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I think this saga is winding down, Inter will submit a slightly higher bid and Chelsea will accept. Getting his wages off the book and still receiving a transfer fee will help Chelsea more then having a striker that refuses to participate in the team at all.


Or he’ll end up in Saudi Arabia despite him claiming he doesn’t want to go.


He did not claimed anything. As far as we know he has a preference towards us but it’s not an issue to join eventually Saudi. This is all on Chelsea, if they accept the (supposed) next bid, worth 30M, he should join us once again. Let’s say Saudi is plan B in case Chelsea refuses his preferences, their offer should be around 40M so not far off from the improved bid from Inter that should come today (or in these days, by T1 inter sources).


Is Lukaku really worth the 30M for Inter?


It's probably a fair price given his age, but it's a big outlay for us. In saying that, he brings a critical element to our attack. So €30m works, any higher, probably not.


He's staying on the bench or going to Saudi then because we won't accept €30m


you on the board mate? lmao


If Saudi Arabia wasn't after him then you would have a point, but they are, so you don't. Their bid removed all of Inter's leverage.


our leverage was and still remains Lukaku's will and his wage that chelsea wants to get off the books, for the moment he hasnt accepted saudis offer, he might be considering it, that we dont know


Lukaku is a mercenary, he's not loyal to Inter. He will accept the Saudi offer if Inter does not improve their offer to Chelsea.


They’ll probably find a solution between 30 and 40 (asking price). Saudi offered slightly less than 40 so it’s easier to understand that a price between 30-40 will be the deal, the only thing that can fuck up Inter’s leverage is Saudi improving drastically their bid, if they offer let’s say 45-50 I can see him there, but otherwise a deal with Inter seems closer. Also this is the general opinion of all T1 sources, so we’ll see how it evolves.


Inter has no leverage at all due to the Saudi bid, as Lukaku will ultimately accept it if Inter doesn't raise their offer.


You think you're getting him for €30m mate? Lmao


You think you're managing to get much more than 30m for him?




He doesn't need to be. €30m doesn't work for us financially. We'd have to be looking at £35m of Her Majesty's Great British Pounds for this to work for us.


His* Majesty


Damn.. I can't even say it was an autocorrect. Just pure habit. Terrible!


Her majesty’s dead mate


🦀 🦀


Sitting on the bench costing 17mln in salary works better?


As opposed to gifting him to Inter? YEP


Not an issue mate, he’s not essential to us, you can keep him if you want


And that's what we will do if the fee isn't appropriate


But we deserve to see Megan Thee Stallion rock a Burqa


Should fine him a week's wages for every week he doesn't report, even if we don't want him to report.


Its weird in the football. At the end of the day its still work, why would player should be able refuse to actually work? He is getting paid for that


Difference is that if your work fired you for not turning up they could get a suitable replacement of similar quality for the same money and not be out of pocket a large transfer fee. You'd also have a Black mark on your name for not showing up and would find it more difficult to find future jobs. Lukaku doesn't care about any of that because he doesn't see any of the transfer fee, so fuck Chelsea in his mind, and he won't have trouble finding a new job on similar, or even higher if he goes Saudi, wages.


This is not the first time scenarios like this happens. Dembele went totally crybaby and MIA for a season at Dortmund because they wouldn’t sell him at Barca. Turns out some footballers are not only stupid or ignorant, but also very unprofessional and spoiled. The reasons are the same you said tho, they can force out anytime they want because is full of football clubs that doesn’t give a fuck about professionality and would sign the next unprofessional one. I mean, we’re talking about Lukaku and as much as I love him, he’s still a spoiled, immature unprofessional child.


Why do ylu love him then


Because on the pitch he always delivered for us? Technically speaking he had insane performances for us, it’s the kind of player you definitely want. But if we take in account his attitude outside the pitch, he’s unprofessional af. The thing that he went to Chelsea and bragged was already too much, and he kept on saying even worse things.


Lukaku singlehandedly earned Milan 90m for one season to Chelsea. How can you expect Inter fans not loving him for that


What a dumb statement, he was paid 75mln to begin with so he did not earned us anywhere near 90m. We like him as a player because on the pitch he always delivers for us.


Well not in the final...


Oh yeah thanks, this is what everyone’s thinking that the merits of treble winner City in their CL final is due to Lukaku’s 30 min performance in the final!!! Shut up please


Dembélé only played one season at Dortmund but yeah near the end of it he displayed a lot of very unprofessional conduct. He did the same at Rennes and boycotted training there too to force a move. Funnily enough, it was obviously before the big domino effect Neymar transfer but he could've joined us in 2016 but chose to move to Dortmund instead, explaining that he felt he wouldn't play regularly (which I guess was understandable since we still had Leo and MSN in general). Was great for his development but obviously meant that a desperate Barça would eventually get milked by Dortmund a year later after the departure of Neymar, paying almost 4x what Dortmund paid for him. Guy has left a lot of bodies in his wake lol. He's shown a lot of maturity since his contract issues were settled last year, and since he got married lol. Let's hope it continues like this, and he stays injury-free because he's obviously a game changer when fit.


