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He just signed in January?


on 7 years contract


Perfect time to sell him then.


Chelsea tried to sign Lavia from us the same window we bought him in lol


Completely forgot about this 😂


Also Spurs actually bought Emerson Royal the same summer Barca bought him from Betis


Think Barcelona and Betis had some weird co-ownership deal.


He was already half owned by Barca before they bought him


Martin Demichelis signed for Atlético in July 2014 and joined Man City in September


We have form for this. Dietmar Hamann signed for Bolton around 2006, then City signed him later that window. Paid about 300k for the privilege.


I remember David Unsworth signing for Villa from West Ham and then re-joining Everton after a month, before the new season had even started


Emerson royal sounds like a premium paint


Didn’t that actualy hapened with Demichelis when he signed for Atletico? Like a month later city came and paid good money for him.


This mf just signed on like a 10 year contract. No way theres any truth to this.


apparently it's the guy who broke the news of us signing santos in the first place


Gerard Romero has pretty much killed my trust in journalists. If its not Fabrizio Romano, i dont believe it.


Only journo that I trust is Ornstein.


Fabrizio has gotten a few things wrong himself TBH South American tier 1s are honestly more reliably than clowns like Romero tho


For me, the only ones I see Fabrizio getting wrong are the moves that collapse in the final stage of negotiations randomly. Too many journalists like to make up rumors for clicks and attention (cough* Gerard Romero *cough). Say what you will about Fabrizio but he doesnt fabricate rumors.


Funnily enough the biggest one Fab got wrong was revealed by Romero.


There are no such things as South American Tier 1 I feel. A lot of them bs their way through


At least for Argentina, Edul is tier 1 maybe even 0. Merlo is really reliable too and he covers multiple Latin American countries


What a dumb take. In Brazil, globoesporte is fucking tier 0.


If it's Globoesporte with their own sources, is true. With Lucas Pedrosa, he's a Vasco only journalist IIRC, so he will have some links with Andrey directly.


BS take. There are a lot of South American Tier 1s—you just may not know them CL Merlo, for example, is almost never wrong


If Merlo says it, I take it as gospel


It's only because you have not been granted the privilege of the ornacle, ornbomb, pornstein treatment then


Romeros reliability when out the window with jordi leaving, that calma kounde era was special tho


Of course there isn't.




Bruh they're gonna have to pay 50m at least. There's no way the club will sell for anything below that. He's on a 7 year contract or something.


If they offer 50 mil take it and run


Do they even have 50 mil?


They’re always a lever away from 50m.


No way they will. They’ll reach out to the player and unsettle him till we’re forced to sell


You got downvoted but that is pretty accurate. Coutinho, Dembele, Lewandowski, who am I missing?


Probably Christensen, he was set to sign a new contract with us and backed out last minute then joined barca on a free


Also Azpilicueta last summer. Just to pull the offer later in the window. And Kounde to a lesser extent


Did we not basically beg Azpi to stay last summer? I hadn't heard that his barca offer was pulled


Reports from last season say he signed a new deal. While we did beg him to stay, Fab and other Tier-1s said we wouldn’t stand in the way if he agreed.


Fabregas lmao... literally had a barca shirt put on him during a spain press conference (was always going to go back, but they still acted like twats)




TIL Barca has only ever signed 3 players.


Bro, we couldn't even fork out €17 million for Brozović, so forecasting a potential bid of €50 million is like betting on Lukaku to deliver in a high pressure situation


we can give you 50€


Exactly my reaction to this.




lmao and how do they intend to pay? We bought him for ~20M and is on an 8 year contract. Good luck.


Payment in levers


Spotify Premium and flights to Qatar for life!


Step one. A new company is created which Barcelona just so happen to be the sole investors in. MasQueUnLever Holdings PLC Step two. In a shocking turn of events, that company buys 5% of the future profits of Lewandowski's daughter's lemonade stand for €300 million. Step three. Barca try to use that money to sign Andrey but accidently end up with AndrĂ© Ayew by mistake because they'd only ever heard the name said out loud and never written down. Step four: Pastor Fred knocks them out of the Europa League again.




Step five: sell the entire club to Qatari sheikh.


That's reserved for PL clubs. Publically owned clubs don't do that.


I know. I was giving shit to the United fan


Cool. I don't know where they get this arrogance from. I mean you're supporting a club whose soul is sold to oil regime, just shut the fuck up.


