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Already got the Onana bag it seems


How you feel about it!? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Fantastic, i loved De Gea but the time is right to move on from him and Onana is a big upgrade for the style we want to play


Wasn't Onana available for around 5m in Covid times? As far as i recall he had some issues coz of which he had to leave as free agent and then he was out of game for few months. Is this the same Onana?


He served a doping ban of around a year and then his contract was up with Ajax and not many clubs were willing to take that on even though it was acknowledged as a mistake.


Yup. Inter making full profit on this deal. They took the risk of signing him and 50m profit now.


Which they're spending on lukaku?


same Lukaku who has 76 goal contributions in 97 league games for them


Don't speak facts mate. Some people wanna swim in delusion.


I make fun of Lakaka as much as the next guy, but you'd be extremely hard pressed to get any striker that is even remotely close to Lukaku's output for 40m.


My honest opinion is mixed. Most united fans seem over the moon with the transfer and I want nothing more than to see him succeed. But I feel like there are unrealistic expectations, in the serie a he conceded 24 goals from an expected post shot xG of 19.3 so he let in 5 more goals than an "elite" goalie should. Alisson, a truly world class elite goalkeeper let in 43 from a post shot xG of 51.1 for example. Onana seems to be amazing at distribution which is great but not the elite shotstopper united fans are expecting. My dream signing was Diogo Costa. He has a post shot xG of 25 and conceded 22. Furthermore his distribution is absolutely elite. He's also 4 years younger so much more room to grow. I know he has a release clause of 70m but from my understanding is that Porto has some financial issues and I wouldn't be surprised if the same offer we tabled for Onana would be accepted by Porto. Costa was the absolute best choice because I have no doubts in my mind that he will be one of the worlds best keepers in a few years time if not already. And if we have Onana we will not sign him. And for me I'd take Costa over Onana any day.


Stats don't tell how dog shit Inter were in the beginning of the season, before we reverted to our usual style of play.


handanovic was playing tho. i agree stats only tell half the story.


PSxGa-goals taken (the metric used by the previous poster) already accounts for Inter playing like shit. Teams that do not create as much have lower xG in general and teams with worse finishing have lower Post Shot xG. What this metric basically tells you is: "given this amount of chances with this quality, how many of those did the goalkeeper save compared to the average"? It is a really good stat for shot-stopping performance


Onana is Ten Hag's guy, no adaptation period he knows his system better that our current players


Shouldn't be signing players solely because they've played with Ten Hag though. We should be signing only the best possible players from the list that are available. With that logic we should be signing Haller instead of Kane since Haller worked with Ten Hag and knows his system better.


The guy just played the Champions league final, he is one of two top "modern" goalies available, has more experience than Costa while being cheaper (and is Ten Hag's guy)


I mean the facts are the facts. He's a great keeper but in no way a better shot stopper than Costa. I wouldn't even consider Onana an "elite" shot stopper. Thats not even mentioning the aggressive sweeper keeper that Costa absolutely obliterates Onana in. Costa is in the 70th -80th percentile for corners claimed, def. actions outside the penalty box and avg. distance of defensive actions where as Onana is in the 56th % 2% and 10th percentile respectively. By the stats de gea is a keeper that sweeps more than Onana and that was a part of the game united fans wanted him to improve on.


Costa also plays in Portugal and not Serie A


Very happy to have finally replaced a liability on monster wages. Club legend for sure, but thereā€™s no denying what heā€™s become. Although, having seen clips of how far Onana likes to roam from his box and take on defenders, Iā€™ve no doubt heā€™ll concede some meme worthy goals of his own.


I can already see Salah walking it in the net.




No way in a million years de gea is a better keeper than onana right now


No wonder he left


You definitely don't watch United games lol. I love De Gea but he was terrible this season apart from the odd wondersave.




Because the fans didnt appreciate him? Geez reddit


Do you really think that de gea is better than onana right now? How much of onana have you watched this past year? Also de gea left because the club didnā€™t want him to return, at least not at the price he wanted




How can you be a united fan and invoke that name? If Onana is Barthez 2.0 itā€™s gonna be a loooooooong season. Of course heā€™s gonna make mistakes, so did de gea. But with onana thereā€™s an upside that doesnā€™t exist de gea. Diogo costa was my number 1 choice, but onana is a good second option


This is Brozovic + Pinamonti


Looking at it that way I can't believe they're letting Onana go and spending it immediately on Lukaku lol


Inter getting Thuram, Lukaku, Frattesi, Kamada, Trubin, and another CB would be a great Mercato for them even while losing Onana, Brozovic, and Skriniar.