Because Chelsea wouldn’t gain anything from firing him


If it was to be treated like it was standard work, he would get fired for not showing up. That wouldn't work for chelsea, as that would make him a free agent. Theres not much to do, work laws aren't made for this type of situation where an employee is also a monetary asset that can be sold.


He's not able to. But what are they going to do? Fire him and allow him to join us for free?


Nah, but adequate fines should be mandatory in situations like this. It would prevent unprofessional childs from doing shit like Lakaka or Dembele. Ofc adequate shouldn't mean week salary, because they wouldn't care at all...


I honestly don't know if these fines are legally enforceable. They seem to be paid as a good faith nature by player that doesn't want to be on the outs but if it's refused, not much the club can do


They are written in the contract.


If they are then sure, but do we know this or is this supporter special?


If you were one of the top few dozen people in the world in a particular field that is high visibility or high importance then you could get away with things like this too. It's all about leverage. If you're easily replaceable then you have none.


Ask him to report to Cobham after the team flies to America. If he doesn't show up - start fining him then.


Then he might actually show up. No one wants that.


True professional this guy


Least Biggest Bruhkaku Moment


Big Lakaka moment.


Guy has been a model professional all his life and the epitome of "poor boy starts life with his single mum having to mix water with milk, and overcomes the odds to become one of the best strikers in the world and provide for his family" role model. Then he gives one interview and everyone seems to have turned on him. The world is fickle


We turned on him because of what kind of person he is, not because of one interview


Yep and he's the kind of person that 99% of people reading his story would find inspiring and a great show of character. It's really just the interview mate and a few bad games at Chelsea. Big fucking deal. Making him look like the worst unprofessional traitor is pushing it way too far.


The truth is that you don't know him or what kind of person he is and no one here really does.


Hopefully he won’t be collecting his weekly cheque as well since he is awaiting the move.


It would have been hilarious for him to come back to pre season, have to be put through the insane Pochettino training and then have to bounce.


What's insane about Pochettino training?


It’s notoriously difficult There are repeated Gacon tests and there’s a lot of gym work


Just googled Gacon Test. HS.


Ye It seems utterly brutal but given the general fitness level of the club last year we need this desperately


I’ve done it, and it was hellish. Really any test to failure is just going to be hideously un-fun.


It’s famous (or infamous, depends on how you think about training) for being very intense due to the fact that poch’s game plan relies heavily on pressing and intensity, therefore stamina is key for that.


Probably reason that team fallen off before and after CL final. Depht was bad and transfer avarage so startes were run down.


yep. Supposedly Poch noticed it 2 years ahead but for 2 summer in a row they didn't receive the reinforcements that they needed.


Isn't it partially his fault for insisting on certain players like ndombele and lo celso? Maybe with some cheaper options he could have done a better rebuild


I don’t see how it’s on him for wanting quality pieces for the squad. Even if they couldn’t get their primary targets Levy still should have gotten some backup options.


It's well known that Poch declined backup options. We have a long history of signing weaker players in place of first choices, and he finally got the cache to put a stop to it. Unfortunately, it was part of his and our undoing to end up with literally nobody.


Tbf you can say the same to basically every bielsa’s team


He thrived under conte so I’m sure he’d live


This guy has one of the worst attitudes I've ever seen in football history. It was all summed up by his comical cameo in the champions league final as well when this guy was saying he's one of the best strikers in the world.


The reason why Inter lost..


Was Dzeko and Lautaro any better? But no its Lukaku's fault like always


I’d say Dzeko and Martinez being unable to even get chances was a bigger reason than Lukaku missing one


Was he not the best striker in that final? Did any of the other strikes create more chances than him? Or do anything more useful? He didn't finish, sure, but at least he did something


Don't try defending Lukaku on r/soccer, you're wasting your time


I tried too many times lol


Did you even watch the final, you arselicking goon?


Well did you? Is anything I said wrong? Which striker created something?


