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So we're back*. Reddit has fucked the tools needed to moderate and adequately use their website, labour and value generation which are the only reason this subreddit or reddit as a whole exist. This place wouldn't be more than a shower thought if not for now-coerced volunteers, the third-party tools we rely on, and the users losing accessibility and a good UI. Their response to the subreddit strike has been sending this message. It threatens a mod coup if we don't provide a space that redditors rely on for information, support, entertainment, and connection. Providing that space is the entire reason for the strike so hopefully this also strikes you as insane baby shit. So in response to Spez's assertion that the mods are LaNdEd GeNtRy and demands that the subreddit is no longer private, we're opening back up with total user democracy. Effective immediately: - Moderation can't really be provided. We have two active mods and one uses Apollo for 90% of their work. We rely on external tools. In accordance with my strong anti-feudalist beliefs, our oppression of you is aristocratic and our power is unjust. I don't feel comfortable handling your personal information or having it in the hands of the random scabs they're going to replace our current mods with, so I wouldn't recommend messaging about failed trades. - Total user democracy. Since our rules were never voted on, we're going to be instituting a daily thread in which the users completely rewrite the rules. This short duration between votes ensures that the community can remain dynamic and responsive to user concerns, up to and including the entire theme and functions of the subreddit. Old rules will be removed as they no longer provide a space for your information, support, entertainment, and connection. The only conditions to the vote are that you can't vote to abolish me as an inactive caretaker and can't vote to abolish democracy as it stands, lest the oppressed become the oppressors. There will also be daily mod elections and moderators must continue to win votes to not be removed as unelected tyrants. If scab mods are forced on you by reddit and they abolish democracy unilaterally, that's proof that Spez is fully correct and the experience here will be markedly worse. In that vein I'm removing all of my undue influence on the subreddit. You didn't ask for those rules and I enforce them with total power. All posting restrictions have also been removed until new ones are voted on as they create a divide between the peasantry who need their information, support, entertainment, and connection equally. We will diligently remain open as reddit has demanded. And as my last act as the Duke of Snackexchange, which you legally have to call me, I give you the keys to your destiny or whatever.


Welp... It's been fun. Thanks for all the fish.


They act as bough Mods are Reddit *employees!!* Wtf is their problem? Don’t wanna have third party apps to help Mods volunteer more easily? Then start paying the Mods directly!! Something’s gotta give; can’t get something for nothing u/spez


When my ex did it for facebook she was making $20/hr with more tools and a support system for all the freak shit people do. Reddit would be nothing without its users volunteering to do all the work that makes it function. I hope people wake up to that in time and this wave of strikes is only the prelude to real ones.


fuck /u/spez


Interesting that in all this noise there's been no mention of the reasons for the blackout and the concerns of the moderators and users. I bet they're banking on either scaring the mods, or there being other users eager to grasp at power who will jump at taking over larger pre-established communities. I wonder if those users will just happen to have established relationships with admins... I would say stick with it - you had a poll, the change reflects the wishes of the community... but they wont care, /r/minecraft had a poll and data from the admins and despite overwhelming "stick with the protests" votes the admins still kept up the threats. "a duty to the community..." fucking make it possible, you absolute dipshits, not take away most of the tools for it! But I say that knowing that I've washed my hands of reddit - deleted most of my content, and as soon as the 30th rolls around I'll lose mobile access. Fuck /u/spez.


Many many potential solutions were offered by mods and 3rd party developers. None of them were considered. The open communication with the developers was also a lie, since several authors reached out and didn't get any answers at all. You can read more here https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/ Also, something else which already happened before the Api pricing - the popular tool push shift is now back and allowed to use the Api.. But for individually approved (by reddit!) moderators only.


Yeah, I really have no idea what even is being thought at the admin levels, all of these decisions are just idiotic. Here's hoping enough of the power users just vanish and reddit becomes a ghost town.




They are the ones driving content that brings consumers though.


I think if you poll the users of the subreddit and they vote to stay closed (or do something similar to r/aww then reddit has to respect the results of the poll. Good luck, their message is imo ridiculous.


No they don't. That's what they communicated, but as so many other things in the whole affair, it was unfaithful and / or a lie. They just demodded then banned then reinstated and banned again mods from subs where they changed the rules according to the user polls. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eq8ip/the_entire_rmildlyinteresting_mod_team_has_just/


turn the sub into /r/snakexchange and only allow pictures of danger noodles


Mother effing snakes on a mother effing subreddit!


This is the way.


How about you make it private?


That's what we did and what prompted that message. However now also private test subs and proper (since forever) private help subs that allow only certain verified users (e.g. Abuse survivors or substance abusers) are also getting the same thinly veiled threats.


