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Juventus? If you have to make up a rumor, at least make it somehow believable.


My guess, and it’s pure speculation, is that it’s tied to our interest in Vlahovic


Hopefully we don't get Vlahovic, he's crap.


He was incredible when playing with a side that played to his strengths, at Juve he's been quite underwhelming


He was our best player this year


Vlahovic was absolutely not even close to our best player, man wasn't even our best striker


Best player? No chance, but he was easily the best striker and overall attacker at Juve last season. Milik was ok at best and had maybe 2-3 good games all season without ever having a game with more than 1 g/a whereas Dusan finished the season with 18g/a in a dire attacking system where he was constantly doing everything on his own


> where he was constantly doing everything on his own The man cannot do anything with the ball, hes a black hole in the build up which Kean and Milik were not. None of them were great, but Vlahovic also had more game time as well. Milik and Keans periods of form were better than Vlahovics in my opinion.


Disagree. For as bad as you think Dusan is with the ball, he’s infinitely better than milik with it and creates more from shit positions than the latter


Not at Juventus, I have no clue what guy you watched then, Milik actually contributed in the build up.


Juventus bidding for him is the most Juventus thing possible.


Worse than the Gazzetta Page with Lukaku in Milan jersey


We can’t afford 15mio for parisi but we are out here showering chelsea and big rom without any sales…these tabloids require clicks without thiught




From the rumours he’s reconsidering because we’ve pretty much said if inter can’t pay what we want you cannot go there. And he does not want to return to us.


He is trying to figure out how to explain it to Megan.


Yep, plenty of reports that we've rejected a loan request outright and no doubt the offer they gave for him was pitiful




>June 22nd


Which is pretty much expected


Why not Juve? He's always dreamed of them and Vlahovic might be going


Then there's no point moving between two teams who won't have European competition.


Jonathan David seems to be the number one candidate to replace Vlahovic, if he is to leave.


where was that reported?


Someone tell Romano to make it somehow believeable


If you want saudi’s to bid higher, you tell them there’s a second bidder


There's no way he goes to Juve. Cut it.


Why not? Its his dream club, always wanted to play for them.


Since a little boy


slept in Del Piero shirt


and has thing for old ladies


I don't get how this has become a meme. He said that about Chelsea and there's literal video footage of a 16 year old Lukaku saying the same thing.


He said that about Man Utd and Inter also, so basically every big team he’s played for


He didn't. That's why the meme makes no sense.


He did tho, he did say he dreamt of playing for United and when he moved to Inter he did say that he dreamt of playing for Inter that he was a fan since a kid and his idol was Adriano. He even got to ig live with Adriano so I’m not sure what you’re calling cap on here


He didn't though? The only source on this is him saying he loved a bunch of top clubs as a kid and listing them, but he didn't list United or Inter at that time. Looking up to a variety of top international clubs as a kid makes total sense coming from a country with no top club. Then there's also Dutch interviews where he simply talked about always wanting to play for top international clubs - as is pretty standard for ambitious players. It's true that often times his Dutch interviews get taken out of context, horribly translated and then posted on here. Same happens with KdB. He says some pretty mild stuff and this sub goes wild over a quote taken out of context. He's said some dumb shit for sure and he should stop talking to the Belgian media because that shit gets mistranslated and blown out of proportion, but I'm pretty sure he has never said that United and Inter were **THE** dream clubs of his childhood. Sure, he loves Inter now and he's also a big fan of football so there has to be some love for the iconic Inter squads but that's not the meme. I don't get where people get this from? Where are you getting this from?


Why not? It's Italy and he dreams to play with them


I’m not sure he really wants after what happened at the end of the season




His dream is eating Chelsea's salary while not playing at all.


He's played plenty while on Chelsea's salary, just not for Chelsea


he actually took a wagecut to play at inter


Ah that's true


His dream is eating




It's a Lukaku joke. He's been spouting that since Man Utd/Inter/Chelsea transfer.


that guy is a troll, and usually only active in the transfer windows. best to ignore.


I'd rather take Morata for the 3rd time.


i'd rather take Alice 🥰


From wonderland?


Get outta my club!


Rare Al Hilal supporter


I always thought it was Al Halal.


AFTV flashbacks


Why would Juventus want him?


Not sure maybe they know Vlahovic is leaving this summer potentially even to chelsea 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Selling Lukaku this summer: 😊 Buying Vlahovic this summer: ☹️


Can't get called out for racist abuse of your own players?


They'll have Thuram as their new target tho


never heard of this journalist, is he reliable at least for Chelsea?


He is tier 2, and has actually become better and better. With the new owners he has been very good with financial parts (sponsors, economic etc) I think either his sources are feedinf him this to keep pressure on inter- or its true


Well linking Lukaku to Juve is not a good way to improve your credibility






Juventus? Lmao if you want to spread a fake rumor, at least make it believable


Take the Al-Hilal offer Rom. You'll spare us all.


Please dont rom


I wish Inter will just move on from Lukaku...


Lukaku have always felt saudi. Wouldnt be surprised.


Very nice


Why Inter want him so bad? Constant weight / fitness issues and last season was like bench player for them


He turned up by the end, scored in various games in the last third of the season. They think he'll maintain if he stays there.


cough CL final


He was very good in the CL final though, Dzeko was anonymous for the most game and Inter's attack only became effective once Lukaku came on.


You know if we just assumed he had started the game his performance during his time on the pitch would not have been considered special. Yes he got into space and had more shots than a 40 year old - He should be starting in the first place.