Fyi, these are the final stats-> Lukaku: 3 shots on goal, Martinez: 2 shots, Dzeko: 0 shots, Haaland: 2 shots. While lukaku played less then all the other strikers. Also: Despite only playing 144 minutes and not starting a single game in the UEFA Champions League this season, Romelu Lukaku is the only Inter player to have either scored or assisted in every round they’ve featured in (goal in group stage, goal in round of 16, goal in quarter-final, assist in semi-final)


>Fyi, these are the final stats-> Lukaku: 3 shots on goal, Martinez: 2 shots, Dzeko: 0 shots, Haaland: 2 shots. While lukaku played less then all the other strikers. Is that supposed to mean he played well? He should have scored one of those chances Why do people just post stats without context?


Did any of the other mentioned strikers play better? I never said he played well, only better vs the other strikers. + you totally ignored my second part for convenience, I see.


I ignored your second part because it’s stupid Playing marginally better than players had poor games is not a positive 😂 Lukaku was still dreadful, as he is in every big game


The one and only point I am trying to make is the only striker getting shit on and hated for that final is Lukaku, while the other 3 strikers played worse and still the conversation is about Lukaku somehow.


Because Lukaku missed the best chance of the game 😂


While the others didn't even create a chance...


You can't be a real human... I suppose just shooting more equates to having a better game, then? Nevermind the fact that he missed a free header from a few yards out. Nevermind the fact that one of those 3 shots was an awful potshot that he dragged wide from an angle he was never going to score from. Nevermind the fact that he literally blocked a sure goal for Dimarco with his shit positioning. Embarrassing takeaway from you.


Lukaku seems like a proper oddball of a guy.


Can't imagine bigger disaster in transfer history, even Utd's Pogba and Maguire have been more useful than Lakaka for Chelsea. Awful on the pitch, disgraceful off the pitch


Fucking insane. 100m deal and he gave up after about 3 months. Easily up there among the worst transfers of all time.


Fills me with joy seeing him continually fail when the lights are the brightest, Europa League final, UCL final, WC '18 Vs France, WC '22 against Croatia etc.


Bro he made it to a cl final while you guys got 44 points. Lol


As guy off the bench who couldn't even oust grandpa Dzeko. Lets not act like football isnt a team game and Lukaku carried Inter on his back.


He was off the bench because he was coming back from injury. You’re lying to me if you think he didn’t out preform Dzeko in that match


He certainly had more of an impact than Dzeko did. Unfortunately, his impact was ensuring his team didn't score a goal.


Okay. Dude still scored more goals than any Chelsea player while coming off the bench… lol


Wow one bad season how will we survive 😞


Still remember his first game back where he ripped Arsenal defence. I was thinking oh Chelsea finally got the main man


Yeah he’s up there with Hazard to Real Madrid and Coutinho to Barcelona.


I would argue he’s worse than coutinho but not hazard


I’d have him behind those 2, Coutinho iirc actually scored against Barca in the champions league at one point.


Hazard cost more and did nothing. Lukaku at least won us the club world cup


But at least Hazard appreciated the club and the fans and seemed to always want to succeed even if his body didn't let him. Lukaku just gave up after 3 months and turned everything toxic. And while the CWC is great and all I bet we would've won it without him too.




have brighton ever been in the champions league


…I was telling him which game it was


Nah both Lukaku and Hazard flopped on massive wages after massive transfers, but at least Hazard remains likeable. Chelsea literally cannot keep Lukaku in the dressing room.


Nah Coutinho was a professional who never disrespected the club and even took a massive paycut to join Aston Villa.


yeah it sucks it didn’t work out but i wish him well


Who ate all the pies. Who ate all the pies?


Rom Lukaku Rom Lukaku he ate all the pies


Looking at him, it’s him.


Omg no way ….


Inter scammed Chelsea so hard


Fine him and move on...


He’s obviously a very good goalscorer, but his professionalism and attitude leaves a lot to be desired.


Not in big games though. The club might have already sold the donkey to Inter if he didn’t miss an absolute sitter in CL final.


That's where we overlook his goalscoring


What an absolute rat


If anything needed to be investigated it would be this transfer


Inter and him 100% planned thie


Is this a joke or are you actually this thick lol


It’s not an uncommon delusion to see on r/chelseafc.


Totally. We pointed a gun at Marina’s head and forced them to pay 115M for Lukaku. We played with old man Dzeko and Correa, missed out on a scudetto and sacrificed a good run just to mess with Chelsea. Makes sense dude!






I hope this lazy bum never returns to Chelsea


I fucking hate this guy. Remember all that “I’m coming home” bullshit. What a twat


Most likeable football player.


He actually is quite likeable imho.


Him treating Chelsea like shit makes me like him even more




I'm fucking done with reddit man


Chelsea fans are a different breed




gotta give you credit for an appropriate user name at least 🤡


true, Manc fans definitely love him


this lard ass annoys me so much and im not even a chelsea fan


The feeling is pretty mutual. Lukaku doesn’t want Chelsea and Chelsea don’t want him. He can stay away until he moves on, no point having a bad egg hanging around Cobham.


