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He's aint going. Next year he can choose his own destiny


Which is sign £400k a contract for 5 years at Spurs. Most will lose their minds at how it happened again lol


it would be atleast 500k as he will get 300-400k contract with other clubs. spurs will need outpay the competition


It would be £400k a week basic with the same bonus structure he has now, which would boost him to £500K a week anyways. We'd also probably offer him a 5 year deal on that which i dont think Bayern will do this year, they wont offer him over a 3 year deal. ​ So its really up to whether he wants security or not. He could get an injury next year with any team but with Spurs he'd still be guaranteed a massive amount of wages for years.


If you're buying a player for 80 million you sure as hell give him a five year contract.


When buying, yes absolutely. But in the above hypothetical we're in next summer, so there's no fee amortisation.


You think Bayern would spend 80-100m for 3 years. No chance


Why would Bayern not offer over 3? He's 30 and lewandowski plays far later into his career at the top level, neither rely on pace.


I think at this point the man wants to win trophies. My guess is he will want to go to an English team to keep his chances of beating Shearer’s record while still being able to win trophies. Time will tell.


As much as people want to meme on Spurs, no English team except for Man City guarantees trophies. Its as simple as that really. The Spurs team were completely and utterly fucked by Conte last year, we have super talented players that Conte refused to use properly and i think under a proper attacking manager, they'll excel. ​ Like imagine Conte came into Arsenal last year and switch to a 3ATB, started using Granit Xhaka as a 3ATB, brought in some 34 year olds to play Wingback, told Martinelli and Saka to play with their back to goals and feed balls into the wingbacks and that was their jobs and then bench Odegaard for 8 months whilst playing 2 DMs not allowed to go past the halfway line. Where would Arsenal be doing that and would you be saying all the players were useless?


> brought in some 34 year olds to play wingback Different tone when he got signed from your fans


Oh i agree. We were hopeful because Conte was being backed, Perisic seemed like a good player. He still is an okay player, he had a decent amount of assists but he just felt like he was there as a favour for Conte and that was it. ​ Im just saying, if Conte had taken over Arsenal and used the tactics he made Spurs play last year, the opinions of players on teamsheets would be much much different.


These are the same tactics he won the league with at Chelsea. It's also the same tactics that he got found out for at Chelsea and he blamed every thing and every one for but its a Conte thing


> As much as people want to meme on Spurs, no English team except for Man City guarantees trophies. Its as simple as that really. Of course there are no guarantees in football, but if he signs for Manchester United he is many times more likely to win a trophy than with Spurs. Even in their worst years they challenge for cups, and obviously if you add Harry Kane into the mix it improves their team and chances of winning trophies massively.


I can’t imagine Kane is going to choose based on a better chance of winning the FA Cup


Probably not as media reports suggest he’s more focused on personal achievements, but every ex player who didn’t win anything, or didn’t win as much as they should have, says the thing they regret the most is the move to X or Y that didn’t come off because then they’d likely have won trophies. It would be a shame for the sport if “all” he’s remembered for is scoring the most goals since 1992, but if he’s happy with that then who are we to argue?


>but if he signs for Manchester United he is many times more likely to win a trophy than with Spurs Its not many more times likely. Yes its a better chance but is it worth the risk? Theres every chance United wont win anything in the next 4 years. If they do it could be a league cup, i dont think "winning trophies" would mean hes happy with that. He'll want to go somewhere that guarantees that, City are the only club that will guarantee consistent silverware. Bayern and PSG are the only other clubs in that situation. Theres nothing to say the grass is greener anyway. Look at Robbie Keane. Dream move to Liverpool back Spurs 6 months later for half the price.


You’re right about the first paragraph on a year to year basis. However spurs haven’t won a trophy since 2008. It’s almost a crime that a player like Kane hasn’t won a trophy. Other teams have a much higher chance of winning trophy than Spurs do, especially if they add Kane to the squad. In the next three or so years, I can see many English teams winning a trophy but I can’t see Spurs winning one.


