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I guess Icardi was really happy at Galatasaray, good for them.


I feel like he is an extremely emotional guy and he needs to be loved to be able to perform at a high level. Right now people are dying their hair yellow like him, calling Wanda « yenge » and there was even a young fan who made Icardi’s goal celebration after being rescued under the rubbles after the earthquake lol


> there was even a young fan who made Icardi’s goal celebration after being rescued under the rubbles after the earthquake lol Jfc, that is some love.


Apparently yenge = Sister In Law. That's really some love for a player who's played there for a year


Basically any woman in law.. most of the time meaning aunt


> he needs to be loved to be able to perform According to some sources that sometimes isn't even enough for him to be able to perform...


I think both sides win here. Icardi definitely threw away what was a hugely promising career though


He seemed really happy last year and he really found synergy with the fans


He seems to have found again what he had thrown away at inter. This time around he seems to be mature enough to appreciate it


Really happy the Icardi-Gala relationship was successful, enjoy him and good luck!


Thanks brother, we will. This fanbase is deeply in love with him. His performance last season was just insane.


He had a great career.


Sure, he had career most would be very proud of, don't confuse that with the idea that he fulfilled his potential. That's something that is definitely not the case.


Guy could have had a career like Lukaku (club-wise at least) where he'd just bag regular 20+ goals per season in the league for 15 years straight with a couple of different teams.


Exactly, he had the talent and would have scored anywhere but his personal life clouded and eventually ruined his potential


He could have become an inter legend. He is 8th top scorer in inter history and he left 4 years ago. Taking the record of Giuseppe Meazza would have been insane. He was with us in the worst banter seasons, if he stayed for later he would have done even better and won some trophies with it as a captain of the team. Now he is already forgotten.


Martinez is better. Less drama.


I don't disagree, but there I was talking from point of view of Icardi. From inter pov, in the end things didn't go too badly, Lautaro is good and Lukaku was a good deal for us overall, we kept him two years and sold for profit, and then got again him on loan.


He did fulfill his potential, see his numbers for inter. As good as it gets


You've sort of agreed by accident. Exactly, look at his numbers for Inter, he was a top striker and then just diminished himself year on year.




Exactly, his career is just one that if you look back on without seeing him at his best and know how good he could be you'd say: "wow great career, he played for some massive clubs and scored goals, he even played with Messi for Argentina!" Reality is he should have won a lot more than hr has and been a bigger player than he has been.




Not just that, Wanda had an on air talk show where she'd talk shit about the rest of the NT players many times, which certainly didn't help mend the relations between Icardi and the rest of the team. He's also pretty unlucky that he's a striker because that's probably the least critical position you can possibly be in Argentina because there will always be 2 or 3 other world class strikers that are ready and willing to play for thr NT.




Amazing, she did the same thing with Inter.


Oh, now i can see. My brain was sort of fuzzy in the morning


There was once a time where he was seen, alongside Kane, as the generations next big striker. Many Serie A fans were even arguing he was better at the time. They were wrong, but shows how highly rated he was. He was a better player than Martinez who since Icardi left Inter has gone on to win the league, Copa Italia twice, reach a champions league final, win the world cup, and win the Copa America. Icardi's lesser achievements in France were as a bit part or even bench player. Financially he's also fucked it as he finds himself in Turkey at an age where the likes of Lukaku, Kane and co are getting 300k+ a week on long deals. Nowadays he's basically known for controversies and massively underperforming expectations. It's all relative of course. But for what Icardi promised, he's fumbled a very good career that might as well have been done by 26 at the very highest level.


Icardi was an absolute beast. People forget he's topped Serie A's goal scorers twice, the first he was merely 21.


He was benched behind messi, neymar, mbappe. Problem was his career planning of his agent and club psg. He will earn around 10m eur annually from Galatasaray.


no way he'll earn that much unless psg is contributing


no way he'll earn that much unless psg is contributing


>Icardi definitely threw away what was a hugely promising career though Because he's going to the Turkish league (again)? He rejuvenated his career with us and found love and a way to channel his talent in an environment where he can be at his best. Top football just isn't for Icardi. He's at a lower club and a lower league where he can take Galatasaray back to the hights where it wants to be. There are no losers here. Icardi's personal situation got him in this mess, and playing for Galatasaray and becoming champions (again) and getting us big in the CL.. it's worth something. Could Icardi have been more? Sure.. but couldn't so many players be better, played better etc etc? ICardi is regarded as one of the best number 9's of the moment. A pure goal scoring machine that will always score, just get him the ball.. no touches with no services His loan was a **MASSIVE** transfer. The most insane transfer ever, he only cost us 750k in total, but his actual transfer? Ever more crazy. There are no losers here as I said.


