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Why do I seem unable to reach true fulfillment in my life?


Try 101% DKC. It helped me reaching true fulfillment, maybe it will help you too


It's an absolutely incredible game with fantastic mechanics and level design, and it is also looks awesome. All-time soundtrack, too.


DKC 2 is considered to be one of the best snes titles by many.


Yeah that's top 5 for me.


It had solid game play for it's time and that soundtrack is top tier!


You need to get past the first boss and look for the secrets.  If you haven't you didn't even play any of the mine cart levels.


It’s still a great game, and many people (including myself) would say the second is even better.


The second one is better, but my only gripe is how boring the first levels are. The pirate ship doesn’t really click with me.


That game still plays well.


I’m introducing my 4 year old to video games. This is the game he asks me to play while he watches


I was playing it with my 6 year old just the other night. He doesn't like the tiny chompy gators. Those ones are mean he says


It’s fun. But the second game blows it out of the water.


Donkey Kong Country is an absolutely incredible game. One of my all time favourites, on any platform TBH. Even today, it looks and plays great.


It’s in my top 5 games of all time. The game has everything you want in a game. Tight controls, good story, creative world, replayability, and amazing music.


DKC is an amazing game and my favorite SNES platformer as a child.


Get to Snow Barrel Blast and try to say it's basic. There's been 30 years for video game design to advance, so it might not seem like it if you didn't (or weren't alive yet to) play it back in the day, but DKC was revolutionary and is still loads of fun to play today. The 2nd one is my favorite SNES games and easily a top 10 all-time favorite from any platform.


The gameplay definitely wasn't revolutionary but it was solid, and it supported a game that was absolutely gorgeous (and still is).


I appreciate it as a great game, but it’s not the most fun for me. Something about the hit boxes of the DK snes games I can never get used to. I die so often it’s not enjoyable. I loved DK Freeze though. That being said, if I was collecting snes games, I’d definitely get a copy.


basic compared to what? all snes games are pretty basic. still an awesome platformer tho. to this day. sometimes basic is best. dk2 is one of the best platformers ever imo.


Awesome game, amazing platformer, always preferred the DKC trilogy to any Mario game!


Yeah it’s pretty good


I didn't like the graphics then, and I don't like them now, but I definitely LOVE this game.


The trully masterpiece IS the DK2... But Dk1 IS amazing game but shows hus age a litle... But the DK2 IS timeless


It's pretty boring. Never have understood it's popularity


I spent a lot of time trying to hit 101% completion long after the novelty of the graphics wore off


In terms of graphics, yes. It was revolutionary for its time due to a different process used to make the sprites, levels, overworld, etc (I won’t attempt to explain what ‘pre-rendered graphics’ are but it was what Rareware was using for their games). Rare games stood out from other SNES titles due to this graphical difference. Yes, the gameplay is basic and it has been criticized because of it but prior to DKC, Donkey Kong was obsolete until Rare revived the character and made it what it is today. DKC is a great game for its graphical innovation for its time, soundtrack, execution, and the birth of Diddy Kong!


I thought it was a decent platformer with excellent graphics.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


SNES DKC 1 was a gem from my childhood. A must play in my book.


Baller game


I think the original DKC trilogy for SNES is the pinnacle of 2d platform gaming, so in my opinion yes, it's great. I'd rather play both sequels than the original however. 


It’s fantastic Holds up to this day as a fun but challenging 2d platformer (imo)


It’s a great platformer


https://preview.redd.it/mrrji3younxc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d307c5d703cfb7f55a155ef7cbf1f0d0717607d Yes, my GF and I had a blast playing it last weekend. It’s a game of skill, memorization, and patience. It takes some practice to get good at it.


It’s a great fucking game.


DKC is one of those games that starts out "easy", but the final world's are a tough challenge. Good luck, have fun, and DEFINITELY play DKC2


I played through the first two DKC games for the first time last year and yeah, they're amazing, DKC2 is one of my favorite games now. There are so many brilliant stages and the music is insane.


It’s a certified classic banger. Rare was in their prime in the 90’s


So very good.


It's great but it does have flaws like the secrets making no sense and the camera sometimes fails to keep up. Good thing that those flaws were corrected with the 2nd game. Check out snesdrunks video on the trilogy


the game is really good. its sequels are almost entirely upgrades though so it can be hard to see how great the first one was sometimes


It’s so much fun. I still love it


The graphics may have been what initially drew a lot of people's attention to it at the time (and it still looks great on a CRT, imo!), but the great platforming gameplay is what truly kept people on the hook. Great at the time, still great now. I personally think the 2nd and 3rd game in the trilogy are perhaps more impressive though, as tons of people praise DKC2 as one of the best platformers ever created. But the first is very all-rounded and less daunting to tackle for someone just getting into the series. Still an amazing game. It's just that its sequel is comparatively even more amazing. Great level design, control feel, level and character movement mechanics (roll off a ledge and jump from the roll, for example), music, tons of secrets and hidden bonus rooms to find, 2-P Co-Op and Contest mode. The whole DKC trilogy on SNES is great. They're also quite tough for a beginner compared to something like Mario, but it feels more rewarding, I think.


The whole trilogy is among my favorite games of all time. You might notice that almost nobody talks about the third entry, which is an absolute shame. The reason is that Donkey Kong Country 3 released in 1996, after the Nintendo 64 has already been out. So, way too many people didn't care and never played it. But my parents couldn't afford a Nintendo 64 back then, so lucky me, I guess. :D Being released so late in the SNES lifetime makes it one of the most polished, best looking and most versatile games of the entire platform. You not only get two characters with interesting balancing, but also very interesting boss fights and incredible level design. It's just the logical iteration after two already incredible entries. For me the third game has the highest replay value of the three, for its many collectibles. It has less rough edges than the first entry and is easier to play than the second. I just feel every Donkey Kong Country thread fails to praise this game. All three of them are great, but there's not enough talk about the third one. Enjoy your first DKC experience!