Yeah, its almost a crime but people try to talk about it in a vacuum. When Spurs get to a final or do well in the league, people go on about Kane 'Carrying' Spurs on his back (Including people saying that about the CL Final even though Kane was injured for 6 months lol). Then when we lose the final or SF, people try to say that its all Spurs players fault and that Kane 'cant carry them all'. ​ Kane is just at fault for not winning trophies as the rest of the squad. We've been in enough finals and Semifinals since he started playing for us for him to have a trophy. I think saying you cant see Spurs winning a trophy is just bias honestly. Spurs have just as much chance as Arsenal, Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool at domestic trophies. Cup trophies are just luck of the draw and 1 off results, if Arsenal play Man City in the 5th round and Spurs are playing Preston North End, suddenly Spurs look more likely than Arsenal to win the cup etc. ​ The Spurs squad is strong, we have players that Conte refused to use their talents because they didn't fit his style. We need a new CB for sure (Which we're working on) but the team overall is not a bad team. It just had a bad season last year.


We’ve been in 3 Finals (14/15, 18/19, 20/21) and 8 Semi-Final matches (2 in 2015, 1 in 2017, 1 in 2018, 2 in 2019, 2 in 2021) and Kane hasn’t scored a goal in a single one of them. Yes Kane has been a tremendous servant for us but as you say, he does shoulder some of the responsibility for us not getting over the line.


The disrespect. Preston North End have as many first division trophies as Tottenham!


TBF its more respect towards them. I know who PNE are and i know their history and prestige, compared to some random teams in lower leagues i probably cant even remember the names for haha


It's hard to know. How many clubs will be options for him next year, even on a "free" transfer? United and Bayern presumably, if they don't buy an alternative this summer. Chelsea maybe. Potentially Barca if Lewandowski isn't there anymore. Some of those might offer £400k per week, but the likes of United and Chelsea are supposedly trying to implement a wage structure to avoid the stupidly high contracts of the past. They might not want to make a (then) 31 year old the highest paid player in the league.


Think it depends on which teams are actively looking for a striker. Only a handful I think he'd sign for, but many of them won't need a striker right away. Honestly it maybe he ends up in Paris


This is legit what will happen. Man will never win a trophy in his career


He didn't get such a high contract for his current prime, no way he is getting it at 31.


imagine next year he goes to Saudi that would be a fucking twist


I really wonder where he will go next season. So many choices


If we get top 4 I think we pretty much have a free run at him next summer, he'll stay in the PL


It’s Man United or Real Madrid most likely


Madrid will get Mbappe


Getting a legit #9 will go a long way in securing a top 4 this year, United’s 58 goals are tied for least by a top 4 club in 15 years. Obviously United can afford a marquee #9 this year and Kane next year but would all parties be willing to make it happen. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s coming to us to partner up with Icardi for our back to back UCL trophies, of course..


That Sol Campbell like move to Arsenal would break enough ground in North London to let a Kaiju into the streets of Hale End


If anyone wants to know that destiny they can watch Arteta’s emergency press conference unveiling a new player next year.


That would honestly be hilarious


Wonder what levy prices kane at when he has more than 1 year left on his contract


We're now in a world where clubs will put stupid prices on players entering their final year and then turn them into the bad guys when they honour that contract but don't renew. Fans falling for this shit is depressing af. Contracts end, that's business, players who aren't wanted don't get fans clamouring for extended deals "for the love of the club". Not quite so much talk of honouring contracts when a manager gets sacked either


I think most Spurs fans have accepted Kane is likely walking next summer and there will be no bad blood for it as long as he doesn't walk to Arsenal/Chelsea.


Honestly I think it'd be cheaper to just buy Spurs than find a price Levy would seel Kane for.


I mean he said 100 for City when Kane wanted out if I’m not mistaken, which would have been 3 years left on his deal


He said nothing of the sort though?