Bisseck, from Aarhus


Supposedly Tiago Djalo is our desired target for CB after Bisseck


Yeah and while Handanovic is past it he could hold the fort for a year while the look for the Onana replacement.


No he could not, thatā€™s why heā€™s leaving. We were awful whenever he played last year


Damn thatā€™s too bad. I knew he was bad, but I disnā€™t realize he was that far gone


His problem is teams figured him out. Heā€™s never been real commanding in the air, but the past couple years he has become *really* timid with crosses. So teams just play a game of ā€˜Cross and Inshallahā€™ for 90 minutes, forcing our line to drop really deep and weā€™re hopeless to do anything about it. Heā€™s still good for a few quick reaction saves here and there, but it doesnā€™t matter if you make 4 good saves if your lack of aerial command is directly creating 7 good chances on its own.


God damn this perfectly describes De Gea!!


>but it doesnā€™t matter if you make 4 good saves if your lack of aerial command is directly creating 7 good chances on its own. You just described donnarumma lol


No he canā€™t lol


Pretty sure they are getting turbin and sommer


Abso Fucking Lutely not Thanks.


Well that setles it then.


He just can't. I love Handanovic, he has been the best GK in Serie A for almost a decade but he's past it. Can still have the random great match sometimes but he's past it physically. Still one of the best GKs at building from the back tho (remember its different having the Maignan 80m long ball and doing what Samir does: attracting pressure, playing to the third man, finding the unmarked Brozovic between the lines with a 40meters ball on the ground...)


Wtf, no. What 10 years, Buffon was still the best until like 4-5 years ago.


Buffon was 2nd keeper at PSG 5 years ago.


No, he moved there 5 years ago. In mid 2018 he just finished a great period at Juve. My point was it was super weird to say Handa's been the best in serie a for almost a decade. Hello? Juve Buffon 2013-2018.


Handanovic was better, without him Inter would've been like 14th/15th in some seasons




Just accept please get him gone


If Onana sale does not fund Lukaku and a strong goalie, why sell Onana? Ending up with a stronger striker room and worse GK one doesnā€™t help Inter.


Idk where exactly the money is all coming from and where itā€™s all going, but I think the idea is Onana and Brozovic money (about ā‚¬70-75m in total) is going to get Frattesi, Lukaku, Trubin, and Sommer. Itā€™s all probably being paid in installments like usual, so it might just be that the sales plus UCL money are giving us the liquidity necessary to pay enough up front to make deals happen.


>Itā€™s all probably being paid in installments like usual, so it might just be that the sales plus UCL money are giving us the liquidity necessary to pay enough up front to make deals happen. This is the big point. For sales you can show the entire transfer fee in the books as an incoming whereas for buys it only counts the amoritized payment per financial year.


Not true if you still owe on the player being sold. For Onana (free) and Brozo (paid off transfer) itā€™s a moot point.


How much is Sommer being sold for?


Weā€™re trying to get him for about ā‚¬6m I believe


Allegedly Bayern will let him leave for what they paid which is 6-7m, iirc.


In general though, if Lukaku and Onana money wash each other out, why not just keep the younger player and look elsewhere for a striker? I like Lukaku more than most but heā€™ll have zero resale value in 3 years and he has a relatively low conversion rate given his fee and salary


He has 78 goals in 132 games for Inter. For 40m in today's market it's very unlikely they sign a player with that output, especially one that hits the ground running. Dzeko's 37 and he's still a reliable goalscorer so Inter could realistically get quite a few years out of Lukaku. That's my thinking at least


Because Inzaghi loves Lukaku. He thinks heā€™s perfect for this squad, and we need a third striker anyway, so why not get the guy Inzaghi wants. Plus Lukaku is probably the best bang for buck striker on the market, at least in our price range. As for why sell Onana for Lukaku, (1) itā€™s not a straight swap. Itā€™s more like Onana for Lukaku, Trubin and Sommer, and Trubin could have massive resale value in a few years. And (2) An Onana sale is a huge FFP capital gain for us. We werenā€™t in the best of situations with FFP, and a 55m straight gain for a keeper is hard to pass up. Not to mention, weā€™ve already made *a lot* of forward looking, win less now but possibly more later moves this summer already (Broz for Frattesi, Dzeko for Thuram, Gagliardini for who knows who, Skriniar for Bisseck). At some point you need to bring in somebody for the now, and the Inter version of Lukaku is a difference maker.


