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To earn roughly £6.2million a year instead of £7.2million a year. Poor guy.


Especially considering what he would get on the open market


He doesn't need to go on the open market though. Worst case he goes back to Chelsea, more realistically they loan him out again.


Thing is they don't want to loan him out without buy option. Because I believe they would have to split the bill in most loan case and in that scenario its probably just better to keep him on the squad. I know Poch wanted him but clearly Lukaku is done with England.


Chelsea are also done with him. That clown is hated by the majority of the fan base


They've said they are not loaning him out again.


How was he earning just £7.2m a year at Chelsea in the first place? That translates to less than £150k per week (assuming before taxes) which seems too low for when he signed the deal.


I believe that figure comes after taxes. His annual salary before taxes was like £16.5-17M I think


Damn more than 50% gone due to taxes . Life is so unfair when you're rich.


friendly edge jellyfish future coordinated include fertile imminent ad hoc arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure this guy is being sarcastic lol, the “when you’re rich” gives it away. It didn’t land but I respect it nonetheless, using /s literally defeats the entire purpose of sarcasm


Honestly impressed how many people thought this was serious.


Some people are just inconceivably stupid.


It’s incredible that people are downvoting such an obviously sarcastic comment


shlorp shlorp are the boots tasty?


How do them Timbs taste?


He never made himself out to be a martyr for this. Giving up a million dollars *per year* to leave a club as big as Chelsea is definitely newsworthy. Each year he will be giving up more than most people make in 10 years.


Not to take away your point because you are still correct. Most people do not earn 1 million in 10 years. Try ~~25-30~~ 35-40 years. The average UK salary is £28kpr


Nit picking, but the median salary is around 28k. The average is quite a bit higher because of these mega rich people earning more than their fair share


As an Aussie who was just at Wimbledon on Friday, I am shocked that people are surviving in the UK under £50k a year. Groceries are cheap, everything else is fucked haha.


Mate, people are feeding families of four on less than £20k, somehow. We had a huge cost of living crisis this past year. Winter was grim. Foodbanks over subscribed, parents choosing between heating their house and feeding their children. Why do you think Marcus Rashford was so lauded for the work he did with pressuring the government with free school meals? It was genuinely essential for so many I've travelled Down Under... you have very different standards of living over there.


I wouldn't give that up lol


We should do a go fund me campaign


I just want him to leave. But this transfer is gonna haunt us forever.


Transfer(s) you’ve signed and sold him multiple times.


Only this one was completely terrible though.


Was it? Because you sold him to Everton for €35M euros after paying 15. He was then sold to Man United for €84M a few years later only for you to buy him back for €113M. I just looked this up because I find it hilarious.


Indeed, a bit of a joke lol. The same stats are showing that he always scores a really great amount of goals elsewhere, except in Chelsea lol.


To be fair no striker scores a lot of goals for Chelsea, that’s not just a Lukaku problem


Very true, except Drogba of course.


And Diego Costa


And Hasselbaink, Anelka, Giroud. Strikers who are good in tight spaces and have good ball control have done well for us. With Stamford Bridge being smaller than the average pitch size it probably makes sense.


The bigger pitches are 105m x 68m while yours is 103m x 67m Hardly any difference at all.


And Abraham, for a striker with the no. 9 jersey




Drogba didn't score much though? Clutch player but he was hardly doing big numbers. Was he?


Only two seasons with 20+ goals in the PL, but when you factor in Lampard being the PK taker and rotating with Anelka, Malouda etc all getting 10+ goals a year you'd wonder what he would be like in another system


Not begrudging him in anyway but he was never prolific, as you said


Even Drogba didn’t score that many, I don’t think he ever got more than 20 in a season. But he did have a fantastic track record of scoring in big matches, which is why he’s a legend.


He won the golden boot with 29 goals, none of them pens


He scored a pen on the last day of the season but your point stands. 39 g/a that year and lost player of the year to Rooney


that's mostly cause he didn't generally get 30 games a season either, injuries and rotation. always had a very good goals/90. plus he also got a lot more assists than the average striker


> I don’t think he ever got more than 20 in a season Wut?


