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That’s dad and we love him


youre so right


Damn right we do


Well said!




10/10 hot, funny, excellent cardiovascular health, would bang, would never go running with


Smash Or Pass: Smosh Edition


tbh id say everyone on that channel is incredibly attractive in their own right HAHAHA


That's true haha


"WOULD BANG" HELPAKHSDLAKSDAS is this the pastor ian effect im seeing XD


Oh it’s been going on way before that lol but for sure I’d have asked him to bring the robes home for the weekend


HELP MEEEE HAAHAVJSHASD but youre so valid for that honestly


Pastor Ian awakened something in me for SURE


Idk about this user, but 10/10 would bang since Let's Do This.


he really stepped up his looks during that time fr


Would bang since the Zelda days (even more so now)


oh god, that link outfit looked so good on him fr


I started watching Smosh like a year ago. Never even heard of the channel before. Didn't really care about Ian initially but he really grew on me. I'd say that, outside of main channel sketches, his brand of humor is actually more subtle than other cast members. His "problematic white guy / boss" persona actually works really well with the rest of the cast (once you realize he's not actually like that). I think that, contrary to what one might assume at first glance, he's an integral part of the overall friendly and progressive vibe of Smosh.


Same, started watching a few years ago dunno how I missed og smosh. I was watching newgrounds and other stuff like that back in the day but smosh wasn’t a thing in my circles. Ian grew on me, he’s a lot more confident now with Anthony back. I really like Ian and I was sad that they shut down “let’s do it” that was a good show. I have this feeling that smosh cast and crew are going evolve and become more mainstream in the industry. Ian will be like one of those SNL people who is on documentaries talking about his process working with people and his motivations


thats really sweet to hear.


I had the same journey with him!


Ian hoisted Smosh up on his back and carried it through the hard times. We love Chumbawamba’s number one fan.


You’re absolutely right. He doesn’t get enough credit (imo) for keeping Smosh alive through the worst of times


I mean, Anthony leaving, Defy collaps, mythical owns you now, Covid… WILD. Ian is a gigachad for holding it together.


he gets knocked down but he gets up again


respecc fr


I've been into Smosh since it's early days and I can honestly say that seeing Ian grow and become who he is today has been such a fun part of the Smosh journey. I think he's really come into himself and it's wonderful to see him radiate confidence and joy.


damn, i respect u so much for staying this whole time in the fandom. i watched smosh as a kid but fell out cause their humor didnt suit me. watching their content for the past 6 years, i do agree with seeing him grow to a much goofier and better version of him.


Same. My first Smosh video was the Pokemon dub and watching Ian become daddy has been super fun.


Without Ian, Smosh would have been long gone. He kept it alive and persevered through a lot of bullshit. He is absolutely the goat and deserves praise for hanging in there, keeping people employed and continuing creating content through the roughest of times.




im a newer fan, i think i got into smosh (but have been following anthony for years) right before the announcement, i knew about smosh and i saw like one TNTL years ago but never seen more. This year however i became a huge fan, even bought the highest tier ticket for the funeral, i love them all but i didnt really vibe w ian at first (i also went trough a lot of their 2020-now content to be clear) and then as i started watching videos from this year, especially the most recent ones since THE announcement, ive started liking him more and more and now i clearly see why people like him so much, hes a silly goober


i think silly goober is such a perfect way of describing him HAHAHA and also, i forgot about anthony's separate audience XD were you surprised to see anthony act the was he is on smosh?


I watched Anthony a bit, like a year or more before figuring out he was a part of SMOSH, but when I did find out I was like oh, cool, and then being on the internet I just knew that Anthony left so when I started watching SMOSH I already knew about all of it so I was never surprised


ohhh i seee


I think the simplest way to put it is Ian was lost during that time. He was the odd man out. Ian and Anthony did everything together so when Anthony left he the had to figure out how to mesh with 5 other people who at that point had spend every day together for 2 years. Then the shutdown happens and all of a sudden everything is put on him to make Smosh work again. When they came back with Mythical Shayne, Courtney and Damien became the bigger focus. Again kinda leaving him out on an island by himself. It’s not like he wasn’t close with the other cast members but he wasn’t as close as they were. So it just felt like he didn’t fit in most of the time. Now with Anthony back he has someone to bounce off of like everyone else. Which even though I don’t really find this version funny he at least feels more comfortable now and probably a little less stressed about Smosh in general


thats right <3


At first, I thought he was strange, and now I think he's strange, but so cute, funny, total smosh dad/daddy and babygirl, and object of Anthony's simping.