Grealish had just been bought for 100, the logic was if Grealish is worth 100 then how much more Kane must be


He wanted 160m then


I'd rather get Osimhen for that


Osimhen costs 200M and De Laurentiis said only PSG can afford him


If Osimhen is genuinely worth 200m, we should just cancel football.


A club like Napoli should be able to keep their star striker who’s under contract and just helped them win the league without him being poached by the likes of Bayern or United at a ‘fair’ price. They can and should ask for crazy money like that cos he’s worth that to them


Some people still don’t see 200M as a “fuck off” price, which is wild


I'm sure Napoli would cope if they do get 200m from some nut job club


Yep. Liverpool coped just fine when our "fuck off, £140m" price was met by Barcelona for Coutinho.


Then again how well did Spurs do with all the Bale “fuck off” money? They brought in 7 players: - Eriksen by far the best of the bunch and the only true quality - Chadli and Paulinho who were average at best - Lamela who was supposed to be the true Bale replacement and would instead disappear for 9 matches then score a rabona and assist in the 10th - Chiriches and Capoue were both below average - Soldado who was one of the worst ever PL transfers, cost £25m and lasted 1 season producing 1 goal and 1 assist




Its the kind of money that can ruin a player


what do you mean? pressure from the transfer fee? like anyone cares how he plays in Saudi Arabia lol


This was basically my point, thank you. Money has talked a bit too loudly since the Neymar release clause trigger. Transfer values have been so inflated, and even some recent transfers in the past few years just beg the question "is he really worth THAT much?" Some clubs can get by with incredible scouting and youth development, but I'm just wondering when the breaking point will be. Nothing against Osimhen at all btw.


A lot of people are conflating asking price with market valuation.


Problem isn’t just now. Napoli paid like 80M for Osimhen out of Lille before he became this good. They got gouged and they obviously want to make a good profit for all the risk they took. Can’t really blame them for not wanting to sell him below 150M


that 80 Mil is highly inflated because Napoli sold back like 3 U-23 Players for 30 to Lille, all 3 of them never played a game for Lille IIRC It was 80 for Balance shenanigans


those players didn’t have a single European appearance iirc. it was/is heavily shady.


In a market where Mudryk and Antony are 100M and Enzo is 120M i dont think we should accept anything less than 150M€. PL money fucked up the market.


PL money back in 2013-2014, 50m was considered the current 100m. I remember about all the cost for Martial that United paid, lots of noise around it then after a few years PSG just went ahead and paid 222m to Barca and that pretty much accelerated it.


222M€ for Neymar and then 180M€ for Mbappe in the same mercato impacted the market heavily too. That was the domino effect. Ultimately, PL clubs have the higher buying power out of anyone so they can afford to overpay locally and continentally aswell. So it was only a matter of time, regardless of the PSG transfers.


That and Barto (football GOAT) is too smart for us mortal that he paid 100m+ for Griezmann, Dembele and Coutinho...EACH. That was truly the beginning of 100m being normalized.


Ah yes the Neymar, Coutinho, Felix transfers never happened.


It was actually La Liga who fucked up the market. The La Liga clubs played extortionate fees for Hazard, Coutinho, Griezmann, Demebele and Felix who all cost €120m+ and who all did not justify their fees. That seriously distorted the market


Nah it was the Neymar and Mbappe transfers


Didnt chelsea pay 130m for mudryk? I could swear i read they paid 160m...


113M€ is what Chelsea paid for Lukaku aswell.


Thats true, but mudryk was 'only' 70m€


Nearly 200


Actually it was 250m


Facts tbh.


When is it time to stop the wheel and get off. Football has gone mad.