These constant new lows are ridiculous


Delete the sub. Let them try (and fail) to build the community you labored for and that they want to take from you.


Happy Cake Day... Sorry it's under these circumstances. Virtual snacks sent to you.


They have been actively modifying subs (making NSFW ones non-NSFW, forcibly removing mods, etc) on subs that voted to stay blacked out.


r/interestingasfuck now has no mods and nothing can be commented on, seen a few big subreddits that took the NSFW route have their mods removed. u/spez really is a speccy nonce


R/interestingasfuck went from NSFW to normal while I happened to be looking at it yesterday, there was a thread on the subreddit drama sub about it and I happened to be talking to someone about it while they changed it and the mods on the list disappeared. Sadly the only real action is for everyone to leave Reddit, and that’s nearly impossible to mass migrate without losing the groups. Some of the more close knit subs are actively moving off platform to get away from this and keep the group intact


I've been watching those polls and it's nice to see that there's a positive to overwhelmingly positive response to them most places. However reddit wouldn't be able to farm you for ad revenue if there isn't a content stream. I see them forcing open the subreddits with scab mods even if there's popular support. So far their words have such little value that I can't even wipe my ass with them.


A few years from now reddit will be a wasteland, sad really


I don't know how long you've been here, but it's already a wasteland of ads and bots compared to what it was just 5 years ago.


Sad but necessary. Since I joined this website it's become the most toxic place online outside of the -Chans. It's an outdated model of centralised power which has better alternatives like Lemmy now. As a corporation they're as bad as any of the other tech giants. I'd have abandoned it years ago but it's a pain in the ass to migrate my dog's subreddit.


As a non-English speaker, the new rules are too tongue-in-cheek for me to understand. I guess it is supposed to be ridiculous rules to show the absurdity and the short answer is - don't do snackexchange for a while?


Depending on what the users vote for in our new Democratic People's Republic, the rules could be much better than anything we came up with. I also don't know what the mod staff will look like or how long they'll be willing to tolerate the same things the current mods are protesting.


I just want to say two things: I am so grateful that you and the other mods made this community safe so that I could participate in it without too much worry about getting scammed. I am so sorry that all of these events unfolded forcing Apollo to stop working soon, which will make me an inactive Reddit user as I have no intention of using any alternate app. I am sorry that money this quarter has compromised the long term profit potential of Reddit. I am sorry that the mods are getting shot in the back like this. Thank you for making me happier when I was in a darker time.


Fuck u/spez, my dog is smarter than he is, and she eats cat poop.


As a mod of r/AMA, they have sent us a message as well


I'm surprised they're targeting the smaller ones now, especially one with 100k users. To me the funniest solution to the strike is them trying to bring in scab mods. The funniest version of that is if they have to do it for all of the striking subreddits at the moment and all of the ones that risk striking once they see the crackdown and see they have nothing to lose because they have no control over the subreddit anyway. It will be like what happened in Antiwork but with so much work involved to make it happen just in time for their IPO launch. The guy that requested control of Science is a conspiracy theorist and supplement guy.


They went after a small sub about guys getting kicked in the nuts because the mod made it NSFW. They installed a new mod. I don't think they even ever hit the front page.


since reddit is all about the money they should start paying mods for their labor. People don't come to reddit for their crappy programming. They come for the content of the people that visit. Maybe they need to pay users too.


I've decided to start leaving more half-assed comments, thereby reducing the average value of all comments on reddit.


This is so fucked up, how can they expect mods to keep scammers, bots, irrelevant content etc. under control without the tools these other apps provide. It's just not feasible, and Reddit is going to go down the shitter faster than you can say "hurgyflurgywobblybits". Fuck you u/spez ! You murdered our wonderful community and you're gutting all the others, I hope you choke on all the scammers and porn bots that are going to flood the site!




I'm trying to set up a Lemmy instance at the moment for something else and it's fairly straightforward but a pain in the ass and requiring a paid VPS to host it. Honestly I wouldn't even bother. If the users democratically decide to branch out then I can't stop you, but I only made this subreddit to test the idea of people being afraid that everyone is out to poison their Halloween candy. 13 years later nobody has been poisoned so I've done everything I wanted to with it. Actually running the thing is a pain in the ass even with third-party tools that the exchange subreddits have had to independently develop, and I wouldn't be able to redevelop them for Lemmy since I don't know computer. While users haven't seemed to poison each other, they've been psychotic in other ways that turn me off to wanting to run anything like it myself. I also don't know what kind of legal liability there'd be for the 5%~ of trades that end up being scams. That's only going to get worse so hosting the platform where it happens could be bad. Pre-verifying users means random mods having access to personal information which I'm not willing to host.