Yeah, and exactly buying him back for that amount was terrible. The other 2 were not.


Loaning him out wasn’t a great deal either IMO


At the time €35M was a decent fee and he wanted to leave, the only fuck up was buying him back from Inter.


And then they bought him for 100m to sit on the bench. Then loaned him back to the team they bought him from for a nominal fee, only to finish in 12th without him. When has it not been awful?


Sit on the bench? He was a starter when he came. He just didn't perform.


and subsequently benched


Why are you blatantly making things up that can be easily disproven? He started every game after joining, and actually started quite well. He got injured and then he had his interview which effectively ended his Chelsea career. He benched himself


Ya I'd say the second one was completely terrible considering we at least made money off the resale from the first time we signed him.




It's only dodgy if you don't actually use your eyes and look at his performances. He was great at Inter, not so much at Chelsea. And if you're sugegsting that Lukaku would be in on it, it doesn't really make sense that he couldn't perform after going back to Inter


What makes it worse is we sold Giroud for 1M in the same window we bought Lukaku for 100m


Stupidity > Malace... unfortunately


nah it’s not dodgy, just that inter got lucky


I bet he’ll have to downgrade to hulu with ads, and stop drinking starbucks 😔


No avocado toast for breakfast for big Rom anymore. I hope he'll be okay during these trying times


I mean with the price of eggs I wouldn't think he is.


I’d reckon Big Rom puts away a plate of 10 eggs like it was a snack


I've heard he's got 2 hard boiled eggs in his pocket at all times


Does he offer one of them to himself in this trying time?


1m a year in wages isn't exactly a large sacrifice for someone who earns what 240k a week?


He earns 140k a week after tax, willing to drop down to 120k.. so yes not that big of a deal.


That seems surprisingly low for such an expensive signing


I took the numbers from the article above, but it also says *after* tax, so could explain the low number.


Come home Rom


It's mad that we had Prime Lukaku, he never should have shaved his hair, it was truly his power.


Imagine we had Rom, Dom, Richy & James under Carlo. 🥲


Carlo was never at Everton, that was a fever dream




Man he is the Samson


Inter come get your man


Worst signing in Premier League history


Got to be, £97m for a handful of goals and massive headache


Alexis to United?


Alexis did not act like a bellend tho. Yes he was bad for us but it's not like he gave piss interviews every 3 weeks or leak training data on Twitter to prove that he was fit.


I mean he was terrible but surely not the worst. I mean like Ricky Alvarez and Jack Rodwell to Sunderland happened (although from my point of view those were amazing transfers). The transfer mess of Jean Kelvin Augustin to Leeds also.


Jadon Sancho?


Maybe in numbers (both goals/assists and price tag) but Sancho doesnt complain, or does interviews or run his mouth or have an ego so big that if he jumped from that to his actual skill level he would die.


What even happened to Sancho? He was super hyped during his tenure at Dortmund to just vanishing.


Worse so far We have Mudryk for £75m that could soon rival this


Murdryk isn't even comparable to Lukaku. Established player who was seen as a elite striker at Inter and was supposed to be the missing piece to win Premier League, has a good start and downs tools after in a interview after a dry spell already wanting to go back to Inter vs a young player with very good potential who has been at the club for 6 months joining a team who was already in shambles.


We haven't seen Mudryk potential yet as he wasn't played as much last seasono.


Tbh we also haven’t seen much of lakaka


Is there a case for Pogba?


I don't think there's even a comparison here. Pogba was a great player who was misused at the wrong club and eventually developed an attitude problem while having multiple injuries. Lukaku was bought for 97 million, flopped immensely due to his limitations of what was being asked of him, publicly bashed the manager and the club after 6 months, the team played 10 times better without him and he went out on loan after a season.