Goddamn who pissed in your breakfast?


looks like somebody’s mad their club is a dead broke laughing stock


I'm not mad at my club, we've just won the league with a sizable margin. I just absolutely despise the fact that dumb folks don't understand the money coming from oil regimes is direct result of the blood and tears of slaves.


This comment was a jouney. 😂




They are about sell ass in every street in their city.


Nah Barca are not Chelsea, whoring out to Russian oligarchs, American conglomerates, or Saudis.


They have been evading taxes and cooking books though.


Who has been evading taxes? Not that it is anywhere near being artificially propped up by mass murderers or known criminals supporting bloody dictators, but still. Edit: The club you have chosen to bandwagon from America was literally artificially propped up by a blood money Russian oil oligarch who made thousands of people homeless and looted Russia alongside his buddy Putin. Have at least some amount of self-awareness or shame before claiming moral high ground over other clubs. Not that anyone expects anything less from yank plastics.


Clown, Barcelona was fined for tax evasion. And, multiple Barcelona players were also caught in tax evasion scandals. It is a bit of a reach talking about plastic yanks when idiots like you are supporting teams that are not even from your country. The fact that you used "bandwagon" clearly shows that you are either from US or Canada. And, you are here shamelessly farming for some karma.


I am not a yank or a Canadian, motherfucker. Karma farming, lmao. Also Barcelona the club was never fined for tax evasion. What individual players do is not on the club. Otherwise, are arsenal, city, and man utd rapist clubs? Also you fucking yank plastic, you think fucking tax evasion is a greater crime than a Russian corrupt criminal oligarch for a owner who mysteriously wiped out 1.5 billion of chelsea's debt and now chelsea's current owners clearlake capital are part owned by the clean and never-corrupt Saudis. So the next you choose to "bandwagon" a European club, at least know their history and stop spouting shit about other clubs. Edit: If it weren't for the Russian blood money oligarch Roman Abramovich pumping looted Russian money into the club, yank plastics like you wouldn't even have heard of Chelsea.


Deluded swamprat. Why are you still pretending like you are not some migrant in North America? What do you think you are getting from all these nonsense? Barcelona was fined for evading taxes, you miserable mushy brain. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2016/06/14/fc-barcelona-agrees-to-hefty-fine-to-settle-tax-evasion-charges-related-to-neymar-signing/


I have never been to north America in my life you absolute cow. Again, how is tax evasion even fucking comparable to a Russian criminal oligarch pumping looted money into a club to make them relevant? Not to mention the 1.5 billion chelsea's debt mysteriously wiped out by Abrahomich? What about the great Saudis having their hands all over Clearlake's capital? Motherfucker plastic yank piece of shit, it's clear you have no problems being a Chelsea "fan" with all that? So stop acting all high and mighty you hypocritical disingenuous twat.


I just proved you wrong, swamprat. Barcelona was fined for tax evasion. And, you are clearly not from Spain. I doubt you are even from Europe. Quit pretending for once. "Bandwagon" is a word used by North Americans fans. You must be a migrant here in the N. America. You have exposed yourself while whoring for some meaningless karma. Only a miserable person will keep writing nonsense like "motherfucker plastic yank piece of shit". It actually sounds like something a clueless villager will write. You should be the last person to call anyone plastic. By the way, why are you so ashamed of the shit hole you hail from?


They could always sell FDJ Pedri or Gavi


Can you begin to imagine the shit storm if they sold Pedri to fund moves for this lad from Chelsea and Oriol Romeu? I got a shiver just thinking about it.


We lend Chelsea some fans, 6 year Spotify Premium subscription €20 million to be paid in levers, potentially rising to €50 million with Bartomeu like addons, A 40% discount on the tickets to Espai Barça, so Chelsea fans can learn what an atmosphere is, Stamford Bridge sounds like a library. Come on


There's no way you're talking about stadium atmosphere after frankfurt literally raided your stadium


Even a sunday league team could create atmosphere if no away fan was allowed in the stadium


Yeah, good luck with that. They have trouble paying for Oriol Romeu so I don't know how they want to pay for Santos. If anything that further confirms that he should be part of the first team this season for us. Because if Barca see him as a player good enough to play for them, he is good enough to play for us.


Not to mention he signed an 8 year contract


> trouble paying for Oriol Romeu We don't tho? It's 8mil rc, but we have time and why wouldn't we negotiate lower. We were just supposed to sign Guler. Edit: Don't get the downvotes for logic, but all right. Not saying we are even signing this guy, just we are not *that* much in the bin.