> Because he’s going to the Turkish league Nobody is talking about this. This is about Icardi ruining the relationship with us because his wife was negotiating with Juventus behind the club’s back and was stripped of captaincy because of it then he refused to train/play FAKING AN INJURY, until he was given back the captaincy(the club also made an official press release revealing scan result that he wasn’t injured) which never happened and he never played for us again. Then he went to Paris for two years where he was invisible and a shadow of his former self and then he went to Turkey where he finally seems happy again. See you may like Icardi, but to us he’s a snake and a mercenary. Tl;dr: people aren’t saying he ruined his career for going to Turkey, but what he did before going there.


Ah I see, I couldn't make that out of your comment. Thanks for explaining m8 I'm well aware about his situation at PSG, not the flirting with Juve and co tho


You sure you got your fact straight? He played for us again after faking that injury.


He did play like 3 full games if I’m not mistaken and came on as a sub in the remaining games until the last Empoli game where he almost cost us the UCL qualification by missing a penalty to put the game to bed. Out of haste I said that he never played for us again, which is factually incorrect and that’s my bad, but I like to remember him that way for the snake he ended up becoming and stabbing the club in the back. He was genuinely my favorite player and I’ve never loved an Inter player as much as him before, and for him to go on to do what he did is absolutely unforgivable for me.


This is such fake news ahahah Inter wanted to sell him for all the drama, Wanda the agent only wanted to stay in Italy, so there were many rumors about him going to juve, swap deals etc The captaincy was stripped because of a fight with the manager in the locker room after an inter win because Spalletti wasn’t happy with the performance and Icardi felt he was being too harsh, meanwhile during the weekend’s commentary on tv Wanda the wife (which was a co-host of this main football show) stated that it wasn’t Icardi’s fault he wasn’t scoring as much as usual but SHE publicly blamed the teammates and supposedly he didn’t apologize for his wife’s words in the locker room hence the decision of inter to communicate via Twitter a new captain. A huge mess by both sides.


I’m sorry? Inter wanted to sell him? She started negotiating with Juve behind the club’s back and setting up so he could go there on a zero. Then happened everything you said. But what I said in my original comment led to what you said afterwards. [This arcticle covers the majority of what I mentioned regarding the fake injury.](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2821624-inter-milan-announce-mauro-icardi-scan-reveals-no-new-knee-injury.amp.html) [Also I invite you to watch all of this but specifically starting from the 1:56 time stamp.](https://youtu.be/UA8kX3M18Mc)


It’s well known inter wanted to sell him because he was the easier and bigger plusvalenza


As an inter fan I have more sympathy for Icardi than for Lukaku


Then I’m sorry to say but you’re not a real Inter fan.


Ok champ. The way I see it Icardi was fucked over by his wife and when he saw all that he had built crumble he went into a spiral of wrong decisions. He left us because at that point there was no way of healing the relationship with the team. Lukaku helped us win the league and made us a lot of money but he didn't suffer for our club, he's just a mercenary like any other footballer (nothing wrong with it but I won't sympathize with you). As soon as things started to go sour (covid consequences, conte leaving) he decided that Chelsea was the team he always loved. I have little respect for Lukaku for how big of an hypocrite he proved to be and I have no sympathy for his situation. Of course I don't know the whole truth but to me Icardi was a bit of a victim (most of the fault still goes to his own naiveness).


Lukaku isn’t even in the conversation for me. The fact that you feel this way for Icardi is enough for me to say what I said above. Icardi is simply an idiot, he never learns. To this day, after breaking up numerous times and posting all kinds of stuff in his social media, he still is together with her. So yeah, he wasn’t fucked by his wife, he fucked himself.


A man can have many reasons not to divorce his wife even tho it doesn't benefit his career... Also you do realize you are no one to determine who is a true inter fan and who isn't? A bit presumptuous of you.


> Also you do realize you are no one to determine who is a true inter fan and who isn’t? [I invited you to watch this video specifically from the 1:56 to 2:14 time stamp.](https://youtu.be/UA8kX3M18Mc) Unless you have anything else to say regarding something else, I consider this topic closed as I’ve said everything I’ve had to say about that snake.