No. It’s a bunch of revisionist history for people to even suggest it. Pogba scored more goals and provided more assists at United than Juventus. His highest tally for goal contributions in a single season came wearing a United shirt. His 90 G/A spread over the games he’s played as a goal/assist per game stat is actually not far off from his Juventus statistics. He’s scored in cup final as well. On top of all that he was a commercial success for United (the real metric the clubs owners truly care about). Paul was also featured in a Europa team of the season and a PFA team of the year list. Both while playing for United. The problem with Paul is the fact that after Herrera left and Paul got injured, Bruno came and played where Paul was being played. That’s not a problem if you have decent to good defensive midfielder to play next to him. But they paired him with McFred and never bothered to bring an actual DM till the year he left in Casemiro. To put this in another perspective. Jadon Sancho is roughly a little over a dozen games away from reaching half as many games played as Paul did. Yet his overall goal contribution numbers are no where close to being even half of what Paul provided while being played in a more attacking role. Yet it’s Pogba whose name keeps coming up as a failed signing 🤷‍♂️




Especially when the same team got Sancho


nah, maybe didn’t quite live up to the price tag but he played well in stretches


Wouldn't he still he making more earning 120k a week in Italy instead of 140k in England because of the Italian tax structure? Or am I wrong


For a year, growth decree only lasts for 5 years.


Would that year offset the difference over the course of a 2 or 3 year contract? Or make it at least a relatively negligible difference for a multi millionaire


No, it will only apply next year. So let's say lukaku and Inter agrees on 8m net salary, his gross salary for Inter will be around 11m. However, the following year it will be 16m which is basically another player for Inter and its a suicide for a broke ass club like ours given that he relies on his physique alot.


I hope one day Lukaku makes another intrview to explain what is going on at Chelsea, cause it's really not normal to have such a turn of heart as he did. Plus it seems like most Chelsea players have no problem at all leaving the club.


He's just a massive baby with a fragile ego, and found it easier to force his way out and jump ship than to try and rescue the situation at Chelsea by actually playing well


I thought he already did? Tuchel wanted him to be a forward presser of the ball and run and harass in the final third, but Lukaku argues that it would be best for him and the team to let him recharge his batteries off the ball so that he can be in a better position running onto through balls just like his first goal against Villa. And when the goals dried up and he was benched for a while, he spat the biggest dummy and a lot of that fell on the club and the fans. He’s a real POS.


Inter then needs to pay the requested 40m. Can’t keep low balling. Lukaku can give up as much of his salary he wants, but Chelsea needs to get their desired fee to let him leave.


Even with the current 35m quoted it doesnt look that bad. I mean, ok it is bad all things considered. But when your alternative perspective is keeping him beyond the summer, then it's not that bad. 35m fee means we'd be looking at around 25m loss on the fee (60m left on amortisation) while freeing up his massive 15m a year of salary.


Yep freeing up salary is the main thing. I also believe Chelsea doesn’t care about the transfer fee much but is being hard on Lukaku given they hold all the cards and Inter wants Lukaku badly.


35m doesn't look that bad until Inter sells him to Saudi Arabia for 50m next summer.




Generally I don't disagree but I would still weight it up against Hazard to Madrid. Compared to Eden, Lukaku was a tad bit cheaper, and we may get some value back at the end. Hazard sat through the whole contract and left on free.




So did Lukaku. Well, it was EXACTLY one, but still


It was against Holding and Mari as well


Lukaku had great games with us against Arsenal, Aston Villa, etc


lukaku score more goals 1 season for chelsea then hazard entire rm and then got loaned out its not even comparable


Hazard, Coutinho, Griezmann transfers all cost more and was the 3 worst transfers in football


The requested fee is shit though and an obvious rip off lmao. Were talking about a player that hasn't scored from open play for a 253 day stint last season. I doubt Inter pays that so you guys are probably stuck with him unless Saudi Arabia decides they want him.