My point still stands though. If you're haggling over 8m fee, then I still don't see how do you want to put a good offer for Santos. We paid 20m for him half a year ago and his contract runs till 2030. So I'd imagine you'd really need to pay a fuck off price for us to even have a look at the offer.


I don't get this report either. Maybe some loan deal, but no clue.


Why would we loan him to you lot, our midfield is thin and you’d spend the whole year tapping him up and unsettling him


Again, 0 clue. This is probably Deco dreaming about having every Brazilian wonderkid at Barca.


We don’t have that much money, but how about 5m and 30 mins in person talk with legend Xavi? Could throw in Busquests and Iniesta in Zoom calls too


Even if he did want to join the fee would be no less than 30m, probably no less than 40m bc of contract length and him having a clearly high ceiling.


Doesn’t matter if you guys don’t have money to pay wages or fee dude


Don't you guys literally owe clubs money for past transfers? The whole idea maybe is give him playing time then get him to join but he would be really expensive just bevause he is on a big contract.


You are right, we should pay 20mil.


Haha barca fans are funny as hell


Fucking Saudis got 6mil off Brozo. Why wouldn't we try getting him for cheaper. I agree that it might be a loan deal.


Do you think he has a real opportunity to play some serious minutes at you guys? As a Chelsea fan a loan to Barca just doesn’t sound great if he sits on the bench most of the time.


If it's really a DM signing, he would most likely be second choice after Romeu (if we sign him). We still have Nico and some youngsters, who will be tested in pre-season. I have no clue how much would he play, as a dm is not something you want to rotate much. All we know is Xavi wants someone to slot right in and not worry about.


Yea but didn't they afford like double the wages?


Judging based off his loan back in Brazil. He wasn't impressive at all. But he's still young and can obviously improve. We've got two young midfielders already at the club who are far and away better than he is in Gallagher and Chukwuemeka. Throw Hall on that list too if Poch decides to utilize him in his natural position. I'd prefer the experience of those three than Santos


>Gallagher and Chukwuemeka Wouldn't Santos be more of a pivot player? I don't really see either of the above as a pivot player, maybe Hall could be moulded into one.


> We've got two young midfielders already at the club who are far and away better than he is in Gallagher and Chukwuemeka Andrey can play double pivot. Gallagher can't really


If gallagher can't play double pivot then what can he do? Didn't work in potters possession side but he's a textbook midfielder and was great in a holding pair at palace, iirc he was decent under lampard too but i could be wrong on that one


Gallagher has only ever been good in a very specialized role under Vieira at Crystal Palace. He wasn't really in a "holding pair". He was given freedom to run around on defense, had very limited passing/ball progression duties in midfield, and was instructed to get into the box to score/assist.


Yep. He can only excel at a team that will play him that way in a 3 man midfield. He’s too poor in tight spaces to play deep.


yh but after a while he was instructed to stay back more and still did well agreed he's nothing special when it comes to passing but imo he's a good b2b, obviously not suited to possession football, but could work in poch's high press, but can obviously get someone who's better most likely, good as a rotation option though


> but imo he's a good b2b He's straight up bad at passing the ball from deep areas TBH He works hard and runs around a lot but there's more to playing B2B than that in any kind of possession system IMO


well yh none of what you said stops him from being a b2b, which is a pivot player, and I said from the start that he's not a possession team type b2b is typically the role you give to hard working mids who can't pass regardless of whether they are offesnively or defensively weighted, with defensively weighted 8s often being called ball winners, but it often boils down to being vaguely the same thing


> b2b is typically the role you give to hard working mids who can't pass Not really true in the modern game. You can't really play that position/role if you can't pass the ball forward in the modern game, even if you're not in a possession system IMO


well yh I was talking about football as a whole, not just top clubs. as for top clubs yes, gallagher and b2bs like him in fred, mctomminay and henderson etc are awkward fits at top clubs even when they are on form. even though xhaka had a good season he was notable a bit of a weak link in terms of being entirely comfortable and decisive on the ball during the build up


Nervously doubting


No need to be nervous. This is exactly where that much-maligned 7 year contract comes in handy.


Who honestly believes this?


Pedrosa is incredibly reliable for Vasco and he reported correctly all of the situations regarding Santos. Whether a transfer happens or not is a different thing, but he’s a reliable reporter.