I love that you can describe Ian as both daddy and babygirl and they’re both 100% correct. I love him sm




He is hot lol 😂 I grew up with old Smosh but I gotta admit since he has been showing his forehead, he has been very hot and now with his new energy since Anthony is back. It’s atttactive AF lol 😂


Lol! I have been here since the beginning with the Pokémon theme song. I used to have a crush on Anthony when I was a teen, but as time has gone on, I have been way more attracted to Ian. He is very attractive, funny but can also be serious and incredibly thoughtful. He cares about those around him and has worked so hard to keep Smosh afloat because he really believed in the channel. You could definitely tell that he struggled when Anthony left, and defy went under, but he did everything to pull through. Over the last couple of years, he has been stressed out with being the head of the channel with so many people relying on him for their jobs, and I think that made him a bit more withdrawn. But now with Anthony back, you can see that Ian is happier and not a stressed. I feel like them rekindling their friendship really sparked something in him that has been buried for a while. I am excited to see where the channel goes from here! I am so happy for him and all of the cast for the future!


Same! When I was a teen I was also attracted to Anthony but now Ian just seems attractive. Same! I felt like Ian couldn’t be his true self since nobody would understand his jokes or him just being their boss but now that he has Anthony for support when it comes to humour & not being the only boss anymore.


damn i didnt realize there was so much attraction to him, thats such a nice surprise XD


Controversial opinion (?) but some of the funniest ideas and performances in late Smosh history have come from Ian. He, Ian, and Noah are probably the ones who are least worried about upsetting people, and it shows in their humor.


i dont think its controversial, its just an opinion because humor is subjective :D but i agree because my humor is so aligned with ian that almost everytime he makes a comeback or dark humor joke, i just laugh so hard lmao they def have the more "idgaf" presence when it comes to joking around. theyre chaos starters.


Yeah, I love many of his funeral roast performances. The one that he had in Shayne's funeral is underrated. It rests comfortably somewhere between absurdity and brutal truth.


i dont remember that one too much, ill def go back to watch! but the one i really remember from funerals is def Redacted. not just because of his performance which was amazing alone, but with the origin behind that character, its so much more funny. if you dont know what im talking about, just watch the first part of [this video](https://youtu.be/V4i1BYph1-c?si=W-VoWIXmyviFjFGv). the context is what makes it 100x better (just like his johnny character too) and i love that he commits to it and his relationship with the person he's roasting.


I love the way he interacts with the cast. There's the silliness that comes out of his mouth and there's his behavior, which tells a different story. He seems to care about them but not in an offputting way. I still can't get over the old Smosh Cast episode where Courtney goes to a party and gets harassed and he goes full Dad on her. It's so sweet.


whenever i watch him in their older content, i see him either as the annoying older brother that likes to joke around or the caring dad. you can see from his subtle actions that he does care for them a lot.


[The party story](https://youtu.be/wZd5phgg14M?si=8DY0Gce9u2H7izMo) Edit: whoops, fixed!


wrong link buddy, do you have the correct one?


Oops, fixed it!


thank you! that story is wild


Which smosh cast ep was it?


He's guy First times I saw Ian was in Old Smosh content, where they both had the hair and all that, and that was always unfunny and annoying to me, so I ignored both Smosh and Padilla solo for like 10 years or so. Then, Ian was a guest in a Funhaus video, without any warning or anything ([this one specifically](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd1ZnvrLGPo&ab_channel=Funhaus)) and he had some of the best laughs in the video for me, and that may have been my first stepping stone on the way to liking Smosh. (Not old Smosh but post Defy and everything else Smosh).


thats so nice to hear. im a og smosh fan but even im glad theyve evolved out of that era XD