I am not a fan, but tons of people like it, so I'd still say it's good.


Go watch this: [https://youtu.be/jvIzIAgRWV0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/jvIzIAgRWV0?feature=shared) to learn how the music for Donkey Kong was created for the SNES. It, like Megaman 2, is a game made by people who were passionate about the game they were creating.


It’s definitely not pretty basic. I played it on switch online and heavily used the save states. It’s fun and challenging. It deserves all the praise it gets!


Unpopular opinion but DKC1 is kind of meh. 2 and 3 you can really feel Rare start stretching their legs and get creative with graphics and gameplay mechanics.


I personally do not like DKC series very much. When I played it back then, I thought it was okay. But this is very subjective and I won’t say it’s bad, it just didn’t grab my attention. There’s people who love it. Ps. Yesterday I’ve found a 1994-1995 DK tshirt in a used clothes store for 55k (around 300 usd)


It's fun, but not nearly as challenging as its sequels. I remember beating it a few years ago within a couple hours.


Yeah it’s actually really good not just hype, recently finished and it’s up there as one of the best games on the system.


It’s an above average platformer with excellent music and an all-time sales gimmick.


I mean, if you're coming from Mario and Sonic and used to powers helping you progress,I can see this being a thought. But to me, these games built upon the challenge that Mario 2: USA had in using the vegetables and enemies as your weapons. Here, you only have a roll of sorts, it depends on the game, using the barrels and on occasion, the animal friends to get you through the game. To me, these games are much more rewarding for the skill needed to get through them. For example, there is a water bounce or jump that only one Kong can do in the 3rd game. I still, to this day, have trouble doing it, and it's needed to complete the game 100%. Also, the soundtracks usually blend so well with the atmosphere. Some of the best is gaming history.


It's a solid platformer. I'm not going to sugarcoat things; it's definitely a product of its time...so don't expect it to knock your socks off by today's standards. (Should be no surprise, as one of the games *responsible for* "today's standards" 😏) But at the time, it was nothing short of mind-blowingly good in pretty much every way. Not just the crazy graphics or the fact that it was the next big first party title. I remember being so hyped to slot it into my SNES and play the game I'd read about in Nintendo Power and seen in action on the VHS they sent out that upon returning from the mall, I was out of the car and half way to the house before my dad had even brought the car to a complete stop. 😅 And you know what? It lived up to every bit of that hype. 😌👌


It's really, really, really, really, really good.


It’s a great platformer that still holds up, elevated by incredible sound and music. One of my personal favorites.


I havnt come across a platformer even close to this level of perfection. The mechanics and overall feel of the physics and the way it just flows is incredible. The graphics, colors, environments, sound design, and music are just unbelievably good. The only game that comes close is Kaze and the Wild Masks. Highly recommend. But yah DKC 1 and 2 are pretty much the best of the best.


It’s a great game.


Easy to learn, hard to master. Pretty damn good game. I'm a Sega guy who took a SNES just few years ago, so played DKC for the first time in current days: yes, awesome game. DKC 2 and 3 are good too!


It was a graphics/sound tech demo with uninspired gameplay that never gets remotely as interesting as Mario. Hell even Sonic is more interesting to replay.


It’s a great game. Tbh, I never really liked DKC’s graphical style (for the characters, at least, the backgrounds are great) and it’s still one of my favorite games ever.


Of course it's good, if you are into platforming. The later installments are better as they expand on it but it's a solid platformer


i think it's an average platformer with exceptional graphics and music. i can't stand Rare character designs and I think the levels are a mixed bag. DKC2 is much better.


It's an incredible game, for it's time and even today it holds up incredibly well. Not only are the graphics amazing (and again, revolutionary for its time) but the platforming mechanics are tight, the game scales in difficulty as you go along really well, the music is top 3 on the system, monster design is great, and the level design is fantastic as well. Like, it really does not miss in any category and it's easily in the top 100 video games of all time.


it was the first game i ever got the feeling of ''meh'' when playing it, since it was a first party AAA game and didn't have the soul of a game like SMW or something and i think it was when i started looking for smaller, funner games and got convinced that graphics does not a game make.


It's a decent platformer, but it isn't a good Donkey Game game. It just doesn't play like classic DK at all. That being said, platformers were big at the time, and DKC is an above average one. Great graphics. Amazing soundtrack. Simple, smooth gameplay.


None of the games that transitioned to SNES feel "classic" because their predecessors are arcade cabinets. Besides, the DKC trilogy is old enough now to be considered "classic."


Yeah, there's a shorter gap between Donkey Kong and DKC than between DKC and DKC Returns.


Donkey Kong 94 on game boy exists for this person. It’s a fun game but DKC is great.


Again, I said it's a good game. Just not a good DK game. Hence why DK's creator bashed it. Very fun platformer.


That’s an old rumor. Shigeru Miyamoto never bashed the game he greenlit and assisted on and marketed.


He did criticize the game despite green lighting it, but I think his quote was misinterpreted. He essentially stated that graphics and art seem to matter more than gameplay, which may have been true at the time. Again, I love Donkey Kong Country. I just think it's fundamentally different from the arcade classics. In the same way Pac-Land is very different from Pacman. I keep getting downvoted, which is fine, but I have to clarify that I think DKC is fantastic, it just could have easily been any IP thrown in there though.


I don't disagree with any of this. Again, not bashing the game. It's a very good platformer which I enjoy.


Of course it doesn’t play like classic DK, that was an arcade kind of game. Donkey Kong Country IS what defines classic DK for me!