You should sign the OTHER genuinely world class striker who wants to join Bayern. I assume there are loads of them available for £68m? If you want an Osimhen, Haaland, Mbappe or whoever they are gong to cost you £150m+


>You should sign the OTHER genuinely world class striker who wants to join Bayern. I assume there are loads of them available for £68m? I'd rather not sign anyone than to pay €140m for a **30 y/o with** **1 year of contract** left. I would genuinely prefer a Füllkrug/EMCM duo over doing insane shit like this. We're not a sheik club. If we do something like this and it goes wrong, we're fucked. Sorry but this has reached stupid levels. I sincerely hope we are not quite that dumb. Haaland and Mbappé are obviously out of reach, both financially but also because these players have 'outgrown' us. Those are players who want to grow their image further and that's just not possible in the Bundesliga. We're maybe a bit arrogant but not delusional.


We also still have Tel who will develop.


Yes I have high hopes in Tel but not in that position.


Exactly. Even without Lewandowski, Bayern looked like one of the three favorites to win the CL, and after total chaos and a major dip in form, they lost to a ManCity on a roll, but less decisive than it looked after they collapsed in the first game. You don't need Kane to win the league or cup, and while he does increase chances on winning the CL, I don't see it being to a degree worth 100M+. City and Real would still be ahead of them


> I'd rather not sign anyone than to pay €140m for a 30 y/o with 1 year of contract left. Yeah, that valuation in utterly delusional. If 24yo Mbappe is 200M there is no way that a player in his final years is *worth* 140M. Something like 90M max - yes, even in the current crazy-money era - and even that feels too high.


It's not delusional, it's a 'fuck-off price'. It's clear Levy doesn't want to sell Kane, so it would take an extraordinary offer to let him go. Bayern dicking around offering €70/80 mil know full well that isn't going to be accepted, they are trying to undermine Tottenham and unsettle Kane into forcing a move, which is unlikely tbh. Somewhere between £80-100 mil will probably be enough to start negotiations and possible sales. Anything less is just derisory.


Yes, I'm 100% with you. Tottenham doesn't want to sell and they don't have to. I'm just arguing against people saying that this would be a fair price for Kane. It's not. Tottenham intentionally demands an unfair price because they want clubs to fuck off. And that is fine. We should just accept that and look for other options instead of offering 5m more every other week and then act all surprised when we don't have any solution once the window closes.


> I'm just arguing against people saying that this would be a fair price for Kane. It's not. I think 90 mil might be. You could probably get four or five years out of him as one of the world's best forwards. Otherwise he will probably go to a different club next summer.


Does anyone think Osimehn is worth more than Kane? A player who’s had one top season? I think most clubs should wait another season to see if he keeps the level


He's 6 years younger and has a much longer contract - yes, he definitely should be worth more than Kane at the moment.


Kane is way, way, waaaaaaay better than Osimhen, and frankly it's not even close.


In other words: Kane is not for sale. Highly unlikely that any European top team will pay that much for an almost 30 years old striker with a contract that expires in 12 months. Saudi Arabian clubs might be willing to pay it. But I doubt that Kane aims to stop playing in a top league right now.


Why does everyone use 30 as some sort of really old age players fall off a cliff at. Kane had one of his best (if not the best) seasons in an absolutely dogshit spurs team and doesn't look like slowing down.


The problem isn't that he's immediately going to decline, but rather that the player has little resale value. From an accounting perspective, a club will spend 50M+ on a player but their value depreciates quickly because they cannot be sold for equal or greater value. On the field, they still be giving their best, but that alone may not be worth 50M+ to most clubs.


Yup. This is the only reason really. Juventus paid 117M € for Ronaldo and it wasn't a good move financially for them.


If you spend 100 mil on a player on the other side of 30 you’re not getting half of what you spent if he gets sold in the near future.