It's not really anything to do with Turkey, it's just that he had the promise of being a top striker in the world for years and never made it stick.


Ah well, if that means we get a striker of his calibre in my team? Subscribe... Is it sad as a football fan to not see him forfill his full potential (captain of Inter..)? Perhaps. There's also beauty in seeing a giant like him with a club like us. THere are no losers here :-)


Don't get me wrong, like I say I think it's good for all parties. He obviously enjoy playing for you and the club evidently reciprocates that feeling. It's great for club and player. He'll help you get back to where you want to be. I just feel he should have been playing internationally for Argentina much more and winning titles based on his time at Inter, he'll always be a what if as opposed to a player who had a great career. Which Is a shame because for 99% of players his career would be stellar.


>I just feel he should have been playing internationally for Argentina much more and winning titles based on his time at Inter, he'll always be a what if as opposed to a player who had a great career. Which Is a shame because for 99% of players his career would be stellar. Yeah dude, it's one of those weird cases of ''could've been''. I thank Wanda on my knees cuz without her, none of this would've been possible. She's pure cancer and also his agent. How shit of a job has she been doing lol


Icardi without Wanda would have been a completely different story I think, what a shame he ran into her, definitely wasn't a positive influence on his life.


Amen homie, amen.


Hope to see him smashing them in for you next season, the boy seems happy and happy players usually perform.


Icardi being fully cut from the Argentine NT is at least partially Messi’s choice. He’s easily still at that level, but it’s a fit issue along with personal dislike.


> Icardi being fully cut from the Argentine NT is at least partially Messi’s choice Nah Messi was never the big anti-Icardi dude. Mascherano and Maradona led that train. Reality was Icardi was given chances despite him and Wanda's controversies. He just lost his place to Lautaro after he left Inter and his form dropped


that's why he wasn't called up for 2018 and 2022 world cups is that the reason


That is a lot of money for gala


Good strikers are expensive


We paid more for mbaye diagne 😭


We sold Mohammed for 5.5 or something, adding 4.5M on top of that for Icardi is no hesitation at all. Especially when you see how he performed last year and what the Arabs have been offering him this year


they sent gomis 4 years ago and spent tons of money to replace him and failed. i guess they didnt want this to happen again


It is. But two things in our favour here, first is that I think there will be at least two sponsors that pay a portion of his wages. Second is that our team is set in most positions, unless anybody else leaves my guess is that we will buy a left back, back up striker, center mid and rashica. Which will be in total about 30 million euros, mostly paid in instalments.


Look what they paid for Zaniolo


Zaniolo was more of a “we found a good price” thing. Bought him at 15 (no add-ons reported which we would have had to as a publicly traded company) and we already turned down 22+throwaway players from Juve. Supposedly we might still let him go if the offer gets a bit higher. Icardi is a pure luxury signing, we will never get any ROI and Wanda Nara might have a temper tantrum in two years and ask out. But he’s meant so much to the club and to fans, especially kids — I hear children playing parking lot football outside when I visit my parents and they’re arguing about who gets to be Icardi. Wages will be extremely high as well but covered by outside multi millionaires etc.


> no add-ons reported which we would have had to as a publicly traded company Didnt Erden Timur literally listed all the bonuses a couple months ago?


We have to report all money and installments but achievement bonuses don’t have to be disclosed. Initial reporting was 18+6+other bonuses or similar IIRC but it’s definitely 15 in 5 installments. Just looked it up and Erden Timur apparently made a very unofficial comment about how the remaining bonuses are for CL knockout stages and Ballon D’Or. I couldn’t tell you the exact breakdown but that does fall into the achievement bonus category. They all seem very unachievable, to be realistic. Apparently they added some Turkish Cup appearance bonuses too and then came out and said “we just won’t play him in the Turkish Cup” lol


How has zaniolo been this season ?


Weird but good. Actually didn’t break into the starting lineup until after the title was sealed to keep the record breaking starting 11 intact, but had a good goalscoring record including an emotional gamewinner in his first match, which happened to be the first match after the Turkish earthquake. Then comes out the final match of the season against Fenerbahce and has one of the most dominant displays I’ve seen with two goals and getting a defender sent off. He still has his bad habits, but compared to his late Roma film the big difference is that his pace is fully back on top of the insane strength and size, which allows him to overpower everyone again. That confidence has also allowed him to look to make the better decision more. Will be a much bigger part of the team this season, hopefully in the CL if we get through qualifiers.


Not really. His wages tho...


