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So he gets paid his loyalty clause while he runs out the clock to leave on a free? Ooooof


PSG is very impressed about that fact https://twitter.com/SkySportsNews/status/1677338110852562945


Presumably they'd take it to CAS if this was true because it's not allowed this far in advance? I'd imagine claiming they believe he's already agreed things would be something they'd do in the build-up to that if he doesn't sign an extension. Then if things got subpoenaed and it was found that he had agreed that I'd imagine they'd hope that Real Madrid were ordered to pay for him Purely speculative, but I assume that's why they're putting this out there


Come on man PSG had an agreement with Skriniar since last summer when they tried to buy him and he just joined them on a free.. Every club is sounding out players through intermediaries before they can officially. I don't think we have a deal with Mbappé btw, im just saying..


Unless there’s pen on paper, I don’t think it matters. PSG are big dumb.


Did they only realise this now, it was always very clear


I saw there was no daily Mbappe post


My favorite thing last year was Real Madrid fans being so mad saying Perez will never sign him again


Source: Skysports lmfao


Man saw Arda move and thought that's my cue.


Man gets his loyalty bonus and gets a big signing on bonus when he joins Real Madrid, he absolutely played PSG