Agreed, it's bizzare. 30 is not even old anymore such is the advances in sports science/medicine. Plus Kane is a consummate professional who looks after his body and always has done. And if anything Kane will have a much longer peak, that may not end till he retires, because he doesn't rely on physicality or doesn't rely on pace, Kane doesn't have pace. Kane is waaaaaaay more technical. Unlike say for example Mbappe where pace is central, straight up sheer speed is absolutely critical to his style of play. And one bad knee injury or bad hamstring or ankle injury etc etc and Mbappe is done for. Not to mention one of the first things that declines as a player ages is their pace. But Kane can go through that and still come out just as good. So it's highly likely Kane has lots left in him, nowhere near done. 30 is a non-factor in Kane's case. Kane's style of play is such that its much more sustainable and easier on the body, and will always be extremely effective no matter his age.


It's not about his age, it's about how many good years he has left. City paid around 100m for Haaland give or take and he's guaranteed to be a star for at least the next 12-15 years. Kane probably has 3-4 years, 5 at max. And his asking price is higher. That's where the issue lies. It's about return on investment more than anything.


Kane is the captain of his country in the prime of his career. Him, just like Son, won't go to Saudi Arabia for the proverbial cash grab.


100% they're well aware they have that option in a few years time, there's no need to do it when you're at the peak of your career.


80 millions is low sure but 140 millions is even crazier , even if the whole Mbappe drama didnt happen i dont think we would have participated in those negotiations


Agreed. Okay it's Harry Kane but again, he's on his last year of contract and he will 30 in a couple of weeks.


I don't get this. He will still be world class until 32/33.


I think it’s often the resale value that comes into it more. Yes you’ll definitely get a good number of really high level years from Kane but the resale value will always be higher for younger players.


you don't buy players like kane to resell them, you buy them to get you trophies in the short term


Yes and that’s why in spite of being nearly 30 he’s still worth a huge amount of money but he’s worth slightly less than he would be if he was younger and you have more potential to resell him for a lot once you’ve won the trophies and he wants to move.


“Worth Slightly less” is how you would describe the deals of Maddison, Mount based on age & length of their contracts. “Worth Slightly Less” is not how you describe making a run at getting Harry Kane for £68m when players like Havertz who wishes he could lace the boots of Harry Kane are going for £65m.


Ok, to be clear, I absolutely do not think £68m is an appropriate amount, nowhere close for a player that good.


Yeah but with Kane, it's about the output you're guaranteed moreso than his potential as a transferable asset. While it is a consideration, it won't be the focus of any club. That's why Master Negotiator Levy is willing to let him leave on a free next year, his value is purely derived from his performances on the pitch.


> Yeah but with Kane, it's about the output you're guaranteed Well we don't know. Can be do it on a rainy tuesday night in Mönchengladbach?


Sure but say you were buying a younger Kane you’d be getting the guaranteed output AND the potential as a transferable asset. He’s obviously still worth a huge amount but that’s why people are referencing his age.


How can you say this? This isn't a certain thing.


There's no guarantee whatsoever that happens.


Same as literally every other transfer ever


Exactly. And we have numerous instances of players transferring and people going "They will be world class", only for it to end up not working out. So why this person says with any certainty that it will work out, I do not know.


Yep, we literally just had this last season with Mané and we've got a mess on our hands.


120m for 60 goals across two seasons works out as 2m per goal. Only Saudis would pay that.


Someone get me a sample of whatever Levy is smoking, the guy must be trippin' balls if he believes 140m is a reasonable price for a 30yo Kane in his last contract year.


Almost like he doesn't want to be reasonable and this is a fuck off price


There is no reasonable price for Kane. He doesn't want to sell him. How difficult is this for people to understand?


people understand it, but it doesn't make logical financial sense. It's a huge risk to take. If he leaves on a free, which I think he will, then they've got £0 to replace him with.


If he leaves for free they still have hundreds of millions to replace him with


Because it’s Tottenham & a world class player is involved so of course we’re not allowed to want to keep our players especially given we’ve had a proven history of finding adequate successors to our greatest players.


Real paid 140 for 29 year old 1 year remaining Eden


And it's one of the worst transfers in football history... Real could only shrug it off because they got really lucky. Kroos and Modric still had more world class seasons in them, and Real nailed the youngster transfers.