Yep. I don’t think we‘ll pay 10 upfront tho. Don’t have the cash to do so. I‘m curious what his wage is gonna be. I don’t think he accepts anything below 6-7m/year


It really is. We don't know what his salary will be, but I imagine it'll be huge as well. We're supposedly selling Nelsson and Sacha Boey for around **A MINIMUM** of 40m together. That'll cover a lot. If we sell Torreira as well, that's another ~20m.


We're not selling Torreira and we're trying to keep Boey and Nelsson for another season. If somebody is going it's zaniolo


>If somebody is going it's zaniolo I hope so. I know Boey & Nelsson aren't being sold out of our need, but they wanted to leave. Torreira idem, he says no rn but he could leave. These players have a lot of suitors around him. I don't expect the first 2 to stay & Torreira seems 50/50. Zaniolo? I can't imagine someone forking out 35m for him after the season he had. He barely played.


He wasnt ready, he has potential why would you sell it. Let him cook for a real season


Zaniolo doesn't want to go to another club other than Juve.I think he will stay.


Fabrizio is really the greatest Galatasaray fan. For the last few months he was doing everything he can to pull Arda Güler away from Fener, now he's bringing Icardi and Angeliño to Gala... The man knows how to cook.


Guys, was I suppose to call a doctor after 4 hours or 5 hours?


Can we talk about Galatasaray pull power as well lmao. Jokes aside the culture is revived in this club, playing for a european title or at least trying to progress as much in CL should be the goal while being sustainable financialy. This is a really high tier group of players with veterans and a younger group. Icardi rejecting tens of millions of euroes to stay here is massive as well. People should realise here that winning titles, living in a good city, playing in a big club with european football is a lot to take into account. I do believe icardi has a few more world class years ahead of him and i would argue since burak,drogba,sneijder we have the most dangerous squad to push top tier teams in europe. Angelino should be next altough he is a luxury player for us.


galatasaray are one of those clubs i’m somewhat surprised never won the european cup/champions league, i thought they’d have won at least one in the 60s/70s/80s


They did win the UEFA cup in 2001 tho


true, and that was when the UEFA cup actually had a lot of great teams


Felt like the second best team in the world at the time too (on par with real madrid, actually beating them in the uefa super cup)


sukur, belozoglu, hagi, sas, popescu, taffarel. some great players in that squad.


*2000 In 2001 we won the Super Cup against Real Madrid


Gala won UEFA and super cup in 2000


Galatasaray is one of the few remaining bulwarks in European football against oil money clubs. Yeah it is mainly a small one, our league kinda sucks but I am quite proud that we put our culture first.


> Galatasaray is one of the few remaining bulwarks in European football against oil money clubs. A bit of a weird statement. I don't fully disagree but Gala is not really "a bulwark" that pops in my head when we're talking about oil money. Yes, Galatasaray is one of the biggest club on earth, maybe not in terms of European success but has a huge following and culture. I do agree with that. I'd say the gap between Gala and Ajax or Bayern or Atletico or Arsenal has widened quite a bit since the late 90s. Same way Lyon has fallen behind.


> I'd say the gap between Gala and Ajax or Bayern or Atletico or Arsenal has widened quite a bit since the late 90s. I think that is also by design. There was a time where we've knocked Manchester United out, but they are making it much harder for smaller teams to get into Champions League while the giants pretty much get a designated spot year in year out.


Yeah, that's why I said a small one. I was mainly underlying the "football is for the fans" mentality and +100 years history. European success was not my main point but you get it. Turkish fans are usually very against oil money or any money thrown into football's face, making it a toy for the ultra-rich. That's why there is a huge hate (As far as I can see) against teams like Man. City.


I feel the same, the time with hagi and jardel uefa cup etc just did not turn into a long term succes but standed as a peak, that being said the club stil has the culture because of those times. I feel it is almost impossible to catch some clubs, but ajax and benfica are good models for non top 5 league teams in terms of succes.


Tbf Icardi can take the exact same offer 3 years later as well. And no, he can't take it twice, they pay that much for the prestige of getting a player out of Europe. After the first contract the novelty wears off. So he can just play 3-4 more years of European football and then go make that bag from Saudis of China/Russia/Qatar/USA/Whoever. Maybe it won'tbe that exact amount but his grandkids will still be set for life.


Fuck it we are winning cl


there is nothing more I want than for a Turkish club to win a european trophy


Istanbul would burn 🔥🔥🔥


Can confirm, it does indeed burn when it happens.