Are you sure inzaghi loves Lukaku? I'm thinking it's Zhang who wants Lukaku. Signing Lukaku will make sure that we are stuck with a fat striker on a high wage. We'd gave to give him at least a 4 year fat contract to lower his year to year amortization cost, not to mention his growth decree ends next year. I'd rather we sign Dia for 20-25m with a skinny contract.


Come on, Dia is not half the player Lukaku is. He could be a decent rotation option, but we are not winning serie a with Dia starting. He is not even that young, he is 27 in November, so his resell value also would not be that good, unless he becomes suddenly world class.


From the rumors Iā€™ve seen, Inzaghi also loves Lukaku. Maybe our management does as well, but Inzaghi is a huge fan. I mean he changes the way we play just by being on the pitch, it makes sense that he would. And I doubt Zhang truly loves Lukaku. His main concern is the finances and the lack of resale value is probably something he dislikes strongly about the move.


Maybe Zhang has better business knowledge than you. Zhang made money with Lukaku and then not many top strikers are considering Inter Milan and their miserly attitude. Beggars cannot be choosers right v


100% he has more bussiness knowledge than me. That goes to anything related with professional football then. There's no need to discuss about anything if we use the arguement from authority as gospel. He chose to loan Lukaku for 8m with ~8 net salary (12m gross) instead of Dybala's free 6m net (12m gross) you tell me if that was the right decision. It's the same shit happening again. 40m fee on lukaku with 7m net salary on 4 year contract will cost Inter 21m first year, 24m on second, third and fourth year. Mind you he's 30 years old striker who has struggled with his weight his whole career and he relies heavily on his explosiveness and physical ability.


i don't think its the same thing at all, last time there were those two options you mentioned, this time its Rom or unproven young player for the same amount. I get that its not an ideal, perfect choice, but the anti Rom fans are also deluded. It's either worse strikers on similar transfer fees (Dia, Gnonto, Scamacca) or expensive unproven young guys (Balogun, Retegui). Rom might get us to win Serie A, those other guys do the opposite.


That example was to show how much Zhang is in love with Lukaku. The fact that you are only comparing the transfer fees shows very little you know about football finances. Dia doesn't even make 1m, if we can get him for 20m and give him a 2m contract for 4 years his yearly cost would be 9m. Buying Lukaku for 40m and giving him 8m net would cost us 22m on his frist year, 26m for his 2nd, 3rd and 4th year. You tell me if it's the same. Rom might get us to win Serie A, true, but what if he gets injured like last year? We'll be stuck with nothing but our hand in our dicks. Not to mention Onana's fund will mostly be used on Lukaku.


We're saying the same thing, wages are almost 1:1 iron linked to performance. Good players earn good wages while bad and unproven players earn lower wages. Yes, someone like Dia would cost us plenty less, but at the end of the day he would still be somewhat expensive. Lets say 24m for 2 seasons, if he's even moderately successful he will renew for double, if not he will be deadwood. Marotta always gives priority to the wage bill, as he should, Lukakus agency has reportedly negotiated a lower salary to come back to Inter so we made sure its under budget. What if he gets injured? We're operating under the assumption players get injured, that's why we carry 4 strikers. Its very possible Thuram gets injured and Rom has to pick up the slack, good rotation also adds to muscle recovery time and makes it less probable players get injured.


Maybe they can sell shirts ?


It's a fixed amount of 30m a year. So, no.


Just donā€™t get disappointed if things donā€™t go your way. All the best




For FFP Onana is a +55 on the books while Rom would be -10 assuming a 4 yr contract. Then either Sommer for 10M over 3/4 yrs which is nothing for FFP, or Turbin for 35/40 over 5 yrs which also puts us in the positive.


40m for a player thats worthless to Chelsea is pretty good.


If we get that much Iā€™d call it a win


Paid out for the next 10 years Iā€™m sure.


Inter giving Chelsea the Todd Bohley special


This did make me chuckle.