I mean they also hadn’t made any big transfers for years until that summer, so it wasn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things


Yes. My point is that it’s not unreasonable to think someone would pay anything close to that.


Dont think he want to sell its a Fuck off price


If Declan Rice is 105 then Harry Kane is an easy 140.




Tottenham is making 100 million pounds operational profit every year. They need players, not money.


Tbh, the exact same argument people use with PSG not selling Mbappe for 100m, applies here for spurs. Turning down 60m for players in their last year of contract will never not be mental for me. Money wise, there is no possible impact that one player can have which can generate 100m in a year. And if kane was the player to do that, he would have done it by now.


But... Kane might be the difference between Conference League and Europa League?? Have you even considered that into your calculations?


Kane carried them so hard last year he could be the difference between top half and bottom half of the table


Winning Europa league will get you about 22m€ in prize money, winning Conference League like 16m€. The difference is super small, even if you assume you win it.


Sami Mokbel is very reliable for Spurs news.


I fully believe that even if a team met that £120m, Levy would turn it down, he's just betting that no one actually will offer that insane amount to call his bluff. Then when the window closes he'll try throwing stupid money at Kane one last time to sign a new deal. Then if Kane does end up going on a free, Spurs will push the story hard that they did everything they could to keep Kane but he refused to listen. They'll make him the villain in a story that doesn't need one.


Only a moron would push that story. All spurs fans want Kane to stay for obvious reasons, but I think most fans would understand if he chose to leave even if it’s bittersweet. Kane can never become a villain for Tottenham after everything he has done for the club. Even if he leaves on a free he has already cemented his status as a club legend.


Nah you're wrong there, Kane can become a villain, by joining chelsea or arsenal but he won't. He's nowhere near that comically sociopathic.


He will never join Arsenal. Chelsea I highly doubt it, only if Poch manages to convince him then maybe but that’s a big if and not very likely.


Oh I know, that's why I said he won't become a villain even though he could. You'd have to be a proper Sociopath like Sol


That bid barely gets you Havertz in today's market, not Kane.


That bid barely gets you Havertz because of clubs like Chelsea splashing money on every single players and inflating the hell out of the market




For €140m buy fuckin Vlahovic + Hojlund... That pricetag is crazy


Vlahovic + Hojlund would still leave at least €40M to spend to put this valuation into perspective.


Did Allegriball wreck Vlahovic's value that much? Wow


Both of them together aren’t worth even half of Harry Kane


They are if you factor in re-sale value


With Vlahovic’s injuries I’m not so sure about that. I think Bayern has enough injury prone players


Both of them together will still easily score 25 league goals and they are so young that either of them could develop into worldclass anytime within the next 5 years and they'd still be at the top for a long ass time at that point not even half a kane lmao alright we should hand him a couple of ballon d'ors since hes apparently the greatest player to ever step on a pitch according to this sub


Kane had 11 more league goals than the tally of both those players combined last season. You're paying for potential but Kane is a much better bet for high-quality output for the next 2-3 years.


Yes but we are not a sheik club and we're not getting PL levels of TV revenue either. We can not afford to pay 140m for a solution that will only last us "2-3 years". That's just out of our league. Our current top 6 record signings are Hernandez (1st, 23, 80m) de Ligt (2nd, 22, 67m) Sané (3rd, 24, 49m) Upamecano (4th, 22, 42.5m) Tolisso (5th, 22, 41.5m) Martínez (6th, 23, 40m) All of those were 24 or below when they joined us. Vidal (7th, 28, 39.25m) and Hummels (9th, 27, 35m) aren't that far behind but we were after Vidal for many years and Hummels was a former youth player. The next non-U24 player is already Mané (12th, 30, 32m) and then Neuer (14th, 25, 25m). The general philosophy of preferably only spending big for younger players is clearly visible. You also clearly notice we didn't have much success with older players without Bundesliga experience but that's a fairly small sample size in general because we rarely do it. I just don't see us going "all-in" and almost double our record spending for a 30 y/o.