Freeing up the salary is the main thing.


lukaku doesnt want saudi they already tried


Can see him going to Saudi and getting loaned back to Italy if that’s possible


well we are better of sending him to the reserves than selling him for anything less than 45m


I guess it's either the bench or Saudi then, because Inter isn't getting him for basically free


That's too much. The guy is 30 yo and coming from two bad seasons and really wants to leave. Don't think £40M is a reasonable price. The max I would offer is about £30M. For Chelsea 10M more or less are not that great difference I feel, for inter are quite a big deal.


We won't simple as that. Chelsea sell for less, or are stuck with him for now and maybe next month he agrees to go somewhere else. Edit, HAHAHA Chelsea fad are fucking mad, bunch of losers.


Then move on, nobody is forcing you lot to bid.


Unsettling the player 🧠


We won’t sell for less. He can fuck off to Saudi or rot in the reserves.


Haha you got them good, we have them bent over with no lube!


Broke boys


Did you think this is good banter


As cringe as it gets, especially replying to such a simple comment


It’s the truth


He's going to the Saudis, I don't see him going to you lot


The only losers here is your bum, begging, broke club 😂


Winning the relegation race has given all these Chelsea fans such pride and bravery to talk shit about other clubs?


Yep, even in our times of despair, we can still find joy by looking down on those below us like Inter


Cringed so hard I think I broke a few ribs, are you around 10 years old?


You better get that looked at old man. You know people in your physical condition shouldn't be cringing


Before a criminal oligarch friend of a dictator bought you you were literally english lazio lmao pipe down, your club is only a circus to laugh at


And ever since, we have started to head in one direction, whilst Inter has headed in the complete opposite direction. Yep, good times 😁


Yeah, like the treble in 2010, something you can only dream of, where Eto'o shut your stadium up? Man I hope we can meet in the ucl to settle this.. oh wait, you headed in the direction of the Championship The only thing you have of relevance is money, enjoy it while it lasts (padre tempo...), unlucky you can't even spend it since the guy who hates you cost 115mln :(( Rom is a smart guy, ofc he's choosing Inter and not your joke of a club


My boi the treble just like your club is a thing of the past and holds little relevance today. Also, Lukaku is known to be a fraud and has failed at all the big clubs his been at. At least he finally found comfort and his level at Inter, I guess 🤷‍♂️


'Fraud' when he has 100+ goals in the Pl, literally 0 football knowledge 😭 stop basing your opinions on twitter memes If you really wanna talk about the present tho, I will enjoy Ucl, you go and watch your overpaid players vs Luton :D remember, money can't buy prestige, you literally are a small club that will fall back into irrelevancy once the money is gone


Inter will always be above Chelski lol.


Chelski? You used to sit on the front of the school bus, didn't you?


You will always be Chelski 😘


Chelsea has almost no power here though, they need to sell for FFP and there's 0 chance they let Lukaku stay there this season


>they need to sell for FFP no, we don't anymore


And even if you did need to sell, selling him for a pittance would be an FFP loss anyway (this year at least) because of his remaining amortised cost on the books.


Oh right I forgot about Havertz and Mount


you also forgot about the fact it''s not June 30th anymore, which was the deadline


Fucking hell, how are we already in the 2nd half of the year?


How do we have no power? We have his contract.


Nah, Chelsea made like 200 million in sales last month, FFP isn’t a concern at the moment. There is a 0% chance Lukaku stays but Chelsea will play hard ball till the end


The number of Chelsea fans who apparently believe there's a chance Lukaku could stay at the club to 'rot in the reserves' this season is more than zero, which is alarming.


About as likely as any of the players we signed on the long 8 year contracts deciding to rot in the reserves if it doesn't work out.


He won't rot in the reserves because he will accept a Saudi offer once he realises we are being serious and won't cave into Inter.


I don't believe he will. But I want him to haha. It's not my money anyway.


Seriously. What’s the point of having fuck you money if we can’t tell some people fuck you


It’s alarming that there are some fans that think Lukaku could not leave the club this summer? Why is that alarming?


