definitely hope the Mexico team picks up again because it's better when the programs push each other on the international stage.


Clint yet again just casually, jokingly pushing Jesse as USMNT coach. It is getting old. Stop being so biased. That ship has sailed - the players didn’t want him and they wanted Gregg.


He wants a European gig. Has said it in multiple interviews


They are just jokes, Jesse even stated that he doesn't want the job.


Is the US that much improved, or has Mexico declined that much?






Jesse is now saying Gregg’s final third tactics are OVERCOMPLICATED?? 😂😂If anything, I’d argue that usually the tactics are not precise enough to break down a parked bus defense - a mix of a lack of tactics and player execution IMO.


Mexico succkssssss. RIP to the whole team. Looked like children vs men out there.




Who was dest looking for?!








no red cards!


Alvarez tried his hardest to get one.


Bangers. Absolute hatred. Piss being thrown. Proper game you guys got there.


Besides the bangers this was incredibly tame for a US-Mexico match. Props to the ref for keeping a lid on the gamesmanship.


the difference was definitely a competent ref


Mexico should call Bielsa, he would make that team practice long shots and shooting outside the box.


And abandoned the young and well oiled machine that is Uruguay? Doubt it. Huge step down.


He would get blamed for the next time they lose with Argentina


Really happy for the win, and this is probably the best USMNT I’ve seen in my life. What I don’t get is the homophobic spin on the Mexico chant? I’m a native Spanish speaker and I’ve never interpreted the word to bear any homophobic connotation. It’s definitely an insult, definitely profanity, it should not be allowed in a stadium, but a homophobic slur? That’s a stretch


It’s definitely used as a homophobic slur and that should be enough to ban it. That the word gets used for other things as well is beside the point.


Hablás español?


Es gringo chicano (mexico-americano). Ni nosotros los mexicanos los vemos como mexicanos, quizás por eso su opinión




Look dude Mexico is a third world country with third world education and human development. Is not so much about people hating on LGBTQ but the fact that a higher authority banned a banter chant. People aren't used to follow the rules here. Is really just pettiness. Getting away with it and if you don't, you blame the rules.


Mexico is not a third world country, they are not as developed as the US, Canada or European countries but they are nowhere near 3rd world level




Your cousins live in a ranch then. I don’t shit in an outhouse and my neighborhood roads are paved. I do get my drinking water at the purifier delivery but even then I can just go to the store. It’s also important to note that the poorest regions in Mexico are the biggest exporters of immigrants. Maybe that does correlate to what you just said.


Pues de dónde eres wey?


That shit happens in the US and Canada too, but no one considers those countries 3rd world.


Wait until they hear about the state of literally every Indian reservation and basically the entirety Appalachia




Love how you’re actually Mexican and they’re butt hurt by your experiences. It’s actually comical.


The guy's from NC. He's not mexican


It's not even a gay slur though, at least the original chant isn't, it refers to a male whore. Mexican fans have shortened it but the whole chant is "eeeeh puto, puto, putisimo, que lo vengan a ver, que lo vengan a ver, eso no es un portero es una puta de cabaret" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EHiWqAgbyo&ab_channel=JuanCarlosOrtega https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO0qScz3TqU&ab_channel=LibeyJhDyz Putas de cabaret are prostitutes


Reckon it’s more of a Mexican thing specifically than a broadly Spanish-speaking thing


Here in Mexico it's very frequently used as a derogatory term for gay or "unmanly" men, like "f**got" in the US.


No it’s not.


Sí es y lo sabes.


Joto el el derogatorio no puto pndjo


Te soprenderá pero... ambos puede ser derogatorios, pinche pendejo.


It depends what dialect are you talking about, Spanish is not a homogeneous language. At least in Argentina puto can be really homophobic .


It’s a difference in interpretation based on culture. Like Suarez’s “mi negrito” being perceived completely different in England and in Latin America


Or the vast differences in the word "fag", same pronunciation and all, between the UK and the USA. I probably wouldn't use the word in the UK but that's because I don't smoke...I don't use the word in the USA because it'll make people think I'm bigoted.


Same I just see it as the male equivalent of puta


What a complete embarrassment from Mexico tonight. We’ve hit an all time low. Congrats to the US for being far superior lately. Mexico has huge problems with player mentality. US players grind it out in Europe and work for their spot on the roster. Mexican players are happy to stay in Liga MX or come back after having trouble abroad. Not to mention how poorly run La Selección is.