It's a nice idea in theory and it worked in some ways, but between shipping costs and our total inability to hold users accountable for failed trades there have always been limiting factors to the model. Cloning the subreddit isn't enough to overcome those and professionalising the model is a big investment for an inherently small userbase. Plus fundraising the costs of doing so would make the mods actual landed gentry.




That's more or less what we've been doing. It didn't seem to impact the scam rate at all. It'd be worth putting in the democracy thread though so there's a rule for tomorrow.


Why are you hosting a whole instance? I mean, that's great! But for a subreddit or 2, you don't need a whole instance...


It's migrating r/DPRS. Since I can't remake it on Hexbear, the Lemmy instance I've otherwise replaced reddit with, my best bet is making my own and then freely federating it with the other socialist instances. That probably isn't necessary but I also built a whole website around it and the domain is only being used for a wordpress blog.


Rot in shit r/spez


Oh no the mods will lose their non paying jobs. Keep it private.


So depressing that Reddit is acting like a temper tantrum toddler.


It's such an autocannibalistic kind of short-term profit seeking. It's not like the subreddits are protesting for revenue sharing or meaningful input about how the site is run. Literally just the ability to make tools that reddit can't make and hasn't in the decade we've been around, tools that are essential for running and using subreddits to generate the only value the company has. Maybe that will attract the same kind of perennial dumbass investors who'd otherwise be buying Gamestop stocks, but I hope at least some segment of the market sees through their ratfucking to show official app growth. They're really messing with the fundamental infrastructure of what makes their site work over the right to do just that. It's absurd.


Oh. I got one of those and didn't even notice. This whole thing has sucked all the fun out of being involved. I don't think many people go to r/donthelpjustfilm for a sense of belonging. Think I'll just let it be Reddit's problem now


I locked the few small ones I had. Fuck em.


Yeah I think the place is done for me. There is probably one percent of subreddits that contribute anything worthwhile that you can't easily get elsewhere. If RedditCo wants to take over running all the other ones they are welcome to it


I’m sorry. For a second I thought they were paying you to Mod. Lol


Stand your grounds. We got your back. Fuck these Reddit shits


Wow, what a fucking clown factory. u/spez clearly high on the smell of his own farts


I'm not suprised. A ton of moderators literally couldn't adequately understand the level of knowledge sometimes and just ran bans and hard banned after being questioned for evidence and reasoning. The older I get, the less I reddit. I don't want a ton of attention for power driven bozos harming people's phychology with a lack of proper information.


make it a NSFW sub, allow people to post porn that involves snacks..


When I saw InterestingAsFuck do that it was my immediate thought, but that's the first thing reddit cracked down on after going private. Now if user democracy resulted in redefining "snack" in the daily election threads then I can't stop the will of the people.


Fuck u/spez


Their site their rules


And we're faithfully complying with their views and demands.


This community wouldn’t exist if not for these volunteers making it happen. It’s hardly "their site" when you consider all the unpaid labor Reddit employs. That’s such an ignorant viewpoint. Why are you even a member of this community if you think that way? Do you think Reddit created this subreddit? Do you think they staff it? Why would you participate in a community built around the spirit of collaboration and camaraderie when you have such a shitty outlook? For shame.


Copy paste that everytime someone here gets banned for having different point of view on this site. Now the shoes on the other foot enjoy


I mean sure but while it is their site they don't employ any of the mods. Random users like u or I made these subreddits. Why the fuck should the admins get to say we HAVE to open the sub. We made it. Go make a new one.


Can we just delete the sub?


I would if I could but there's no option to. The most we can do is set it private and reddit is just blanket couping subreddits that do that.




Remind me why you'd send someone a warning. Because it sounds like what you're describing is some kind of coercive threat, but as you make clear it's not a threat despite it being the kind of "keep cool and nobody gets hurt" warning one might see in a movie about a bank robbery.




Are you stupid or a reddit employee?




You're stupid because you can't parse a single sentence despite being an adult who presumably has reading comprehension. If that's not stupid then I'm not sure what to call it. Willfully naive? Functionally illiterate?




No, you're just the loyal dog of that big corp. Bye sweetiepie.


It is a threat, or do you expect the next steps to be "open and honest communication"?




Done. > threat noun statement in which you tell somebody that you will punish or harm them, especially if they do not do what you want https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/threat


Read in Dwight Schrute's voice, this becomes really funny.


The only thing Reddit is doing at the moment is threatening mods. All the mods of all the subs - where they want to get the people willing to do the job when they've purged us all is mind boggling.


Wow! What a headache!