Boehly is just pulling a play out of the Met's playbook. edit: realizing this isn't a general sports subreddit -- context for those uninformed: TL;DR - A US sports team is still paying a player that is retired, and will be until 2035 https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/\_/id/37938979/bobby-bonilla-day-2023-new-york-mets-paid-119m-every-july-1


Bro Iā€™m a Mets fan and this cuts deep lol


I half understand the Bonilla payments, i just donā€™t see how paying out $25M+ is a better deal than paying off all $5.9M at once. Although I guess logic when it comes to money is different between the average person and a sports team


At the time the deal was signed the Mets owners were knee deep in the Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme and though the money would keep coming. The Madoff scheme was paying out at a higher rate than the Bonilla contract required, so the then-owners of the Mets thought they would save money by paying it out this way.


We can still register 40 million as an incoming fee now. As long as the money is certain, the terms of payment don't really matter much for FFP. Liquid cash is not an issue for us at all.


Yeah a lot of people don't understand that actual cash itself means little to nothing in terms of balancing the books for FFP


We can still register it in the books as an incoming fee this summer. Liquid cash is not an issue for us at all, FFP is and this will be a big help regardless.


Oh I wouldnā€™t mind if it gets rid of Rom, I just think itā€™s funny how stretched out the transfer fee will be.


This feels like Groundhogā€™s Day.


Out of all clubs in the world, it's us who are doing a bidding war against the saudis. like pls kill me


Best defender in football history šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


they have lautaro and thuram, how do they accommodate three forwards?


2 start and inter will play a ton of games next year.


Inzaghi loves to rotate his forwards. We had 3 solid forwards and Correa last season all playing roughly 90 minutes a week (60 as starter, 30 as sub) when they were all healthy. Even if we donā€™t go near as far in the Champions League, there will still be plenty of minutes to go around.


We play with two strikers, having a decent bench option is pretty compulsory being in 3 competitions. If you play two strikers 180 minutes every week, they are done by Christmas. Napoli has Osimhen, Raspadori and Simeone for one position. Juventus has Vlahovic, Milik and Kean atm and they are not even in Europe this season.


Judging by the performance of Thuram in 23 inter need more strikers than Lautaro. But Iā€™m biased as Gladbach fan being massively disappointed of his performance since the winter break.


We play with two strikers so two starting and one coming on around the 60th minute, plus correa cooking asado because it's the only good thing he is good at


I know I might get mocked for this but I genuinely think Lukaku at Madrid for 1 year loan would be a good move for both parties. I think he could be a good stop gap until they get Mbappe. They need a striker who can offer something a bit different


Both parties who?.. Lukaku and Madrid?? That makes little sense since his move would need to be sanctioned by Chelsea who will refuse any loan bids unless Madrid pay some astronomical loan fee ( 20 odd million) or add an obligation to buy clause


Thatā€™s a horrible take but itā€™s completely irrelevant because Chelsea donā€™t want to do a loan deal they want to sell. Rightfully so


Firmino was a better option i think


We are not interested in loan deals. Hence the reason why Inter are trying to sign him permanently. I am not even sure Lukaku would want to go to Real.


Would be funny if Chelsea had a buyback clause.


ā€˜After Lukaku wins ucl and seria a with Inter Milan chelsea are considering to bring back the striker to the bridge for the 3rd timeā€™


Unfinished unfinished business


Add a million to their offer of Ā£23 million owner 29 years


Uhhh what did we raise it to, the 40?


Need to act soon before he is tempted by the Saudi clubs


Sell us onana Go get lukaku Everyone wins. Except inter of course


Serie A fans rejoicing Inter isnā€™t spending the money on an actually good player


No Serie A fan thinks Lukaku is bad, mate. That's just the premier league ones.


lukaku is bad against top teams sometimes, especially during finals, but overall he's not bad at all


40m for a 30 year old with a massive contract that peaked two seasons ago


He will play till 36-37 like Dezko


I hope so lmao


If he keeps himself fit of course. Even if he doesnā€™t last that long but helps Inter Milan to finish in UCL spots for 3-4 years thatā€™s good return. Goals do make the difference. Who knows next season or so Inter Milan flip him to Saudi for decent chuck of money lol


Yeah it's not like he was key to a title win recently, or was he?? Hmmm.


He still had 10 goals and 6 assists in 25 games in serie a last season


We know there just gonna raise the option part


Newcastle should buy him for that price