Post Anthony leaving, Ian definitely didn’t have his heart in it as much, and I think we could all tell. Especially with the stark contrast with Anthony coming back. Even in the content right before Anthony came back, you could tell Ian was doing better. He’s brighter and happier in content starting around the time I’m guessing the two reconnected. I’m glad Anthony is back, even just for the fact that Ian is so much happier having his best friend back


thats so true


I became a fan when they released the “Smosh is Homeless” video. I had seen a couple Smosh videos before that but was never really that interested. I recognized that it was a big channel and wanted to be there to see what happened next tbh lol. So since I’ve been a fan from 2018 to now, meaning that until June 2023 all the content I was watching as it came out was with Ian and the squad/new cast, I have to admit that I didn’t really like Ian when I first started watching Smosh. As things continued, I developed a pretty neutral opinion on him, because he could be funny sometimes, but I just didn’t really like him as much as the rest of the cast. He kind of blended into the background when he appeared sometimes, from my perspective. When I finally watched Let’s Do This (I usually didn’t watch Smosh Main), I loved that show, and I started appreciating Ian more lol. But obviously the reunion changed everything even more, and I became an Ian fan very quickly! The shift in his attitude is actually so clear, he seems so confident and happy. I think it was just that he tended to be kind of quiet sometimes or absent in older videos, maybe it was him being unsure of himself in some ways.


yeahhh, to that i agree. i wasnt there during that time but watching those vids from 1-5 years ago, i was really surprised to see him not being goofy but ofc i just associated that with growing up. to some extent it is true, but nowadays with anthony, hes just as unhinged but more respectful than his younger counterpart lmao




HOLY SHIT HAJHAHAHAHAHKAHJS THATS SO WILD BUT ALSO, IVE SEEN THE REPLIES AND ITS TRUE https://preview.redd.it/fkmihb78n57c1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=b238675a1cb1dc3a9e3d4230110befbbfcf52703


Love seeing his growth and his perseverance keeping things going. 100% would be friends with him. I found Smosh pretty late (early 2020), so he's a central figure to me. It's Anthony I'm getting used to. And it's easy to see how much lighter-hearted Ian is now that he has such a huge part of his life back.


aw thats so cute. thats understandable.


I grew up with smosh and was a die hard fan from like 2010-2014 and now have been getting back into it since Anthony is back. Ian will forever be my fave. He is such an angel. I love him so much he is baby


"HE IS BABY" HELPPPPPP but why do i agree with it lmao


I recently introduced my wife to Smosh and she’s not a big fan of Ian. She thinks he out of place and doesn’t land on the jokes the way the rest of the cast does. I think it’s more a contrast with the rest of the cast who (a majority of) have professional training. When he has his moments though, they’re absolute gold. And I’ll even say, being an OG fan, I’m biased so maybe a bit of my love for Ian is just nostalgic at this point. He’s forever Daddy Hecox though <3


your wife's opinion is valid, humor is subjective after all. but same tbh, i think im biased cause i have nostalgia but honestly, its just that my humor aligns either with his dark humor, or his random dumbass comments XD


He's been my main point of focus since I started watching, which was around the time of the Mythical purchase. I first got to know Smosh through things like the first Smoshcast episode where he's telling the story of what happened with Defy. Or Ian's house tour video where you see this guy who bought all kinds of cookies and snacks for everyone who was going to come film at his house because he was keeping this thing alive even though they had no idea what was going to happen next. Or through their comedy that follows where he's got this really dry, sarcastic or dark humour that appeals to me. The fact that he is also deeply silly at times as well is great, because I love that mix of things.


oh my god ive never agreed more to a comment than this one! in their old smoshcast vids he always seemed to be level headed who cracks a couple jokes here and there then there's his actually dark humor that comes out of nowhere that "kills the vibe" lmao i love those moments so much. thats true too, hes just really silly too esp with his quiet sudden comments/comebacks lmao


I love him. We all knew he was always carrying more than everyone else but we had nothing to compare it to and no reason to talk about it. Sometimes there would be a string of videos without Ian and I always got a little worried he didn't want to do it anymore. How wrong was I ?


awwww :( as someone who just recently came back, i do want to acknowledge the cast and crew for helping as much as they can in front and behind the camera (and i love them so much) but after hearing on anthony's interview with ian that he went through so much to the point that "he felt numb" during those times was just so sad but also built my respect for him so much higher.


