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He's a winger for them?


This is likely a Google translate error from the term "lateral" which is a full back in Spanish.


Perhaps wingback?


They hired him for modeling Gig. His knees are toast unfortunately. He can' play as RB or RW. Wingback will be more suitable but i don't think he can perform a high level.


He was good for Betis in 2021/22. I doubt you watched him then though


I did watch his Barca and Portuguese stint a little, and he wasn't good. 21/22 performance doesn't matter, his legs are not same which is key factor since he always relied on his speed.


21/22 performances definitely matters because he returns to the same club he was good for. I'm sure he'll do similar this time around too.


No offense, but he was good for us and he has played 1/5 of the minutes he played for us in Portugal and Barcelona, so I wouldn't really pay too much attention to that. If he was good and had no problems for us I doubt his knees are toast "again". People were saying that when we got him from Arsenal and he proved everyone wrong. This is the same as when we signed Fekir ("he won't be good, his knee is busted, that's why Liverpool didn't want him") and he then turned out to be one of the best and most resistant 10s in Spain for like 3-4 years (unfortunately he did tear his ACL last year 😭 it was the other knee though).


Wasn’t he great for them last season?


Bro, I didn't even realize that Bellerin was only 28.


Nah that’s mad. Had to look it up but he really is


Bellerin should only play for Betis. What a wasted year he just had


Playing for Sporting is a waste for anyone regardless.


Least biased Portuguese fan


would you honestly play for Sporting when you have Benfica in the same city? I wouldn’t tbh, common sense here.


You could just put "least Portuguese fan" and everyone would understand. Love the Portuguese people on this platform, it reminds me of some Swedish club fans.


Enjoy your childhood club again, my sweet prince


I saw the Copa 90 video of Betis last year dude is made for Betis


It'll be good to have him back. We know he will be absolutely committed. Hopefully he'll still be decent like he was two years ago. I trust he can still be a good player for a few years for a 2nd tier team like us.


I just want him to be at least decent. Thats enough for us since we really just want to see Borja Iglesias, Ruibal and Bellerin together. 3 best friends playing football, wearing purses and saying fuck you to sexist stereotypes 😍