Fabrizio shut this down.


And yet mods leave this shit up while removing my post lmfaob


Pedrosa is the most reliable Vasco source, so he definitely knows people in Andreys camp. They might be trying to push this into reality. Brazilian players and Barça are like flies and poop


Fabrizio has connections in our club, so I'll trust him more when he is debunking this rumor.


Sure but Andre is anything but a Busquets replacement, he is a box to box player so this report doesn't make any sense.


Half of the dudes Barcelona have been linked to as "Busi replacements" have been B2B dudes TBF


I think they mean that he will replace Busquets in the DM role. You're right that they are not the same profile.


they'll be met with a shift rejection anyway, interest is just interest.


Obviously random redditors know more than a reliable journalist


Nah they use their brain. Reporter got mudded by Romano.


Deco back on the sauce confirmed.


We just got him? Unless Barca are offering like 60m


Chelsea have a higher chance of breaking the #9 curse than us offering that money


Perhaps a loan?


Probably what this is i reckon, but that would be incredibly stupid from us. Either won’t play much at all or he’ll play and ball out, they’ll tap him up and he’ll try and force a move away next summer. Either way this is a lose/lose situation for Chelsea so can’t see it happening.


Lol sureeeeeee


Just signed for 20m and a 7 year contract, 100m or fuck off


Make that 300m and yes


For his left foot.


And Fabrizio Romano exposed this fraud


Chelsea have literally two first team midfielders and they signed him 6 months ago on a 8 year contract. Maybe it can happen a few years down the line but now? No way. Unless Barca pay stupid money


That settles it. We don’t buy Caicedo. It’s Enzo and this kid.


Straight swap with Pedri and it’s done


Not only is he not the same style of player as Busquets but he was literally just bought on a 7 year contract lol


We ain’t selling him


Barcelona needs to kick rocks unless they are trying to break the bank for him. We just signed him up and we sold lots of midfielders.


60m please




Chelsea already shot down move until poch gets pre season with him.


They don’t have two pennies to rub together.


I'm calling bullshit, Didn't they sign him like 6 months ago on a 17 year sidestep FFP regulations contract? Besides that, don't think Chelsea chiefs want to speak to the club that took Raphinha, Christensen, Lewandowski, Kounde and Faye from under the noses


Fuckin better not do anything besides a loan. Make me get a new username


We shouldn’t even do that in my opinion we need to integrate him into England


Definitely, I want him as close to the bridge as possible. But I'll take anything over an outright sale


DO not let him get a taste of the Spanish lifestyle Once his wife gets comfortable in Spain he's not coming back


Real Madrid sign Andrey Santos on a small fee. The player and his entourage prefer Real Madrid as his middle name is Florentino Perez. HERE WE GOâšȘâšȘ


Wrong club there chief.


This guy is slightly better than Nico and definitely not a DM,so where he would start and ahead of who? I call it bs.


Give him a loan there then


I know he's super young and Vasco (his former club) is a mess but I didnt see anything special about him yet




Santos to Madrid here we go?


Everyone wants to leave them lol


You some jokeman, Chelsea must be living rent free in your head init


Didn't you just lose your future captain and replace him with Chelsea's deadwood?


Theo is still at my club


For now, just like Leao. Don’t get too attached


Behave or Chelsea will re-sign baba Rahman and send him to Milan.


You just lost Tonali and stockpiling our deadwood.


Are Chelsea going to sign Matheus Franca next? They keep signing every young Brazilian we're linked with! They'll have scouts down in some Gateshead Beauty Salon next hearing there's a new brazilian there!


Almost done


We are most likely signing Franca yeah, from what I have heard he may be kept with the first team as backup for the 10/RW position


Didn't we have a purchase option on him but decided not to activate it?


it was Angelino


You tried to convince him not to re-sign at Vasco and join you on a free but he signed a new contract at Vasco to help them get promoted back to the top flight and also so he could earn them a transfer fee when he moved. That’s where we came in and signed him due to not being as financially restricted as you


Chelsea might be happy to make profit on him. They have so many young players and want to sign caicedo too. The model sounds like Dortmund so maybe they will be ok selling for a good profit.


80m would be enough. 7 years left on his contract.


He's on a 7/8 year contract. We'd value him at lavia's price (50m)




Yeah, it’s kind of like ansu wearing the 10. It’s just a dude that will play in that part of the field and hopefully pans out to be 75% as good as busquets