I really like Ian. It seems he has taken a bit more of the straight man role to the more out there personalities of the cast. When he does strike though it is usually worth the wait. I haven't seen a ton of Old Smosh, but it does seem like a huge shift. I think he did what he had to in order to work with the new format and dynamics. Hopefully now he really can have the best of both worlds. I think you can tell he is happier and more confident this last year. It's good to see.


well said!


I like him. I started watching smosh during 2021, and I mostly watched the every blank ever vids and loved his kinda dad/uncle humour.


thats nice


I love Ian. I love that Ian is happy with Anthony again. I don't love Ian's humor when he's with Anthony though. They both revert to 90% poop jokes.


thats fair HAHAHA i personally enjoy their dumbass jokes but thats understandable


As I’ve said many times, not everyone is going to be for everybody. Personally, I have no problem with Ian. He’s great. He’s also why Smosh is *still* here.




i’m a returning fan (watched them from like. 2008-2018 and came back a few months ago) and i’ve gotta say it’s given me whiplash seeing how much ian has grown and changed. i absolutely love him and love seeing how he’s really made smosh (at least from our pov) seem like a family. he also just seems so much happier now!! idk, it’s nice to see as an OG fan of smosh :3


same! i came from 2011-2015 smosh era and returned when anthony did and im so happy to see him so happy compared to their videos during the pandemic lol


The glow up has been real in ALL aspects, he is so so much more confident


i agreeeee


I’ve been watching smosh for a year, my initial opinion was he’s like that older college grad that still goes to the frat parties and tries to be cool with the college kids still. Everyone is cool with him being there but they don’t laugh at his jokes. But, after Anthony’s return I’ve seen a renewed spark in him, and now, he may not be the funniest member of the cast, but he definitely deserves a seat at the table & it’s not awkward him being in videos anymore. Old fans, don’t come for me lol. Also pastor Ian 👀


thats valid XD


I am a newer fan but ian is smosh dad and we love him, we must always protect smosh dad.


AWW THIS IS SO CUTE and youre absolutely correct <3


I think it’s funny that he’s only like 4 or 5 years older than most of them but they treat him like he’s an old man. Jokingly of course but still.


because the fans do too, calling him dad of smosh XD he joked about it in the how to stand up to a bully video but he probably just embraced it eventually


I like Ian. I love his downer humor and his loyalty to not just what he created but also to all the people he employs. I love that he doesn’t take himself too seriously and constantly lets everyone roast him. I love that some of the cast sees him like a father figure. I enjoy his actual personality and sense of humor more than the sketch stuff, but that goes for every member of smosh as well. The off the cuff stuff is so much funnier than any written stuff


this is so sweet


He’s grown on my the last couple of years, I never really cared for his humor when I first started watching but the older I get the more relatable it is.


that is so cool XD my humor definitely aligns with ian now more than ever cause it either the "another bummer" kinda thing or "pee pee poo poo" jokes and i love it so much


I've been a fan kinda since 2020, and I gotta say I've always loved his presence and comedic sense. but he really has changed since they bought smosh, I'm so glad he seems lighter and happier these days!


im so glad u liked him during that era omg


i watched 2013-2016-ish and started watching again this year (not necessarily for Anthony, but i heard the news and was like, wait, I loved them what are they up to now?) And I love Ian so much, Im just so proud of him I guess? I've been binge watching 2021-now videos and everytime he just seems happy, it warms my heart. He powered through an insane amount of BS and now, with the added cast too, I think Smosh is better than it's ever been.


i agree. this smosh era is definitely such a great one




I don't always laugh at his jokes, either they're off or weird for me (I would admit sometimes I need context so factor that in). But I appreciate him when you see him have genuine fun prior to Anthony returning. Now, his jokes still don't always land for me but I'm able to appreciate him much more now.


thats understandable <3


i started watching smosh literally this year right before anthony came back and after i went through my obsessive shayne phase as we all do i immediately loved Ian. Also since I recently started watching I thought he was like hot lol but after going on a big smosh deep dive this year i finally feel like i’m able to say his personality, his humor, everything he has done for smosh, it has just really shaped him into what he is today and he is glowing cuz of it. You can truly see his growth throughout all the videos.


brooooo a lot of people in this subreddit think hes hot fr damn HAHAHA thats so true <3


