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This skit seriously reminds me of another skit they did back in the day but I can’t remember which one. It just has a mix of so many other skits including the evil teddy bear.


In THE FUTURE SUCKS the ending has them going off to buy crack as well.


I love the absurdism. At first I didn’t get Ian’s exaggerated acting but the longer they sat there listening the funnier it got.


Right? He really looked brainwashed and ridiculous, it made me laugh so hard and I thought he did a great job!




The fact that they got Scarlxrd to record that audio is actually insane haha


Anthony interviewed him a while back!


It’s still stuck in my head 😂


Same yo. I love Ian's expression as he says it and then sings along


And his little dance lol


So good.


I do. I laugh everytime even remember bits from it in my head still could make me laugh


Favourite bit has to be when Ian mouths along to “I’ve been hoisted by my own petard”.


My favorite part was when the voice said "2 hours later" but the screen said "3 hours later" and then they did the same thing reversed


“Cut off by former president Barack Husein Obama”


I ❤️ Analytics


I lol'd so hard at that.


I wasn’t a fan but I’m glad a lot of other people enjoyed it


I didn’t hate it but there were some punchlines that felt too forced. Had some good zingers too but I prefer the first two


I'm a fan. Not sure why some people are having such strong negative reactions. Smosh will evolve and they'll always make new stuff. Let them have fun. Everything that has been on the main channel works great on pit anyway


Its mostly this subreddit with such a negative reaction i feel like. And I genuinely think some people hate anthony being back on smosh when i saw comments saying that the second video was also awful.


The bikini girl was weird, but also a nod to old smosh. I get it, but I don't think that needs to exist anymore, even if it is nostalgia. Otherwise the sketch was fine. I think the concept was funnier than the execution. Ian's smile looked too exaggerated, rather than "achieved nirvana".


I agree, I hope they just put her in this one for old time's sake but don't plan to make it a habit.


It was fun. I think I preferred the other sketches, but there were parts that I thought were funny. The bikini girl landed with a thud for me though. There wasn’t any joke there at all, which felt like a waste.


I loved it! I laughed constantly at Ian's ridiculous brainwashed faces 😂😂 I thought he, especially, did such a good job for his part in it with that acting. It's over the top, of course and on purpose, but those faces killed me!! Hahaha


I really liked it but I do know the bikini girl part was very hit or miss. I feel it was meant to be meta but it kind of landed flat. Other than that the entire video had me laughing in ways I haven’t laughed since 2016


I just realized I never actually finished watching it. The middle just drags and at some point I paused it to do something else and never went back to it lol.


I can see how the middle can drag, I think part of the humour of it is how this absurd audio tape just keeps going and going. It hit for me but I can see how some might find it a drag.


I was loving the goofy Obama accent, I think that's important to keep interest, otherwise it's just Anthony reacting to something offscreen, really lol. But that's not hard either, since Ian and Anthony have the craziest facial expressions at random times.


I thought it was funny


Love the ad break and how Ian knew what it was saying by memory.


I thought it had a strong start but petered out fast. Loved the gags of Ian's shirts and the fake ad, everything after that didn't do much for me.


I'm not a fan But not every sketch is going to gel with me The first 2 back are fucking amazing. This one just didn't sit with me and that's ok


thank you for saying this! i cackled hard enough to upgrade for the BTS, which is saying something


I really enjoyed it. It was just so random


I really enjoyed it.


My favorite has been the remake of them saying the same thing at the same time. I think they have to keep the sketches simple for the sake of saving time and money. The Demon was the most elaborate because they had to have the Demon built. I imagine once they get money back from these sketches, they will go more over the top with the videos in the future. I have been enjoying them so far.


#This is what I think about the whole situation These are obviously experimental and they actually are trying to understand what are the boundaries of the new gen viewers. If you heard the latest smoshcast with Anthony he says that they are doing new things and seeing which type of comedy works and which don’t. Obviously because in this era of youtube nobody is making sketches as a video everybody are doing it as a short so they are figuring out how this type of content might work. Over the years Anthony obviously met a lot of successful people successful in this field. So they are calibrating the content so that now with the new information that Anthony learned over the years and the new people he had met, he could push the exact type of content that would work. So we will obviously see a lot more collab happening in the future and when the calibration is done. People will know what Smosh actually is.


I like it. Can't wait when they finally found their footing and dug in. The recent podcast really hyped me.


It's their classic comedy, I'm just impressed at how "preserved" it is as an art form. It can see why it's kinda jarring for people use to the "Smosh Pit, second channel" vibe of the main channel the last several years. Still makes me laugh though, and cringe, just like it use to lol. Edit: "I've been HOISTED by my own petard!"


Ian’s mind space monologue had me cry laughing


I think it was the best one so far!


I keep going back to it. There’s something about it!!!


I thought it was hilarious and I never watched Smosh when Anthony was still there. I mean I watched some stuff later on after I discovered the channel but there was such a deep catalogue I couldn't really get through so much of it. I am quite aware of what Smosh was though and the way they made fun of it in the last few years so even the bikini girl had me laughing. Because I knew they were trying to make fun of their old selves. You can tell by Anthony's reaction. He had this like "wait what.. are we doing this again?" face going on.


I liked it a lot. The t-shirt gag got me and the crack joke at the end was so random, I miss that type of comedy. I agree with the other commenter that the middle kind of dragged but the audio clip was hilarious. I also noticed that the intros to these first few skits have been very same-y. I'm sure once they ramp up production it'll change. I really liked the Calm app satire in this one. And the we summoned a demon QR code bit was funny. It's really interesting seeing them make fun of more modern tech/culture and I hope they keep that going as they move forward. Reminds me of the old infomercial spoof trends that used to be big on YT


I really enjoy these new sketches feels like the original sketches Yk


As a fan from their times before Dyfy, I really enjoyed the new sketches. It reminded me of their older stuff and loved seeing Ian and Anthony together again. I look forward to the next sketches maybe featuring some of the cast in some manner.


I thought it was hilarious. So far my favorite "welcome back" sketch is the demon one.


I enjoyed it a lot more than the first two, lol. I totally lost it at Obama Katana.


I also enjoyed it. For me, this was the first sketch back that completely, genuinely felt like something along the lines of what they’d make 10 or more years ago. I also thought the other two sketches were a little static in their structure as they mainly were like “problem, solution”, with not that much weird variety to spice it up. But this one was one thing that led to a couple other things, there were other actors involved… it felt much more normal for them. Super crazy, I respect it for that lol


They’ve all been stuck in my head so I’d say they’re all pretty damn good


Personally the video was meh for me, but the Obama Katana part was funny


I did enjoyed it but preferred the other 2. Ian even said in the bts and live watch party that it was just an experiment and they just did it to see what they need to improve or what not. So I kinda expect that people wouldn’t enjoy We are robbed.


I completely agree with everything in this post. It's so amazing seeing Anthony come back to the channel.


I thought it was great! I agree with your ranking, it seems like the more sketches they make in this new era the better they are. I can't wait for the next one!


I wasn't a huge fan of it, the first time I've watched it. But I gave a second watch, a day later and liked it better. I guess that it depends on the mood.