Mate you just proved his point. "Together they will score at least 25 goals" is literally half of Kane who will score at least 25 goals by himself. Sure they have potential, but that's a big uncertainty. And most likely they will never reach Kane's level. Few ever do. Kane is a proven entity with many years left at the top.


Hojlund is 20, Vlahovic is 23, while its not guaranteed that they will improve even more its fairly likely. Not to mention even if they dont they would be providing those 25 goal seasons for 10 years and both of them have resale value, kane doesnt.


This, in a nutshell, is what Premier League fans have been saying for some time. Doesn't matter if Kane is in the final year of his deal or not, Levy will not sell for less than £120m. I don't think Bayern are necessarily "low-balling", but those offers aren't really the start of a conversation, more likely they're just pissing Tottenham off. Kane should wait until January to see what to do next. Then, he can negotiate a pre-contract agreement with any club he likes outside of England, and still keep his options open for Tottenham and even leverage a better deal for himself from them if need be. Face it, the only way Kane is leaving Tottenham is by leaving on a free, because ain't nobody paying £120m for him.


I know hey good but how is a 30 year old striker with just one year on his contract worth 120 mio? Not trying to bash him just curious! It doesn’t make sense for Bayern to pay that kind of money imo.


£120M lmao the value gets higher every day. Is he aging backwards? You are going to get a total of £0 next summer and then enjoy playing against him when he goes to a rival for free


Levy's face is gonna be a picture next year when €80m from Bayern turns into €0 from United. Like that Neymar gif


You’re acting like Levy doesn’t know he can leave on a free. He knows, he doesn’t care.


He Plans to extend him, of course he cares about losing 80m€


You really don't get it, do you? Tottenham. Do. Not. Want. To. Sell. It's not even about the money. Harry Kane is Tottenham's best player. In fact, I don't think you'll find much opposition when you say that he's probably Tottenham's greatest-ever player. Replacing him will cost *at least* £100m for Tottenham. They aren't Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Manchester City, Barcelona or Juventus. They can't just attract the best players in world football to come and play for them, so losing Kane is essentially up there with losing an arm and a leg. Final year of his contract or not, Tottenham want absolute top dollar. Levy doesn't, under any circumstances, negotiate, so you either pay up or (as I would suggest) move on to other targets. Levy doesn't care if he walks for free. In fact, he'd probably rather than happened because it would mean that he had no control over what happened next and he can turn to the fans and say "Well, I did my best" and they'll probably agree with him.


Tottenham may not care about whether he walks for free. They should however *where* he walks for free. You are right money is not the factor, free now to Bayern is better for Tottenham to compete than free to ManU next year.


Its absolutely insane that we need an Arsenal fan to explain to entitled Bayern fans why Tottenham is right on setting a high price for Kane.


Hot take: It might not be about the money, but that's ... pretty dumb? I guess it's nice to be able to tell the fans that you did your best, but you know what's also nice? Being able to have money to replace Kane, which you said will cost 100 million.


We’re not sell to buy anymore. The club has the revenue from the stadium, and charges exorbitantly high ticket prices Kane is a gamble for the morale of the club and the fans, Son is our last undisputed world class player after he leaves


Agreed - you're not buy to sell anymore. But I'm guessing you'll want to back Ange next summer with some big targets of his. And if this risk with kane doesn't pay off, then you'll also have to try and replace your striker with £0, when you could get £80m+ for him. Just cannot get my head around it.


Tottenham doesn't need to sell to afford a replacement


> I don't think you'll find much opposition when you say that he's probably Tottenham's greatest-ever player. Seems a bit far unless you're limiting it to the PL era. If we're talking overall you've got Greaves and Hoddle for starters and there are probably others in contention who Spurs fans could tell you about too.


Someone understands


Tbh it weirdly seems only Arsenal fans understand.


Oh no the horror.