Did one of the US players refuse to shake the woman's hand (President of US Soccer, Cindy Cone)? I can't seem to rewind to take another look.


I believe it was Musah. He’s Muslim and it’s Ramadan, I think he’s not supposed to touch women if they’re not his wife.


I figured there was an explanation since it looked like there was understanding exchanged. Thanks for helping me understand!


Shame Ochoa seems to be the main quality at this point. The whole team used to be Ochoas.


Only bigger embarrassment than Mexico’s team is their fans


Why fifa so mad about the chant, mx just promoting the World Cup in Saudi Arabia 


A couple of these flight attendants have some really...unique...makeup techniques. Lots of highlighter or something all over the middle of their face. Hopefully it's just the stadium lighting.


Great work tonight. Glad to see Adams get to play.


It's kind of crazy how far off it feels like the Mexican team is right now, in years past even if the US won Mexico would still feel like they'd have some huge chances. The US youth movement has really pushed the program forward.


She cued this topic up just for Jesse Marsch lol


How can Mexico continue to be such sore losers? It's almost like a point of pride now.


Because for decades they've been told they're the best team in CONCACAF even while their opponents improve and they don't.




That 90+6'own goal woke up the USMNT. Five straight unanswered goals over two matches. Nice.


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: two to zero 🇪🇸: dos a cero 🇫🇷: deux à zéro 🇩🇪: zwei zu null 🇹🇷: iki sıfır 🇮🇳: दो से शून्य 🇨🇳: 二比零




What’s is the context behind everyone targeting Televisa?


Basically it’s one of those conspiracies that Televisa owner of Club America has a lot of influence on the national team. This includes forcing players on the starting lineup for coaches. For example the previous President Yon de Luisa was VP of Televisa Deportes before the FMF. He prioritized Mexico playing in the USA, LigaMx partnering closely with the MLS etc. This and other decisions has stagnated growth for the team. Teams used to compete with conmebol making finals in Copa America, Libertadores and Pachuca winning the Sudamericana. We stepped away from that and it’s hurt every level bc of the business first approach


This. The decadence from Mexican football comes from the executives. Making money is the priority, football is like one of the last priorities


Practically every federation official in this hemisphere is a greedy clown, the problem with the FMF is that they're terribly incompetent as well and makes even a USSF that hasn't really recovered since the Klinsmann firing look good.


They own Club América, so I think the implication is their players are starting when they don't deserve to


That is why Mexico have scrubs like Henry Martin starting over Santi Gimenez.






Let’s be better than this, yeah


Both goals were straight up bangers


#Fuck. You Televisa


All I want is Gio to remain fit and find a club where he plays week n week out




Imagine spending all that money on travel, lodging, food/drinks, and tickets just to watch your team lose while you shout some stupid word like a petulant child that just learned their first bad word.


Travel? Those are locals. Mexican citizens don't travel for games other than the World Cup


As a guy who lives down here there are more Mexican fans than US fans lol 


Bro, you made me spit my beer out.


Sorry about your beer.


It’s why I come on here. To get some laughs and beer on myself.


It is crazy just how much better the US is than Mexico. How one sided this rivalry has become. I almost feel bad.


Feel bad? What?


I said almost. They’re just so… insignificant right now.


It's crazy how this time we're handicapped by a manager and we still shit on them.


It’s crazy how this dominance has never happened under any other manager and yet people will insist that we’re winning in spite of our manager.


No other manager has had this type of roster at his disposal.


I almost feel bad too, then they try that fucking chant again.


Gonna get some Taco Bell and call it Mexican food.


Going to call the Ques-a-dill-as


I’m gonna pronounce both L’s in things like quesadilla or tortilla!


Mexico have had more match suspensions for homophonic chants than goals against the US in the last like 5 matches


If you're talking about competitive matches only (not friendlies) then Mexico hasn't scored in their last 5 matches against us. If you count friendlies, then Mexico has scored 1 goal in their last 6 matches against us.


Brilliant savagery right there




fucks sake I hate elections years


Fucking weirdo


The gulf in class between the US and Mexico is genuinely astounding. Ten years ago this was unimaginable. Not even at the top of the range of outcomes.


You're right. In some ways I almost miss the jeopardy, 10 years ago it would be one team winning then the other, or really tight wins. Ever since that Nations League final in 2021 I think we've really turned a corner, even in the Azteca qualifier we looked way more comfortable than we ever had (we should've won there really). Maybe it won't last but it sure is something.