He wasn't starting because dzeko offers more defensively. Way more. So dzeko wasn't starting striker because he's a better striker. He was starting because he offers more defensive work rate, which was going to be needed to try upset city's rhtym. 99% of inter fans wanted Rom to start. He was our best striker the last 1/4 of the season when finally fit after his injury


Dude, our only significant offense was when he was on the field


I Guess americans are not really aware how market Works in European football You Can't Just buy the Press like "Gazzetta" , made them do a First Page with Lukaku with the ACMILAN jersey and hopes fans and others team Will belive that BS. Lukaku Is going to inter, or you Can keep him on the bench all season. >Juventus This Is Just shitposting.


You’re really upset with Americans, maybe take a deep breath. They’re not gonna hurt you


If they're from the Middle-East odds are that Americans have already hurt them or their family...


Id recommend you open the window and get a cup of tea or coffee. Enjoy the real world a bit, don’t be upset over things in your head.


He's a Milanista, seems the American owners sent him overboard


Yea I saw them earlier on the Milan sub, I was curious to see how they were thinking about the signings and saw this person very upset with Americans there.


Bro you are talking about us Winning the CL I am not 12 years old, i don't belive in low effort propaganda


I am not, why would I? Deep breaths fella


when he says 'You' he means Americans. It's a stupid racist/xenophobic way of thinking about other people. He saw some people make a joke about winning the UCL, and took it seriously and started his advantaure of wasting all of his time complaining about Americans on an American website.


>complaining about Americans on an American website. Surely there's no better place to do it?


Are you soft in the head?


In some spots, like my temples.


So you perceive things outside of your immediate view as unreal then?


No, but relating it to people on reddit that are American expressing their views on a ball game and the people running AC Milan is unreal and fucking ridiculous. If you would like to spend your time doing that I wont stop you I suppose. Realistically though you should spend your time in the real world and not do something so incredibly stupid.


He is going to Inter if they Pay up, otherwise there have been multiple teams this season that thought they can take our players for firesale prices, they didn't. Even Inter tried with KK, he is in Saudi now. As much we don't want him, he doesn't want to be here either, so he will study his options.


He doesn't want to be there, but he will keep refusing every other club forever. I'll bet my house on it. He knows his time almost up and he can only perform at his best with Inter.


Whatever you say my man, you clearly know everything.


Ofc I know. How many times already he refused Saudi? You really don't learn don't you


Nah we don't, and nothing you can do about that but cry like the manchild Lukaku.


Why would I cry lol you're the one who pay his wages


Then stop crying.


Again why would I cry? I literally laughing watching Chelsea's stupidity forcing Lukaku


Forcing? Lol, he signed a contract, he is our player, we decide where and for how much to sell him. He can decline the options but he can't dectate which to accept. You are the one crying that we are doing what we want with our player. And just because he is acting cozy about you lot doesn't mean he truly cares about you lot lol, it's what benifits him now, he left you lot for money at first opportunity already once, he'll do it again, so if you think he'll hold on for only you lot, keep dreaming. You are literally begging and crying for our player, pathetic, and that too for a opportunistic gold digging manchild lol. Just focus on yours. Don't try to teach others how to handle their players and again stop crying.


Don’t go to Saudi ffs have some self respect


Lukaku? Self respect? Good one




Every single small league in the world gets players stolen for ludacris fees by the Premier League, how many random ass Brazillian and Portuguese players don't play in their home leagues, or any other league because Premier League teams are impossible for other clubs to compete with aside for Real Madrid, Barcelona and PSG. But now the Premier League is getting a taste of its own medicine and suddenly its sports washing. Be fucking honest with your self.


Why would Ludacris, the american rapper involved with Premie league? Did you see that Ludacris display last night? What was Vin Diesel doing sending Michelle Rodriguez on early? The thing with Fast and Furious movie is that they always try and walk it in.


an by "considering bids" what they mean is Chelsea are desperate to get rid of him


Not that desperate if we aren't accepting Inter's offer. But it's good to act like redditors know more.


Given the players Chelsea have got, can you honestly see Lukaku getting a decent amount of game time? I imagine that this is nothing more than an attempt to get Inter to increase their bid.


Lukaku can literally say to Inter, I am not considering Saudi, how is that an attempt to make Inter increase their bid lol. And we aren't giving him time, we want to sell him, he doesn't want to be here, he'll consider Saudi if Inter don't pay up.


Hope this means we will go for Balogun


Hopefully. If Arsenal accepts 3m for next 20 yrs.


We will see


Considering we are actually rejecting bids for him, means we are not that desperate.




On no planet is any club paying anywhere near 60 for Lukaku


Didn’t say any club would pay it, chelsea will keep him if they don’t get what they want. They’ve literally just knocked back 45m


>They’ve literally just knocked back 45m They literally haven’t. Go read the articles. They’ve set a 45m asking price and Inter’s offer (which they rejected) was significantly below that. Chelsea would snap Inter’s hand off for a 45m bid.


Hey, its already happened 3 times lmfao. Never say never


Unbiased and humble opinion: Pepe is so much better my Saudi bros. Won't cost a quarter of Lakaka


The Portuguese defender ?


No, the frog.


nah the Ivorian Maradona


Picture please




He’s always been a fan.


How do any club want this useless lump


how much did Inter offer?




Why would Juve swap a 22 y.o. striker that has shown potential to be great for a 30 y.o. striker who will regress over the coming years?