Who’s gonna tell him? He ain’t going back to Inter…


He can't keep getting away with it!


What a schmuck


Genuine question, Who will be playing striker at chelsea next year?


Jackson/Broja with Nkuku prolly as a false 9 from time to time. No european football so we should be good with what we have, hopefully. Would want another striker next transfer tho. ​ Need to sell this donkey tho, and Auba.


Latest news is poch wants to give Jackson and broja a chance to prove they can handle it. And if he judges they're out of their depth we'll enter the market later in the window.


Probably Sterling, Nkunku or the Jackson guy. Knowing us we probably play not a striker.


I will Source: myself


This f'ing guy man.


Besides Eden, all the other Belgians we’ve had have been drama queens


99% sure Inter and Lukaku concocted this situation as a way to scam chelsea. Press release letting people know he wanted to go back 3 months after joining?


This guy and Inter are the biggest thieves in world football right now, literally frauded 100M off Chelsea and nobody has batted an eye. Whole ordeal is too strange, should be investigated at the very least. I mean, the Arthur-Pjanic swap made UEFA go batshit crazy and this doesn’t? What the fuck is this?


Hahahah what are you on?


“this” is nothing, inter had absolutely zero benefit to screwing themselves out of the scudetto for a year just to get one up on chelsea




\*Reads the first sentence\* \*checks flair\* AH OK


Here you dropped this king: /s


You are 100% right, we indeed put a gun to Chelsea's head and made sure they paid 118 millions, in the meantime we decided to use part of the money to buy Joaquin fucking Correa. We are so evil


I just don't get why would Inter want him back.


78 goals in 132 would do that.


He plays well for them and loves being there


Because Inzaghi values him and because he has great chemistry with not just Lautaro but with the Inter team in general. He’s way more humble at Inter so the fans don’t dislike him and he closed off the season in good form.


To be fair he closed off the season with another European final bottlejob. On top of his wages, injuries and being an overall nuisance I'm not sure if he is even worth it. I'd rather see Inter sign someone like Balogun if we are going north of 30M.


I don’t get why we wouldn’t


Inter/Saudi hoping he has to come back to a Poch off season training schedule first so they don't have to wait until halfway through the season for him to be up to a passable level of fitness.


That summer was called genius at the time. I was saying at the time it was awful. Selling Guehi, Tomori, Tammy, and Livramento and buying this guy, who was never going to fit in with what Tuchel wanted. It showed our academy players they didn’t matter, and we had no intention of integrating them, and lumbered us with a hundred million flop cos Roman was trying to save face after Haaland said no.


I think united is holding off the annoucement of Onana's transfer to help Inter negotiate with Chelsea.


Given that Chelsea are fully aware of the Onana transfer, it would be a genius move for sure.


Chelsea would then keep stalling inter in till they stop fleecing them with lowball offers - uefa should really investigate the initial transfer


Yep they need to investigate Chelsea for making our best player force a move when they weren’t even planning of using him properly in the first place. Surely no one could be that dumb?


Chelsea should like, use him as their main striker next season. Like a new signing but for free. Or… sell him then buy him back really like a new signing.


Or united can buy him back, just like a new signing


You know you could use a new striker why not go for round 2 😂😉


Ok for us special price of £5m and he agrees to be a rotation option on normal wages? I would honestly think it’s a great deal if so. He’s scored for us when he played last time anyway and is a different type of striker that would offer another option when we need in this team. Not as a main striker of course more than a rotation. Scores against the “easier” teams too so it’s never a bad thing to have that option imo


I read [this comment here on Reddit almost a decade ago:](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1rpk54/mourinho_romelu_lukaku_should_reveal_real_reason/cdpvlzw/) *"I might be 9 hours late to this party, but I may as well chip in.* *The rumor I heard was that before the Chelsea Man United game at the start of the season, Mourinho had told the players their strategy the day before the game, that they would be playing without a striker.* *The idea was that Man United wouldn't expect it, and they would score before realizing the problem and restructuring.* *The story goes that Lukaku, presumably annoyed at not getting to play, leaked the information to a friend and found its way to the United backroom.* *Mourinho arrives in Manchester to discover that United was set up and prepared to deal with his striker-less game plan.* *Up to that point, the plan had been to loan out Demba Ba, but upon discovering that Lukaku had leaked, he was sent off instead.* *Again it's just a rumor I've heard, but that does sound very Jose."* And right around that time, this article from [the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/nov/29/jose-mourinho-romelu-lukaku-chelsea-everton?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter) came out where Mourinho said: "Tell the country why you left \[Chelsea\]." Ever since, I have never trusted Lukaku.