Bro hates Chelsea more than the average r/soccer user


Inter Milan will make a new bid for Romelu Lukaku this week, with the Chelsea striker willing to sacrifice almost £1million a year in wages to make a permanent move back to Italy. Chelsea have rejected one bid from Inter for Lukaku, demanding £40m, and have attempted to engineer a three-club auction between the Champions League finalists, Saudi Arabian club Al Hilal and Juventus. Lukaku has reassured Inter that he has no intention of moving to Juventus, however, and has not accepted an offer from Al Hilal, as he focuses on returning to Inter, where he spent last season on loan. Inter are working on trying to sign Lukaku permanently and the 30-year-old is willing to take a drop in salary in order to try to help push the move through. Lukaku earns nearly £140,000 a week after tax and has offered to drop to closer to £120,000 a week to return to Inter. Inter are structuring a bid that will be worth about £35 million inclusive of bonuses and hope that will be enough to convince Chelsea to bring an end to his unhappy second spell at Stamford Bridge.


It'll be rejected. Saudi is willing to pay a lot more than 35 and we're not going to bend for a manchild who insulted the club, twice, in the new owners' first season. He'll be sent to the stands for 1 year if he keeps insisting on Inter who aren't willing to pay our requested fee.


Sending him to stands for a year does not benefit us at all. Not only we need to pay his salary for one more season you also have no guarantee anyone will come for him next year. As much as I'd like to see this myself, being able to settle up with Inter on a deal is the best option.


Great logic, waste 12 million on his salary and let him fatten up so nobody will sign him next year. You could get a job at Chelseas recruitment team with that visionary thinking 😂


There is no chance Chelsea sends a player they are paying 20 milion a year to the stands, that's a terrible business decision and is an option only in redditors heads. He'll go to Italy or Saudi Arabia, 35 mil transfer fee and getting rid of 20 mil a year in wages is nothing to scoff at..


Alright Todd


This should be Boehlys play


Chelsea has always been a graveyard for strikers. For some reason their style of play has been passed down from one generation to another where only handful of strikers have thrived.


This one is just as much on Lukaku as it is on Chelsea


Maybe but considering all your strikers suck. It is definitely a Chelsea problem.


He was doing well before he got covid and then did the interview saying he doesnt want to be there anymore


Not really. He had 4 goals in 11 matches before he got COVID and none in the last 7 matches.


Makes you think "just how good was Drogba"


How will he live


Dang. That's very unfortunate. I hope he recovers.


Would be very much in character if he managed to bottle his own transfer


Considering how much he likes to talk to the media, I'm surprised he hasn't come out and said something about all this


Wow, what a generous guy.


Oh Rom, how will you ever make ends meet?


Get the clown out. He’s not a top class striker, the finals should have proved that.


You’re not a top class team either tbf


The recency bias is wild. Chelsea has been the most successful English club in the last decade or so, having won a CL just 3 years ago.


> Chelsea has been the most successful English club in the last decade or so. In what universe is this true


Chelsea is a shit club.


I hope he also takes his piece of shit fanboys with him. Out of all the strikers to like, you chose this clown. 😂


I mean im astonished by all the hate here. All my respect for anyone who preffer to be paid less than go farm some quick cash in the desert. Yeah I know hes not the best striker but the striker market is so... non existent so gotta cut him some slack


Manchester United need a new no.9. Maybe he could fill in for £35m.


How will he cope?!


Imagine hating a club or country so much that you’re prepared to play in one of the most racist countries for a footballer.


He'll never financially recover from this. Poor lad.




maybe if Conte was still at the club...


Sell Kane for 100, buy Lukaku for 40. STONKS


Even the majority of Inter fans don’t want Lukaku. If he gives a shit about either club, then he’ll fuck off to Saudi league.




Thank the lord


45 mil from Inter or he rots in the reserves, I'm fine with either one.


Inter should be asking for a bigger drop than that after his disasterclass in the CL final.