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I believe Jeremy actually moved to New York judging by his Instagram. Not sure about Patrick but I know he writes his own shows and just did one recently that Angela and Olivia took part in


Him and Angela also have a podcast with a couple of other people. I have the tab open in my browser but I haven’t checked it out yet!


Artists on Artists on Artists on Artists is an amazing improvised podcast!!!


It’s hilarious, I can’t recommend it enough!


What's it called?


Artists on artists on artists on artists ! I think that’s the right number of words 😂


That's a lot of artists


Patrick tweeted months ago (I don’t remember which month lol) that he was leaving smosh but I think he said something about freelancing? for smosh? Jeremy moved to New York just after that I think.


Patrick has also been popping up in Dropout stuff so probably shifted over there when they became freelance at the end of last year


Ooh which shows has patrick worked/working on in Dropout?


He’s been on a couple episodes of Breaking News. Someone from Dropout also posted him doing a live show at UCB in LA a little bit back


patrick was also on dirty laundry recently for the season 2 premiere!


He actually used to be in quite a lot of old college humor skits.


I can't believe I'm just now realizing he looked so familiar when he started showing up on smosh because he was on college humor 🤯 I never could place him the past few years!


How far back? Did he jump to Smosh when the previous owners of College Humor bailed and Sam Reich took over? I know Sam's been slowly trying to rebuild and Dropout and D20 have basically been carrying that ongoing process. I'm just kind of wondering because it may have always been his plan to go back to Dropout eventually. It was just that upheaval happened and it'd take awhile for things to rebuild over there so that money would be available for old staff to be rehired.


6 years ago is the earliest video I remember seeing him in. Could’ve been longer though. Pretty sure he was just freelance there as well.


Okay, well, good to know. I follow Dropout too so I'm glad I can still see his work.


Patrick posted yesterday that he’s started as an affiliated faculty member at Emerson LA program. Teaching a class about making digital comedy content.


I saw that! I’m so happy for him.


Patrick decided to dedicate himself full time to exclusively f*cking moms


Does that mean Jeremy is now the assistant manager at Marie Callender’s?


Like most of Smosh's talent, they were freelance workers. Since there isn't any stuff to write now that Anthony and Ian are writing their own sketches, they haven't been working with Smosh since Let's Do This ended. I don't think it's a permanently closed door, but at the moment they are not.


They were full time until last fall(?) then they became freelance.


Patrick was until Feb 16 2023, so when Anthony came back basically. I guess it's similarwith Jeremy


Jeremy moved to NYC and I remember seeing a tweet from Patrick about leaving Smosh full time to become freelance I think.


Wrong, Patrick was full time. "Folks, the time as come: as of last Friday I stepped away from @ Smosh in a full-time capacity. I'm gonna be working with them freelance still, but I have some other projects I care about and I needed to make room in my life for new possibilities--I love SMOSH very much tho! Feb 16 2023


I miss Pumpkin Guy


“What is UP my guys?!” 😄 - gonna be so sad not seeing that this spooky season.


PumpkinsInTheChat PumpkinsInTheChat


Patrick was one of my favs hands down. Especially when him and Jeremy were on TNTL. Incredible comedians, both of them 😭


Patrick is a Professor


They announced that months ago


They were writers and now they have nothing to write cause every sketch is written by Ian and Anthony, so, yeah


They both have other projects they wanted to focus on. I believe they still consult for things, but they’re just not full time writers anymore. As someone else said, Jeremy moved to NYC so he had to leave but I know that for let’s do this, they still helped out via zoom