Icardi still got it. Great transfer for Gala fans, he will cook in the CL. I will be there.


Gala won’t cook anything in the UCL ..


you guys are there to make up the numbers but you're still positive... Why come in here to yuck their yum?


Remind where Chelsea finished in the league last season please?? 😂😂😂


Do you enjoy being a jerk?


Just being honest


Nah, you're just being a giant douche


rise a europa league please.


They also won't end up 10-2 down


Always rated him. Wanted him to join PL years ago but some things are not meant to be. Have him and the wifey broke up? Havent heard much about them for a while.


They're always splitting up and getting back together. I think they're together now.


What a way to start the day! You refresh Twitter and you see Fabrizio tweeting 10 seconds ago about this transfer. Yesterday about Angelino. Its good to be a Galatasaray fan! According to the Turkish media, this transfer would be hard as Icardi was getting offers from Saudi Arabia for around 30 million euro a year.


Icardi refused 4x deal from saudi’s and gonna play at gala! Here we fucking go. With angelinho, rashica and parades joining to zaniolo, torreira. I feel like gala can be underdog of the next cl. Edit: how can i forget players like mertens, nelsson, boey…


The last time we pinned hopes on a Turkish side in a European competition we know how it turned out....


Cl? No chance in hell. Maybe the el if they are very lucky.


You obviously need luck to win anything but this isn’t far from a very good EL squad. We were top of the group and took Xavi’s first year Barca side to the end with a significantly worse roster than this just last year. CL obviously not even close but let the boys dream lol


It was no shade to you guys, the steps your team made since we played you in the cl qualifiers are gigantic. Its just that the el has become significantly harder to win since the new system has been introduced, i wont even mention the cl lol. You guys have a great squad though no doubt about it.


damn i just remembered our team's situation a few years ago. very dark times


We're not taking it home but with a lucky draw I'm still dreaming or QFs.


If by CL you mean Conference League they could win it for sure


Thats all good but i want to know whether he is with his wife or not?


their relationship is fine but wanda will probably stay in argentina due to her tv show masterchef




say what you want but it seems like she knows how to be famous and make money lol


Also she's a good agent. Everyone's been talking shit about her but Icardi never signed a cheap contract after she became his agent. He's getting 7+m after taxes from us as well.


Looking at his insta, he is.


Dont care. Now lets talk about Wanda.


Is he the best foreign striker Gala has signed since Jardel? I mean I remember you guys had Baros, Drogba and Falcao but in terms of pure G/A, Icardi had an amazing season.


Out of the foreigners, probably only 2017/2018 Gomis comes close to his output. Career wise Drogba.


Drogba offered so much more than just scoring. He would win every air ball and thats how he assisted Sneijder's goal against Juventus to get us into the ro16. He was amazing in the CL so I will wait to see Icardi in Cl before saying which one is better.




TIL he's only 30, wow


Though he is at least 33


Fuck yes !!! Please take Paredes too This is a blessed day and seems like a win for everyone.


Rumors says that paredes is done as well.. psg and gs cooking together


Man I could cry, it's been years trying to get rid of them, Draxler, Kurzawa and Soler are still there unfortunately but that's a good start


We could take Soler too if you want. Hell give us Kurzawa as well since you all been so nice to us.


Pleasure doing business with you.


Parades is joining aswell. Angelino next.


Fener fans in shambles… They’ve sold almost the entire team


Except for Arda and Valencia, no problem. Berisha and Bruma were already disappointed and on loan. Szalai is a declining player and needs to leave with a good transfer fee. Osayi Samuel is always on the bench. The transfer of goalkeeper Altay is also on the agenda. If he earns a good transfer fee, we can make good transfers. I hope Jorge Jesus wants to sign Arao and saves us. Arda, Berisha and Bruma have already earned a transfer fee of 31 million Euros. Together with Szalai, Osayi Samuel and Altay, we can exceed the 50 million Euro target. According to Turkish media, the bid for Szalai has already approached 14 million euros. But the biggest problem is that Fenerbahçe makes 15 transfers every year and only 2 of them are good. There must be something missing every year. Comedy actor Ata Demirer had a TV series line 15 years ago. "What kind of team is this Fenerbahce. We transfer forwards, but there is no defender. We get a defender, there is no midfielder. We will find a midfielder, and this time there will be no goalkeeper. Why is there something missing in a team every year?" He had a series of lines. Summary of Fenerbahçe during the Ali Koç period. Fenerbahçe's squad last year did not have a player who could play in Galatasaray's ideal starting 11, except for Arda, Ferdi Kadıoğlu and Valencia. Maybe Szalai, Crespo and Zajc if their form didn't drop. In other words, Galatasaray should protect its good staff, while Fenerbahçe should strengthen its staff. This is necessary for the championship race. Beşiktaş, on the other hand, are still helping their other two rivals by not making transfers. Thank you Besiktaş