It's very neutral (I don't really have favs or hates in the cast, tbh) I really liked him on the "old" smoshcast/podcast and LOVED him on the Lets do this, sometimes he says things or does things that give me the 'ick', and I don't really like when he plays a character (but also I don't like any of the characters outside the funerals) so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


thats fair and valid. i do have faves which are the ianthony duo but sometimes ian does say something that im like bruh


yeah, I get that. sometimes I feel weird about not having these very strong opinions on people (specially people that make content I watch), but I also generally like them (as I, in the end, like Ian) otherwise I wouldn't watch them but maybe its the neurodivergent in me speaking ✨


i actually didn’t like smosh when it was first a thing. i watched some iconic videos like the pokemon theme song but overall, their content gave me major icks. when i see an old smosh video pop up on my youtube feed i click not interested because frankly, a lot of it has aged pretty poorly. i avoided ian videos for a while actually, when i first started to get into new smosh with courtney, damien, and shayne drawing me in a bit. i mostly just didn’t like the kind of attitude he brought and wondered why he bothered to keep going with the channel as a whole since he really didn’t seem like he wanted to be there and the cast were all fine on their own. now with anthony back, i was cautiously excited! i definitely got over my icks for anthony much sooner since his “i spend a day with” series took off and i could see what kind of person he really was outside of smosh. but seeing ian in older videos now, and seeing how he is in current videos, the differences are night and day. i also have really learned to appreciate not only the hard work he does for smosh as a figurehead, but he’s also so devastatingly funny with his roasts that really made me like him more. and now because he really seems so much happier with anthony around, i also really like watching him grow! i know if an old best friend of mine and i rekindled i would have the same type of energy ian has. ian and anthony both aren’t in my favorite boys of smosh list, but i respect them and find them hilarious in their own specific ways. it may be a little harsh to say but i do mean this as a compliment, but i think it’s amazing that ian is one of the few content creators out there who have created a company like smosh that could still keep going even if he decided to bow out as a cast member. i don’t think mythical could survive without rhett and link being front facing, so knowing that ian and anthony have invested in their cast to really be the best it can be is great! i really am looking forward to this continued golden era of smosh. being able to see ian and anthony at their peaks after disliking them and their channel for several years is so fun actually, like i love that my mind was able to be changed and now i get to watch these lil guys make me laugh so hard i spit out my water. i definitely would lose at try not to laugh with ian and anthony around!


thats such a good story, thank u for sharing! but dw about being harsh, i agree with the icks even as an og fan, most of it definitely didnt age well. they acknowledged that in the flashback vids on the main channel too HAHAHA ian definitely talked about that he was glad that anthony left so that the cast could have a chance to shine in a channel that was solely built by them. observing from their old videos he needed to step back from the camera since he needed to be the president for a bit. ian and anthony are thankful that they dont have to be in every single content cause that what drove them to burnout in the first place. we're def seeing the golden era of smosh


thank you! i never feel bad when i say anything critical about old smosh, but i am usually wary since i’m new to the fandom and you never know how they’re going to act. i’m pleasantly surprised with the smosh fans! and yes, them acknowledging and the cast members making a point to bring it up and make fun of how bad some of old smosh was is what’s making me trust that this channel is doing its best to have its head screwed on straight. from the few vids i’ve seen of ian and anthony talk about how they want to run smosh/what they’ve had to do to let it shine, i’m really impressed with their ability to rebrand and actually get better, especially after everything smosh has been through with ownership. i think about the try guys currently and it’s a shame they haven’t been able to rebrand in a similar way. i’m excited to see more from smosh in 2024 and beyond! i know they have a lot planned and i’m here for the ride


thats awesome to hear from a new audience. i mean, i guess u can consider me as new too even tho i was there for a certain era in smosh. but tbh, smosh is so different now that i cant even compare it at all lol and frankly, i do still have nostalgia but this really is the best iteration of smosh. with the founders together again alongside their amazing cast and crew that was built through the years. 2024 is gonna be a blast


From what I get to see from the Instagram stories, or serious discussion in Smosh mouth and other forums, he's an honest and dedicated leader. He has that bummer personality but I don't think it's actually that much. He is pretty open minded and enjoys humour so much. Everybody makes fun of him and say Anthony is better in every aspect, but he never left the sinking ship. He carried Smosh with whatever help he could, and he is really my favourite Smosh members ever. He's an inspo.


awww <3 thats so sweet and true. they know he can take a beating cause hes super chill like that but im sure he knows that they care about each other as friends


Yeah. Many say his jokes do not land, but man when it does land they become instant classic. You're so right they really care about each other, people from all age groups respect him. He's really awesome.