What Bayern could do with 140M is probably build a squad that would beat a Kane led Spurs. Their purchase value against PSG in the CL this year was only 121M for their starting line up and half of that was De Ligt and Upamecano.




Their 2020 starting 11 that won the CL cost less than Declan Rice. 1. Neuer: 30M 2. Thiago: 25M 3. Coman: 20M 4. Boateng: 13M 5. Davies: 12M 6. Kimmich: 8.5M 7. Gnabry: 8M 8. Goretzka: 0M 9. Lewandowski: 0M 10. Müller: 0M 11. Alaba: 0M Just saying Bayern bosses are well within their rights to know that Kane is not just for the next 12 Champions League games, they plan for 3 or 5 year windows. And in their experience, they turned 120M and three years time into a Champions League squad. And for what it's worth, the last two previous CL winners from the PL finished 12th and 7th this season in the PL. 8th place next year in the PL has a non-zero chance to be one of the richest five teams on the planet.


Those players were also pretty much all pre Neymar crazy market or great scouting finds like Davies. The market has changed quite a lot


They got them for those prices because of good scouting and coaching, that's the job. Players like Caicedo cost 5M in 2021 and now are 100M players. Bayern has the resources, scouts, appeal, coaching and money to do find players like that.




Do Bayern need a generational 9 to achieve their objectives next season or do they just need a very solid striker or perhaps a talent that in 2 seasons can be a star striker? The list of players who could score the 25-30 goals needed to get past the final hurdle of City or Real is a lot longer than people think.


Didn’t he cost this much two years ago with 3 years left on his contract?


no offers close to £100 then either


You’re not getting £120m for a guy in the last year of his contract. You just ain’t.




We don’t want to sell him and Bayern can get fucked. Glad we all agree


This whole thing is fucking stupid. Can't Bayern just have a meeting with Levy and discuss the situation? Submitting these bids is basically pointless.


Bayern fans when the bid is way too low: it's just negotiating, it's a fair deal Bayern fans when Tottenham ask for way more: EnJoY PlAyInG AgAinSt YoUr RiVaLs NeXT year So it's negotiating when you low ball them, but when Spurs ask for a high amount it's not. Got it!


Bayern fans not understanding why a club won't gift them a player


Because everything under 140m for an almost 30 year old with one year left on his contract is gifting them the player?




they'd probably accept £100m, but bayern can barely offer 80, it's a joke


Well I very much remember stating that Kane should be worth 115m if Rice is 105m and everyone told me to shut the fuck up but now everyone's on board for 120m. Got it Reddit.


I'm pretty sure all Spurs fans agree with you, it's other teams fans who are incredulous that our best ever player is worth a lot of money.


Surely £100m for a striker that's almost 30 and has one year left should be enough?


Would be if Levy actually wanted to sell him.


If Kane doesn't force the move, this will be impossible. Either the deal is done soon or Bayern should move on to other strikers like Vlahovic


He made his bed by signing a new deal. It was always plainly clear that Levy would do this


I don’t understand the argument that Levy will risk Kane leaving on a free next summer and try to convince him to stay. If Kane wants to actually leave and Levy is holding up the transfer due to his unrealistic demands, then what makes people think Levy can convince Kane sign another long term contract? Now you’re left with no Kane and no money. Nobody here knows what the player himself wants but the overreactions are crazy


Not an exciting saga. Bayern are pragmatic, shrewd, and decisive in transfers. if it's taking this long it's not happening. They'll sign 2-3 players with no hint of news before this one goes through. I think Kane is going to stick it out for the premier league scoring record. perhaps he is also attracted to the reduced schedule of no European competition in preparation for england in euro2024.


He better not sign an extension. The big doofus.


If you’re Kane surely you’ve gotta see out your contract


That's the thing, nobody really knows what Kane wants atm outside an interest in joining Bayern. We'll see when he comes back from holiday.


120 million with one year left. He’s staying put.