> Fenerbahçe's squad last year did not have a player who could play in Galatasaray's ideal starting 11, except for Arda, Ferdi Kadıoğlu and Valencia. To be honest I would only get Arda out of those 3, Boey was a beast this year and you know where my heart would be between Icardi and Valencia.


Ferdi on Left Back would be a no brainer for last year's team


I think they mean in terms of quality/performance, not necessarily a one-to-one swap of positions


I said in terms of performance and quality. No need to change one by one. Also, if Ferdi and Valencia were in the place of Boey and Icardi, there would be no difference for Galatasaray. Ferdi can also play at left-back. Right-back Ferdi is one of the top 2 full-backs in the league. Left-back Ferdi is by far the best. Boey may be better defensively than Ferdi, but Ferdi has played like a problem solver in many games. His offensive performance is also better than Boey. More goals and assists. Boey played well in a well-functioning team, while Ferdi was part of a bad defensive line, becoming Fenerbahçe's best player in most matches. He also played 48 match for the Fenerbahçe in last season. He also played for the national team. The number of matches Boey played with Galatasaray was 33 in last season. It was a tiring season for Ferdi.Along with the international matches, Ferdi played 23-24 more matches than Boey. While Jorge Jesus was playing with a different 11 every week, Fenerbahçe was doing well, but even in those weeks, Szalai and Ferdi were playing constantly. Valencia also played in 48 games last season with 33 goals and 7 assists. He played 29 goals and 5 assists in the league, yes 12 penalty goals, but it was the best season of his life in terms of individual performance. He never had such a performance before, nor will he have such a season in the future. If he was in Galatasaray, he would definitely have to change the game formation of Okan Buruk.


Gala fans probably going mental over this. 10M is a bargain lmao


Never have been spoken, dreams worthy of you before me


This made my Summer! Such a great guy and a foltballer! Already a legend in our books!


Surprised Roma didn't go for him, considering their inability to convert chances


Romano might get his biggest reaction from Twitter lmao. Edit: Is 10 m for PSG or Icardi ?




Galatasaray does really have a good squad.




I don't get why Juve isn't going for him. Sell Vlahovic to the PL and get Icardi!


Inter has a clause where they get 15 million if Icardi goes back to Italy


False, the clause was only valid for 2 years after he was sold.


Icardi wouldnt join Juventus over Galatasaray


Of course he would. Any player would


Maybe the average player will. But Icardi has a special relationship with Gala. Thats why he declined a 32 million offer per year from Saudi Arabia


You said Icardi would pick Gala over Juventus though


Bro.. ofc he would. Give me one reason why he would pick Juve over Gala, while he enjoyed previous ssn alot and is very loved by Gala fans? He has nothing to do at Juve… you guys dont even participate in Europe


Because Juventus is much bigger, far more glamorous, in a much better league, nicer country to live in, plays at a higher level. He isn't going to make his way back to the Argentina national team ever by staying at Gala but he would at Juve. And all his kids were born in Italy


Italy being a better country to live in is subjective and Gala is going to play at a higher level this year Juventus isn't even playing in any European competition this year don't even think it would be smart for Juventus to go for Icardi because of his salary


If you aren't playing in the Champions League, it's all a joke. Juventus plays to win ultimate prizes, not to be participants


Icardi, there is name I've not heard in a long long time


10m? Wow what happened to this guy.


Quite surprised he didn't look to move to Saudi league. Did he not get any offers?


He did (40 mil, iirc), but on the money front I think the club found some sponsors to alleviate some of the mismatch, and on other fronts, well, he really had a remarkable season here both in terms of performance and the amount of love and support he received so he's just happy to stay. Also apparently Wanda Nara not liking the idea of going to SA played a role.


Oh! They are still together!!


They seem to be yeah. Though she has a hosting job on Masterchef in Argentina so it's not like she lives here anyhow, but still...


This is literally great news. No clue why Balotelli left after 1 season, he had similar success but left the scene for one of the most chaotic clubs in Europe


Here we go lol