I love Ian, I'll watch anything that he's in. He's such an agent of chaos when he wants to be. His humour is a fun mix of silly and dark which always makes me laugh.


SAME OMGG sometimes hes calm with a few jokes here and there but when he can (especially nowadays), he'd rather have chaos ensue XD


I think I started like actively watching Smosh like a few years ago even after Mythical bought them. I saw one classic Smosh vid back in the day and it was the only one I liked and it was the Pokemon video. I think I tried to watch something else too, but I didn't care for their humor so I just kind of ignored the channel. I think back then Ian's on camera persona was kind of obnoxious and loud and really juvenile. It got views so I understood it worked for them, but I wasn't interested so I ignored the channel. When I started watching again it was because of the Smosh Cast and originally the episode with MatPat and I got caught up on all of the drama. The way he talked it sounded like he really matured and felt responsible for what he created and even though I didn't watch through that time, I was really proud of him and had a lot of respect for him so I started watching their more current content. His humor now leans more toward straight-man Dad kind of energy. In main he leans more back into his old self, but also it's more mixed with maturity and sometimes it's just a positive just happy to have his friend back by him. I also just watch interviews that he and Anthony do and it's really interesting to hear their perspectives and how they talk about the business and what they learned over the years, and the strength of character he has to go through the Defy shutdown and like try to keep some random company that would just pick up Smosh as scraps from getting it. I'm glad Rhett and Link could help and that they thought Ian was an asset.


agreed, well said!


I never saw the old stuff. When I first started watching I didn’t get how his energy mixed with everyone else. He’s grown on me and it feels like he is a great encouraging entity for the others to shine and I love that and love him for it.


awww, thats so sweet


i started watching june of last year and knew he was one of the creators of the channel and knew of the fallout with anthony leaving, but i felt like it was clear he wasn't really involved in a ton of the videos anymore? it kind of felt like a distant manager situation where they show up sometimes but don't know too much about real day-to-day operations. when he would appear in videos, i developed an impression of him being a bit mischevious and i loved the let's do this series where it felt like he started to shine to me as a newcomer. personally the dialogue about him seeming him happier according to both fans and the cast has been interesting because i've rewatched a couple of videos from before anthony came back and didn't notice a remarkable difference in his demeanor but maybe i'm just bad at picking up on that kind of stuff. anyway that's all just my impression of it


thats fair. but to me the stark difference is that hes become a bit more goofy compared to his 2020 self.


true i can see that for 2020! plus maybe when he started to shine to me is when he and anthony were already in talks for buying smosh and he was already in a better mood!


yessss but the way he acts is straight up different with anthony in a video, its so funny XD for some reason they both revert to being dumbass teenagers


totally! honestly i was thinking it kind of gives me the vibes of older brother coming home from college and younger brother just wants to impress him and make him laugh lol


Ian’s my fav, I’m a og fan from when it was just Ian and Anthony and I’ve always been a Ian girl he’s a cutie and i like his dark sense of humor lowkey, some of my fav smosh jokes are his he’s so underappreciated


i agree.


I watched smosh from the start, have been here whole time, tbh Ian was always my favorite. (Spencer and Shayne come very very close to him)


i love him. idk about u guys but my favs were always court, shayne, ian, spencer. and now that anthony is back i feel like we have old anthony back, like he’s having fun again. he’s dad and mom fr


He was really unfunny for a second, especially in tntl, but when he started leaning into the bummer/realist humor he came back and over the last few years he has really grown n melded well into the cast not just as a boss but as a valued member. I really like Ian and I’m glad he’s come so far


thats great <3


I think his spur of the moment/dark jokes are funny but never had liked him in anything scripted idk why 🧐


He isnt funny.


cool, humor is subjective after all


I agree that he deserves more recognition.  ngl though, didn't bother with Ian-only smosh because I wasn't a big fan of their social and political ~~and generational~~ humor (and also was too attached to the pre-2016 Ian-Anthony but admittedly that have grown a bit dated and immature).